@Evizu lifestyle is one of the most active public channels we have on the other server, maybe we shouldn't move it so we keep ppl using the other discord
Sparze — Today at 2:21 PM
its not about loss its about putting them as well as everyone else in check
yea we might be in a bit slump but doesnt give victory
or caddie
right to say
VR is in no position
to make any demands
in their admin
thats what they said 2 hours ago in their admin
Also I legit don’t remember how I set it up and which guides I watched and wtf is running in the back of my computer for it to work the way it does lol
No I mean the whole removing more members than we have blah blah they know we removed a few either cuz we hit spies or ppl talking to Donna saying removing
Let’s not remove anyone else for a few days it’s causing hysteria and panic let’s sit chill do a few flushes let’s see get our heads together and see if we can flush a few times over the course of the next few days and revaluate the situation, calmness is the key and patience we got all the time in the world to find this spy we don’t need anyone being caught in the cross fire wrongly
We just restricted people's access to red discord based on their activity (not removed) once they are active again and come on ts/chat in discord they can get access back.
2:09 PM
They're essentially stuck in default mode and can see the last channel they clicked on but can't see anything new anyone says.
Access to red discord restricted (must show activity to get it back)
hej dar
dark chuin
@Goz@Andolf@Sparze@Mike-Cera@BIG RJ M8 - what do you think about the above three pics.
actively offering ID to 'build trust' like this guy acts like a complete idiot but he knows exactly what any clan wants to satisfy spy checks??
Maybe had been prepared for that coming. He's a nobody we picked up in the wilderness. Very sus calls every pk trip.
Yeah quite likely two diff devices obv with a second keyboard there. Nobody has asked to scan his PC - Maybe @Goz could asks to do a scan? and then ask if he has any other devices?
You also gotta realize anyone can just mention what you guys r doing in discord and someone be in cc for the world and that’s it.. for the castle war shit I mean
8:39 PM
Teamspeak doesn’t show much unless they echoed what you said or some shit
8:39 PM
Unless it’s super obvious I feel like half the pics you guys take don’t really show much
Access to red discord restricted (must show activity to get it back)
hej dar
dark chuin
geodie (edited)
ye. and having two spies on at once is good tactic. because if you kick one and they they wait a bit and hit you a bit later you become unsure about the other one
next time we getting hit by rot and we have 12, just move the suspect quickily into throne and ask them to share their screen, if they refuse/delay then boot.
Daddy is probably the most likely to spy on that list btw
1:03 AM
He was recruited by Donna, he’s been very distant during the day also he used to always be on for morning flushes not so much any more he comes on ts and leaves if we ain’t picking before he would stay and chat
1:04 AM
I’d say his behaviour has been suspect since Donna got the boot
1:04 AM
I mean they could have multiple which is why it’s so hard to find
Just so everyone here knows. I've told apache he will need to sit out for quite some time if he is ever to have a chance of rejoining vr. Suggested that he joins IF/VH/WG in the meantime for action and can give us intel
He’s jumped thru all your hoops I mean surely he isn’t the one your looking for no one would be that dumb to spy after the shit we have on him
10:44 AM
But he should be kicked for being dumb and not learning who’s who after all this time
10:46 AM
@Evizu Is calling a fella sus who’s jumped thru FaceTime, showed all his ID showed his devices even sent pictures of his bank cards yet the mare thought of one of the older members spying is just too far fetched
Pic with me in it we were east mossies logged and waiting to find shit at vetion to rush and when we did rot logged in between moss and vetion north at lava
rot_oty • a1v1 ️
Also just because i didn't find anything on daddys computer doesn't mean he's not spy. Rot use discord groups and probably private discords to leak so they could just leave it before the call
3:57 PM
3:58 PM
These were only non officials/intros left on ts when rot hit us at scorpion yesterday
4:01 PM
Omar randomly hoping on at 3am felt a bit weird. It's only 22 degrees in the day time in casablanca rn so no reason for him to be up that late tbh
Nawrus — Today at 21:51
wheres ur plus 1s
in the bank
ur broken dog
just ran ur pockets
BIG RJ M8 — Today at 21:52
broken from what
you killed 1 vr member the entire day
while we pked 500m
Nawrus — Today at 21:53
i just tucked u in
BIG RJ M8 — Today at 21:53
tucked me in what
Nawrus — Today at 21:53
its bed time now kid
"[Daddy] Daddy" pokes you: you got time to sort my boy out? he wants to join
<21:37:15> You poked "[Daddy] Daddy" with message: apps are moment are closed so they will have to pm goz and go from there
<21:55:02> "[Daddy] Daddy" pokes you: yeah he did yesterday, goz was kinda giving him the third degree then stopped replying lol
<21:55:33> "[Daddy] Daddy" pokes you: ive pked with him for like 6 months through mutual friends hes fine and we could use active members
1. In numerous hits with spy on ts
2. Numerous times called us into a world rot already waiting.
3. A Donna recruit.
4. In eop
5. Mentioned pokemond red who introd for rot and he should have never met
1. In numerous hits with spy on ts
2. Numerous times called us into a world rot already waiting.
3. A Donna recruit.
4. In eop
5. Mentioned pokemond red who introd for rot and he should have never met
AAQ offered to leave vr and join rot 5 months ago while we was on good terms stilll in order to have a spy in rot , why would a rot spy offer to leave a clan lose admin only to cosplay spy in rot ?
1:58 PM
Me and evizu told him not to cuz he was better off being in Vr
<15:42:29> You poked "snaky" with message: did u get chased by rot <15:42:34> "snaky" pokes you: nop <15:43:59> "snaky" pokes you: we chase the streamer, and look like we stop there, but rot was here befor
Idk why we kick fellas like lars and bekk then let them pk with us makes 0 sense but ye. I'll create a ts chan with 0 access for intros for now I guess
<21:49:26> "'kmo" switched from channel "AFK" to "FLYING COLUMN II"
<21:49:26> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "'kmo" by "Violent Resolution".
<21:49:48> "Lebor" switched from channel "Flushering" to "FLYING COLUMN II"
<21:49:48> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Lebor" by "Violent Resolution".
<21:59:41> "Victory" connected to channel "Lobby"
You guys just need to not over react to dj saying its a spy hit when a rot member rushes with a ballista from North on a world we been camping Latin wild on lol
Don't do anything stupid with kemo without discussion first pls....he's obviously close friends a few people and he's using my irl brothers acc atm so got email etc
Steve keeps highlighting lloydy as the spy to me Steve was there for a while before rot came however he could be making it seem like lloydy is the one making the calls
in dont want to be the one to bitch or moan i only play for the clan im only around for the clan i dont mind taking a step back and not making events for abit but if i dont do it then things will get worse fellas dont even need to come to VR events any more cos they can just go PK with satan
pk trip was terrible WG found us every world then we moved to 30 line then IF found us everyworld so we moved to vetion and 4 of us logged into APC then decided to fight APC
any way im off bekk is retarded told him to break loads of times because rot and if are out helping each other find us and he just replies breaks are for pussies if anyone loses a plus 1 it aint on me