apparently stacked want to come back active etc and just mad he got not acc and out 400m so idk. I’m not bringing it up again but could get another active ester if he does come back
i am unsure where his new found motivation has come from. suddenly has a desire to pk? when was he ever that hungry for pking? he could come on ts to any pktrip we're on and we'd give a spare but he aint done much effort
the rj/kemo saga about the disappearing gp, it doesn't quite match up, both rj and kemo said the gp was gone a month+ ago, stacked said he logged in and it was there last week. kemo showed graph of bank value, dont match wut stacked claims
stacked is gonna seek access to admin thinks he deserves in due 2 what hes done 4 clan
4:28 PM
so i find the whole thing wierd, n lastly he went full inactive for us but was able to find time and motivation to LEAD his own pure team
I told him same thing his claim was no acc and no gp but we can give him a spare and evizu offered him the gp and still wasn’t happy so idk I stopped talking to him about it
he never replied but cud be vennies. I just thought maybe was sic or something. apparently ppl said on ts they notice when we fighting or whatever he’s never with us and in single in max or something but I personally never seen him anywhere other than in game with us. anyone ever see him doing that?
10:30 PM
i never rly see the guy at all tbh just wondering if anyone else noticed as well. shame Dr and wbr ain’t fight for long. Also gj getting online to pk @Unknown
rot logged in 2 baits on them and when he got the key he over ate. Sus they logged in two baits at once on them but according to Nick they “always do that, watch their vids”
7:39 PM
I think they only do it when they have intel. Was nick scim Brandon gimp and wirdy joined the channel 5 min before it happened but never went up he said
7:40 PM
I don’t understand why they would log in two baits at once though. Like who does that when you’re out scouting hopping around looking for people? He also said no scouts so idk
id like to think it's not deedaa since he seems to be inactive and been vr for a long time but he was talking about that glitch with ancient godsword witch was posted in a youtuve vid few days ago youd think for being inactive he would have not seen the vid
id like to think it's not deedaa since he seems to be inactive and been vr for a long time but he was talking about that glitch with ancient godsword witch was posted in a youtuve vid few days ago youd think for being inactive he would have not seen the vid
damn wish I stayed online but I had to be up early with the little one gj everyone we made some good progress last night and surprisingly had a good amount of ppl online ✊
bro tornado came through my neighborhood fucked up a lot of shit my neighbors tree came down and broke the fence and a light pole fell onto the tree in front of my house
10:02 PM
my buddy had a tree fall on his house. Never experienced something like this before
10:02 PM
I don’t hav Wi-Fi but they must have fixed the cell towers in the area because I couldn’t even get on discord before
yeah had like marble sized hail which fucked up some of my window screens but that’s nothing rly. Was the craziest shit I’ve ever experienced weather wise besides some bad sandstorms in the desert.
if you guys can, try to get ahold of khan he was acting very strange out of no where on ts like he was all of a sudden shit faced suddenly when he wasn’t speaking drunk or nothing prior. Then he just wasn’t making any fucking sense it didn’t sound like he was drunk to me and I’m worried maybe he had a seizure or he’s like diabetic or something and had an episode. idk it sounds crazy but just shoot him a pm if you can and see if he replies back to you
that’s what I said but wirdy and scim were talking to him I was in another channel and they poked me to coke up and he was just making weird noises and stopped
idk man but I’m concerned what I heard wasn’t a drunk person in friends with lots of alcoholics
10:37 PM
I told them maybe he’s drunk but they said he was helping wirdy with computer shit and one second he was fine the next he was just off the wall making no sense
10:37 PM
which is why I asked like diabetes or something like that shit can happen when your blood sugar fluctuates idk maybe I’m overreacting but I’m concerned
that’s why niggas monitor their blood sugar if not niggas just be walking around going on free trips that god gave them just to wake up a few min later
only other shit I can think of is he was really far away from his mic as was like on the phone or something toward the end it sounded like he was further away from his mic
10:47 PM
or he got robbed
10:48 PM
but still wasn’t making sense so idk. I hope he’s okay
It's not really you need to think about. If IF spy hit vr and they are there then OK there's an issue.
If they going to a med clans event in est when we do nothing It's w.e
I'd rather them be playing the game and them remain active for when we need them. Rather than saying you've got to leave your med team and attend vrs 1 est trip every 6 months that will go down well
1:51 AM
Nobody has even realised they in that clan for a month It's no big deal they probs close in another month anyway like all theese med clans do
1:51 AM
Just creating drama over nothing imo
1:53 AM
And if you want to hit paragon...nick will give us the locs.
At this stage it's surely better to know what's going on in there than taking a stance for no reason
Med clans aren’t our concern tbf they could of joined it and not told us and we wouldn’t of been any of the wiser, the fact they’ve been honest from day dot makes me think there isn’t anything suspect or much to worry about perhaps just a few hits that can be beneficial for us later on
Sorry guys my irl has been very hectic last few weeks before I leave. @Unknown appreciate your efforts of pushing trip when others are afk it’s just middle of summer plus people playing dmm so things will be more slow than average. Just don’t burn yourself out by forcing trips. Things will pick up by end of summer
The trips will keep coming we just need more unity if we have to prep between us to get 3 of us their in admin per trip we should do it, unity is what will keep thriving not individual efforts
Pking will always be a thing, we will always have trips, and we will always have a solid core following VR. As official, if you're not that active on the game or whatever atm the best thing to be doing is to keep engaging on discord with the community
We know that isn’t a option, apache is a flusher and he could lead us to better activity given the chance there was no concrete proof in him being a spy
12:03 PM
I don’t advocate for many people but he did give us his full dox and FaceTimes goz for confirmation it seems highly retarded for him to go down the spying route
12:03 PM
He’s been on pks with satans team and they haven’t been hit
12:03 PM
It’s hide time we accept the spy is some one of a higher rank if we don’t start accepting it we won’t ever find it
Looking at the pictures it wasn’t a great list was just hella old vr members / officials / kemo
2:35 AM
He must of knew the gig was up
2:37 AM
I found it more astounding that we suspected him as a spy yet he still had access to a high rank account in CC lessons need to be learned from that one if anyone lets ANY vr members on any accounts with a higher rank change it as soon as they’ve finished what they are doing
I was leading a pk.
9 man.
Was 100% being echod. They were live echo logging into every world instantly. We got in ballista they would then only rush in a fall in wouldn't login.
So I moved everyone spider door via poke apart from kemo We were stood in a dd no rot or if login.
Then I call the world on ts only kemo didn't know it, bang they login 2 steps away from us We bally one out on login for ags
2:47 AM
They had no idea what we was doing was legit only kemo I didn't poke to get to spider door w327
2:47 AM
Weren't in clan camp so they couldn't see
2:47 AM
He was legit live echoing the ts to rot who were hitting us with IF
Was pretty retarded yesterday when we said rot looking for us so be singles south of Vetion and he starts shouting for help on 30 line and rot logs in when we go to help
aph0tix: When I got booted from VR for "spying" (only guy in there that didn't spy probably) he went on a rant about me in his official only channel (lol) saying he recruits people then drops them after using them for a few fights.
[1:15 PM]
aph0tix: So my dislike for Evizu is way up.
Shouldnt let people that were thought to be spies back till we fully spy free. Not only for our sake but to also give them a fair chance. But yet again will we ever be fully spy free?
Also I nominate either @Unknown (Inactive) @Unknown (inactive) @Unknown (slave) @Unknown (slave) or @Unknown (plays when everyone asleep nothing else to do) to do the said task
i understand your frustration because I had the same convo with evizu myself about my activity and being there when vr needs me the most which is gmt and how it’s very hard for me with work and wife etc. but I live in est so I can at least be active there…being gmt and having so much going on irl, I can see where he’s coming from in hopes to get someone who is more active in the gmt time zone to take your spot for now until you have more time. I see your side and his. I wouldn’t think of it as punishment or nothing bro, it’s just to get more ppl active in their time zones I think
6:33 AM
both sides easy make sense but it’s hard to decipher but at the end of the day it’s what’s best for vr if I couldn’t be active in est I’d step down for someone in est to take my spot just like sparze is :/
Can contribute to the clan in other ways than just being online all the time. When you’re on, be on Teamspeak and encourage random other activity outside of just pks and sweeps & during day contribute to convos in discord as you can