My brother is in vr and Idc call him a retsrd all ya want he’s a big boy he will smash ya himself if he wants but other fellas relationships might be different and they might take it personally
Title: 18/03/2024 ~ Violent Resolution - Uncontested Monday
Description: Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: Pked for legit 8 hours, uncontested no alliances did anything to stop the machine that is vr killing over 300 people in the wilderness and banking 300m in loot. Most active, most hated, GOAT clan. V2R v
Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: Pked for legit 8 hours, uncontested no alliances did anything to stop the machine that is vr killing over 300 people in the wilderness and banking 300m in loot. Most active, most hated, GOAT clan. V2R v
KING SAMMI — Idag 08:00
Hi mate, struggling to reach anyone from the cc, are you able to speak with anyone to find out if I’ll be coming back into vr or not? Not going to cry about it, just be nice to know either way
anyone notice rot been really quiet after you kicked Henk? how strange usually they spam every chat possible when anyone gets the boot and now it's even a rank
anyone notice rot been really quiet after you kicked Henk? how strange usually they spam every chat possible when anyone gets the boot and now it's even a rank
[Sunday 24th March]
MASS 2:45pm EST / 6:45pm GMT / 7:45pm DUTCH
Be online, will be big action!
Need 100+ VR to show up and be on time for the mass!
React with the VR icon when you've seen this message!
Title: 20/03/2024 ~ Uncontested PK & Farming Rod+Allies
Description: Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: Pked all day making bank and didn't face any competition as some clans despite all the talk got no stamina to come out. We were just chilling when we heard a fight had commenced deep so we sent a quick hl and geared up to smoke. We stumbled up...
Twitter: @OSRS_VR VR Discord: Pked all day making bank and didn't face any competition as some clans despite all the talk got no stamina to come out. We were just chilling when we heard a fight had commenced deep so we sent a quick hl and geared up to smoke. We stumbled up...
<11:57:44 AM> "Crucify U" switched to channel "MASSING- DM ON DISCORD TO BE MOVED"
<11:57:43 AM> "Evizu" switched to channel "AFK"
<11:57:23 AM> "Crucify U" was moved to channel "AFK" by "Evizu"
Henk: I'm making a new disc tonight btw
Jebroid: and then
Henk: no more clans or bullshit
think it's fine
Jebroid: oh so
yes I understand
I got my discord ranks back
I think they got the one they were looking for
Henk: yes me
Jebroid: how do you know that again haha rascal
Henk: yes, I still see everyone
Jebroid: ohh
Henk: they need vit for rot so they do this
well fine
Jebroid: Yes, I understand
but yeah
last time i saw vit
they had 10 men
are they still alive at all
Henk: no idea
I don't care anymore
Jebroid: that's true
Henk: can't you keep me informed?
Jebroid: vn what
Henk: how things are going
Jebroid: yes what can I say
They're going to kick me anyway dan
Henk: nothing
you just do your thing
if they have events just let me know
Jebroid: yes, I don't know if that is safe
If your sure he’s sound and you’ve pmed him then no I won’t I don’t want this henk shit to seem massive to him I can’t say anymore than you fellas already have
I ain’t interested in henk he’s just a bellend who got caught with his cock in his hand
3:36 PM
But I just don’t want others around him to feel uneasy like there next sort of mentality because then that does lead to a leak but if that’s all been sorted then I’ve no worries
3:36 PM
I can’t see who you fellas talk to I’ve got hairy balls not crystal
ok little rant and unpopular opinion here:
why are our members pking with other teams (Satan's team that I know of) and/or hider discords (Lebor with 20?)? we went from most active clan and pking basically 24/7 to only gmt trips and those too are over before 10pm gmt. Like where is our est? anyone alive? no allies so we're scared to go out because est can't pull and gmt has to carry? We should be pking more like we did when we started the rot beef and keep to our tactic, make rot mass for a hit then we end for 30 mins-1h and go out again. They'll get tired of massing to hit our 10-15 man flushing trips, meanwhile we're making money and keeping our members engaged. That's when we recruited a lot of new people, when we did pk 24/7 so we should keep that up. If people are choosing pking without the clan because they want to pk but we aren't pking, I think we (I guess me too since I'm here) as management have failed something at some point
ok little rant and unpopular opinion here:
why are our members pking with other teams (Satan's team that I know of) and/or hider discords (Lebor with 20?)? we went from most active clan and pking basically 24/7 to only gmt trips and those too are over before 10pm gmt. Like where is our est? anyone alive? no allies so we're scared to go out because est can't pull and gmt has to carry? We should be pking more like we did when we started the rot beef and keep to our tactic, make rot mass for a hit then we end for 30 mins-1h and go out again. They'll get tired of massing to hit our 10-15 man flushing trips, meanwhile we're making money and keeping our members engaged. That's when we recruited a lot of new people, when we did pk 24/7 so we should keep that up. If people are choosing pking without the clan because they want to pk but we aren't pking, I think we (I guess me too since I'm here) as management have failed something at some point
Satan had his team before he joined VR- hes leader of a big community and hopes to recruit good ppl to VR. He actively Pks with VR everyday.
Lebor also had his own team before VR, we absorbed most of them. They pk once every 3 months. Lebor actively pks with VR.
We have been pking, but mostly early gmt as thats when we have pk leaders online like RJ.
Souf/AAQ are busy during ramadan so won't be more available until april 10th.
EST has had a few pks this past week, obviously not everyday but trying to be more active.
Can't just go out and fight clans like DR, WBR, SC in EST, when they are all part of the same faction and ready to call roy.
@Unknown cliques are annoying as fk tbh, but u gotta let em do their own thing. if u crack down on em u either end up losing people or getting low ass moral
For the reckon he didn’t say it was a bad idea to right uncle Ron low wild he said it would be cancer which he’s right any low wild fight is cancer but fighting rot is cancer fullstop so we might aswell try it to get the minions off us however, where ever we fight we all have to be on the same page and not chase them north even if we have them on the run, the tide could easily be turned if we got too cocky and ran north into a wave of their minions.
The Storm decided to announce a little trip tonight hosted by MAINEVENT so we decided to mass up and hit it. Its almost like hes hosting OUR events, thanks for that. Anyways we started out at Spider where they were PKing and tried to bait them into multi but their little midget pull was too afrai...
"snaky" pokes you: bro is lars here or not wtf
"snaky" pokes you: he is in vr clanchat litterally lars and alway world 450
"snaky" pokes you: he is not in CC, in world 450 for like 30min + idk it's bekk friends
"snaky" pokes you: idk, dj tell me not mouve him ....
That jodaki can’t take shit let him kill randomers we will go pk whilst they fight make them hop worlds to fuck up theirbevent and make them look like dogs
Wtf does that even mean bro like do they not see how pathetic their clan is to have like 15 diff community clans all their ranks and members are apart of
Two things today.
1. We need all officials on 30 mins before we start to make sure people know what gear to buy, buy d scims other high risk gear.
2. All rangers need veng. Extra dps will be very important in high risk world.
3. Help mass get everyone online and rdy
So anybody that you trust enough you could probably pm them to let them know about bringing lumberyard teles and fix their return sets/tabs for high risk
7:25 AM
dont pm members just oldschool+ ppl you know and trust
btw rod put that tweet out with wrong cc it’s farm gdz so lots of people might join that cc and see no1 in it or force everyone in that cc then start kicking ppl etc