(msg to council plus)
@come here zoggy@Lil Rat@Bawv
You guys are part of leadership. To remain an "elite member" you will need to fufill a leadership role. i have assigned some of you 1 but if you don't have one then i need you to go select 1 or 2 tasks that you would like to perform.
Failure to do so or uphold your duties will result in a demotion back down to vanir. Then you will need to Re-app for Elite. (edited)
okay but i was also out of town with no computer access for a week
Dictator Zewy17-Aug-20 06:51 PM
ya i know
i wasn't saying that like a bad thing
lets check allll the other legends combined
math done, its 0
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 06:51 PM
i was about to say max of 1
Dictator Zewy17-Aug-20 06:51 PM
think patron came to 1
about it
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 06:51 PM
origen came to 1 fight as well
and he managed to not dox anyone
so thats nice
Dictator Zewy17-Aug-20 06:52 PM
big shock tbh
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 06:53 PM
so make me an offer zewy
how much succ for what
LSD17-Aug-20 06:58 PM
inthegn in the membrane
@mega 15th level pokemon master
i will kill you
come here zoggy17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
whats this cody/coty guys name in ts
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
bro its cody mike
LSD17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
the hick
come here zoggy17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
the guy that always hangs out with trae
LSD17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
the country ass mfer
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
the 2 retards
come here zoggy17-Aug-20 07:03 PM
not f'in with that
come here zoggy17-Aug-20 07:12 PM
who removed my comment/
fucking caringje
come here zoggy17-Aug-20 07:23 PM
som1 gimma my perms back
not in rsb channel either anymore
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:33 PM
<20:32:27> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "James" by "Vengeance | RP/Tank/Med OSRS Clan".
<20:32:53> Server has been shut down: Server Shutdown!
<20:32:53> Disconnected from server
<20:32:54> Trying to resolve hostname
@Dictator Zewy
server shut down
or is that just me lmfao
siege17-Aug-20 09:33 PM
not just u
0 3 6 517-Aug-20 09:33 PM
im gone too
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:33 PM
i just paid for ts
like 2 weeks ago
this is a sybren thing i imagine
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:45 PM
@ᚯ Nistly
where u go without saying hi
ᚯ Nistly17-Aug-20 09:45 PM
My internet went out
There’s a storm here currently
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:46 PM
damn where u been dawg
missing u ngl
ᚯ Nistly17-Aug-20 09:46 PM
I posted it in Snapchat but you’re not part of it until you wanna be...
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:46 PM
i dont have social media
= hard to dox me
ᚯ Nistly17-Aug-20 09:47 PM
I miss you and everyone else too man. I’m coming back though, I’ll be with my parents this weekend and then next week I’ll be online.
Are you that ugly?
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:47 PM
ehh i mean yeah kinda\
wait i posted my irl b4 in council
you tryna dox me
ᚯ Nistly17-Aug-20 09:48 PM
No you didn’t
Unless you talking about that long haired dude you wNt people to believe if you
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:49 PM
that is me..
ᚯ Nistly17-Aug-20 09:50 PM
That ain’t you that’s some other pure scene guy. And I’m not tryna doxx I’m just tryna see if you’re my type is all
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:50 PM
i salute you for that
ᚯ Nistly17-Aug-20 09:50 PM
No way a grease ball like that runs a Chevy
ᚯ Twin|Fuh17-Aug-20 09:51 PM
bro you think id drive anything but a chevy with long gorgeous locks like that
anyway rock on and have a good night
Patron17-Aug-20 10:37 PM
Sybren18-Aug-20 03:01 AM
ts server all good? @here can't check cuz work
Bjuj18-Aug-20 03:22 AM
Did Zewy just say twins the only active legend?
Thoughts @Dictator Zewy
Also @ᚯ Twin|Fuh agree, american fucked the ranking structure. Shock.
ᚯ Twin|Fuh18-Aug-20 08:50 AM
Ts came back up after like 2-3 mins last night Sybren was weird
Bjuj18-Aug-20 10:10 AM
Rev got res’s leadership channel? @LSD
ᛅ Spoontech18-Aug-20 10:13 AM
their senior
meshh18-Aug-20 10:16 AM
it might be old
they had a lot of leaks in the past and accs hacked due to the sharkbrew thing
btw i put in 4 est RSB for sunday
noticed there wasnt a prep so lmk if there is incase i need to move the time up
akrr18-Aug-20 10:26 AM
there will be always something for sunday
if its not gmt then est for sure
should not but rsb for sundays
meshh18-Aug-20 12:11 PM
ye idk them pvm clans only rsb on weekends
n they all had saturday events alrdy
akrr18-Aug-20 12:20 PM
i mean we might be able to fit something
just have to see thta times wont cover
meshh18-Aug-20 12:24 PM
4 est is like 10 pm
usually we have fights like 7/8pm my time
akrr18-Aug-20 12:24 PM
ye thats gmt peek time
if meds/mains are pure sundays
we go hit them
meshh18-Aug-20 12:24 PM
can always ask to push it up an hr
akrr18-Aug-20 12:24 PM
ye when needed
usually sunday cwill be set wedn
Bjuj18-Aug-20 02:34 PM
is PE still a thing?
siege18-Aug-20 02:36 PM
I think so yeah
Not sure how healthy they are though
LSD18-Aug-20 02:39 PM
ez been harassing them
Money Trip18-Aug-20 05:45 PM
cuz they refused to slave with em
Dictator Zewy18-Aug-20 10:18 PM
@Money Trip you should keep getting on their good side. Be friends. If not fights then for recruits or have them DM us if EZ hitting them etc
Inb4 all the uk people freak out of the length of drive
Dictator Zewy21-Aug-20 07:03 PM
thats barely half way to the next city here in texas
Patron21-Aug-20 07:03 PM
Brb gonna start driving and beat you there
LSD21-Aug-20 07:04 PM
I speed
Patron21-Aug-20 07:04 PM
Legit though zewy it was so demoralizing when we drove to Galveston, went like 10 hrs, made it to Texas. Thought he’ll yeah we’re here! Sike. 5 more hours in Texas to the coast
Dictator Zewy21-Aug-20 07:05 PM
lol ya bro
LSD21-Aug-20 07:06 PM
Dictator Zewy21-Aug-20 07:06 PM
3.5 hours to austin, 4 to san antonio, 4 to dallas, 8 to el paso. border is like 7, corpus 4, galveston 20mins for me =p
LSD21-Aug-20 07:06 PM
4-4 1/2 hr drive to beach not terrible
Least I got a free place to crash
mega 15th level pokemon master21-Aug-20 07:09 PM
hey i remember stopping there on my last drive north
im like 80% sure
Arty21-Aug-20 07:25 PM
bro im tilted now
i just had to kick her for the harmonised orb
im way to sweat for y'all and this community
just had to dip out with 1.8b
and i mean, if she would be a leak. she would accept ts info anyway even without mic.
siege21-Aug-20 07:34 PM
Arty21-Aug-20 07:35 PM
just keep milking every giveaway and dropparty
let everyone get loot from it in stead of scamming if for one item?
Patron21-Aug-20 07:35 PM
Hello yes I’d like to sign up for the giveaway drop party
Arty21-Aug-20 07:35 PM
she dropped 100m eirlier in items
and gave everyone allot already
siege21-Aug-20 07:36 PM
Ya idk lol
Not gonna touch that myself.
Dictator Zewy21-Aug-20 07:36 PM
Gave out 3 ancestral sets and rapier like whay
Well I'm not asking anyway lol
Arty21-Aug-20 07:36 PM
Dictator Zewy21-Aug-20 07:37 PM
I know some keep asking lol
siege21-Aug-20 07:37 PM
Strange tho
For sure
Arty21-Aug-20 07:37 PM
we dont care
keep milking her until she stops handing out
ᚯ Twin|Fuh21-Aug-20 07:47 PM
im asking for free gp shit
free = free
= twin not buying gp
Arty21-Aug-20 07:48 PM
how muh you got
i mean, i got bludgeon lol
you guys gettin 300m?
learn me to beg
siege21-Aug-20 07:48 PM
Arty21-Aug-20 07:57 PM
you guys are freaks haha. we got more comments on that chicks intro then our aftermaths. hahaha
I wasn't able to get anything really going tbh..
Y'all just wanna do a mace trip or general PK pk?
Tbh we really need do a lot of impromptu pking this week to flush out our roster
at least im not out in my local bar restroom sucking schlongs to pay for gp like lsd
Bjuj22-Aug-20 01:02 PM
and @mega 15th level pokemon master mum
siege22-Aug-20 01:02 PM
thats true twin lol
fair play
Arty22-Aug-20 02:06 PM
wilding here
LSD22-Aug-20 03:07 PM
at least im not out in my local bar restroom sucking schlongs to pay for gp like lsd
@ᚯ Twin|Fuh
It’s 2020 u can’t kinkshame me
ᚯ Twin|Fuh22-Aug-20 03:56 PM
Damn forgot hey man we all gotta make livings u just do u friend
Arty22-Aug-20 03:58 PM
Ok boys. We need to start clearing these trial apps sooner or later.
Natty been sus for weeks. Hasnt really progressed even tho he trial for 3-4monts now
Everyone in here vote if we decline him or keep him
ᚯ Twin|Fuh22-Aug-20 03:59 PM
+ I’d like to point out the fact of nattys well ...
Skin color
If you know what I mean
Arty22-Aug-20 04:00 PM
Please vote.
Patron22-Aug-20 04:14 PM
Kill him! Kill him!
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Aug-20 04:18 PM
idk i think we start excluding him for a week and see if anything changes
hes a nice lad, funny to talk to
Dictator Zewy22-Aug-20 04:49 PM
Are we voting decline based off of the guy as a veng member or purely based off due?
Arty22-Aug-20 04:58 PM
I dont understand that sentence at all zewy. But i mean the fact that he is been trials for months now. No one really says something about it. All leaks basicly pointing to him. I dont see why we need to keep him if no one really had a good thing to say about him. IMO he didnt progress as a clanner. He goes mia during a fight for work ( wich I understand. Work has prio) but he just leaves like that.
Give me one reason why he isnt viking yet. And why we should keep him?
@Dictator Zewy
Dictator Zewy22-Aug-20 05:03 PM
Your right
100% do your thing arty
But to counter he has pretty high attendence if I'm not mistaken, he's at alot of trips, and his tank won us one of the Dr rounds other day. So he has gotten better since he was a whale coming in
come here zoggy22-Aug-20 05:05 PM
Vote on whst
Dictator Zewy22-Aug-20 05:05 PM
And he's funny af.
But your still right. Probably not worth
Arty22-Aug-20 05:06 PM
On natty, Mike
come here zoggy22-Aug-20 05:06 PM
Who we talkin bout
Kick him
Useless black person (edited)
Cant trust m
His name is natty locz
Can trist that
Arty22-Aug-20 05:08 PM
You’re right about attendance. He is active. Cuz he works from home. He attends everything because of that. But he isnt activily playing when we need him sometimes. I remember having a fixed ops fight and @siege saw him bankstanding cus he was on a work call.
come here zoggy22-Aug-20 05:08 PM
Yh hes useless
Arty22-Aug-20 05:08 PM
@Dictator Zewy
0 3 6 522-Aug-20 05:13 PM
Yea he shows up but he doesnt do anything
he wont answer you and stays un muted so you never know if hes actually there
Dictator Zewy22-Aug-20 05:37 PM
I see.. that's sketchy af then.
Then only thing id say is if he's a leak we have 2. But we don't want shit members anyway
siege22-Aug-20 05:45 PM
Yea hes not a very good member anyways
I've noticed him afk during fights quite a few times
Just off that alone I'd say decline
Patron22-Aug-20 05:48 PM
Arty22-Aug-20 05:49 PM
Anyone who want to play bad cop and get upfront with him? I have no clue how to handle it. But i assume since i’m the one who brought it up, i should do it
akrr23-Aug-20 12:58 AM
Yes i agreecwith said above man is funny, and he has high attendance but really he is heavy weight on our shoulder what we dont wanna carry, afk during fightscand trips, we dont need opt in ts we literally need on ingame
Trial period is all about if they get worthy to app for viking and that period usually lasts a month, sadly it has been trial for months nothing spectacular has not happened
Reseted it and now we can start working our way with topics
I hope u get me
come here zoggy25-Aug-20 11:22 PM
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 08:24 AM
Boom motherfuckers
@everyone i got hunter (maxed med) back to playing again hooked him up with gp for return sets etc
akrr26-Aug-20 08:25 AM
gj man
he better stay active as well:P
ᚯ Nistly26-Aug-20 08:25 AM
I quit
Just don’t have legend rank
Sup trae ❤️
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 08:25 AM
nistly u done for good bae or just on the break we all gotta take form time to time?
akrr26-Aug-20 08:26 AM
nistly never wanted legend anyway
dont complain now
LSD26-Aug-20 08:26 AM
Give him thegn
ᚯ Nistly26-Aug-20 08:27 AM
I asked zewy and he said no
And I’m not done for good, I’m just really busy and so I haven’t been playing much. I play on off hours and do minimal pking though, a little bit of slayer here and there
LSD26-Aug-20 08:29 AM
Ye he told me no too
Zewy is a legend hater
ᚯ Nistly26-Aug-20 08:29 AM
I love the game still, but I’ve been trying to work extra cause I’m technically broke. Not exactly, just gonna pay off my loans, put a lease on a house, and then I’ll be broke broke
Fuck the legend hater man. King slayer
LSD26-Aug-20 08:30 AM
Stop taking blondienshopping
Money problems solved
akrr26-Aug-20 08:31 AM
actually i dont read out word no in that img
he smoothly went from one topic to other thats it
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 08:44 AM
i feel u nistly
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 09:14 AM
Who runs the twitter lol there hilarious
akrr26-Aug-20 09:22 AM
Zewy and local
But zewy more lately
ᚯ Nistly26-Aug-20 09:52 AM
I don’t take that mf shopping. She’s ballin
0 3 6 526-Aug-20 09:52 AM
she takes him shopping lol
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 10:02 AM
lol what shes doing
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 11:23 AM
ᚯ Nistly26-Aug-20 05:58 PM
She’s a nurse too, but she gets paid like 15 an hour more than me, and has debts
<18:54:34> "FIREMAW" connected to channel "IDLE HERE WHEN YOU'RE READY TO GO"
<18:54:42> "Bone_killa99" connected to channel "IDLE HERE WHEN YOU'RE READY TO GO"
<18:54:45> "FIREMAW" switched from channel "IDLE HERE WHEN YOU'RE READY TO GO" to "Pk Channel | ask loc | CC: V event"
<18:54:45> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "FIREMAW" by "Vengeance | RP/Tank/Med OSRS Clan".
<18:54:47> "Bone_killa99" switched from channel "IDLE HERE WHEN YOU'RE READY TO GO" to "Pk Channel | ask loc | CC: V event"
<18:54:47> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Bone_killa99" by "Vengeance | RP/Tank/Med OSRS Clan".
incase someone needs to call it if youre not there when ez crashes
mega 15th level pokemon master26-Aug-20 08:11 PM
ye good question
Patron26-Aug-20 08:47 PM
wtf <_<
ᛅ Trae26-Aug-20 09:01 PM
Sybren26-Aug-20 09:25 PM
VPN bot detection is activated again on teamspeak (basically should kick people when vpns are detected, never thought it worked, but zewy wanted to test this out again)
akrr26-Aug-20 11:06 PM
Smack is on vpn all the time
Ez to check
ᚯ Twin|Fuh27-Aug-20 12:16 PM
have a guy from fi wanting to possibly join btw
names finest
good at warring but not gonna vouch for him
come here zoggy27-Aug-20 01:42 PM
Well then
If u aint who is
ᚯ Twin|Fuh27-Aug-20 01:43 PM
not like half the people who join have actual vouches anymore
come here zoggy27-Aug-20 02:25 PM
@here can som1 come general channel in voice discord
just for 1 sec
Dictator Zewy27-Aug-20 02:25 PM
you sound
crazy tho
come here zoggy27-Aug-20 02:26 PM
Dictator Zewy27-Aug-20 02:26 PM
did you hear me?
you don't atm?
ya idk you can't hear but ya you sound like you have one of those fancy mikes
come here zoggy27-Aug-20 02:27 PM
yh bought a new 1
Dictator Zewy27-Aug-20 02:27 PM
muting p tho cause about to fight
come here zoggy27-Aug-20 02:27 PM
my old headset was 140€
Bjuj27-Aug-20 04:35 PM
arad just told me i'm still leadership
and that Veng is failing because i'm incompetent @Dictator Zewy
I'm sorry i failed you in my retired position
Dictator Zewy27-Aug-20 04:35 PM
Wow your bad
Patron27-Aug-20 04:35 PM
: ,(
Dictator Zewy27-Aug-20 04:35 PM
I'm sorry you let us down
Bjuj27-Aug-20 04:35 PM
no no, it's on me
0 3 6 527-Aug-20 04:35 PM
sent it
Bjuj27-Aug-20 04:36 PM
i'll try to be a better retired player
Patron27-Aug-20 04:36 PM
Ty venom
LSD27-Aug-20 04:37 PM
Something just happen?
Need deets
Arty27-Aug-20 04:37 PM
i got it
Sybren27-Aug-20 05:00 PM
man where the fk them peeps at
blastoise and imisreal both with claws in lower rev caves
literally only lads showing up were libery and twiggy (clan friendsss) gggg
mega 15th level pokemon master27-Aug-20 05:26 PM
blastoise is rot i think
Dictator Zewy27-Aug-20 05:32 PM
different blastoise
ᛅ Spoontech27-Aug-20 06:01 PM
Blastoise/warturtle = funk
ᛅ Trae27-Aug-20 06:08 PM
wheres the best place to chop teaks?
ᚯ Twin|Fuh27-Aug-20 06:09 PM
when i need my teak log chopped on i go to locals moms room
Failing Solidtag attempted to revive their DEAD team by recruiting any TRASH they could find - 30 Man memberlist to 90 man memberlist in a matter of 2 days
The Result? Mass Recruited GARBAGE. And dozens of SPIES.
The image below speaks for itself!
9 Teams!
Who would allow I’m so beast on a singles team lmfao
ᛅ Spoontech29-Aug-20 07:11 AM
Why tf is Kanini beefing wirh ez/sv/wolves merger lmao
akrr29-Aug-20 07:22 AM
@ᛅ Spoontech coz they cant fight fl
and there is no other singles teams
ᛅ Spoontech29-Aug-20 07:22 AM
come here zoggy29-Aug-20 07:33 AM
Kanini isnt rlly on good terms with rot
And fl has rev and is 2 strong in general
So they beef solidtag
ᛅ Spoontech29-Aug-20 07:33 AM
I mean kanini officials are rot members lol
come here zoggy29-Aug-20 07:33 AM
ᛅ Spoontech29-Aug-20 07:34 AM
They help them every fight
come here zoggy29-Aug-20 07:34 AM
But in singles its different
Sv/wolves were also with kanini
While they are with solidtag now
Singles is just garbage atm
akrr29-Aug-20 07:39 AM
@come here zoggy solidtag closed
LSD29-Aug-20 08:38 AM
Ye kanini actually got rid of all rot
ᛅ Spoontech29-Aug-20 08:40 AM
Theo is still leader
LSD29-Aug-20 08:43 AM
How’s that work then
Beef with rot but in rot
Bjuj29-Aug-20 08:44 AM
thomas being dumb dumb
siege29-Aug-20 08:46 AM
Doesn't change fact that kanini helps rot every fight lol
They hate sv
Not rot
LSD29-Aug-20 08:47 AM
Inner alliance turmoil
Love it
siege29-Aug-20 08:47 AM
Yea its typical for those people really
Kanini prob the most logical dudes out of that entire alliance
(And they're retards)
ᛅ Trae29-Aug-20 09:06 AM
So no pk trip this morning wasn’t it scheduled for 9est? (edited)
whos leading kanini now?
ᚯ Twin|Fuh29-Aug-20 09:59 AM
theo from rot apparently
he was heavy in av
no clue trae it was scheduled by spear but we dont have many active aest guys
ᛅ Trae29-Aug-20 10:18 AM
ye clearly lol
ᛅ Trae29-Aug-20 10:27 AM
@meshh taylor scared to fight us on zerks meds tanks (edited)
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ᚯ Twin|Fuh30-Aug-20 08:56 PM
this has to be a fucking res leak l0l
0 3 6 530-Aug-20 08:56 PM
right now I would say idk just cause who we have in
but more then likely yea
ᚯ Twin|Fuh30-Aug-20 08:58 PM
i mean with who we have in
its either smackz fire or medhold
cause matt is solid lol
0 3 6 530-Aug-20 09:00 PM
how long has medhold been muted
ᚯ Twin|Fuh30-Aug-20 09:00 PM
he said one thing when he came in
LSD30-Aug-20 09:00 PM
hes apparently locals irl friend
ᚯ Twin|Fuh30-Aug-20 09:00 PM
yh ^
LSD30-Aug-20 09:00 PM
but still
0 3 6 530-Aug-20 09:00 PM
then why wouldnt he talk more?
ᚯ Twin|Fuh30-Aug-20 09:00 PM
i dont talk alot either tbf
but ive been leaking for almost 2 years
well less than that
ᚯ Twin|Fuh30-Aug-20 09:13 PM
@Dictator Zewy i gtg to dinner lmk if needed
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Aug-20 09:24 PM
medhold my best irl homie
he just dont wanna interrupt
0 3 6 530-Aug-20 09:26 PM
I feel like if it was firemaw they would be hitting us at entrance right now
LSD30-Aug-20 09:27 PM
would only hit things with 30 + people where someone could be leak
0 3 6 530-Aug-20 09:27 PM
yea when i sent it i thought oh that would be too obvious
ᛅ Trae31-Aug-20 06:41 AM
Damn what did I miss
LSD31-Aug-20 07:08 AM
U missed a fun Sunday
ᛅ Trae31-Aug-20 07:34 AM
Youl@got hit by res?
LSD31-Aug-20 07:34 AM
Ez crashed us v res
Was a spy catching thing though so expected
We damaged ez mentally when they tried hitting pures
i mean not my fault you scheduled something on sunday without asking anyone
LSD01-Sep-20 10:14 AM
To be fair he did
I tried to get him to push to 5pm est
As 430 was too early
meshh01-Sep-20 10:15 AM
cant we move it to saturdya?
LSD01-Sep-20 10:26 AM
@ᛅ Trae
akrr01-Sep-20 10:47 AM
Oh thats the Sunday event what i told might be canceled coz of our Sunday stuff
ᛅ Trae01-Sep-20 10:51 AM
Fuck you zewy learn how to read discord before you insinuate I asked all high councils and you not my fault u can’t read
If u don’t wanna have a cwa on weekends just set that precedent going forward
And when I asked there was nothing scheduled and lsd said to go ahead and schedule it
Dictator Zewy01-Sep-20 11:07 AM
I never saw it bro. But don't get all butthurt I legit told you it was all good and it was good initiative. But you clapped at me so I clapped back lol?
If you call me stupid and I call you dumb back don't go ape shit
@meshh we can try but like Saturdays random you know
@everyone i can’t make Saturday cwa this weekend due to work traveling. But Taylor from UF wants to set up a fight zewy doesn’t knownif he can make either should we still set it up?
This would be the rsb 25v25
siege08-Sep-20 11:21 AM
i dont really wanna fight them man
they suck
not fun imo
str8 up bad practice for us
Dictator Zewy08-Sep-20 11:22 AM
akrr08-Sep-20 11:22 AM
I mean our Sundays are occupied atm anyway
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 11:22 AM
Ty @Dictator Zewy
It was for Saturday @akrr
siege08-Sep-20 11:22 AM
yh for sat
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 11:22 AM
Good point siege they are very bad
siege08-Sep-20 11:22 AM
id do it
but its not fun fighting them imo
akrr08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
Oh my bad
siege08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
bad practice for the lads as well
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
Any pure clans willing to cwa u think? Besides onslaught
akrr08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
I mean alot of ppl would like taste of rsb imo
siege08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
i doubt it
but could try
meshh08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
siege its not the last team we fought
akrr08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
But they dont have main/tank
meshh08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
and we'd be on meds
siege08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
its not that garb team they merged wtih?
just uf
meshh08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
its green bandits
siege08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
uf is ok on their own but those other noobs i cba man
meshh08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
idk who that is
siege08-Sep-20 11:23 AM
l00l green bandits yeah
meshh08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
ye its not the 107 kids with guthix books
siege08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
if they arent playing im down to fight ufg
meshh08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
thats runeblazers
akrr08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
Im setting something up with onslaught as well for next week
ᚯ Twin|Fuh08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
Idk but with a name like green bandits they have to be good
meshh08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
107 kids with guthix books/master wands = runeblazers
siege08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
green bandits
akrr08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
If they get me gmt friendly event
meshh08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
bro u never know maybe theyre all 126 in meta gear
siege08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
na im down tbh if we can have people on
uf is ok on their own
akrr08-Sep-20 11:24 AM
Thing is Saturday our pull is never accurate
meshh08-Sep-20 11:25 AM
siege08-Sep-20 11:25 AM
what u thinking they will pull? @ᛅ Trae
Dictator Zewy08-Sep-20 11:25 AM
I told him to try a 10v10 another day
But idk if I can make Saturday either
siege08-Sep-20 11:25 AM
tbh if its a 10v10 rsb
me x riley x mesh can carry np
meshh08-Sep-20 11:25 AM
so we doing 10v10s then?
siege08-Sep-20 11:25 AM
alrdy fought them, they not that bad but we def superior
Dictator Zewy08-Sep-20 11:26 AM
Whatever y'all set up but we won't get 25 for an rsb midweek and Saturday trae and I won't make it most likely
And our pull is iffy anyway
On sat
siege08-Sep-20 11:26 AM
set it up for a 10v10 ye
high opts prob not doable on a saturday
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 11:27 AM
There leader said 25 @siege
siege08-Sep-20 11:29 AM
i dont think we'll be able to pull 25 for rsb on sat bro
if u can get a 10v10 tell em we down
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 11:30 AM
We’re supposed to be on meds tanks and zerks tho
siege08-Sep-20 11:43 AM
Not sure how a zerks supposed to do rsb tbh
akrr08-Sep-20 11:44 AM
Bolt and chins
ᛅ Spoontech08-Sep-20 11:44 AM
@ᛅ Trae If u serious about joining af, sharkbrew disc isnt the best place to talj about it lol
Dictator Zewy08-Sep-20 12:05 PM
also don't join AF
also multiclanning is about to not be a thing
if things keep going way they do
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 12:09 PM
imnot joining af thomas rn relax
we just making outbreak panic rl
cleared 2 ez guys this morn thisll be #3
siege08-Sep-20 12:11 PM
Clearying them a daily occurrence
They cry in sb p much everyday
LSD08-Sep-20 12:12 PM
Trae don’t invite rats pls ty
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 12:13 PM
i didnt invite kim
at all
so dont give me any credit
i just said hi in sb chat
LSD08-Sep-20 12:20 PM
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 12:37 PM
I think we cleared them @siege@Bjuj@LSD
LSD08-Sep-20 12:40 PM
I mean
I do it daily
The first thing those kids do when they open their eyes
Is grab their phone and highlight me in discord
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 12:44 PM
Lol wow
LSD08-Sep-20 12:51 PM
Just watch bro
They literally can not watch me type or talk to people without butting in
Literally forced to respond to me
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 12:52 PM
Broken clan
Bjuj08-Sep-20 01:03 PM
@ᛅ Trae he's easy to clear
ᛅ Trae08-Sep-20 03:10 PM
alirght 10 vs 10 rsb rules saturday is on
who wshould i put him in contact with since me and zewy wont make it
that was spammed at Dr/Res member arma/zerkdildough
when they were fighting SV/EZ/The Boys (hes in the boys discord)
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Sep-20 09:48 PM
prolly one of the sv or ez guys thats in the boy s
LSD08-Sep-20 09:48 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Sep-20 09:48 PM
he kinda types awkward which makes me thinks hes one of the asians
LSD08-Sep-20 09:48 PM
would make sense
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Sep-20 09:48 PM
or arad
arad def one of the cringiest typers ive ever talked to
siege08-Sep-20 09:49 PM
hes a jihadi terrorist lol
literally a threat to national security
Arty09-Sep-20 12:30 AM
In ez disc
Legit cringe
akrr09-Sep-20 12:39 AM
Wtf does that even mean
I see some rot look a like killing a kangaroo
Damn cringe killing animals
Sybren09-Sep-20 01:09 AM
Loool there waa a aussi clan using the same kiteshields back in the day tho (edited)
Called chivalry legion or something
akrr09-Sep-20 01:22 AM
Cl? They are still around im pretty sure
Or what ever that cl aussie team stand for where spearfisher is
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:25 AM
they still around
they feed into rev
akrr09-Sep-20 02:31 AM
They do alot of macing and single pking
Rivalry with gsg
ᛅ Spoontech09-Sep-20 04:31 AM
Yeah spearfisher is in cl
meshh09-Sep-20 09:05 AM
what happened yday
LSD09-Sep-20 09:25 AM
We got wiped off map in a matched op vs pd
Ez crashed the reset
meshh09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
dang wtf
LSD09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
meshh09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
we legit won a matched opt cwa wildy gear vs them
LSD09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
Was actually depressing performance
meshh09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
1 month ago
LSD09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
Took 4 mins
To get fully cleared
meshh09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
LSD09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:26 AM
People panic telly
meshh09-Sep-20 09:27 AM
any1 vid?
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:27 AM
That’s why we shouldn’t fight below 30wild so there forced to tank
meshh09-Sep-20 09:27 AM
u have to fight 30 line-ish
cuz rot is gonna crash
at some point
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:29 AM
Then we get af to come hit em
Point is we had like 9 people really as soon as they got atkd rest of us just died
Returns took forever =got cleared
meshh09-Sep-20 09:29 AM
yh sounds bad
20v20 and somehow got wiped is rlyl bad
LSD09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
Against pd
meshh09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
LSD09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
A clan we’ve almost wiped off
meshh09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
did ppl just insta die or something
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
I just told u why lol
meshh09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
or just slow returners
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
LSD09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
People panic Telly’s
LSD09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
There was a string of about 7 people who got 1 hit
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
And didn’t tank
LSD09-Sep-20 09:30 AM
And people panic tab when they’re piled
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:31 AM
So if 9 people telly (on vid) and the 5-7 get 1 hit the remaining few are fucked (edited)
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:31 AM
we had 4-5 trials. based off fof tank tests we did earlier its not suprising how
4-5 trials + trae (wifi) get 1 banged every single time
meshh09-Sep-20 09:32 AM
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:32 AM
I actually died 1 vs pd
meshh09-Sep-20 09:32 AM
ppl that +1 stod
should always tank till out
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:32 AM
plus a clan friend that i imagine return times are trash
cause he doesn't multi
just taking that into consideration we are fighting 13v20
we also have 2 senior members in stupid shit gear
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:33 AM
meshh09-Sep-20 09:33 AM
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:33 AM
so we went to CWA and did tank tests for hour
meshh09-Sep-20 09:34 AM
they didnt bring meta/
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:34 AM
i saw kodais, diary hard shields
meshh09-Sep-20 09:34 AM
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:34 AM
wouldn't be suprised if there was a karils setin there
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:34 AM
Who had a Kodai I missed there
Pd has like 3 magers to barely any mage
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:35 AM
point si we taking a step back and going back to basics for a week or 2
meshh09-Sep-20 09:35 AM
fight was too late for me to come
lot of trials from pure scene anyways
assume they dont know how to tank mains
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 09:36 AM
ya, that was clear when tank tests come around
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 09:41 AM
U really think the way we’re doing tank test is the best way?
akrr09-Sep-20 09:46 AM
@meshh as iv heard 7 ppl got 1 banged in a row
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 10:15 AM
i think if you can tank 3/4+ your invo of what we did last night then you can sure as shit tank a chaotic half ass pile in the wild
@ᛅ Trae but if you have suggestions lmk
the way we did it last night: hard to see when transition coming, makes you return fast, makes you snip freeze but flick your robes, makes you use pnecks, etce etc
Arty09-Sep-20 10:24 AM
transitioning wise: maybe we need to start with the client. many people use runelite, including me. in clusters , its difficult to find the new targ in the amount of secs given. maybe a guide on the diffrent client, explainig how names pop up, for liek exilent name changes collour on pile etc.
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 10:24 AM
thats fair. i can do the exilent one.
Arty09-Sep-20 10:26 AM
i could do one for RL. eventho its pretty basic over there. but i dodnt know about the feature for months before i found the player indicators shit
LSD09-Sep-20 10:27 AM
We need to start forcing people to flick robes
Maybe we can get that focus in inners
Arty09-Sep-20 10:27 AM
best learn school indeed
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 10:27 AM
well that was a good way last night
also @LSD im 100% with you to type type type. but focus on the transition typing more. i know for fact people aren't changing style cause they are to busy typing. so just one step at a tim
LSD09-Sep-20 10:28 AM
Well it’s time for people to stop being boomers
And start being demons
As much as it pains me to say this
@Origen making us spam and fight down opts to vennies in caves did help us perform better
Arty09-Sep-20 10:38 AM
i've seen a plugin where when you follow/attack someone you spam his name
i know what you're gonna say
just wanted to point it out
LSD09-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Yeah no if u need plugins to help you war there’s a problem
And using a crutch will only hurt you in the long run
Arty09-Sep-20 10:40 AM
yeah; you're right. but for those who doesn't type and never will.. its a solution tho
ᛅ Spoontech09-Sep-20 10:40 AM
Just saying
stop pking on full screen/resizable
LSD09-Sep-20 10:40 AM
If you’re gonna pk resizable
Have it at fixed dimensions
Arty09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
i do pretty well full screen
no reason why i should change that
ᛅ Spoontech09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
Makes pictures also a lot better
LSD09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
I’ll give you a reason
Arty09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
i've noticed my pictures are allot in aftermaths, so i assume they aren't that bad
LSD09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
When local news drags a pile 4 minimap away
meshh09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
ye ngl some ppl take pics of spam
n it looks so bad
Arty09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
or noone else takes pictures
meshh09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
cuz they pk with weird plugins
or weird ratios
LSD09-Sep-20 10:41 AM
When local news calls a pile
4 mini maps away
On his screen it’s just off to the right
On everyone else’s screen it’s four fucking mini maps away
We drag to his call and get thinned out and die
You can zoom out in fixed mode too
Arty09-Sep-20 10:43 AM
having someone resizable isn't bad tho
meshh09-Sep-20 10:43 AM
not saying its bad
just saying pics look bad
fixed pics are always the best
Arty09-Sep-20 10:43 AM
i like to see whats around with that gpu plugin i can see crashers running in way before you did when zoomed in
same for barrrage piles
LSD09-Sep-20 10:44 AM
Arty09-Sep-20 10:44 AM
i've been playing for years on resiz. i tried fixed on exilent. can't get used to it anymore
what ppl do in main clans is that 1 rank takes pics/gifs
Arty09-Sep-20 10:48 AM
and i understand what your tryna say LSD,
but i can counter that by giving 1 excersive and explain the way it has to be. or doing it step by step to perfection movement. So i do not really agee on the comparisation.
speaking of trainig
meshh09-Sep-20 10:48 AM
like once he hears "pretype" they get their shortcut ready on gyazo
Arty09-Sep-20 10:48 AM
g2g have to teach in 40
gn boyss
meshh09-Sep-20 10:49 AM
peace arty
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 10:59 AM
mesh i just mention that all ranks need get pics. chance if 1 person in charge they are dead or frozen off or something
meshh09-Sep-20 11:00 AM
yh ofc zewy but some ranks call some dont
feel like the ones calling cant really focus on getting pics
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 11:00 AM
i mean i do but i am on resizeable
so looks bad usually
akrr09-Sep-20 11:19 AM
@Dictator Zewy exilent pile finder is not a thing anymore
@LSD and lsd in a boomer off me
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 11:53 AM
sure sure
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 12:14 PM
I think maybe doing x vs x inners can help a lot and specifically call piles on those you believe need to improve do it in wildy gear etc
LSD09-Sep-20 12:32 PM
No point in doing it in wildly gear imo
I’d rather do it where someone’s age can hit a 78 to force the pile to flick melee pray
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:33 PM
you aren't gonna be hitting an ags in the wildy that high
LSD09-Sep-20 12:33 PM
Did you miss the point?
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:33 PM
if you're looking to improve tanks go lower dps not higher
getting 1 banged doesnt make you improve
LSD09-Sep-20 12:33 PM
Forcing people to flick prayer = better tanks
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
forcing people to check the incoming damage does
LSD09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
You weren’t there last night
There was legit multiple people
In tank testing
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
not forcing them to switch in a tick
LSD09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
That camped one praye
Until dead
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
that's not the way to get it done
Patron09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
Can confirm I was hitting 50s like no tomorrow
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
Patron bro thing is
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
@siege is probably the man for this as he knows far more than i do
LSD09-Sep-20 12:34 PM
If they can’t switch prayer
They’re gonna get smoked
That’s gotta get driven into their heads
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
they'll get smoked either way if theyre that shit
build them up to learn
LSD09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
Well that’s what we’re trying to correct here
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
not throw them in and hope they get it
LSD09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
That’s not what’s happening
You’ve changed subject I feel
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
nah bro
LSD09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
The original argument was what tier of gear
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
getting kids one banged won't teach them to flick prayer
LSD09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
Yeah it does
Cause guess what
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:35 PM
it doesn't
LSD09-Sep-20 12:36 PM
If you flick melee pray
You don’t get 1 tapped
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:36 PM
in gear that's that good it's damn near enough
4 ags's through pray melee is a one bang anyway
ticks dont mean shit
build them into learning to flick naturally through lower gear, not in "do it or your dead" cause you gonna get the same results next fight
Patron09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
so you see why i know how to change it then
Patron09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
That’s Mexican patron. Notice the ó
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
that be my brother
LSD09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
Your argument isn’t really got any kinda backing tbh
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:37 PM
your logic is one banging kids is going to teach them not to get one banged
LSD09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
But if you’ve got a method you’d like to try, feel free to login
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
which literally doesn't teach them anything
LSD09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
It forces them
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
To flick melee
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
gl with it dude
its your choice, i'm just saying i dont think that's the way it's going to improve
LSD09-Sep-20 12:38 PM
Allowin people to barely scrape by on a chance
Or an rng tank
Isn’t improvement
meshh09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
@Patron i deleted it, no evidence
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
so teach them to switch prayer with lower dps
LSD09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
How is low dps effective
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
you get them in the habit of looking at incoming damage and adapting as they need to
LSD09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
When they can scrape by on 70 hp
Because ur ags only hits 68
That’s not a good tank
meshh09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
lower max hit is less punishing i agree
the problem in this clan is
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
it's not a good tank getting one banged by two people in max gear
meshh09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
we think people are good tanks cuz they play on 99 def accs
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
i'm lost
meshh09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
and are able to not flick prayers
LSD09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
Flick melee pray
meshh09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
which is retarted
LSD09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 12:39 PM
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
you died in the last 5v5
LSD09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
Flick pray
meshh09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
because you flicked
LSD09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
Show me the first round
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
and DIED
LSD09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
Show me round one
When I was first pile and we won
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
dude, i really don't care
Patron09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
Rng is a cruel mistress
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
this isn't an argument hahaha
LSD09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
Stfu then
If you don’t care
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
i'm telling you why that's not going to work
LSD09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
If you care
Login and help me
Otherwise stop arguing
That easy
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:40 PM
No it's not an argument about your last tank you wasteman
your logic to improve like i said, i dont think will work
but siege is the man who knows way more so ask him
LSD09-Sep-20 12:41 PM
Ur legit retired
But trying to give input
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:41 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 12:41 PM
And like you’ve already admitted
You don’t know enough
So wtf are you on about bro
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:41 PM
you logic of being retired doesnt really mean much
we've tried that shit
LSD09-Sep-20 12:41 PM
Ur legit admitting ignorance
But continuing to argue
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:42 PM
it didn't work
LSD09-Sep-20 12:42 PM
It’s really odd
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:42 PM
your call dude
listen to people who have tried it and it's not worked or keep doing the same thing
didn't think you had that mentality but apparently do?
meshh09-Sep-20 12:43 PM
if you lower the dps
someone can easily pass
just camping pnecks
and sitting range pray though
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:43 PM
isn't about passing though
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:43 PM
ok i know exactly what you're both saying
pause a sec
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 12:43 PM
it showed last night when we didnt have enough attackers
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:43 PM
while i explain what u both mean
hol up a sec
patron is saying
we need to run a drill with less dps where they are forced to sit there and keep flicking prayers, to build the muscle memory of constantly flicking prayers
he's not saying all our tank testing needs to be done
with low dps
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:44 PM
make local HC again pls
meshh09-Sep-20 12:44 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:44 PM
its only cause im not playing at on
both are things that can help
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:45 PM
if your just gonna one bang kids they'll learn nothing
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:45 PM
an example of what he means is
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:45 PM
last time i logged in i watched graphic getting smoked every pile
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:45 PM
have 1 person of each combat style just afk auto attacking someone, and get them to finally realize what we mean by pray flicking
once they start perfectly blocking all 3
add more dps
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:46 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:46 PM
thats something that could help the newest/worst tanks for sure
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:46 PM
put it into a way of teaching which is repeatable
and is basic
they'll learn
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:46 PM
they build the habit of flicking multiple people, we add more dps and turn it into a real normal tank test
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:46 PM
when you're teaching kids to count you don't start on 10,000's
you start on 1's and move up
i don't think it's hard to see that no? @LSD
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 12:47 PM
I'm so glad i dont get service at work lol my phone would have been blowing up
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:47 PM
ty @mega 15th level pokemon master you put that into text better than i could tbf
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:48 PM
you get notifications for random chat without mentions? O_o
i only get @s
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 12:48 PM
for channels i dont have muted yea
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:48 PM
ooo naw
idk i have it on default
but i would go insane if i got notifications for any little message sent
i just check channels often idk
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 12:49 PM
Yea I dont lol that's why I need some unmuted
LSD09-Sep-20 12:54 PM
Again bro, if it was my way everyone would be tanking in 1 def gear taking huge damage until they learned to get better
There’s legit no loss in cwa no monetary loss for them being punished for dying
But if it’s something that you legit tried to call me a trash man irl cause u got so defensive over it then w/e tbh lmfao
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
i don't think he means to replace all of it, just could be a good thing to start with
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
We've tried that
LSD09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
Legit cba at this point tbh
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
again it didn't work
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
like make ppl do that for a couple minutes first, then swap back to yours
LSD09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
Do whatever patron says, I’m not gonna sit here and argue with a nigga who tried to flame people instead of debating a point
Legit cba
Bjuj09-Sep-20 12:55 PM
But if it’s something that you legit tried to call me a trash man irl cause u got so defensive over it then w/e tbh lmfao
@LSD ?
LSD09-Sep-20 12:56 PM
No it's not an argument about your last tank you wasteman
that's got me chuckling, didn't even realise you got heated thinking i'd actually brought up IRL
@LSD soz bro, just UK slang
LSD09-Sep-20 12:58 PM
Stop typing to me? Lol
I legit don’t wanna hear it rn
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:00 PM
Actually crying
LSD09-Sep-20 01:02 PM
This is the same problem Origen had lmfao, anytime he wanted to do anything to help us quality improve u legit had something to complain about
Only difference now is ur both retired
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:03 PM
I’ve given you a point about what you need to do
LSD09-Sep-20 01:03 PM
Just because it doesn’t fit your mold doesn’t mean I need to do it
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:03 PM
The one you’re saying to do doesn’t work
LSD09-Sep-20 01:03 PM
So you’ve tested it
Or experienced it
And can back up that claim
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:03 PM
Hence why were retired. We did it. Didn’t work. Learn from us and don’t do the same shit
Being retired doesn’t mean we know nothing about clanning dude.
LSD09-Sep-20 01:04 PM
Nah bro the difference is y’all wanna just go profit pk or not take shit seriously etc
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:04 PM
You’re looking it at it wrong if you think so
LSD09-Sep-20 01:04 PM
When we need legit quality improvement
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:04 PM
I mean
I haven’t pked other than warring in 2 months
That comment doesn’t make sense
I’m trying to give you an idea of what to do
Like local explained
LSD09-Sep-20 01:05 PM
If we actually sit down and focus on the task at hand
It can get done
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:05 PM
Bro. That’s what I’ve said?!
I’m trying to give an idea of what worked and what didn’t
Straight one banging shit tanks doesn’t teach anything
LSD09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Graphic is a massive sign of that
He still can’t tank
LSD09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Graphic has improved but he’s also a zerk
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Locals a zerk
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master be on ts more You fuckhead your never on ts
LSD09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Zerks is they have no prior experience
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Local can tank
LSD09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Are gonna get slapped
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:06 PM
Graphics been in the clan for what 8 months?
I watched him getting piled the last time I logged in
LSD09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
No one has sat down with him and actually given him the attention and focus to make him tank
Which again falls on the rank team
But like bro our events are
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
i think patrons point is thats what people need
LSD09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
Pk pk pk pkri
Cwa every other week
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
people need us to sit down slowly 1 by 1 and look at their tanks and start from the bottom
LSD09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
Our events should be
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
is what hes saying
LSD09-Sep-20 01:07 PM
Inners inners tank test
Follow by pk
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:08 PM
@LSD that’s something you need to speak to ranks about
Not me
Don’t shoot me for trying to help bro
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:08 PM
Also @LSD if people are having trouble tanking in the wildy why is not doing inners in wildy gear the closest simulation you can get not a good thing?
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:08 PM
Just giving advice on what has and hasn’t worked
LSD09-Sep-20 01:08 PM
I was actually thinking about that @ᛅ Trae
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:08 PM
I’m so lost
You were arguing against it 20 mins ago
LSD09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
Against what
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
money trip = zerk, money trip = arguably best tank in the clan
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
Wait till next week
LSD09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
Prior experience = money trip has
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
honestly not much
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
When I have real internet
LSD09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
Money trip was a pure beforehand
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
he was in DC i mean..
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
my money for best tank is always on bjuj
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
And not 200ping on us worlds
LSD09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
I mean
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:09 PM
he will suprise you and he won't use a staff spec
LSD09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
Bjuj is one of our best players hands down
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master can u be a rank and be on ts make this clan active
LSD09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
All around
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
tbh you guys arguing different ways to do same thing. Different people learn in different ways.
LSD09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
Gl trae L0l
Some people are just not good
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
ya, actually tried that for year
LSD09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
only thing i was trying to say is that your two styles are not at all exclusive
LSD09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
If someone’s mechanically bad at the game the only way they get better is practicing daily
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:10 PM
Do wildy simulation fights their closest thing to pkri which is what you guys want to do.
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
patrons suggestion is just a precursor to what you want to do lsd
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
And @mega 15th level pokemon master be on ts u fuck
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
start a little smaller for just a bit with the worst noobs
before getting back to what you wannoa do
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
Be on ya locs
LSD09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
Niggas in the wilderness not gonna take it easy
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
so with med smackz as an example
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
naw its about the habit
LSD09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
You think rot is gonna be like
akrr09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
@Dictator Zewy money trip was best tank in pure scene i know
LSD09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
Oh let’s take it easy
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
shut up and listen lol
LSD09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
Graphics a bad tank
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
And bann lil rat kid actually was taking me while fighting pd
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:11 PM
if someone has never tanked before, literally brand new clanner
if u just 1 bang them as soon as they enter the portal
they aren't learning anything yet
LSD09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
Trae as funny as the beef between you and lil rat is
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
Smacks has clannedfor years
LSD09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
It needs to stop
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
Agreed just ban him
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
so you have to show them what we mean by flicking prayerse
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
I never would atk him when fighting an opposing clan
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
make them sit here for 1 minute
LSD09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
Not up to me but the kids quality is sub par
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
and block every single attack
while 3 people are attacking them with diff styles
make them practice that timing
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master pay attention to me
LSD09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
But you being a dickhead to him
Doesn’t help
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:12 PM
and THEN
you can move up to what you're doing
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
How was I a dick by doing an emote?
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
akrr09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
@ᛅ Trae ur shit has to end with twinkle
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
You’re egging him on
You’re smarter than that
akrr09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
We wont ban him or anything
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
And grown nigga
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
Meh he owes me 600$
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
So go to his fucking house and get it
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
i told twink today and same that ill say now @ᛅ Trae i already told you not to bring it here and you both should be banned now if i kept my word. but im not gonna be leniant again. Anything even close happens again you banned. idc how long either of you have been with veng
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
I legit don’t care
akrr09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
Yeah thats what you hVe to sort in pms
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
nobody cares trae
thats yalls problem
don't make it ours
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
Pull up at his house irl
Don’t bicker on teamspeak
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
I didn’t zewy he started everything yday hello?
LSD09-Sep-20 01:13 PM
Fucks sake
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
ofc he gonna bolt you
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
I changed it
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
after week of me telling you
LSD09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
Oh man
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
Still changed
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
he changed it to twinkswife backwards
LSD09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
Local stfu
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
the discusion is over. do it again. same goes to twink
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
Local wtf
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
yall actually done
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:14 PM
funniest thing ive seen
LSD09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
Local ur such a snitch
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
i mean
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 01:15 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
u can pointlessly have this conversation
but if u let him not change it
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
Zewy I did something subtle didn’t say anything in ts or ingame, he atk a me and escalation (edited)
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
it was pointless and they're still gonna bicker
me = actually doing something to help
LSD09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
Then when fighting pd
LSD09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
You sat in front of him
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
He camps me
LSD09-Sep-20 01:15 PM
Blowing raspberry’s
For 10 minutes
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
That was before fight
LSD09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
I don’t care
Ur egging him on
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
No appreciation for loyalty
LSD09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
If this man owes you money and you were 45 mins away from him irl
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
ya i also don't appreciate people that don't listen and cause problems
LSD09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
The fact you didn’t pull up on his house and instead wanna bicker online
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
i mean we're just fairly appreciating both of your loyalties
LSD09-Sep-20 01:16 PM
Makes you a pussy
Stop bringing it in teamspeak
And in game
He owes you real life money
Handle it irl
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:17 PM
picking one of u over the other
would be not appreciating loyaltie
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:17 PM
I tried
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:17 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 01:17 PM
Apparently not hard enough
That or 600$ isn’t enough for you to actually do something
Ur the homie trae but goddamn sdfu about it
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master you really saying Twink’s done as much for veng as myself?
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
not about who has done more, not a competition
ur both long time loyal veng members
LSD09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
not about who has done more, not a competition
@mega 15th level pokemon master
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
so ignoring one of you
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
LSD09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
To add to that
Bro trae
The veng now
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
would specifically be not valuing loyalty
LSD09-Sep-20 01:18 PM
No one knows the both of you
Outside of the ranks
And the handful of longtime members
You gotta understand that
You’ve both been mia or w/e
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:19 PM
anyway this is already taking up to much of this disc. we were at least debating the clan before now its just trash
subject over
they both know
LSD09-Sep-20 01:19 PM
Don’t tell me how to live my life Zewy
ᛅ Trae09-Sep-20 01:19 PM
Ye zewy
1 guy-decent tolerable other guy certifiable nuts has mental breakdowns goes to looney house and yells at his baby over runescape
But we’re even
Dictator Zewy09-Sep-20 01:20 PM
and your out of this chat
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 01:21 PM
zewy 1 - trae 0
akrr09-Sep-20 01:22 PM
Boom smoked
0 3 6 509-Sep-20 01:22 PM
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:29 PM
Niggas in the wilderness not gonna take it easy
@LSD legit. They’re going to learn nothing
Like I said. Start small. Build.
ᚯ Twin|Fuh09-Sep-20 01:42 PM
looks like i missed all of the drama
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Sep-20 01:46 PM
i sure didnt miss ur mama
lol owned smelly noob guy man
ᚯ Twin|Fuh09-Sep-20 01:47 PM
meshh09-Sep-20 01:52 PM
wtf this time it wasnt even me n mike
Bjuj09-Sep-20 01:53 PM
Me and @ᚯ Twin|Fuh been tag teaming @mega 15th level pokemon master mum since retired
ᚯ Twin|Fuh09-Sep-20 01:56 PM
Imagine mesh that’s crazy
True patron very patron
Much twin
Arty09-Sep-20 03:51 PM
To come back on the tanking thing. Me as a zerk never get a decent tank. Its bad or good. I get banged out quick or i just tank my whole inv. never a in between honestly but yeah zerks are a weak point. But y’all got to accept that for one point i guess. As we see moneys tanks all of you guys out on a zerk. But then graphic was a huge one bang. But improved allot imo. Same for trea, lagm, rip your go and fanta. They arent god tanks, but perform decent.
Thats how i feel tho. If p necks dont pop, you’re screwed
ᛅ Spoontech09-Sep-20 04:38 PM
To come back on the tanking thing. Me as a zerk never get a decent tank. Its bad or good. I get banged out quick or i just tank my whole inv. never a in between honestly but yeah zerks are a weak point. But y’all got to accept that for one point i guess. As we see moneys tanks all of you guys out on a zerk. But then graphic was a huge one bang. But improved allot imo. Same for trea, lagm, rip your go and fanta. They arent god tanks, but perform decent.
Thats how i feel tho. If p necks dont pop, you’re screwed
Hence why meds/tanks > zerks
Arty09-Sep-20 04:53 PM
Yeah maybe. But i prefer the hard/difficult way then
siege09-Sep-20 04:56 PM
I got a 25 def pure thats higher cb than ur zerk if u looking to challenge urself (edited)
Arty09-Sep-20 04:57 PM
I have a hard enough time keeping up with you guys with the zerk. So im good, but thanks
siege09-Sep-20 04:57 PM
Honestly in the wildy its not too bad on 25 def
Its kinda like a zerk just say you were in absolute rag
Comparable def bonuses then mayb
Arty09-Sep-20 04:57 PM
I have a med tho. Just not finished maxing.
Just dont want to ruin my prestigious zerk
siege09-Sep-20 04:57 PM
Na dont ruin ur zerk man
Meds are typically alt accs anyways, I'd just use the med as a clanning alt when its ready
Arty09-Sep-20 04:58 PM
Why not 30 def for inquis?
siege09-Sep-20 04:58 PM
But keep that zerk 4 sure lol its a sick acc
Its my old pure clanning acc, scene was capped at 25 def. Just haven't touched it since I stopped pure clanning dunno what I want to do with it
Arty09-Sep-20 04:59 PM
Oeeh. Intresting!
99 att?
siege09-Sep-20 04:59 PM
Na like 89 or something
It was a max 88 that I was gonna make into a max 25 def
Didn't skip the rsb I set up to bolt with af if thats what ur thinking ahah
LSD12-Sep-20 06:50 PM
i told them
u werent even online
siege12-Sep-20 07:01 PM
Ya had to deal with some irl stuff, mb on not being there though.
ᛅ Trae12-Sep-20 07:27 PM
i said hey i wont be there if uw ant to do saturday but i can put u in contact with sum1 who will be seige asked in vl and people said theyd be down so he took control
i told taylor me and zewy wouldnt be able to make it
mega 15th level pokemon master12-Sep-20 07:28 PM
all is well it went fine
we won with like 6 meds
ᛅ Trae12-Sep-20 07:28 PM
did the fight take place?
mega 15th level pokemon master12-Sep-20 07:28 PM
we perfected 1 round
ᛅ Trae12-Sep-20 07:28 PM
hell ye
any1 vid?
mega 15th level pokemon master12-Sep-20 07:28 PM
meshh12-Sep-20 07:28 PM
teal did i think
mega 15th level pokemon master12-Sep-20 07:29 PM
i dont wanna make a fight vid but i kinda want to make a quick lil big bonks montage
i hit like 30% of my attacks
but literally all of them were like 50+ lmao
ᛅ Trae12-Sep-20 07:30 PM
akrr13-Sep-20 12:52 AM
@siege and siege i never thought u setup it and go bolt for af, what i ment was that we had no clue about it, guy starts pming 1,5h before event, thats what i ment. Me and zewy where clueless coz it was not on events or anything.
That but as into bad position a bit
siege13-Sep-20 02:03 AM
Zewy knew about it lol it was mentioned more than once in the rsb channel
And ya I'm not gonna put a 10v10 on mains into our events
Saturday afternoon PKing in the EU timezone. Lots of money made by the squad. Full recap: #osrs #oldschoolrunescape #runescape #pk #pvp
well maybe he should stop being such an inactive loser
yeah thats right i said it local
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 05:21 PM
Take that local noob
Bjuj14-Sep-20 05:29 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 05:34 PM
i dont mind, when im playing a lot and active its back to yellow/oj
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 06:30 PM
dude i like this name a lot lmao
super retarded
siege14-Sep-20 06:31 PM
Esp if you read it in Bubbas voice
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:46 PM
@ᚯ Twin|Fuh i made you yelow again stop hiding behind cyan
siege14-Sep-20 06:47 PM
@Dictator Zewy
Did u run into any insurgents yesterday?
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:50 PM
they did a like 12 v 12 or something for fun
siege14-Sep-20 06:50 PM
Yea terrorists
No sv ?
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:51 PM
im not following this reference. SV? yes, terrorists no
i typically don't
siege14-Sep-20 06:51 PM
They suicide bomb 24/7
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:52 PM
i see. i just feel like word terrorist is tomuch a complement for them.
siege14-Sep-20 06:52 PM
And Arad is an ISIS member
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:52 PM
terrorist at least have a plan, some organization, and die for something
siege14-Sep-20 06:52 PM
Freedom fighters might die for something but not terrorists lol
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:52 PM
SV just kinda... run at you with blk dhide and die
siege14-Sep-20 06:52 PM
They just lunatics
Yea same idea as a VBIED
When they drive at u in a truck and blow themselves up
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 06:53 PM
Oi wut
siege14-Sep-20 06:53 PM
Talking about how sv are terrorists
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 06:53 PM
This green not yellow and I’m color blind
siege14-Sep-20 06:54 PM
I think he meant to say green idk
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:54 PM
ya, i just feel like a terrorist organzation says "we are here to bring down the western culture, die for your god and recieve virgins" etc etc.
where as SV just has a dad that points and says "yo we gonna mass up forawhile can you go throw rocks at that army over there"
i am color blind twin
i forget which is whic
siege14-Sep-20 06:54 PM
Most terrorist organizations are same ting bro
They have a dad which is usually Al Qaeda
Then they slowly get destroyed by the west for muffins
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 06:54 PM
lol. fair play i guess
i need new avatar
this one bad
siege14-Sep-20 06:55 PM
Get Thomas to make one for u
He will fuck it up
And make it so u can't see certain letters or smthin
@ᛅ Trae idk, we currently might be leak free but never know
meshh14-Sep-20 07:27 PM
devon commented on ez twitte rlol
nutriding em
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
also @LSD we havn't gotten a solid spam tower of clean fights with res in forever. EZ hates that shit so the y will use it if we tweet out clean action every day
saying what mesh?
LSD14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
Yeah well
meshh14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
that rage leak
LSD14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
When we have a 10v10
And six people spam
meshh14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
"damn its leaky"
or sthn
LSD14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
If I’m ez I let us have that
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
yh that was embarrassing
0 3 6 514-Sep-20 07:28 PM
yea blame the people that can't fucking find the keys
LSD14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
Cause that shit embarrassing
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
we bodied res ea fight last night
then spams at end were weak
LSD14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:28 PM
ya but we should be able to get more then 10, 6 of you in this channel alone will come
LSD14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
If you get 15+ I’ll come
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
ill come for a bond
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
we will, theres 6 just in here
LSD14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
I’m not doing 10v10 in wilderness vs res
Shit was ass bro
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
i mean fine. but like i just said... theres 6 in here alone
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
it was kinda slow paced yh
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
you telling me we can't get another 10?
LSD14-Sep-20 07:29 PM
It took 30 mins to mass 11 last night
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:30 PM
we've been slumping hard
LSD14-Sep-20 07:30 PM
Maybe cause it’s sunday idk
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:30 PM
LSD14-Sep-20 07:30 PM
ᚯ Twin|Fuh14-Sep-20 07:30 PM
time to clear out inactives and rebuild
LSD14-Sep-20 07:30 PM
It’s also
830 est
That’s hella late for us
It’s a guarantee of EZ shows we can’t fight back
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:31 PM
ya welcome to est at all
cause you know who shows up to fight ez/sv in est?
thats it
LSD14-Sep-20 07:31 PM
I mean
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:31 PM
i had fun with the small opt fight tbh
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:31 PM
go vote if you can make it in announcement
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:31 PM
i like lil wildy scraps
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:31 PM
if we get 15+ we will send it
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:32 PM
i dont like small opt single spells tho
meshh14-Sep-20 07:32 PM
yh thats ass
LSD14-Sep-20 07:33 PM
I don’t mean to be a Debbie downie just u get like no dps on pile
Tanks last too long in low opt
It’s hella stagnant
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:33 PM
thats fine bro. but if we get 15+ we sending it.
LSD14-Sep-20 07:33 PM
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:35 PM
if its 15+ wanna do it single spell?
in wild?
they will hit that for sure @LSD
LSD14-Sep-20 07:36 PM
Not really but we can
Again just not enough people for dps
But if it’s all we can do then it is what it is
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:36 PM
ya but after 15 there is definitely dps
LSD14-Sep-20 07:36 PM
Nah bro
@meshh help me out here
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:36 PM
bro you telling me 15elder mauls on your face?
your okay?
LSD14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
When ur tanking 20 elder 10acb and 10 more either mage/random dps
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
zewy what kind u want
LSD14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
15 meds/zerks
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
that or
LSD14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
Maybe 12 on pile
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
zoomed in close up
of the top half of him
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
i like the close up
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
and make the ring yellow
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
just example
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
sure sure
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
what inner color hmm
LSD14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
Let’s get
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
ummm discord background
LSD14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
15 ppl first
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
the dark one
LSD14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
And we can figure it out
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
meshh14-Sep-20 07:37 PM
15 is low
w pneck/designated freezers etc
ppl returning
but up to you like if u wanna bait ez
LSD14-Sep-20 07:38 PM
Thing is
meshh14-Sep-20 07:38 PM
but res prob ahs a leak tho right feel like even if they come its not that insightful?
LSD14-Sep-20 07:38 PM
You don’t wanna tell regular members you’re spy catching
But when a single spells fight gets hit and u 100% can’t fight
They don’t like that
meshh14-Sep-20 07:39 PM
yeah ez then will claim to be able to "1v2 veng and res"
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:39 PM
but cutting off the outside shit etc
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:40 PM
goose glasses or no glasses?
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:40 PM
yes glasses
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:41 PM
LSD14-Sep-20 07:41 PM
make me one
with one of those hippy bandanas
the tie dye ones
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
idk which version is gonna come out better as a profile pic
LSD14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
scratch that
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
LSD14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
black background gonna look better
Dictator Zewy14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
darker i like
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:43 PM
well it depends
because one of them will have black background
one will have disc color background
depends on what 1 looks better then
LSD14-Sep-20 07:44 PM
send me the file
without glasses on
for darker background
i edit myself
Patron14-Sep-20 07:44 PM
Ooh I want a cool veng goose!
mega 15th level pokemon master14-Sep-20 07:45 PM
im assuming u just mean the pic not photoshop project file
even sharkbrew gave random people admin tha tleaked emails
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 08:18 AM
I just created a burner email
And used my phone
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 09:55 AM
We will be hosting a inner war either the 26th or the 27th. For saturday React with . For sunday react with . Whichever one has the most reactions will be the day we do it on. It will be at 4pm East 9 Gmt. If you want to invite other clans to join in these inners i will link the discord below.
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 09:58 AM
Not 100% what this means so an inners? But needs to be Saturday since Sunday is action day brother
bro when yall see people with dumb shit just fucking call it out for fucks sake
no room for that
LSD15-Sep-20 06:22 PM
im trying to not be mean
at least not like
in a disc of 20 idk
ppl in our ts get in their fuckin feelings lmfao
siege15-Sep-20 06:26 PM
+3 prob woulda been a lot more fair those opts honestly
LSD15-Sep-20 06:26 PM
we can do all +3 tomorrow idc
we can win +4 weve won ko rounds with that b4
siege15-Sep-20 06:26 PM
In the past thats what we always did against pure clans around that opts
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
yeah youre not wrong
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
Apex etc
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
i mean
we smoked em +3
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
Not as bad as they smoked us +4 lol
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
i mean
that was more the clumps
and one bangs
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
I think we need to teach people how to nrange again
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
i mean bro
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
Seems like we don't have melee dps often
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
if someone else
wants to help me take the time
to do it
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
thatd be sick
tell me when ur avail
and we can
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
Host some inners later est and I can help
LSD15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
siege15-Sep-20 06:27 PM
Like 8est any day
LSD15-Sep-20 06:28 PM
problem is were gonna miss some gmt people
siege15-Sep-20 06:28 PM
Could do something for them on weekend
But I can't rlly play in gmt through the week atm
LSD15-Sep-20 06:28 PM
yeah thats fine
im about to be the same way for a few months
siege15-Sep-20 06:28 PM
Ya same probably
Hopefully not but winter was busy af last year so prob gonna be again
In those cwas wouldn't be a bad shout to reverse the roles of zerks and meds as well
Make zerks mage and have meds n range
Meds could still mage too but higher def accs waaaaay better on frontline in those fights
Dont rlly want tanks on frontline either though cause we need melee so ye meds prob best bet
LSD15-Sep-20 06:32 PM
i never really thought of it that way but
it makes sense
especially cause our zerks arent even useful zerks
all 99 cb
siege15-Sep-20 06:33 PM
Would be better for them to stay backline, they could try surge as well prob be fun for em tbh cause that shit would never fly in wildy lmfao
meshh15-Sep-20 06:36 PM
i got a fight vs Vintage for rsb this saturday
thats fine right, see nothing on sat yet and its only 5 ppl that will be occupied
siege15-Sep-20 06:37 PM
Only thing we might have is a lil scrap vs the remnants of unk
So should be fine
meshh15-Sep-20 06:37 PM
rayden bk?
siege15-Sep-20 06:37 PM
Mostly just playin among us
They smoked ac the other night tho I pulled up nd bolted
meshh15-Sep-20 06:38 PM
who even pks w unk? the nl kids?
or just ppl that never did diff clanning after unk?
siege15-Sep-20 06:46 PM
P much just ross from nl man
Just random guys who haven't clanned since unk they dont rlly play anymore
Oscar from nl as well
On them tho
Watching for susk activity.
meshh15-Sep-20 06:49 PM
one day u tp gdz and pd there waiting
siege15-Sep-20 06:49 PM
More watchin to zee if they do stuff with rot affiliates
Doubt they will ever actually come back tho but might be able to get a cheeky hit out of em sometime
meshh15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
siege15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
One of those who dun it moments
meshh15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
bro i remember one gdz fight
unk was fighting ct
n some1 in ba said go up there spam unk name n hit ct
was fun asf l0l
siege15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
meshh15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
like the only ever gdz fight ive had
siege15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
Ngl man unk wasnt like good
meshh15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
where it isnt barrage fest
siege15-Sep-20 06:50 PM
They had good in game spam
Even if they had like 7 ppl in game to 20 lmao
Too old fashioned tho, super melee heavy not got the mage meta into their brains now
meshh15-Sep-20 06:51 PM
it was fun
but dont work anymore
cant just return in torags (edited)
stod legit just broken in multi
siege15-Sep-20 06:52 PM
For a clan that usually wasn't on comms tho unk was out of this world lmfao
Cud clear clans just by in game spam not even on voice, in 2019-2020 lmfaoo
Elite vennies
No ez
LSD15-Sep-20 06:52 PM
nah that was meta pre eoc
siege15-Sep-20 06:53 PM
Ya pre eoc
LSD15-Sep-20 06:53 PM
i remember that shit
siege15-Sep-20 06:53 PM
We would defeat ppl like this year doing that
Not this year but 2019
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:26 PM
why u all muted?
LSD15-Sep-20 07:28 PM
listening to music
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:29 PM
this clan dead af
how did u lose
LSD15-Sep-20 07:32 PM
two knockouts +4 opts
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:32 PM
there was a shit ton of action earlier today
LSD15-Sep-20 07:32 PM
won a ft 25 +4 opts
and won a ft25 + ko +3 opts
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:32 PM
just cause nothings happening once u finally log on doesnt mean its dead
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:32 PM
bad tanks?
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
that and clumping
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
its 7:30est and were an est based clan
thats dead
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
some people may have misunderstood
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
we've always been 50/50 gmt est
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
beginning direction
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
we are not an est based clan
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
but yeah bro
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
ye right
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
we are gmt/early est
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
we have good topics for yesterday and today
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
were 00% an est based are u joking
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
get people in ts then bro
hype em up
get in ts
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
theres like 5 people that go on gmt trips
LSD15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
start talking
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:33 PM
na they only like zewy
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:34 PM
9 gmt 11 est in this channel
we had a fun 20 opt gmt fight earlier today vs rage at gdz
meshh15-Sep-20 07:34 PM
stop being a debby downer trae
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:34 PM
its 8:30 est
meshh15-Sep-20 07:34 PM
all gmt in bed and esters just did cwa
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:34 PM
it is uncommon that we have anything beyond a smaller trip out atm
they pked for hours, good return fight vs rage, then cwa today
sounds pretty dead 2 me
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:37 PM
inactive =0
at 7:30
mesh pipe down come back to veng
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:39 PM
830 est
not 730
we have 35 est 24 gmt
and because we work to fit event times for both, our clan resides in the earlier half of est
but u cant just miss a long day of action and say its dead :P
only because ur not on for it
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:40 PM
I mean look at some point y'all gonna have to hype shit up in est yourself.
It's easy get in ts and make shit happen but ya tbf we were out for 6 hours or more today
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:41 PM
less people on because burnt out from
... wait for it! ...
playing too much today
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:41 PM
@ᛅ Trae do a bridge if death see who flys ib
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:45 PM
ye i bet ^^
@mega 15th level pokemon master our ts is pretty normally dead your never in it so i dont expect u to know that (edited)
but unless zewy lsd on its prrey dead or if theres an event i guess
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:45 PM
i participated in three fights today
just because somethings not going on perfectly when convenient for you doesn't mean its dead though
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:46 PM
im not basing it on today homeslice
its been pretty dead for the month ive been back unless theres an event (edited)
or if zewys on ts
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:47 PM
does saying "this clan is dead" in members chat fix that
@ing people to go pk fixes that
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:47 PM
local how come you are never on ts btw?
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:47 PM
for the same reason i just dropped down to elite member
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:47 PM
Tbf local been on last 3 days on pk trips as well
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
unless theres an event ^
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
me on pk trip earlier today
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
im asking in general not on trip lol
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
me for another thing today
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
Trae I'm glad your upset about now do something about it
@ᛅ Trae
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
im not upset
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
Complaining here doesn't fix
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
calm down zewy
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
me at a thing yesterday
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
@ᛅ Trae I'm not mad bro. I'm being legit
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:48 PM
me at a pk trip earlier yesterday like 7 hours before that other fight
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:49 PM
local chill out
im not questioning you being on ts during an event
or about today
im speaking in general
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:49 PM
I'm actually happy that your upset that ts us dead. I fucking wish people would be so that they can make things happen. But my thing is complaining about it and fixing it is 2 dif things (edited)
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:49 PM
i have not been on the game much lately
i have still been at almost every single event or random poke for hits
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:50 PM
im not a rank and sl coming out soon. only time new people fly in when im on is if im hosting somthing $$ related or staking
i was just asking why every1 was muted in a channell not sure how this evolved into this convo
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:51 PM
I'm out atm. Paying the bills.
But I'd love for you to step up and make shit active
meshh15-Sep-20 07:51 PM
saying "this clan is dead" is a good convo starter tbh
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:51 PM
i answered your question
but it was not satisfactory
so i had to explain further
which you met with
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
i mean ive been back a month i dont think unless theres an event and ive bene on ts probably more then all of u minus lsd znd zewy
and its
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
well i gave u the answer that
we did so much today
so people logged off
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
thats true
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
Trae. Again... I know that stats of my clan so help me change then bro
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
and i responded with not just today
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
i mean you play later EST
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:52 PM
but speaking in general terms
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
so that happens more often than u realize
meshh15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
a lot of people atm
multi clan
so they move ts after an event
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
thats a huge issue ^
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
Which is gonna stop
meshh15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
ppl go to OG AF REV KG FI ts
for thr next event
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
i personally think stopping that is gonna hurt us more than help
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
i gotchya mesh
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
Convo for another day local
meshh15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:53 PM
i should clarify and say at least
if we do stop that
we shouldn't do it just yet
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
just wasnt unusual to hop in ts and chill with the boys at any given time of the day
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
maybe when we're a lil stronger
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
Yes local
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
but removing a bunch of people would not be good just now
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
and lets be honest gmt has sucked since prefade lol
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
i mean we've had est people at gmt trips
so they got their fill fighting
and then logged off
meshh15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
we had some good gmt trips when origen was around
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:54 PM
i bet
meshh15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
like we pulled 30 for rev cave trips ever1 in meta
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
what happened
meshh15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
origen left
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
People stopped idling ts
meshh15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
got kicked
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
he was more interested in doxing ppl
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
And finding hits
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
thats 1/30
meshh15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:55 PM
so wheres the other 29
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:56 PM
zewy dw go have fun gamblin
Dictator Zewy15-Sep-20 07:56 PM
This convo can stop in 2 seconds.
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:57 PM
true^ but local has a point you had alot of events today probably exactly why its currently dead dont if i mas spoke no1 gunna fly in
but in the my eperience has been its usually quite dead most of the time
meshh15-Sep-20 07:57 PM
ur going cross country saturday right trae
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
the 25th
meshh15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
r u here this satursay
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
meshh15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
we have an rsb
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
i fly back to florida friday
so ill be on
meshh15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
against good people
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
also we can get a good fight saturday night vs UNK
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
torment or veng?
meshh15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
lsd hosts torment im just member there
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
meshh15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:58 PM
in team warring?
meshh15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
is the fight
in that team warring discord
or who is it against
meshh15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
5v5 vs Vintage
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
on meds?
meshh15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
a team that used to be really good
n tanks
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
damn i thought it was an actual veng event lol
what times it at
meshh15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
i mean it is veng
vote what time ur avail
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 07:59 PM
its on mains not the same
and its 5
meshh15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
theres a tourny coming up
thats why
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
ill vote rn
meshh15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
cant really represent veng if we dont practice
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
tourny 5 v 5?
meshh15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
ez might enter so if we practice
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
idk im just already tired of trying to do rsb consistently
i cbaaaa selling bank over and over
keeping main bonded
meshh15-Sep-20 08:00 PM
thats fine
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 08:01 PM
just keep the items lol
meshh15-Sep-20 08:01 PM
thinkwe should have 5
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:01 PM
the only time id use them is 1 time a week or two
i dont have a big bank
meshh15-Sep-20 08:01 PM
but ye its aids keeping another acc bonded for 1 event a week
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:01 PM
i dont play main
gotta give it supplies and max gear every time we get a fight
bonds 5+m now too
i do very much enjoy rsb but its just too much of a pain for me atm
maybe when i get big bank again
meshh15-Sep-20 08:02 PM
if u like
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:02 PM
id theft sold a lot of his gear too i was loaning from him
meshh15-Sep-20 08:02 PM
stop be noob
n finish that med
or tank mb
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:02 PM
yaaa just havent been on
meshh15-Sep-20 08:02 PM
n it becomes ur "main" clanning acc
it wud be less of a hassle
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:02 PM
that will be nice tho
meshh15-Sep-20 08:03 PM
but idk if it will ever become ur main clanning acc
cuz u cant bop people w ags
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:03 PM
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 08:03 PM
i can sell u some gp
hm u need
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:03 PM
i used to prefer mage way more but now i melee just cause im caller
ehh dw
im not playing much atm anyway
only events
tho i have pked a few times past few days
not common tho
i dont like calling from afar
ᛅ Trae15-Sep-20 08:04 PM
did people have fun at the nightmare event ghetto hosted?
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Sep-20 08:06 PM
i cant imagine thats the best boss to host an event for cause theres such a slim change u get a drop xd
I think that’s a great idea @Sybren if we have enough zerks to mage lol
Akrr I forgot your tiny country isn’t Finnish my bad
siege16-Sep-20 10:44 AM
Ya meds can still mage
We need to count styles as well, we were way too mage heavy
Just gonna need a few meds to n range
akrr16-Sep-20 10:47 AM
mage for life
siege16-Sep-20 10:48 AM
Ya I would like to always mage too
But I don't think I can in this clan atm Legit need melee damage
In those multi spells cwa we lacking it big time
LSD16-Sep-20 10:49 AM
I’m down to n range
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 10:52 AM
i can mage or n range doesnt matter 2 me
siege16-Sep-20 10:52 AM
Mage on ur zerk
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 10:54 AM
ᚯ Twin|Fuh16-Sep-20 10:59 AM
If meds have infernals should 100% melee dps every cwa
My ags went in yesterday
siege16-Sep-20 11:03 AM
Ye even without infernal if they know how to n range would make a big difference I feel like
LSD16-Sep-20 11:04 AM
Our n rangers now kinda get mixed up a lot it seems
siege16-Sep-20 11:05 AM
Did we count styles yday
Feel like we just didn't have enough
I was sfing most of the time so it was hard for me to pay attention to what was happening to our piles
LSD16-Sep-20 11:09 AM
Getting one banged
siege16-Sep-20 11:10 AM
I only died once in all the rounds I think
Left cc once as well
Sybren16-Sep-20 11:10 AM
siege16-Sep-20 11:11 AM
But ya its nbd I think if we just get a lil more organized we'll perform a lot better
Sybren16-Sep-20 11:11 AM
If we're all online earlier, it'll make it easier to organize and get people prepared for this
Dictator Zewy16-Sep-20 11:48 AM
i mean wouldn't hurt to make them surge then just run in for random AGS or w\e
we could try it today
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 01:11 PM
what time we doing inners b4 the cwa today?
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 01:57 PM
@everyone any1 on leading rn?
akrr16-Sep-20 01:57 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Sep-20 01:58 PM
be on soon
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 01:58 PM
40mins to get a response if ny1 doing inners see what I mean @mega 15th level pokemon master
akrr16-Sep-20 01:59 PM
ye i announced that we starting in 1 min
like 30 ins ago
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 01:59 PM
But you couldn’t answer when I asked in here?
Need better communication
akrr16-Sep-20 02:00 PM
sorry aboout that
was butting my son to sleep
ᛅ Trae16-Sep-20 02:02 PM
Not on u man I’m sure your not the only rank on
I should make it back driving back to resort now
Bjuj16-Sep-20 02:14 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master just made salt and pepper chicken, yum yum yum
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Sep-20 02:40 PM
Bjuj16-Sep-20 02:48 PM
ᚯ Twin|Fuh16-Sep-20 02:54 PM
No thanks
Only room for one Kenny in this clan
And I’m no venny
Arty16-Sep-20 03:58 PM
I was thinking to spam zerk team discord to come at my max party. Could be a good recruit for us when y’all are their spamming veng. Could get ppl intrested
akrr16-Sep-20 03:58 PM
Up to u man
Arty16-Sep-20 04:11 PM
Eventho ill be in Ts. They wont hear us talk. But just seeing us could trigger curiosity..
Was planning on maxing friday ( if i make it) and get a small community event going in the wildy. If @Dictator Zewy has some money from clan bank we could sort something or make a fun event? After maxing and event get a pvm thing going or like @LSD said jump on amongs us with the boys and have a fun evening? Thoughts? @here
LSD16-Sep-20 04:18 PM
could do that vip shit
Arty16-Sep-20 04:27 PM
I had something i mind. Ill plan it out. The next couple of days.
ez is threatening pures that join veng and are in pure clans
making them choose
LSD17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
we close apex for kicking veng members and take their $$
LSD17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
making them not give action
meshh17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
we counter it by hitting them
akrr17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
thing is
LSD17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
nah bro
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
no shit mesh
akrr17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
when we are going for money
LSD17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
meshh17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
u wont close apex
akrr17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
that means rot gets involved more and more
LSD17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
read my name
akrr17-Sep-20 12:24 PM
they want to control pure scene
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
if we go for money
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
were not going 4 $$ @akrr
meshh17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
they legit have rot nutriding them and are cwa prods
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
other clans see that
n they wont fuck w/ us etc
akrr17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
ye i know
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
makes us seem grimey
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
doubt it
theyll think its hilarious
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
i mean yes and no
akrr17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
u see annoucements
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
and who cares who fucks with us all pure clans are on rots dick except og
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
kg camped FI because FI doxed one of them
so its not the same
meshh17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
@akrr teh f2p thing?
akrr17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
didnt saw u vote
meshh17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
idm doin f2p
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
also im down to do f2p
meshh17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
vote rn
LSD17-Sep-20 12:25 PM
if we get 20 + itll be fun
akrr17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
then vote
LSD17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
i did
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
bro stop trying to protect some make belive insinuation that other clans actually care what we do
akrr17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
that was for mesh lsd
LSD17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
all pure clans except og dont matter
akrr17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
i cant make a fight happen if ppl wont vote
LSD17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
i mean
akrr17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
im not doing 5v5 f2p
meshh17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
rage is pretty good for us
meshh17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
tuesday might be rough
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
rage wont care
meshh17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
cuz i got a test wednesday and thursday but ill try
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
if we camp apex
LSD17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
nah they wont care
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
and take their $$
meshh17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
once we like
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
so your entire argument is broen
meshh17-Sep-20 12:26 PM
actually start damaging apex
rot will show up
simple as that
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
thats good
akrr17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
ye like we damage apex a bit and annoy them
meshh17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
dull is legit on Apex TS permanently
LSD17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
we have to make rot do shit
pretty much
akrr17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
thats why they called rot one weekend
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
and steal their $
akrr17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
but when we lock them out
meshh17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
they wont pay
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
winner winner
meshh17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
rot membs gonna stop pullin up for that
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
if they offer
LSD17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
after a cpl weekends
akrr17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
or apex
gonna fully slump
akrr17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
i feel like we should mace apex low wildy imo
LSD17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
we need intel
if u wanna
akrr17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
first hit we do
meshh17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
rot wont stop comin
LSD17-Sep-20 12:27 PM
slump a clan
u hit
rot not gonna be able to come
akrr17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
apex dont pk midweeks
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
akrr17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
atleast not much
LSD17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
thats partially why
theyre already slumping
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
i mean we sohuld justtrain up 1-4 pure accts and putem in apex
akrr17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
they never been pking midweeks
meshh17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
idt its that easy because these fights arent in 2k worlds or such
sv/rot/total worlds
akrr17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
@LSD apex never pked midweeks
meshh17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
can all come if it turns into a mess
akrr17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
they cwa prods and weekend clan
LSD17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
u rly think
akrr17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
i saw
LSD17-Sep-20 12:28 PM
rot gonna leave caves
for 3-4 hours
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
at a pure mass
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
they have
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
those sv rats in 2k
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
300-400 vennies
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
4 guys
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
ahrims in multi
at venny
famcloth and shitters
LSD17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
ye but like
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
ppl dont pk rev caves anymore
LSD17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
300-400 vennies
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
idk about Revenant
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
u know how hard
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
theres a reason
LSD17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
itll be to mass thjat
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
thats why entrance is dead as well
meshh17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
they did that though
for that 50 port fight
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
coz people dont go caves anymore
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
we can always call af no?
LSD17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
akrr17-Sep-20 12:29 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
they did not have
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
AF will hit rot anywhere?
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
fuck outta here
meshh17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
ok but they had an insane amount
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
for sure
but guess what
they fall the fuck over
akrr17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
i mean we dont call clans to help us @ᛅ Trae
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
its not help
meshh17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
its just giving them loc of their enemies
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
if u can deal with
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
im always talking shit in sb recently
@ᛅ Trae i have a spreadsheet of airports i've flamed arad in
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
we get that info all the time
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
the initial surge
meshh17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
it would be a cancer fight
LSD17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
of venny
u can control that fight
meshh17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
wym control it would be dhide barraging from our side
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
lmfaooo @Bjuj nice
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:30 PM
got bored waiting for flights so flaming ez's the go to
meshh17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
cuz we;d be outnumbered
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
hahaha i feel u
LSD17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
yeah but vennies are stupid
meshh17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
its up to you
LSD17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
youre gonna be mass spawn killing
or you can bring em in the choke like veng did
if u actually had pull they woulda been wiped
all im saying
meshh17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
up to you g
LSD17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
theres ways to fight it
meshh17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
rn theres a reason rev/af always go 2ks
and dont go caves
LSD17-Sep-20 12:31 PM
meshh17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
all tehse pure fights are in non total worlds
LSD17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
but ye rev isnt like
a random pk clan
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
so if we camp apex rot shows up af wont come @meshh ?
LSD17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
u just fly in for fights/ hits
meshh17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
they might
LSD17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
so they dont go caves
meshh17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
depends on time
LSD17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
unless fight = caves
meshh17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
they used to lsd
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
non total is basically asking for all of the rot alliance to hit it
meshh17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
before u joined a strat was to ballista/surge caves
for like 6 months
LSD17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:32 PM
i thought AF+REv dicking rot alliance
meshh17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
just vennies bonded together lol
LSD17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
u see the videos
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
they do, just all of Venezuela on everyone
meshh17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
lol ye
LSD17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
sv is forced to dhide barrage
theyre not allowed to do shit else
even in a 1v1 sv is legit broken
siege17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
Ya so is rot lol
meshh17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
idk what the communication with zewy/kyle is @ᛅ Trae
LSD17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
rot will fight u in meta for like
10-15 minutes
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
wonder if burns liking getting bummed sideways
LSD17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
at best
then theyre dhide barrage too
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
he hasn't had an outburst recently
LSD17-Sep-20 12:33 PM
he hasnt been online
havent seen him at a 2k cluster
akrr17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
u guys talk so much
LSD17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
unless his acc just isnt 2k
akrr17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
he's 2k
LSD17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
theres actually a topic
to be talked about
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
has been for a while
LSD17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
thats y
just mute chan akrr (edited)
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
maybe he just got bored of getting flamed
LSD17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
nah like
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
weird dude
LSD17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
i havent seen him at a fight
at all
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
i mean in general
as in got bored of rs
meshh17-Sep-20 12:34 PM
trying to explain the situation of the current clan world to trae xd @akrr
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:35 PM
he was the shitter of the clan world
LSD17-Sep-20 12:35 PM
ye thats what happens
sv werent really his homies
he found that out
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:35 PM
he tried to add me as a friend on disc
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:35 PM
i mean if our pul has gone wayyyyyy down form what it was because people are just bored of fighting ez+res it sounds like this discussion is pretty needed @akrr
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:35 PM
LSD17-Sep-20 12:35 PM
he wants forgiveness
and approval
so fucking badly
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 12:36 PM
whats his ign now? (edited)
LSD17-Sep-20 12:37 PM
still burn bibles
ganks rsn is kemp
Bjuj17-Sep-20 12:47 PM
Ty ty
Snipe list being added
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:04 PM
Who’d u scrap?
meshh17-Sep-20 02:08 PM
bedford unit
clean fite
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:12 PM
I was busy fighting your moms bag @meshh had to@give it good pounding
meshh17-Sep-20 02:13 PM
did she win?
ᛅ Spoontech17-Sep-20 02:14 PM
She defo has bigger forearms than you trae
meshh17-Sep-20 02:15 PM
yh shes from bedford
u wouldnt be able to handle her
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:29 PM
Ye right Thomas Ik u seen me irl
You look like they villain from daredevil
ᛅ Spoontech17-Sep-20 02:29 PM
All im saying
Mesh' mom has huge forearms bro
U cant handle her
LSD17-Sep-20 02:30 PM
hairy too
ᛅ Spoontech17-Sep-20 02:30 PM
Not my words
But taming camels equals huge forearms
Like popeye
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:33 PM
@ᛅ Spoontech
ᛅ Spoontech17-Sep-20 02:33 PM
meshh17-Sep-20 02:36 PM
dang u really took a screenshot of a snapchat
thats some sus shit
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:36 PM
Origen did
Not me how u think I got it
meshh17-Sep-20 02:36 PM
he did
he did that of me as well
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:37 PM
He got me 2
meshh17-Sep-20 02:37 PM
legit weirdo lmfa0o0o0o
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:37 PM
Even got my sex tape clip (edited)
Mesh u milk camels for drink ye?
meshh17-Sep-20 02:40 PM
good for the bones
also what sex tape l0l
only sex tape ive seen was of twinkle
ᛅ Trae17-Sep-20 02:41 PM
Sent Origen a clip of me smashing
He saved it
Probably for notes
Bjuj17-Sep-20 02:50 PM
hold uo
there's a group called bedford unit
or is there now a meme about the town bedford i'm missing
Bro i has this cofeee this morning legit been shitting all morn
siege18-Sep-20 09:51 AM
Points a beast
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 09:51 AM
siege18-Sep-20 09:51 AM
Prob from food bro coffee usually makes me just shit once
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 09:53 AM
Didn’t eat anything lol
siege18-Sep-20 09:53 AM
What kinda coffee lmfao
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 09:55 AM
Vanilla hazelnut
Any1 wanna 10 vs 10 rsb sat?
siege18-Sep-20 09:56 AM
We have a pkri sat
But mayb what time
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 09:57 AM
Asking now
Thinking about turning my Med into a main
Isn’t there a lot of quests to do though?
siege18-Sep-20 09:58 AM
Eh not rlly dude
U got ds2, mm2, and sote done?
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 09:59 AM
akrr18-Sep-20 10:01 AM
Why would you turn it into main too? @ᛅ Trae
U have a main already
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:02 AM
I have mwp(sad nh) but I’m not the orig owner and every time I want to get on it I have to text matt and get the auth code which just gets annoying bc he has a life and doesn’t always respond right away
Since it got hacked once already and the name got stolen and sold Matt doesn’t wanna remove the auth
siege18-Sep-20 10:04 AM
Why dont u put auth on it from ur own phone
Or does he use it quite a bit
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:06 AM
I’ve asked he doesn’t wanna do that though even tho he nvr plays it. Pretty much when it got hacked during my hiatus from Rs there was only 3 of us that had access myself,orignowner, and Kembe and we’ve all known each other like 10years. But I know I didn’t sell the name so
siege18-Sep-20 10:10 AM
Does kembe still paly
Don't think he would hack yall tbh
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:12 AM
No he wouldn’t and ye he’s on everyday
So if I know I didn’t do it, and Matt didn’t do it since he’s orig owner only leaves kembe or sum1 else got access. That’s why matt doesn’t wanna give auth to me bc he really doesn’t know
siege18-Sep-20 10:18 AM
If it had no auth on
Somethin coulda happened 4 sure
Wouldn't have had to be one of u 3
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:22 AM
Ohhh that’s true
akrr18-Sep-20 10:26 AM
Database leak
Of a client
Same shit what happened to lsd and one of my other buddu
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:28 AM
16years playing this game@never been hacked personally
akrr18-Sep-20 10:29 AM
Ye i got hacked once
15 y ago
Went to toilet and my brother stole r2h from my bank
Acted like nothing happened
siege18-Sep-20 10:31 AM
When I was in 4th grade I made a series of email accounts named "Jagexmod1@**.com
Wud email kids in my class saying they've won party hats or santa hat
Ask for their info so we can put it on their acc and I'd hack niggas man
akrr18-Sep-20 10:33 AM
@siege legit
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:33 AM
@Dictator Zewy thougth kenny was with the vennies
akrr18-Sep-20 10:33 AM
I but keyloggers into 40 pcs at computer class
siege18-Sep-20 10:33 AM
A lot of the vennies have turned on rot now @come here zoggy
akrr18-Sep-20 10:34 AM
Hacked everyone who logged into rs
siege18-Sep-20 10:34 AM
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:34 AM
Lmao I used to sit in v west and find the kids who bought gp on their moms credit card and msg them ingame saying there’s been insufficient funds please return the $$
akrr18-Sep-20 10:34 AM
When i was in 7th grade
I did alot of bunny ears scamming as well
siege18-Sep-20 10:34 AM
I also made a series of accounts called "nativeboy1" many diff number nativeboys
And I'd just purposely get muted on them
Walk around calling people niggers
Was a nice child
akrr18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
Lmfao why @siege
siege18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
For fun
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
No i ment
Why. Did the vennies turn
siege18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
The vennies oh
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
siege18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
I guess they tired of being extorted
Not rlly sure man
akrr18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
@come here zoggy welcome back?
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:35 AM
@akrr in abit ye
Needed a break
akrr18-Sep-20 10:36 AM
U better be
Ye udnerstanded
U needed a snickers
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:36 AM
Been playing this garbage game
For 3 years straight
akrr18-Sep-20 10:36 AM
U where like a bitch already
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:36 AM
No brekky
akrr18-Sep-20 10:36 AM
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:36 AM
Im a bitch
akrr18-Sep-20 10:37 AM
I hope u are doing well
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:37 AM
What do you mean venues turn @siege
akrr18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
La maffia turned on rot
siege18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
They are attacking rot now
akrr18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
Coz rot didnt give them shit
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
@siege green looks good on you
Good riddance
siege18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
Agreed ty
Thank god
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
If rot loses the vennies
They close
siege18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
They are gnna die now yh lmfao
They got nothin
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
Like 40-50 with sv
siege18-Sep-20 10:38 AM
Sr are still with them
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Yh sr needs to be killed
siege18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
But sr is gonna have 90-200 vennies on them at all times now bro
akrr18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Sr is trash
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
siege18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Cause all the other venny ccs are against them now
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Rev/af helping the vennies thst are against rot/sr?
akrr18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
La maffia has 200+ ppl online all times
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
I mean
siege18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Ye a bit
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
They dont need to i guess then
200 vennies
siege18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Not putting much effort into helping them tho
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:39 AM
Dont think sr pulls anywhere flose to that
@siege yh theyr vennies fk m lmfao
siege18-Sep-20 10:40 AM
Exactly lol
They were against us for a long time as well so yh
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:40 AM
Theyr usefull
Ye exactly
Thing is
They only want monry
They dont care about rivalry
siege18-Sep-20 10:40 AM
Ye they'll learn that rev and af don't care about their gp
akrr18-Sep-20 10:40 AM
Sr ranks stepping down and introing to af and shit already
siege18-Sep-20 10:40 AM
Or pvming
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:41 AM
We spy free atm?
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
Suppose so if ez is dying
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
the venniew were helping them yday though
siege18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
We think so yeah @come here zoggy
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
Thosr are sr
siege18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
Can never be sure though
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
Other vinnies
Yea true
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
Ez doesnt do shit tho
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
so many vennies
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:42 AM
Theyrs like 500-1000 i guess trae
ᛅ Trae18-Sep-20 10:43 AM
la mafia hunting rot
that is fucking funny af
come here zoggy18-Sep-20 10:43 AM
Ye lmfao
Rot is fked tho
Withoht alliance
They pull so bad rn
Like 30-45 ish
@Dictator Zewy whats the 1750 thing for
siege18-Sep-20 10:44 AM
If our members all have 1750 rot/ez are less effective @come here zoggy
That's the only change that has been made realistically speaking
meshh18-Sep-20 11:19 AM
i told tank like pronto prob gonna join as well
siege18-Sep-20 11:19 AM
Not gnna make a difference
Only difference is my snipe list is bigger
meshh18-Sep-20 11:19 AM
siege18-Sep-20 11:20 AM
I am surprised it took him so long to join
meshh18-Sep-20 11:20 AM
yh from what i hear dull chills in their ts
expected them to join earlier
siege18-Sep-20 11:21 AM
He used to when I was in ik that
He used to poke me literally everytime he connected cause I'd be pkin with a few friends the ones who are now in pd
Askin me to join rot
Desperate then and even more desperate now lmfao
meshh18-Sep-20 11:24 AM
maybe they will break
siege18-Sep-20 11:28 AM
13 is very loyal so if he gets loyal to them he won't break, but he has a life so I could be wrong
Jeyes is a legit cwa prod
He was fine in outlast fights in apex but they aren't the same kind of outlasting rot does, they were relatively even fights or we had the upper hand + outlasted whoever we were fighting (edited)
I don't think he'll like getting completely dominated the way we dominate rot lmfao
did any of yall know graphic lost another +1 (edited)
only 3m but jesus
LSD21-Sep-20 02:36 PM
i brought it up
Bawv21-Sep-20 02:37 PM
was this yesterday?
LSD21-Sep-20 02:38 PM
Bawv21-Sep-20 02:40 PM
nobody notice he's using normal super restore pots?
i suppose there's only 600gp between then now.
ᚯ Twin|Fuh21-Sep-20 02:47 PM
It’s not a big enough difference to matter yeah
But he lost an ags like 2 weeks ago to ez
Almost feels like another burn bibles
LSD21-Sep-20 03:21 PM
hes lost at least 4 +1s in the past month
ᛅ Trae21-Sep-20 03:29 PM
restrict him thats pretty sus
LSD21-Sep-20 03:42 PM
hes restricted
the dcb was his restriction
ᛅ Trae21-Sep-20 03:42 PM
Bjuj21-Sep-20 03:57 PM
knew that kid was a whale when we regeared him in DMM and he died the first ten seconds out of a safe zone
LSD21-Sep-20 03:58 PM
our whole clan is full of whales
ᛅ Trae21-Sep-20 03:58 PM
havnt lsot a +1 in ever
LSD21-Sep-20 03:58 PM
same but like
that shouldnt be an accomplishment
ᛅ Trae21-Sep-20 03:59 PM
52 pray is hard to not get smited if u have like 5+ on u
and you get speared
Money Trip21-Sep-20 04:00 PM
I mean the dude is 55 prayer
LSD21-Sep-20 04:00 PM
he got smited on his med.
Money Trip21-Sep-20 04:00 PM
in that pic it's his zerk
LSD21-Sep-20 04:01 PM
hes been smited on his med*
ᛅ Trae21-Sep-20 04:02 PM
your talking about sykness i assume?
Arty21-Sep-20 04:02 PM
i mean, i don't get smited often
just bad timing i get smited here
ᛅ Trae21-Sep-20 04:02 PM
like i said if you get speared with 55 pray its hard not to get smited if alot of people on u
ye just unlucky
Arty21-Sep-20 04:03 PM
yeah got caught offguard. was 1v1ing and they logged under a boner. my bad for sure.
i negate the loss with the EZ ags tho
our whole clan is full of whales
@LSD its not because ppl lose +1 they are all whales.
LSD21-Sep-20 04:06 PM
im not talking abot u h ere syckness
i mean graphic
Arty21-Sep-20 04:07 PM
your sentence is reffing our whole clan as a whale :p
LSD21-Sep-20 04:07 PM
oh cause it is
we have a lot of whales in this clan lol
Arty21-Sep-20 04:08 PM
could be. but we still dominate most of our fights.
in stead of breaking down people on how bad they are, or what they do wrong, we all should focus on what they do good as well. we all often forget that here. + everyone needs to start somewhere.
and yes some people simply dont learn.. thats where we need to act for sure
LSD21-Sep-20 04:10 PM
ye thats nice and all
but our whales have been in here for 5+months lol
its not really a fresh start for them
akrr21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
For some reason they keep choosing trying to tank not drink pink pots
LSD21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
Arty21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
yeah. its a habit i guess
LSD21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
just lose ur 300k set > +1
Arty21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
i could've done the same thing here
akrr21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
Yea its not cwa
Arty21-Sep-20 04:11 PM
but i jsut wanted to tank to get you guys in
LSD21-Sep-20 04:12 PM
im not hyper focusing you
akrr21-Sep-20 04:12 PM
Good part is from next week i will implement what i talked with zewy
That on random trips i start piling our own members for tsnk tests
Ez 20 sec barrage freeze tank
Ifcu die i pay for the set
LSD21-Sep-20 04:13 PM
yall niggas cry when i do that
akrr21-Sep-20 04:13 PM
Ifcu get smited u lose urv+1
Have u done it?
LSD21-Sep-20 04:13 PM
like for instance me n bawv had a lil scrap
akrr21-Sep-20 04:13 PM
LSD21-Sep-20 04:13 PM
he didnt complain
but i hit grey wolf a couple times
and he screamed
akrr21-Sep-20 04:14 PM
Im going to spear and smite
With 5-6 ppl cry is nfs
LSD21-Sep-20 04:14 PM
ye gl with that
some of our guys r pretty soft
akrr21-Sep-20 04:15 PM
Patron21-Sep-20 04:29 PM
ye quite flaccid
come here zoggy21-Sep-20 04:48 PM
like i said
zerks are useless
ill keep saying it
literally a liability to any med/tank clan
0 perks to have a zerk in 2020
only holds back the clan theyr in
40 zerks vs 40 meds, same skill level, zerks lose 100/100 times
ask if they want some cwas and more midweek "random" run ins
so their men get action
meshh22-Sep-20 06:07 PM
kinda expected
respect rage for standing up but like theyre gonna kill their clan
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:11 PM
o i c
rage went dummy
jizzle doxed dull or somethign and threatened to dox their members
so now they're def gonna get shit on
not just for us
cause they dumbasses about it
meshh22-Sep-20 06:11 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:11 PM
meshh22-Sep-20 06:11 PM
gawd damn
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:11 PM
how dumb u gotta be
meshh22-Sep-20 06:11 PM
i mean if ppl still AC for them on sundays
shud fbe fine
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:12 PM
literally all they had to do
was not dox rot
meshh22-Sep-20 06:12 PM
ye lol
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:12 PM
and they could pull up out
but no u gotta be dumb
if every single pure clan said fuck off to rot like OG/Rage
there woulda been nothing rot could do
but they get greedy thinking they'll be #1 if they suck rot off
thats so cringe lol
meshh22-Sep-20 06:16 PM
cringe as fuck but yea
LSD22-Sep-20 06:23 PM
i didnt know it was rage who doxed dull
meshh22-Sep-20 06:28 PM
mate i flamed him for a week str8 in v public with kim (edited)
we spammed his facebook post of him crying to floor
i guess they just wanna find an excuse to go hard on apure clan
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:33 PM
18th place F tier foe
holy shit
u rlly fucked up
meshh22-Sep-20 06:50 PM
whos jamz? @mega 15th level pokemon master
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 06:57 PM
former EOP guy, has like split personality problems or something, hes been in most clans briefly at some point, most recently he joined Fi and in kg we were like betting on how many weeks till he'd "pull a jamz" and randomly disappear
this time seems like he has a reason
apparently zenith doxed his sister and sent him her info
from what i know about him -
hes a good guy at heart. and people want to be around him
he makes a good leader
.... until he doesnt
and then legit just randomly flips a switch
goes crazy and leaves all discords / deletes everything
turns up 3 months later and finds a new clan to do it to
he was the leader of Outrage
recently hes been rank in Fi
he really helped them turn it around i think
meshh22-Sep-20 07:02 PM
yh outrage was actually good
atleast cwa
come here zoggy22-Sep-20 07:09 PM
why do people
get so upset over doxxing
i dont get it
like who gives a shit lmfaoi
LSD22-Sep-20 07:17 PM
some niggas actually look like gremlins irl
like dull
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 07:20 PM
i mean
it really depends man
for me
if i want to go into news
if i got that job lined up
if ppl called and fucked around with that
they dont want some1 to be a public personality if they got retards ragging their irl
so doxing could seriously fuck stuff up for me a lot more than certain other jobs
im not saying my career path is better or anything, i dont think it is
but if ur job is more in the public eye, doxing can be more harmful
meshh22-Sep-20 07:22 PM
me and mike gonna bomb a place once we 30 so doxin not rlly gonna fuck us
LSD22-Sep-20 07:23 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master22-Sep-20 07:23 PM
could easily see a news station getting rid of an anchor if they got dumb shit goin on getting harassed over a video game
but like a lot of other jobs doesnt rlly affect u as much, even if those jobs pay way more or are harder or w/e
LSD22-Sep-20 07:28 PM
no1 callin ur job unless u really get someone pissed
@meshh if you have that much info online ur just a retard
if u get doxxed that hard
like if people wanna call my school
what are they gonna say?
mike is a sex offender?
they prolly be like ''aight, yea we kinda figured, anything else?''
meshh22-Sep-20 08:38 PM
i mean mike they get 1 piece then just connect the dots u know
tbf man before zewy cleaned up #viking-longhall there was so much info on every1
200k messages over 1 year
come here zoggy22-Sep-20 08:57 PM
connect what fucking dots?
i can give you my full name
and u wont find shit lmfao
Dictator Zewy22-Sep-20 08:57 PM
@come here zoggy get online fighting
come here zoggy22-Sep-20 08:57 PM
youll find my fb thats bout it
in bed
who u fighting anyway
Dictator Zewy22-Sep-20 08:59 PM
need you
come here zoggy22-Sep-20 08:59 PM
no lmao im in bed
nt gnna start pc and shit all again
ᚯ Twin|Fuh22-Sep-20 09:32 PM
ty for everyone who pulled up btw
mega 15th level pokemon master23-Sep-20 04:29 PM
they aint see our disc for this i mentioned it to him the other day
kim states that is legitimately the thing he misses the most about veng
was getting to get paid to do traes homework
ᛅ Trae23-Sep-20 04:29 PM
Where did he say that
mega 15th level pokemon master23-Sep-20 04:31 PM
in bonfire
Bjuj23-Sep-20 06:38 PM
hank stepped down from res?
mega 15th level pokemon master23-Sep-20 06:39 PM
does look like it
very questionable
they're growing hard atm
Bjuj23-Sep-20 06:40 PM
tyler regrowing like always
mega 15th level pokemon master23-Sep-20 06:41 PM
they pullin in the low 20s now i think
Patron23-Sep-20 06:47 PM
Hi patron!
Dictator Zewy23-Sep-20 06:52 PM
They had 27 other day o.o
And ya him and Tyler got in argument
Bjuj23-Sep-20 06:54 PM
Hi @Patron !
Do tell @Dictator Zewy
Dictator Zewy23-Sep-20 06:54 PM
He trying to bring other clans doxing beef into res. And Tyler not having it
Bjuj23-Sep-20 06:55 PM
True avalonian
0 3 6 523-Sep-20 06:55 PM
does rip your gp message anyone else every time he changes his name?
Dictator Zewy23-Sep-20 06:55 PM
Yes lol
Bjuj23-Sep-20 06:55 PM
Spit it out
Been typing for 20 mins
Dictator Zewy23-Sep-20 06:56 PM
Sybren23-Sep-20 06:59 PM
Hey fam, not going into to much detail but some of you were already aware that we were expecting another baby. After doing the needed tests the life expectation was practially 0% and she had to go into (forced) early labour to end the pregnancy.. @Bjuj don't feel quilty, I can take it. But yeah, supporting my wife atm for as much as I can.
Patron23-Sep-20 07:01 PM
Aw man : ( thats a rough time sybren. I feel for ya friend ❤️
Sybren23-Sep-20 07:03 PM
yeah, sucks cuz it was pretty much our last shot (after 2 other early miscarriages and we didn't want the age gap to be to big to our lil girl). Especially knowing I'd of had a son :/ (edited)
mega 15th level pokemon master23-Sep-20 07:04 PM
awww man
sorry to hear that sybren
love u man
hope ur wifes health is ok
ᛅ Trae23-Sep-20 07:06 PM
❤️ Sybren
Patron23-Sep-20 07:06 PM
That’s one of the most heartbreaking parts of my wife’s job doing ultrasounds, having to give parents bad news like that. Really makes you cherish the health & happiness of the kid you have now
ᛅ Spoontech23-Sep-20 07:08 PM
Absolutely horrendous to hear sybren
LSD23-Sep-20 07:11 PM
all of my condolences for you and your family @Sybren ❤️
siege23-Sep-20 07:11 PM
Sorry to hear @Sybren, chin up lad
come here zoggy23-Sep-20 07:13 PM
stay strong syb, were always here for you buddy! Condolences to your and your family.
Sybren23-Sep-20 07:13 PM
Thanks guys, she's fine but very tired. And indeed @Patron we're lucky to have a healthy 3 year old girl.
Bjuj23-Sep-20 07:13 PM
@Sybren sorry to hear buddy!
meshh23-Sep-20 07:16 PM
awful to hear sybren, all the best man
mega 15th level pokemon master23-Sep-20 07:16 PM
akrr23-Sep-20 10:41 PM
@Sybren sorry to hear that man, best wishes to you and your family, i know how you where waiting for this.
Arty24-Sep-20 01:30 AM
So sad to read @Sybren. Condolences to you and your fam. Keep it up! Best wishes brother! Take care for you and the fam! ❤️
its about to hit 96 and stremmy has 1.3m attack xp stored in pest control points LOL
akrr26-Sep-20 03:54 PM
stremmy on fire
LSD26-Sep-20 05:16 PM
i mean i woulda dipped sooner but we had them cleared off the map 3 times
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:08 PM
we were down vs dumb slave raggers and getting harassed much earlier
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:08 PM
so stayed longer
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:08 PM
"clearing them off the map" was just them ragging one of our guys elsewhere
colossal waste of time
its the stupid chink asian faggots
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:09 PM
bro legit no they were in gear. haf them broken and had them ff map. they came back.
and no thats different team
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:09 PM
that was asians
the boys
the fucking spastic degenerates that are gonna be spammin about us now in sharkbrew
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:10 PM
who gives a shit? they woulda done that anyway
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:10 PM
waste of time
not good action
not gonna clear them
down opts
if we do manage to clear them they prolly call sv
lose lose
zero % chance for any decencyh
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:10 PM
it was good fight for awhile and we were up good portion of it until last 15mins
bro they didn't call anyone
they were cleared and ez didn't come
don't use excuses
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:10 PM
those guys are gonna fight for like 4 hours
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:10 PM
we got beat plain and simple
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:11 PM
we shoulda left like 30 minutes ago
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:11 PM
maybe, i'd say 15mins earlier ya
0 3 6 530-Sep-20 11:11 PM
who was that that lost the ags??
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:11 PM
but we we legit had them cleared twice
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:11 PM
vibing the sv slave thats gonna end up spying
0 3 6 530-Sep-20 11:11 PM
why did we let him have an ags during a fight like that in the first place
bad fucking look on us
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:11 PM
i mean what you want me to stop the fight check everyones gear then ask them to resume?
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:12 PM
waste of time
intentionally fighting sv
0 3 6 530-Sep-20 11:12 PM
I had fun but im going back to bed
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:12 PM
if we win, they're trash quality and its not impressive and no other clans care about reading veng cleared the boys
thats a group u gotta either
hella outnumber
or be willing to fight for 4 hours
thats like the lowest tier of quality action possible
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:17 PM
Bro it was even op scrap in wild. Until last 15 minutes idk what your saying that it's bad. If they return in rag it means they fucking broken like I'm not one to fight pointless bullshit but it was good until last 15 mins
Which is when we were talking about dipping
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:18 PM
i definitely count that as pointless bullshit
3 dudes in robes
bunch of dumb fuck nig rangers
ᛅ Trae30-Sep-20 11:19 PM
Wow zewy and will arguing what happened
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:19 PM
just a dumb waste of time fight against the stupid fucking degenerate chinks
ᛅ Trae30-Sep-20 11:19 PM
I’ll be active after tmro fiancé goes back to fl this Friday so I’ll be playing a lot
Who sv?
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:19 PM
their B team
we got lucky that they didnt call them
fighting down opts vs mains that are allied with sv/ez with returns getting camped for like 40% of it
3 guys in robes the rest nig ranges
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:24 PM
and post the video of his clan closing like what? they woulda done that regardless? unless next time you find 15 kids in full dragon and torsos and shit and wanna just run?
if thats case you need get out of pvp
barbie kids were risking 4m a pop
got one for 7m
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:24 PM
ok that sounds fine
but then leave
from the time i arrived
it was not 5m a kill lol
was the same as an sv fight
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:25 PM
we fought and cleared them. then we started fighting the boys and i asked "yall wanna fight it" everyone said fuck ya. So we geared up and it was good fight for 40mins
last 15 was aids af and your crying about it
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:25 PM
would not call that a good fight
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:25 PM
we pk'd them for like 20m bro
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
yeah that parts fine
i was not there for that part
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
its even and wqe clear them for almost twice
what is not good?
then don't complain
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
im referring to the entirety of the time i was there
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
if your there for 20% of the fight don't complain about the fight
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
i missed the good part
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
cause ya obviously it gets shit we gonna dip
and we did
just took us 15mins to long
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
was shit much earlier
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
like we coulda returned in diary all night too
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:26 PM
that sounds awful
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:27 PM
ya but we didn't
we left
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:27 PM
prettymuch from when i joined on was undesirable action
sdhoulda left when we got crashed by them
free out
u had already made your money
we got a free pass to leave
getting sandwiched by 2 main clans
they never legitimately got down to 2 ppl in game
the rest were just off screen north or south finishing a kill
i was that kill one of the times
you were yelling that they were almost cleared
it was just 8 of them standing over my corpse to the southwest lol
Dictator Zewy30-Sep-20 11:30 PM
Kool. Done talking about it. Again can't be there for less then half the fight then complain
mega 15th level pokemon master30-Sep-20 11:30 PM
i few in immediately mid quest
as soon as there was a poke
you guys kill people for good money > find them at lava gate
i fly in> we fight the multi team at lava drags >
the boys crash, we're sandwiched beween 2 main clans >
we should leave here
but then fought for 40 mins
(my cc chat was cause i pmed my pvmer buddies to come bolt for us) (edited)
akrr30-Sep-20 11:59 PM
It is what it is
We cant go back in time and leave earlier
You learn from this
Without arguing with yourvown family
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 12:00 AM
i mean im not retarded at the end of the day zewy #1 and imma do whatever he says, but i simply do not want us to take a fight like that again
we shoulda got out when we were given the chance
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 01:09 AM
@Dictator Zewy
jedi luke flew in from them for us after that
rob flew in as well
and twink (lil rat)* not twin my bad (edited)
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 02:34 AM
make sure u @ the right PD
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 07:54 AM
i think
resurgence leak just accidentally outed himself to me
one of their trials
just pmed me some shit about losing his Kik account
so he cant message them
..... wrong will
he insta delete
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 07:59 AM
Who was it
LSD01-Oct-20 07:59 AM
Owned idiot
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
K ur bannes from my among sessions
LSD01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
Every time I’m imposter
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
Dick weiner
LSD01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
I’m nsing u
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
I may have done u dirty
Once or twice
LSD01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
Yeah u fuckin cuck
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
I fucking had to hold my laugh so hard btw twice
On the DD kill
LSD01-Oct-20 08:00 AM
I love amking
I will always leave him alive
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:01 AM
'Thomas was the only one that moved'
'No i wasnt#
siege01-Oct-20 08:10 AM
..... wrong will
@mega 15th level pokemon master
Made me spit my coffee up
What a fucking retard l0l0
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 08:10 AM
i bet money he was trynna pm will the trill dude
this guy gonezo for sure
he prayin i aint see that shit
siege01-Oct-20 08:11 AM
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 08:11 AM
kinda want to reply
as will
too late
but would be so funny
thats ok man u can pm me here
akrr01-Oct-20 08:13 AM
you should said something like ye if you want we can work out something as well
Arty01-Oct-20 08:15 AM
i bet money he was trynna pm will the trill dude
@mega 15th level pokemon master hahahaha, fucking retard
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 08:16 AM
"100m and i dont blow ur cover"
blow his cover immediately
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:27 AM
@mega 15th level pokemon master
Extort that lad
Make him pay
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 08:28 AM
i told res already
it was too funny
if he a leak tho
they might yoink he claws or something
dont say anything bout it
Arty01-Oct-20 08:29 AM
would be a nice vid
ᛅ Spoontech01-Oct-20 08:32 AM
@mega 15th level pokemon master
Pls post in sharkbrew
Pm me to spy for ez
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 08:35 AM
naw i dont wanna say anything
in case they gon do something with him
better its a surprise
Bjuj01-Oct-20 10:23 AM
Galaxy brain plays from EZ again
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 10:28 AM
firemaw sent me a pic of that guy talking about it in CD disc
i think the guy was trying to pretend he wasnt a rat to his buddies
akrr01-Oct-20 10:30 AM
What was the messGe he send you again?
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 10:40 AM
"hey man i lost the details to my Kik account, so i have to message you on here"
and then i didnt see what the next one said he deleted them too fast
only saw for like 2-3 sec lol
remember i think rot talked to burn bibles in kik
Dictator Zewy01-Oct-20 10:41 AM
Ya they wanted tyla to use kik too
Big fans of iy
Also when I highlight you I get will the trill first everytime I've almost messaged him like 4 times
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 10:44 AM
ive had a bunch of pures pm me looking for lord ex - will from pure scene
that was good tho
prolly stopped a lot of our res fights from getting crashed
got lucky xd
akrr01-Oct-20 10:46 AM
Yel ool
siege01-Oct-20 10:46 AM
People thought u were lord ex? @mega 15th level pokemon master
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 10:46 AM
ya lmfao
siege01-Oct-20 10:46 AM
mega 15th level pokemon master01-Oct-20 10:46 AM
they just pmed any ole will
lookin for will
my brothers irl friend relies on ordering delivery to live
so he gets a bunch of discount codes sent so they think they can keep harvesting him for more money
@Sybren someone asking me to do their 1 zulrah KC for their diary
remember what happened last time
Patron03-Oct-20 05:09 PM
Damn lol
mega 15th level pokemon master03-Oct-20 10:37 PM
rev guy asking me for EZ snipelist
who is relevant l0l
come here zoggy03-Oct-20 10:49 PM
Dictator Zewy03-Oct-20 11:32 PM
just copy patse the one from lsd succ channel
@mega 15th level pokemon master
mega 15th level pokemon master03-Oct-20 11:33 PM
i might not be able to see that anymore
LSD04-Oct-20 08:39 AM
@here all of u ranks need to be on today period, the past cpl sundays it’s legit been Zewy and local or twin trying to call shit alone
Ez has been exploded by 2/3 clans they’ve been piping to which is rev and rage
Sundays their biggest pull day, it’s veng turn to smash them and demoralize them
They get exploded three days in a row= we can cAuse some serious inner clan turmoil over there
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 10:40 AM
people macing already lol
akrr04-Oct-20 10:44 AM
Thats dinos team again i think
siege04-Oct-20 10:44 AM
Yeah it is
They pk/mace early af
akrr04-Oct-20 10:45 AM
Ye dino has killed alot of shit
Now tries to find content for his stream and boys
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 11:49 AM
aesir will most likely not make it today lol
Where is shooked from again?
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 11:59 AM
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 12:00 PM
I meant clan lol
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 12:00 PM
Ez#x pe leader
Ex pe*
Arty04-Oct-20 12:01 PM
yeah zewy pulled couple of them in
but didn't get many info of him.
they need to be carefull talking in CC tho asking for time on trips etc :p
LSD04-Oct-20 12:01 PM
seems like hes a semi decent caller
or willing to help
which is nice
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 12:02 PM
Arty04-Oct-20 12:03 PM
zayness joined like on every trip so far..
didn't seen much of zetix and shooked
LSD04-Oct-20 12:03 PM
shooked is on in est
Arty04-Oct-20 12:03 PM
zewy want to get em trial already
but idk. we have 12 trials if we get them in
akrr04-Oct-20 12:13 PM
trial already
legit be real l0l
thats not going to happen
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 12:14 PM
maybe after we get like 2-3 of these trials done lol
Dictator Zewy04-Oct-20 12:34 PM
We have trials that are month old.. like slobs.
If someone is vouched then who cares how many we have. Main reason we wait so long is to make sure they aren't leaks. VIBING, zetix(vacation for week btw), and Zook gonna need wait a looong time.
But shooked is trustworthy so who cares
akrr04-Oct-20 12:34 PM
wasnt shooked from pe or something
how is that trust worthy lol
thats last person i would turst
meshh04-Oct-20 12:35 PM
vibing tried to join avalon a while back
i remember him from res
Dictator Zewy04-Oct-20 12:41 PM
Because PE didn't like EZ? How Is he last person ? Your gonna trust the 3 kids I just mentioned who actively was in sv? One leaked his pure clan? One said he doesn't mic. Etc?
Shooked split from ghOst who was his other leader because ghost was an ez fanboy. So I'm lost how he is last one you trust
mega 15th level pokemon master04-Oct-20 12:43 PM
No mic no worky rip that guy
Shooked is aight
akrr04-Oct-20 12:45 PM
i mean i dont turst the two overall
they are 100% no from me
shooked just i dont trust
thats why im saying his last person i trust
coz other two are 100% no from me anyway
LSD04-Oct-20 01:09 PM
i mean u dont know them either tbh
Dictator Zewy04-Oct-20 01:10 PM
akrr04-Oct-20 01:12 PM
i remember vibes
had few pms with him
why he never was on trips
but i already talked about him
Bjuj04-Oct-20 01:45 PM
shooked is weird af
i've got PM's from him of him trying to frame +1 kill pics on veng members
on like level 120's
when PE were a thing
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 01:58 PM
im takin ss-es every fight we hit
of attendance
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 02:08 PM
ᛅ Spoontech04-Oct-20 02:36 PM
hm yall got
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 02:36 PM
25ish rn
ᛅ Spoontech04-Oct-20 02:36 PM
gud shit
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 02:36 PM
had 27 before
shud have atleast 30+
if we do this every sunday
and we dont get 26 yes / 25 no
LSD04-Oct-20 02:36 PM
now that we can do damage ppl will come
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 02:37 PM
true aswel
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 03:01 PM
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 03:07 PM
ᛅ Spoontech04-Oct-20 03:34 PM
Rage ended
So our mission of the day is done
pure weekend and rot couldnt crash
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 03:34 PM
ye was fun
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 03:34 PM
they had clean action right thats all we care about really and clearing ez
can you guys pm your rsn's so i can add it to caller (edited)
Dictator Zewy04-Oct-20 03:42 PM
ye, killing apex/ez and making sure rage has good sundays
and OG
but OG hasn't been touched cause their trying to demoralize rage since they bigger
gj mike/venom
excellent work today.
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 03:44 PM
som1 @everyone in announcemenbts to post lootpics
0 3 6 504-Oct-20 03:44 PM
mike did you get an attendance pic different then mine?
come here zoggy04-Oct-20 03:46 PM
exactly the same
26 ops right
mega 15th level pokemon master04-Oct-20 07:14 PM
arad hasnt flexed what cc's we used
maybe clean?
he does that every single time
LSD04-Oct-20 07:31 PM
doubt he can even focus on ez shit rn
mega 15th level pokemon master04-Oct-20 07:37 PM
@Dictator Zewy
Patron04-Oct-20 07:48 PM
oh god not this again
LSD04-Oct-20 07:56 PM
who dat
mega 15th level pokemon master04-Oct-20 08:00 PM
old veng / i think ez person
before my time
apparently notorious bankstander
dunno if they were good or not
Patron04-Oct-20 08:17 PM
Super old bankstander. (Supposedly a girl?) one of those people who never actually pk’d lol
Ya its my old pure idk if I'll be able to keep 45 def tho
Might be able to keep it at 50 tho or somethin
ᛅ Spoontech05-Oct-20 08:00 AM
99 att 75 def to snipe fag rotmeds
siege05-Oct-20 08:00 AM
I'll do that after
70 or 75 def idk yet
Cause it has pray too
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 09:27 AM
so rot is so broken on mains
\they wont login on mains?
LSD05-Oct-20 09:31 AM
They’re forced to login on meds to hit rage
If they don’t hit rage they give up
meshh05-Oct-20 09:31 AM
they 1 itemed on meds then when they were asked to 1v1 meds vs meds
they logged into mains
LSD05-Oct-20 09:31 AM
So they get bullied on meds
meshh05-Oct-20 09:31 AM
but im pre sure they did that so that if we geared mains they could hit rage meanwhile
eitherway they just stood there for 1hr on mains lol whilst ez was getting dicked
siege05-Oct-20 09:32 AM
Wasn't even an hour prob
They 1 itemed until the last like 20 min
Then they just watched us slaughter their allies lol
meshh05-Oct-20 09:33 AM
did ez even prep
LSD05-Oct-20 09:33 AM
Typical stuff too
meshh05-Oct-20 09:33 AM
like i saw 5-10 ez kids max
LSD05-Oct-20 09:33 AM
They supposedly were prepping
Tbh they got one up on us last weekend
For them to almost no show yesterday was weird
siege05-Oct-20 09:34 AM
They prob had like 20 mesh
But they were getting splattered verywhere
LSD05-Oct-20 09:34 AM
I think we outpulled them just as veng
siege05-Oct-20 09:34 AM
Couldn't actually get together and have an impact in game
How many did u guys have? Like 25?
meshh05-Oct-20 09:34 AM
yeh it was prob really demoralizing for them
siege05-Oct-20 09:34 AM
Ya man
A lot of those kids aren't really built for that kinda shit either lol
meshh05-Oct-20 09:34 AM
i think that rvndy kid is like the only one thats always there lol
the rest prob sitting in house lmao
Dictator Zewy05-Oct-20 09:35 AM
cry zone, names kev, rvndy, elite tank, tanknificent, all were there whole time
can't remember others
but i mean its not suprising they can't pull much
meshh05-Oct-20 09:35 AM
cry zone is a ragger
siege05-Oct-20 09:36 AM
He's a nonce
Dictator Zewy05-Oct-20 09:36 AM
rot and sv were both prepped
meshh05-Oct-20 09:36 AM
hes that res kid that sits at house portal for 4 hrs
Dictator Zewy05-Oct-20 09:36 AM
if both prepped they only have 10-20
siege05-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Sv is p much dead now too bro
Really weak pulls as of late
Even with like 15 solidtag invites, they get 30 max lol
Sybren05-Oct-20 10:26 AM
Miami Bleach or sumfin (edited)
and Taeng as well (edited)
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 11:41 AM
@siege we topped at 28
but mostly around 25-26 yh
can we prep harder for rage prep btwa?
just spam announcements
akrr05-Oct-20 11:43 AM
ye we had 23 votes
for tuesday
but zewy changed the day
we agreed for 25 opts
LSD05-Oct-20 11:44 AM
if anything needs to get pushed hard
its tuesday
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 11:47 AM
only 33 vbotes aswel
we need atleast 40 votes
in 1 days time
i know some ppl are slow
akrr05-Oct-20 11:51 AM
@LSD imena u cant push 7 est event
thats only est
LSD05-Oct-20 11:51 AM
gmters are vampires anyway
you act like 75% of gmt isnt on at 7 est
akrr05-Oct-20 11:52 AM
well i dont act
coz i dont see them online 7 est
coz im never on that time
Dictator Zewy05-Oct-20 11:53 AM
^ valid. but ya idk how many times i hear "im going to bed its late" at 5est. then i see them typing at 8est
infuriates me
akrr05-Oct-20 11:55 AM
ppl type on mobile
well thats what i do
when i go off pc
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 11:55 AM
akrr05-Oct-20 11:55 AM
i m still online on mobile up to 2hours sometimes
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 11:55 AM
im in bewd
on phone watching some bs youtube vid
Dictator Zewy05-Oct-20 11:56 AM
wasting your time. either be awake and do shit or go to sleep lol
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 11:56 AM
akrr05-Oct-20 11:56 AM
come here zoggy05-Oct-20 11:56 AM
we cant all fall asleep cus of codeine dreamin
akrr05-Oct-20 11:56 AM
i like to watch tv
and not play the game
while chat with boys
like im doing shit
i have shit to do execpt runescape too
Dictator Zewy05-Oct-20 11:57 AM
lol idk legit. i don't mean osrs.
im just saying i used to do same thing. go to bed at 10 stay up till midnight on phone. but like decided wasting my time. so i started either going to sleep and waking up early to be productive at work. Or stay up and game or spend time with the wife
my point is it seems like every gmter "goes to bed" at 5est and is awake till 8-9est
its wild
akrr05-Oct-20 11:58 AM
ye thats what im doing
spending my time right
justopen phone time to time
if i get some notification
well im awake like midnight for u guys
or 11:D
Patron05-Oct-20 11:59 AM
Ye you’re always up doing stuff when I wake up at 4am haha
One of the +1s was someone picking 1 up off the ground
mega 15th level pokemon master07-Oct-20 06:34 PM
my footage looks good
LSD07-Oct-20 06:34 PM
But yeah smacks said he had 2
0 3 6 507-Oct-20 06:34 PM
Yea only had the one i put up there
LSD07-Oct-20 06:35 PM
Dude we came out fucking smoking
We came into r1 lookin str0nk
mega 15th level pokemon master07-Oct-20 06:35 PM
dude if u watch my footage like
u can tell im just so bad
im lookin at r1 atm
LSD07-Oct-20 07:28 PM
When we’re in sync moving
We’re nasty L0l
0 3 6 507-Oct-20 07:28 PM
yea when we were clearing them by section was insane
LSD07-Oct-20 07:28 PM
Fuck dude
I’m so pissed I missed rounds
Dictator Zewy07-Oct-20 07:38 PM
Ya the last round was dope. 25-24 by like the smallest fraction
LSD07-Oct-20 07:40 PM
Power still not on btw
Sitting in car charging phone
0 3 6 507-Oct-20 07:40 PM
Patron07-Oct-20 07:45 PM
Roughin it brother
How you about to lose power in a major city for that long
LSD07-Oct-20 07:45 PM
It’s legit
A like
4 acre section
Of my neighborhood
Like fuckin 10 houses down is power
Patron07-Oct-20 07:46 PM
That’s so frustrating lol. Did they say what happened?
LSD07-Oct-20 07:46 PM
Just gave an eta
Patron07-Oct-20 07:47 PM
Rogue squirrel
LSD07-Oct-20 07:47 PM
I swear this shit happens like
Once a month
Patron07-Oct-20 07:48 PM
I swear if someone sneezes wrong my village loses power lol. Hardly noticeable though when our house generator kicks on
LSD07-Oct-20 09:30 PM
1030 still no power
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 02:32 AM
fucking 3rd worlrd nation
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 02:39 AM
unfortunately being #1 at Everything means we're #1 at power outages too, sorry
LSD08-Oct-20 06:05 AM
Yeah my shit came on at like 3 am and woke me up L0l
akrr08-Oct-20 06:15 AM
Man fall a sleep in candle light
And got woken by tvs and pcs starting up
Patron08-Oct-20 06:25 AM
I was always excited to get the candles out as a kid when we’d lose power haha
akrr08-Oct-20 06:27 AM
Haha :D
LSD08-Oct-20 06:39 AM
Nah I just went to bed I was pissed
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 12:40 PM
Im 25
Never experienced a power outage
But thats prolly cus our powerlines are below ground like every other 1st world country
Powerlines above ground = 3rd world
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 01:44 PM
@Dictator Zewy who are those kids ur cwaing
Like pe remake or completely diff?
Arty08-Oct-20 01:55 PM
a new med clan
leader was a trial with us
but wanted to open hes own. 'he's not a follower, but a leader type'
meshh08-Oct-20 02:07 PM
yep i just cringed
Patron08-Oct-20 02:15 PM
A regular cringe or a mike cringe?
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 02:39 PM
what was score
Arty08-Oct-20 02:40 PM
How did it go?
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 02:41 PM
we won 3-0
perfected the last round (should have perfected all three)
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 02:44 PM
singfle or multi?
so what are they
but wanted to open hes own. 'he's not a follower, but a leader type'
@Arty i legit just cut my bumcheek to cut trougth cringey tension
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 02:50 PM
these 2
died in like 2 hits
pretty sure
he agsed on veng a 43 on himself
and then died to barrage
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 02:50 PM
Arty08-Oct-20 02:51 PM
@Arty i legit just cut my bumcheek to cut trougth cringey tension
@come here zoggy yeah bro. I wanted to get some action going with fate and get known in their cc/disc to recruit some dudes. But the leader just blocked me, even from pm’s
meshh08-Oct-20 03:01 PM
yep cringe
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 03:32 PM
is it BM
if i put round 3 first in the vid
since its the perfection lol
this is why we do that kinda fight btw
why we be nice + good
Bjuj08-Oct-20 04:04 PM
Looked good guys!
meshh08-Oct-20 04:04 PM
i thought patron came back
and got rank back
this mroning when i looked
Bjuj08-Oct-20 04:05 PM
You dumb
meshh08-Oct-20 04:05 PM
but its bjuj
Bjuj08-Oct-20 04:05 PM
meshh08-Oct-20 04:05 PM
i was like tf patron back
Bjuj08-Oct-20 04:05 PM
I had a client meeting last night
And even I questioned it this morning
Hazy head with bjujs new profile pic threw me
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 04:18 PM
vid almost up
sorry back to full screen w/ names on this one xd
come here zoggy08-Oct-20 04:23 PM
ᛅ Spoontech08-Oct-20 04:25 PM
@Bjuj among?
LSD08-Oct-20 04:25 PM
have prep
akrr08-Oct-20 04:28 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master told u
Patron08-Oct-20 04:30 PM
patron we ought to switch profile pics for extra confusion
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 04:31 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 04:45 PM
@Dictator Zewy how funny is it that the new half-step-above-an open cc is called Fate
...Destiny..... Fate....
Bjuj08-Oct-20 04:58 PM
@Patron imagine
@ᛅ Spoontech you playing now?
ᛅ Spoontech08-Oct-20 04:58 PM
we idling
ᛅ Trae08-Oct-20 07:08 PM
idling what
LSD08-Oct-20 07:20 PM
0 3 6 508-Oct-20 07:24 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 09:38 PM
@ᛅ Spoontech@meshh what i gotta do for AF to decline axeo if he apps
LSD08-Oct-20 09:38 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master
i was playing among us with that guy
hes a fucking faggot
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 09:39 PM
he came from my first zerk clan
hes a snake and a giant nutrider loser
i will contribute to af short term if they decline him
if needed (edited)
i have seen him typing nonstop in their pub disc
meshh08-Oct-20 09:41 PM
dont think hes gettin in
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
i will come bolt for a month or so if it means he gets declined
meshh08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
diti only guy he knew and its not looking good haha
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
lmk cause im straight up serious lmao
meshh08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
think hes just trying his hardest by being active in dsicord
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
if i gotta pay or something
i totally will
meshh08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
i thought u liked him in destiny l0l
mega 15th level pokemon master08-Oct-20 09:42 PM
i was ok with him in destiny
and then he was a snake after
generally just a massive nutrider / cringelord
my friends in pd hated him too
he is not at all someone u want in ur clan
u see how much he simps for those chicks
could not be seen with loser like that in my clan
meshh08-Oct-20 09:44 PM
hes trying his hardest
woulda gave up by now
siege08-Oct-20 11:59 PM
He won't get in
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 12:19 AM
just got house done on the tank
meshh09-Oct-20 03:27 AM
u guys seen that pic of l2hadow pming ez kids about a veng trip
its probably nothing but just wondering
akrr09-Oct-20 03:27 AM
What pic exactly
When he first joined we wanted him to play ez
meshh09-Oct-20 04:00 AM
ah ye something about arty msging him about a trip
to gank
i assume u guys kneew
Bjuj09-Oct-20 04:08 AM
@mega 15th level pokemon master I never liked that kid either
Arty09-Oct-20 07:39 AM
Hmm @meshh yo still have that pic. Pretty sure i shared it with leadership. But not sure what you talking about rn.
And indeed for a gmter, havent seen him enough either
siege09-Oct-20 09:35 AM
Swine @meshh
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 03:13 PM
@Dictator Zewy is palmer coming back tho?
akrr09-Oct-20 03:47 PM
seems like it
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 04:43 PM
this clan is so tilt
can som1 check who hasnt voted yetr
LSD09-Oct-20 04:49 PM
@Aesir (Elite Member)
genuinely need all of u on sunday
@Legend (Retired) if any of u can make as well
ᛅ Trae09-Oct-20 06:01 PM
LSD09-Oct-20 06:04 PM
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 06:21 PM
ᛅ Trae09-Oct-20 06:34 PM
Ye that’s why I went inactive u legit toxic af @LSD
LSD09-Oct-20 06:34 PM
since when u get soft
meshh09-Oct-20 06:42 PM
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 07:00 PM
@LSD do something ffs
ur hc
or bjuj
or whoever
LSD09-Oct-20 07:07 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 07:14 PM
tnx obama from rage
was working on 1750 so he could app
im like dude im pretty sure 1750 is for veteran or something
so what are our new requirements exactly
so i know what to tell ppl
LSD09-Oct-20 07:16 PM
1750 for full member
1650 for trial
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 07:17 PM
ooo ok i thought zewy said 1500 trial or some shit
You can take smackz off it he voted, he does pure sundays
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:17 PM
yh i pmed him
he said he voted
why is pdz still a member?>
som1 take his member away
and make him thegn
@Dictator Zewy@Patron@LSD
@0 3 6 5 im not even pming pdz
pmed all others
lets see if theyr completely fucking mentally handicapped and still dont vote
@mega 15th level pokemon master thing is bro, 75% of the ppl in this clan are legit either retarded or useless (edited)
0 3 6 509-Oct-20 08:21 PM
Yea I'll check aging tomorrow and update my list
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:21 PM
ty m8
0 3 6 509-Oct-20 08:21 PM
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:21 PM
dont know
how some people are this lazy they dont vote
if they have a rank
also @Dictator Zewy remove tanks viking rank, and give him thegn like mesh
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 08:24 PM
hes still around, hes just not on the game a lot atm hes been no lifing cs
would wait a lil longer
he has shown up few times the past week or two
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:25 PM
Hes in af
0 3 6 509-Oct-20 08:26 PM
whos in af
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:26 PM
I mean he shows up to events when he isnt in af
0 3 6 509-Oct-20 08:26 PM
oh yea
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:26 PM
He hasnt even voted on sunday
Just put a no there
Its not that difficult
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 08:43 PM
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:47 PM
gz noober
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 08:48 PM
not much left
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 08:50 PM
solid acc
1750 left tho
u gnna let a venny do 77 rc or u wont get it ? will
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 08:51 PM
still havent decided
i did my own 77 on zerk + main
so i mean i can do it np
it would be 48 total levels
i am genuinely more worried about the 83 slayer grind than the 77 rc
and i love slayer
which is very surprising
i just like melee slayer a lot more than range
siege09-Oct-20 08:53 PM
Lmao @mega 15th level pokemon master
A true legend
0 3 6 509-Oct-20 08:54 PM
rc not fun lol
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 09:01 PM
tf are those blue things
0 3 6 509-Oct-20 09:02 PM
after sins of the father its best rc
it scales to your lvl
the higher lvl the more exp
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 09:07 PM
ehhh i do lavas
would need a shit ton
come here zoggy09-Oct-20 09:52 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master u only need 77 tho
75 agility is worse
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 10:08 PM
yo dont grill this guy too hard for this
i just talked t o him in pms about it XD
i think Pem from rage/DF was talkin about his super fun setup for farming rot/sv or w/e
tnx obama put that in his app as alternate setup
i already told him why its not a good normal setup
meshh09-Oct-20 11:07 PM
ye i seen pem in that haha
Balli is good for farming rot but ye i think StoD is just so broken
you can never really get cleared if you got people in StoD + c shield just staff speccing n buying time for people to return
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 11:09 PM
ya i just want ppl to know he didnt randomly think that was the best setup
also he is 74 att atm he's gonna edit in SOTD setup once hes 75
meshh09-Oct-20 11:11 PM
from his app it looks like he thinks bringing double torags means u can just brew stack
poor soul gonna see how broken mage is
and how useless torags legs is if ur fighting suicide barragers
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 11:12 PM
yeah i told him that too
meshh09-Oct-20 11:23 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master09-Oct-20 11:24 PM
one day
i will sweet talk stremmy
into returning for CWA only at least
akrr10-Oct-20 01:01 AM
Sybren10-Oct-20 01:36 AM
sharbrew voice flame fest XD
akrr10-Oct-20 02:05 AM
i only seee sv there
oh rage well
akrr10-Oct-20 02:18 AM
cringe shi
akrr10-Oct-20 07:38 AM
few spams with names and randomly we have 48 votes
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:04 AM
23 no’s
Is cringe for a sunday
Really gonn have 2 start changing something about that
@Hersir (Leader)@PK Leader@Merkis (High Council)
siege10-Oct-20 08:08 AM
Most of em p much don't play
LSD10-Oct-20 08:08 AM
Not my fault kids don’t wanna smash their rival
siege10-Oct-20 08:09 AM
The lads who voted no p much all
LSD10-Oct-20 08:09 AM
We’ve got the perfect set up but nigs don’t wanna play
siege10-Oct-20 08:09 AM
Arty10-Oct-20 08:09 AM
check mentor please
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:43 AM
@siege its still all kids with ranks in this clan
siege10-Oct-20 08:44 AM
Kinda is what it is tho man lol, this clans ml isn't overly active. Lotta people got shit to do on the weekends cause they have to work through the week etc
Can't expect a super massive pull rlly
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:45 AM
granted, but you shouldnt be in a clan if you cant keep 2 hrs out of your scedule free on a sunday
ur legit just a faillure then
siege10-Oct-20 08:46 AM
Bjuj seems well off irl wouldn't say hes a failure
Some people who reacted no prob shouldn't be in the clan you're right, but a lot of people genuinely can't make it surely lol
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:47 AM
bjuj is active
ill take a look at nos now
and tell you whos useless
siege10-Oct-20 08:47 AM
Most of em are prob being genuine
Some of em are def useless th
Not that many but mayb like 5
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:49 AM
head of demon, arbor, ripyourgp, highimhigh, rob, patrick
all useless
siege10-Oct-20 08:49 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:49 AM
and if your a trial and not multiclanning but dont show up on sundays
are more than useless
siege10-Oct-20 08:49 AM
Arbor is just a thegn tho sint he
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:49 AM
meshh10-Oct-20 08:49 AM
shall we dox?
siege10-Oct-20 08:50 AM
Hitting up the Turkish lads rn @meshh
meshh10-Oct-20 08:50 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:50 AM
yh scratch arbor
and put pdz there
siege10-Oct-20 08:50 AM
Totally forgot about pdz
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
honestly tho
if a trial doesnt make a sunday 2x in a row
siege10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
He has memb?
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
id insta decline then
yh he has l0l
siege10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
Haven't seen that nigga in ike a month
At least
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
zewy doesnt thegn any1
siege10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
Ya prob more than a month
LSD10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
Arbor works sundays now
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
until i tell him to
LSD10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
I asked him last week
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
than ur life is shit
siege10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
He thegn anyway he doesn't count
And l0l
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:51 AM
but hes thegn yh
id legit rather kill myself than work a sunday
LSD10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
I’m workin today
But only cause I took Monday off
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
i mean ur subhuman
oh ok
LSD10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
makes sense
LSD10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
Rodent ?
Speak to me that way ?
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
LSD10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
Shall we dox
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
would wanna be a like hamster
in my next life
legit 0 worries
siege10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
just eat some nuts and shit
siege10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
Bro I had a hamster that killed himself
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:52 AM
and shit on myself when im sleeping
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
Ran into one of my huge speakers while I was blaring music
And imploded
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
death by music
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
A big ass stage speaker
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
good way 2 go
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
Ya bro he got fucked
LSD10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
Where is
Lizard bounce gif
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
his eardrums blew out?
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
Na he literally blew up
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
Guts everywhere
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
btw siege
1more thing
siege10-Oct-20 08:53 AM
Ya I mean like a big ass stage speaker bro
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
patrick, follows the same course i follow but at some shitty german institue
and hes doing a bachelor instead of a master\
siege10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
Ur his superior then ?
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
and he says he doesnt have time to play cus of school
hes legit 80 iq then
siege10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
thats a fact l0l
meshh10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
He said he does food engineering or sthn
when i asked
siege10-Oct-20 08:54 AM
Ya man idk
LSD10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
For real tho why even go to college
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
he said he followed a business studie kind of education
when i ask him but its w/e
siege10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
I have to go and live in the woods or in a truck for months on end sometimes
LSD10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
Can’t imagine some1 wants a degree
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
point is hes retarded
i legit go to school
siege10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
And I can still usually play runescape lmfao
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
so i dont have to work yet
meshh10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
i mean tbf patrick looted fights
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
yh hes useless
cus hes german
siege10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
He a proper noob ngl
meshh10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
nice kid
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
theyr all subhuman
meshh10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
i swear we saw his alt
at fights
siege10-Oct-20 08:55 AM
All the good German blood died in ww2
Change my mind
meshh10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
after a trip he was like '' mike wanna come pk with sos''?
L0L thats facs siege
meshh10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
u mean the jew exterminators got eradicated and now were left with patrick?
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
i joined that ts once, never again
siege10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
Ya just the subhumans leftover
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
siege10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
The ones who werent fit for combat
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
0 stamina ones
siege10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
Their blood lines
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
siege10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
All thats left in Germany
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:56 AM
if germany had the winners bloodline rn
theyd be strong in osrs
siege10-Oct-20 08:57 AM
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:57 AM
thats why the us
generally dominate osrs
together with dutchland
were winnere
siege10-Oct-20 08:57 AM
US, Dutch, then prob UK
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:57 AM
one thing tho
how the fuck
do we pull more for a tuesday cwa
than a sunday war vs a rival
it legit boggles my mind
US, Dutch, then prob UK
@siege yh facs
siege10-Oct-20 08:58 AM
Too many pures who wanna focus on their shit pure clan instead
But it is what it is, I was one of them before lol
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:58 AM
ye zewy gotta put some priority to that
pure clans are unsavable wrecks anyway
siege10-Oct-20 08:58 AM
They'll realize pures suck dick
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 08:58 AM
i wonder if veng would camp pure clans id increase our ml
siege10-Oct-20 08:59 AM
P much have to just selectively recruit at this point
With the desperate state our rival alliance is in atm
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 09:02 AM
akrr10-Oct-20 09:23 AM
patrick is inactive
he said it as well
that he does not have time to play
Too many pures who wanna focus on their shit pure clan instead
to many members who want to focus their main shit instead
come here zoggy10-Oct-20 09:24 AM
read what i said akrr
akrr10-Oct-20 09:25 AM
pures in this clan attend more than guys who main clan here
ye i just said whats the case with patrick
Money Trip10-Oct-20 09:25 AM
He’s busy with his bierpongturnieren
siege10-Oct-20 09:25 AM
Difference is my main clan is killing the same rivals we have, the pure clanners are not
akrr10-Oct-20 09:26 AM
thing is with that that veng is suffering in ML
coz the main clanners are not with veng
siege10-Oct-20 09:26 AM
And I personally just made a zerk so I can multi log in any situation now
Be there for both clans
Can't say the same for everyone who main clans but ye
akrr10-Oct-20 09:26 AM
ye i have no issue with that
but some ppl cant
multi tasking way to hard you know
siege10-Oct-20 09:27 AM
It can be 4 sure
In p2p it is kinda aids
@akrr is dashy still offering services that u konw of?
LSD10-Oct-20 09:31 AM
Difference is my main clan is killing the same rivals we have, the pure clanners are not
@siege > Be there for both clans
@siege > Can't say the same for everyone who main clans but ye
he said they weren't going to prep for it, just go pking and run into us
siege15-Oct-20 07:34 PM
Still sus tho man
Could very easily be baiting for someone
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 07:35 PM
if so i think it wouldn't be by his choice, but ya i could imagine one of them tricking him into asking his friend in veng for a fight
that did cross my mind right away tho
siege15-Oct-20 07:35 PM
Not saying its his choice
Also doesn't matter if it is or not lol
Bottom line is be careful cause them lads are on the fence about whos side they're on
Pillow a good dude but yea
They are devious cunts
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 07:36 PM
worst case we get a fun reason to hit sup whenever we can
siege15-Oct-20 07:36 PM
Sups dead anyways
Gl finding them unless you go f2p
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 07:36 PM
siege15-Oct-20 07:36 PM
But ya na not saying pillow is tryna bait you or anything
Just sus if u look at the politics
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 07:37 PM
ya it crossed my mind pretty early when he pmed me
i think its worth a shot at least
but understand if u guys dont wanna
siege15-Oct-20 07:37 PM
Nah its worth doing either way
If its a bait then we see where sup truly stands
Not rlly gnna get hits out of them cause they are dead like I said, but still would be good to know
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 08:14 PM
lmfao checking ez's site\
and like legit
80% is legit newkids
not build for these sundays
Arty15-Oct-20 08:15 PM
like on the block newkids? nitro newkids? or just new kids?
LSD15-Oct-20 08:16 PM
New to clanning
Arty15-Oct-20 08:16 PM
i know. was just trying to be funny cuz of the dutch movie
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 08:17 PM
@Patron could you add some multi wildy action at like 5:30 EST tomorrow on events
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 08:54 PM
lmfao ty
siege15-Oct-20 09:07 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master
What time does sup wanna fight
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:08 PM
530 - 6
around then
siege15-Oct-20 09:14 PM
Ah alright
Might be able to come to a cheeky veng midweek for once tmrw lmao
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:15 PM
i pity the pures that try 2 pile u
siege15-Oct-20 09:15 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:15 PM
if i play shottix acc
i will have so much fun ddsing pures
siege15-Oct-20 09:15 PM
Ngl man
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:15 PM
but it would be fun being immortal for the first time out on the tank in wild
siege15-Oct-20 09:15 PM
I'd just use the same meta
Not use dds
Heavy melee fucks pures they aren't rlly used to that shit in the wildy
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
ddsing pures with defender on every return is some of the most fun ive had
siege15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
Not saying it isn't fun
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
i can bring elder instead of tent
siege15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
But u will destroy them harder with spear elder
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
but those 4 dds specs are like pure joy
siege15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
You aren't wrong
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
ill bring elder instead of tent
but idk if i can give up the dds
siege15-Oct-20 09:16 PM
Ye gs/elder absolutely murks dumb pures
They all have like 10-20 good members per clan so when u catch them not in cwa u can relly expose their quality lma
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:17 PM
i just love like
seeing a 3 man getting barraged
running up and personally executing two of them with dds
siege15-Oct-20 09:17 PM
Ya its so easy to solo kids
U could literally just tent camp someone and they'd have the worst day imaginable
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:18 PM
dude some of the apex guys gotta be a lil embarrassed
barraged them with pics of them flaming sv lol
siege15-Oct-20 09:18 PM
None of them want this
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:18 PM
siege15-Oct-20 09:19 PM
Notice how only a select few of them talk shit
Most of them probably understand they aren't even anyone's real focus and things are getting bad for them lol
I'm sure they know things could get a lot worse, seems like they're starting to take a step back
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:20 PM
went back looking for a particular apex sb topic
siege15-Oct-20 09:20 PM
Just a select few idiots in there who will continue to flame rev etc
Within a week or two that energy will be gone
I was letting apex kids use some random mains/meds of mine up until they actually started helping rot in game, cheeky embargo
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:20 PM
theres like only 2 that will flame me when i comment on it
siege15-Oct-20 09:20 PM
Bunch of them pm me l0l0
"bro that meds pw changed"
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:21 PM
wonder why
siege15-Oct-20 09:21 PM
Yea more than 1 kid
Was wondering why I stopped letting them use accs
Not a krinjer so not sayin names but yal000000l
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 09:22 PM
its so funny cause like i have always backed up apex
so u know u gotta fuck somethin up
for me to switch to callin u out
siege15-Oct-20 09:23 PM
I mean same bro
Was in their clan for years
But they aren't the same anymore lol
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:23 PM
last sunday
we had atl;east 5 kids constantly on rancher
we legit violated that dude l0l
siege15-Oct-20 09:24 PM
He doesn't give a fk
Find rng's rsn and camp him
He will actually break
It was entertained but he likely using a main of sorts now
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:26 PM
i finally got another master after 2 days of grinding
if i get 4/15 tasks i cant do from sherlock i will legit cut myself
siege15-Oct-20 09:27 PM
Whats ur rsn
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:30 PM
Pile zewy
I can boost most tasks
Ive done most of my masters
siege15-Oct-20 09:30 PM
Ya your acc not too bad
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:30 PM
U go out with af today?
siege15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
In f2p?
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
siege15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
Ya man
I love f2p warring
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
Af/rev seemed like u farmed
Who did u hit
siege15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
Rot barely showed face
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
Yh i saw a couple of pics
siege15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
We mostly just fought rev
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
Oh ok
Didnt crash pure clans?
siege15-Oct-20 09:31 PM
Na not af lad
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Did rev?
siege15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Na pures werent out bro
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Every sunday tho
siege15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Was just a 1v1
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Oh ok
siege15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Even on weekends we only rlly go to kill rot
Don't think the lads rlly care about the pures
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
I legit laughed at that rev vid of constantly rushing them while teleong out from cluster
gotta say
siege15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
And l0l0l ya
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Rev is more like rot in that aspect
siege15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Ik apex and ik they aren't built for this shit
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
siege15-Oct-20 09:32 PM
Af p much just focuses on killing rot
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
I mean they only had like 35 with ez in their cc
siege15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
They don't rlly care about the minions much
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
Yh true
siege15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
There is real dislike for rot
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
I mean rot cant fight rot
siege15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
Most of them just take sv/ts/apex all those noobs as a joke ngl
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
Ye bcus they are aswel
Like legit
siege15-Oct-20 09:33 PM
And na rot don't know how to fight anymore l0l
They all noobs now
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:34 PM
Af would wipe any clan in a 1v1
siege15-Oct-20 09:34 PM
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:34 PM
Wethher on meds or mains
siege15-Oct-20 09:34 PM
Revs the only clan that can actually fight us proper tho
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:34 PM
Yea cus they also pull big on pres
siege15-Oct-20 09:34 PM
We do gotta sit usually when we fight but I think they had nearly same amount today
Like 70 or more
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:35 PM
Ye theyr pretty big
siege15-Oct-20 09:35 PM
Idk tho
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:35 PM
I remember the time when clans all pulled 100-200
No matter what scene
siege15-Oct-20 09:35 PM
Yup lol
Small clans
Would pull like 70
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:35 PM
I was in a shitter lure team in 2007
And we just had 80 retards running around calling in cc
siege15-Oct-20 09:36 PM
Ya I did the same shit back then
Up until like 09 I think
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:36 PM
siege15-Oct-20 09:36 PM
Quit then until osrs came out
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:36 PM
First real clanning for me was with a yter lmfao
In the turmoil era
In bh west drags
We had like. 10-15 as a single team
siege15-Oct-20 09:36 PM
I never played actual rs during turmoil era
Quit before that shit
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:37 PM
U ever watch a vid from a kid named “sorrow”
siege15-Oct-20 09:37 PM
Had my time with it tho in pserver clanning
Maybe idk
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:37 PM
Ahhh ok
He was the reason
I got into med builds
Never really been a main after that
siege15-Oct-20 09:37 PM
Fair play bro
come here zoggy15-Oct-20 09:38 PM
Im off to bed nearly 5 am here
Catch u on the flippy
siege15-Oct-20 09:38 PM
Take care lad
siege15-Oct-20 10:35 PM
@mega 15th level pokemon master
U on a degen sleep schedule still?
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:35 PM
ya went back on it
siege15-Oct-20 10:36 PM
I gotta stay up all night tn u wanna chill on ts ina bit?
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:36 PM
maybe lemme see we had som plans fer gamin tonight
potentially can later in the night to help u keep goin
siege15-Oct-20 10:36 PM
Ya in like 2 hrs min
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:36 PM
gotcha ill let ya know
we might be runnin a civ 5 game
siege15-Oct-20 10:37 PM
Gotta stay up literally till tmrw
Civ 5 was good
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:39 PM
ngl im actually a fiend at that game
im prolly better that that pvp than any other rts and most games tbh
siege15-Oct-20 10:39 PM
I prob have about the same amount of hours into civ 5
Got more in civ 3 tho
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:39 PM
i have always had to go super easy on every1 in our games
siege15-Oct-20 10:39 PM
Bit lame lol
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:40 PM
ya well ever since i ended one game by nuking every single city that any human player owned on one turn
siege15-Oct-20 10:40 PM
I'm kinda over civ personally
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:40 PM
like multiple times over
siege15-Oct-20 10:40 PM
Its a lil too easy for my brain far as strategy games o
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:40 PM
thats fair
i just like that its the one game i can still lose myself for like 10 hours in by accident
oops its tomorow
siege15-Oct-20 10:41 PM
I been like that with hoi4 lately
Eu4 as well idk if u ever played any eu games
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:41 PM
have watched but havent played
siege15-Oct-20 10:41 PM
Same shit as hoi but like 1400s-1800s
Obv different in a lot of ways but similar
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:41 PM
i saw a super sick youtube vid about some guy running one game through the eras of all like 4 of those games that that company made
ck into eu into hoi 4 or whatever
like imported the save file to each game
siege15-Oct-20 10:41 PM
Thats dope lol
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:42 PM
yeah suuuuuuuuper cool concept
siege15-Oct-20 10:42 PM
Hoi gives me like
Enough to keep my mind actually busy
Same with eu
Other strategy games not been hitting the same since I got into those 2 series
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:42 PM
siege15-Oct-20 10:43 PM
But I do still love civ and total war series etc
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:43 PM
since i gotta go easy on ppl it really is nice that i can try and beat them with a different win condition every game
siege15-Oct-20 10:43 PM
Place in my heart type thing but cba with em anymore rlly
I assume you guys have all the dlcs
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:43 PM
none of them have ever beaten the AI with a tourism victory so when i do that to them they're like wat
siege15-Oct-20 10:43 PM
Damn you playing with noobs
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
ya its not even remotely close
siege15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
What difficulty they play on
Against the ai?
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
they play on like prince or king
i play on deity
siege15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
Thats like mid tier isnt it
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
siege15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
Prince etc
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
good thing is tho im good at making it fun even tho its 1 sided
siege15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
Not played that game in a cpl years
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
other ppl arent so good at that
siege15-Oct-20 10:44 PM
I hear you there lmao
U at least let the lads have fun
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:45 PM
like holding back vs kids in sports
when i worked at camp
siege15-Oct-20 10:45 PM
I used to try and do the same in games like that
But can't say I always made it fun lmao
Lot of times I just cba and roll everyone
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:45 PM
i wish i made a video of it the last time i was allowed to just play
literally 100% of the cities on the map got nuked like 3-4 times in one turn
they were straight up
siege15-Oct-20 10:46 PM
Fair play
Another reason I been rlly digging hoi is cause you can't just nuke places or naval invade
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:46 PM
yeahhh thats super nice
siege15-Oct-20 10:46 PM
Need air/naval superiority like you would irl
I'm a big realistic guy in like every game I play other than rs
But yea its satisfying battliing for air supremacy for like a year
Then using jet tactical bombers to nuke north America or something as some piss little minor power lmao
"Crotia has nuked New York City"
@mega 15th level pokemon master
Jamz having a full on break down in sb
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:50 PM
oh god
siege15-Oct-20 10:50 PM
Full fledged
The 19th personality has taken over
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 10:52 PM
what could u be referring to
that perhaps
siege15-Oct-20 10:55 PM
Its the 19th personality precisely
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
its gotten even worse
siege15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
idk if the fuckin phase of the moon is off or wat
siege15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
He is actually losing it
I told u
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
siege15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
Full fledged break down
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
siege15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
Bro hes saying hes gonna leak fi rank chat
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:34 PM
like bro shouldnt u be mad at ur members that accepted money to leave cc in a prep
siege15-Oct-20 11:35 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:35 PM
they polled this mf in KG
and i said no
everyone was like
yeah! vote yes! i wanna see him freak out some day
thats toxic LOL
siege15-Oct-20 11:35 PM
Kid is actually on like 20 different personalities
Its a bit fucked
mega 15th level pokemon master15-Oct-20 11:36 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 01:11 AM
Willzy from NL lmao
was always fun flying in to NL ts to give am an extra opt and seeing zewy
oh... hey
siege16-Oct-20 01:12 AM
I guess brain got motm and just left fi
I did same thing in nl
meshh16-Oct-20 01:13 AM
what happened to jamz
did he fr leave fi?
wasnt eh carryin that clan lmao
siege16-Oct-20 01:13 AM
He had a breakdown
Cempy level breakdown
Happens once every year or 2
meshh16-Oct-20 01:14 AM
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 01:14 AM
meshh16-Oct-20 01:14 AM
so what
is he gone?
siege16-Oct-20 01:14 AM
I mean
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 01:14 AM
from what i gathered
siege16-Oct-20 01:14 AM
If fi keeps him they are dumb lol
So ya I'd say hes gone
Wasnt a fake acc or anything either was actually him
meshh16-Oct-20 01:15 AM
this teh same dude that led outrage and then left n they died right
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 01:15 AM
he said - he ddosed some1 and the admins took his privileges away - he went on crankypants emo 200th personality outburst and declared he hates them all - apparently rage paid his members 100m to leave cc in the prep they lost yesterday (why arent u mad at ur members LMFAO) he threatened to go camp rage with rot on sunday - then he just declared hes gonna sell Fi admin disc for 1.2b
siege16-Oct-20 01:16 AM
He was leader of outrage yeah
meshh16-Oct-20 01:16 AM
idk whats weirder
ur members leaving for cc for 100m
him ddosing
siege16-Oct-20 01:16 AM
All of it
meshh16-Oct-20 01:17 AM
or the breakdown
siege16-Oct-20 01:17 AM
Is just plain sus bro
If we were to try and trace the core root of the issues
We'd be led back into jamz head
All mental problems
meshh16-Oct-20 01:18 AM
sus that clans still take him
when hes such a wildcard
siege16-Oct-20 01:19 AM
Ya man
Just idiots
Leadership in the pure community is p poor overall
They all drool when someone who is capable of leading a clan is available even if hes the most unstable cunt in the community lmfao
U noncing about this morning? @meshh
meshh16-Oct-20 01:21 AM
lmao ye ig whatever slightly competent official they can get is good
and just sending some emails before class
siege16-Oct-20 01:22 AM
Not only are they bad leaders that scene doesn't even have good callers
"This Is What Winning Looks Like" is a disturbing new documentary about the ineptitude, drug abuse, sexual misconduct, and corruption of the Afghan security forces as well as the reduced role of US Marines due to the troop withdrawal. In part one, we see just how chaotic and h...
old asf
now that i realize
but was actually a good watch
siege16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
What is it
NATO troops teaching the ANA how to fight?
meshh16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
them training afghani troops
siege16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
meshh16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
n they just leave
like a month after
siege16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
The worrying thing is man
When we leave
Our presence also leaves
meshh16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
siege16-Oct-20 03:02 AM
When our presence leaves
Our influence leaves
And they all go back to the same shit
meshh16-Oct-20 03:03 AM
thats why the vid is so sad
siege16-Oct-20 03:03 AM
UN sphere of influence doctrine is stupid as fuck
Watch some more current videos on the taliban in Afghanistan
A few months ago they fucked the ANA up p hard over a cpl weeks
meshh16-Oct-20 03:03 AM
he really wants to help but some fo the troops they train leave for Al-Qaeda
link me some
siege16-Oct-20 03:03 AM
meshh16-Oct-20 03:03 AM
all vids r kinda old
that i can find
siege16-Oct-20 03:04 AM
U can't really be looking on yt
I watch actual combat footage usually on diff websites
And bro we full train and arm militia groups to fight against taliban or whoever
As soon as we leave or that enemy is defeated, the militia group we trained is the new enemy
Just a shit cycle ahah
meshh16-Oct-20 03:05 AM
like not sure what the solution is then
siege16-Oct-20 03:05 AM
A change of doctrine first of all
Sphere of influence doesn't work lol
meshh16-Oct-20 03:06 AM
whos even like
president in afghanistan
would think doctrine would start from the political leader
siege16-Oct-20 03:06 AM
Nah man
The problem is actual UN doctrine
Not Afghanistans military doctrine
We just don't change things in the right manner in the middle east
meshh16-Oct-20 03:07 AM
yh its gonna be a money dump for a while
siege16-Oct-20 03:07 AM
Blame the Soviets
They are the ones that fucked that region up initially and its been fucked since
meshh16-Oct-20 03:08 AM
siege16-Oct-20 03:08 AM
meshh16-Oct-20 03:08 AM
thats like the one invasion i know the least of
siege16-Oct-20 03:08 AM
O rlly
meshh16-Oct-20 03:08 AM
like idg why they in the first place invaded afghanistan
siege16-Oct-20 03:08 AM
Communist expansion
meshh16-Oct-20 03:09 AM
fair play
what was the reason they advertised
or did they actually say
lets invade afghanistan for the soviet expansion
siege16-Oct-20 03:09 AM
They were supporting a communist uprising
Quite literally communist expansion lol that's why they invaded
meshh16-Oct-20 03:10 AM
n then they left it with the militia full armed n trained?
siege16-Oct-20 03:10 AM
No they lost a war
meshh16-Oct-20 03:10 AM
siege16-Oct-20 03:10 AM
They failed to defeat the Mujahaideen
meshh16-Oct-20 03:11 AM
isnt that al-quada ?
siege16-Oct-20 03:11 AM
Which are the men who gave the Taliban all their fighting experience
Some of them may be
Some of them are in the ANA
meshh16-Oct-20 03:11 AM
yeh isnt mujahaideen fighter for god or something
like islamic fighter
they took the russians weps?
siege16-Oct-20 03:12 AM
Yea heaps
meshh16-Oct-20 03:12 AM
cuz thats like the only thing i knew about it, that the russians left stuff there
n it just became chaos
siege16-Oct-20 03:12 AM
A lot of the old BMP 1s
T-55 tanks
That various insurgent groups in the middle east have used in the past 30 years came from the Soviets lol
All obsolete junk though, literal coffins
meshh16-Oct-20 03:13 AM
why'd they leave it though lmao
by force or just too costly to bring back?
siege16-Oct-20 03:13 AM
Prob a mixture of quite a few things
In some cases machines were prob broke down and they didn't have the time to repair them so they were left
You are supposed to destroy left behind equipment but the Soviets/Russians been known for piss poor morale and corrupt ass armies lol
meshh16-Oct-20 03:16 AM
yh that fucked a whole country for decades lol
siege16-Oct-20 03:17 AM
A whole region
Destabilized the rest of the middle east too, for the most part
ᛅ Trae16-Oct-20 08:18 AM
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
@everyone can someone give me a list of people who havent voted on sunday? Ill start dming again
akrr16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
just dm everyone
as remidner
and tell them this is reminder about sunday
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
Zewy himself hasnt even voted
akrr16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
thats happens all the time
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
Pfft akrr i cba pming 50 ppl
akrr16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
man flames everyone
takes 2mins
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 01:52 PM
Ye exactly
Not even
Takes a fking second lmfao
Wdym dming 50 ppl?
akrr16-Oct-20 01:53 PM
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 01:54 PM
We might aswe start thegning all the inactive senior members
Its legit always the same ppl
Money Trip16-Oct-20 02:02 PM
Voted yes for today but I’ll be like 30 min late
Arty16-Oct-20 05:49 PM
you guys fought rage in cwa just now? or?
0 3 6 516-Oct-20 05:59 PM
LSD16-Oct-20 06:01 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 06:44 PM
@Dictator Zewy fk me i have to miss sunday
i get to go help somebody move houses
0 3 6 516-Oct-20 06:45 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 06:52 PM
@here just got a friend request from Xan
is he not in disc anymore
LSD16-Oct-20 06:53 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 06:53 PM
thought he was havin fun wonder wat happen
siege16-Oct-20 06:53 PM
Got into it with zewy or smthin
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 06:54 PM
siege16-Oct-20 06:54 PM
LSD16-Oct-20 07:00 PM
u wanna hear what happened?
@mega 15th level pokemon master
go mentor chat
0 3 6 516-Oct-20 07:32 PM
rip lol
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:48 PM
corrupted gaunlet is pretty cancert
but learning is steady
whats ur average time there @LSD
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 07:52 PM
i dont have mentor chat :S
0 3 6 516-Oct-20 07:52 PM
no in ts
LSD16-Oct-20 07:54 PM
like 10 mins or so
@ᛅ Spoontech
i can stream for u
if u like
i cant woox walk it
i be too high for that shit ngl
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:54 PM
done like 5 kc now
Feel confident on the 7.5 min prep though
LSD16-Oct-20 07:55 PM
i have like
150 on the med
main r ez mode
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:55 PM
Although i dont really like the hybridding
with melee
LSD16-Oct-20 07:55 PM
u can
get a magic stick
when u range the boss 5 x
switch to stick for 6th hit
forces the prayer change to be mage again
or w/e
but thats like
advanced tactic
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:55 PM
but i mean more like
prefer range/mage
over melee
LSD16-Oct-20 07:55 PM
ye but bro
hally fucks it up
u just gotta get used to it
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:56 PM
ya l0l
but nados also fuck up
LSD16-Oct-20 07:56 PM
if i get into the boss room with full food
i have almost a 100% rate
w/ hally
only time i plank is when i look somewhere else
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:56 PM
I have died like 5 100% wins
The tornados hit me
Even though i run through em
LSD16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
so like
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
And get stacked 70hp
LSD16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
u need to be
within 2 squares
of the tornado
or 3
its like the tornados at tob
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
yh but i mean i cross them
like run through
LSD16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
do they catch u
after u go thru
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
go after
Like when im at one side of the room
LSD16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
u dont go far enuff
or like i said
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
and run diagonally while clicking other side
LSD16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
u need to be closer to them
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:57 PM
I had a couple nado smacks
LSD16-Oct-20 07:58 PM
to run thru em
like if u just passively run through and dont click when ur closer
u take damage
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:58 PM
but the last couple tornados
LSD16-Oct-20 07:58 PM
does that make sense
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:58 PM
are so cancer
LSD16-Oct-20 07:58 PM
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:58 PM
nah i know how the walking works yeh
like when to move n shit
basically same shit as vorkath
but damn corrupted is no chill
by pb 10:59 so far
LSD16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
mines like
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
LSD16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
u wanna feel bad
the world record time
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
ngl i just want some pet rng
LSD16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
is like 4 min
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
LSD16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
check the board
im not even lying
ᛅ Spoontech16-Oct-20 07:59 PM
This nigga prepping 1 pot 5 food and 2 tier 1 weapons?
This is the official Hardstyle video of 'The First Dose (Album Preview #1)' by Rebelion, released on Scantraxx.
Want to check out more Hardstyle? Check out the 'Best Of Hardstyle' playlist on our Youtube Channel:
10* days ago I started a tank alt. Two or three of those days I didn't even log in, so here is the progress of about seven days worth of effort.
With th...
5 months and 1 day ago
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 08:32 PM
that rc tho
mega 15th level pokemon master16-Oct-20 08:36 PM
i got like 100k xp from fossil island lamps banked
so that will get like ~50
ive done 77 rc 2x now at lavas so i can get it np
still not decided if im gonna bother or not lol
maybe with that new essence
come here zoggy16-Oct-20 08:55 PM
Arty16-Oct-20 11:29 PM
That account is sick!
Im jealous
siege17-Oct-20 04:19 PM
Yo is ez still open
0 3 6 517-Oct-20 04:19 PM
sadly yes
siege17-Oct-20 04:19 PM
Wtdf do they do now other than slave
akrr17-Oct-20 04:19 PM
siege17-Oct-20 04:19 PM
Seems like sv/rot not helpin them much now lmao
Havent seen thm do fk all in weeks
akrr17-Oct-20 04:19 PM
if they go out alone
0 3 6 517-Oct-20 04:20 PM
run from us at alter
akrr17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
we saw them in singles/altar
smoked them hard
siege17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
Ya I seen
They got smoked at altar all week
akrr17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
one guy dropped jsut on double claw
mega 15th level pokemon master17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
its just the clusters
akrr17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
mega 15th level pokemon master17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
thats all they rlly get i think
siege17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
No way man got double clawed out
U hate to see that stuff
mega 15th level pokemon master17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
apparently they had a pkri vs rot
idk i remember them posting why arent you crashing us in sharkbrew
siege17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
akrr17-Oct-20 04:20 PM
that was
sv vs rot
mega 15th level pokemon master17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
siege17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
Neither of those clans even know how tofite l0l
Just staff barrage lads f kit
Stay in game
mega 15th level pokemon master17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
ya they dont do anything
akrr17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
and they spammed : we thought it was crash war
mega 15th level pokemon master17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
we have more pkris every two weeks than they have had since opening
siege17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
Ya I remember that
They had like a 30v30 l0l
akrr17-Oct-20 04:21 PM
ye they showed some 2x2 square singlespell fight
i wish oneday
to randomly find this 50man 2x2 square fight
and delete it
with chins and barrage
siege17-Oct-20 04:22 PM
We have done it before
To their single spell fights tehy don't do it often at all tho
Maybe cancel sundays if people cant be bothered to show up
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 08:38 AM
bro we lost yes votes wtf
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 08:38 AM
Yea we lost 7
I cba
With most of the people in this clan
Actually useless
People cant even be bothered to show up
Its actually embarrassing we cant pull 30 on sundays with 50 members
Dictator Zewy18-Oct-20 09:23 AM
If it's not better by in 2 hours I'll cancel and ya. I'm making more changes today cause it is pathetic
21 out ofb50? Fucking joke
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 09:24 AM
How many you think are going for pure Sunday instead
Bjuj18-Oct-20 09:24 AM
i mean, most of your no's are either legends, guys in this chat or thegns
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:24 AM
Not true at all
We have 49 ranks in longhall
And only 40 votes
Thats makes it worse patron
Money Trip18-Oct-20 09:25 AM
Bruh I saw like 26 yes 2 days ago
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:25 AM
Cus it means most ranks arent even voting
People are just incredibly lazy
Bjuj18-Oct-20 09:25 AM
me, you, will, broke arrow, Shadow, arbor
Dictator Zewy18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
@come here zoggy you want to find out who didn't vote?
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
Shadow, broke, will, me arent thegns
Bjuj18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
re read my comment
"in this chat"
or thegns/legends
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
I voted ues
Bjuj18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
your down as no bro
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
Ye hust changed
Bjuj18-Oct-20 09:26 AM
top of the list on no
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:27 AM
Ye just changed, cus with 20 we arent going out on a sunday
@Dictator Zewy please
Btw you also didnt vote lmfao
@Patron it doesnt change the fact
That 9 people still havent voted
Even tho they have a rank in this clan
Bjuj18-Oct-20 09:29 AM
i take it you meant me
but yeah bro, shits wack
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:29 AM
I shudnt have to pm 15 people every week to vote on a events in discord which takes a literal 5 seconds
Not even prolly 2 seconds
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 09:29 AM
Ghetto doesn’t even show up for anything or say anything anymore and he even voted
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 09:29 AM
Hes thegned
So he cant see events anymore starting this week
But yh ur right
Even he voted
Arty18-Oct-20 09:45 AM
Lsd dident vote either
Dictator Zewy18-Oct-20 09:54 AM
LSD18-Oct-20 10:07 AM
Thought I moved my vote to no mb
Arty18-Oct-20 10:07 AM
lsd, german fri, sybren, young city bandit, shooked, Aesir, dashy, graphic( out for work), grime, pdz, twin, trea
are the ppl who didn't vote. ill message them 1 by 1 (edited)
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:08 AM
Only do active ranks arty
We might aswel thegn grime
And decline aesir
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:09 AM
and pdz
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:09 AM
Legit either doesnt show up or is inactive af
Yh pdz aswel
And bicep
Arty18-Oct-20 10:09 AM
thegn grime and pdz, maybe even tank
and bicp
LSD18-Oct-20 10:09 AM
Twin, bicep, pdz, trae all have shit goin on irl
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:09 AM
Thats fine
We theng them then
They come back to active
They get rank back
Not that difficult
Isnt rocket science
Arty18-Oct-20 10:10 AM
bicep pmed me weeka go he won't play anymore due to hes girlffriend. but no changes were given to hes rank
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:10 AM
Like what a cuck lmfao
Due to his girlfriend
Arty18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
first weeks are bang bang time, so dont blame him
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
Doubt it
Arty18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
he might need to catch up for all the lost years
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
Hes german
LSD18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
First 6 months or so of a relationship your focus is the girl
It’ll change, always does lol
Arty18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:11 AM
Hasnt been for me lmfao
Whos with his chick 24/7
akrr18-Oct-20 10:13 AM
off bicep
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:13 AM
akrr18-Oct-20 10:13 AM
bicep found his first ever girl
let the man enjoy
i talk to him after every day or two
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:14 AM
Hes with her 24/7
Wel it isnt gnna last then
Bjuj18-Oct-20 10:15 AM
"you will most likely"
should be "you will"
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:16 AM
Wdym patronn
Btw out of all the nos
Arty18-Oct-20 10:16 AM
first girl even = mandatory 24/7 fuck man
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:16 AM
Whos not here for sunday multi clanning
Due to multi clanning
Arty18-Oct-20 10:16 AM
i lost skin on my dick my first girlfriend
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:16 AM
he's talking about the post
zewy just made
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:16 AM
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:16 AM
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:17 AM
Why are grey and slobs and all those kids not be here this sunday?
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:17 AM
they do pure
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:17 AM
We need a channel to see what reasons people have for not coming on sundays if they pmed either of us
Yea thats not acceptable ngl
Bjuj18-Oct-20 10:17 AM
on that topic @come here zoggy
If you are found to be skipping Vengeance Official events for these teams or any clan you will most likely be removed as a member.
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:18 AM
Ur right patron
Btw if we do go out today, ill be 15-30 mins late
So my no is a half no/ half yes
Arty18-Oct-20 10:19 AM
@come here zoggy you're still no on sunday btw
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:19 AM
we can do some multi shit
Arty18-Oct-20 10:20 AM
just put yes mike, we know about your late arrival
Dictator Zewy18-Oct-20 10:20 AM
Ya, if your gonna be 30mins or less late i'd prefer a yes
hour or more then i'd say no is okay.
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:29 AM
aesir been out of town for funeral
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:32 AM
So once again
LSD18-Oct-20 10:32 AM
Weird how that kid is never online
But I see him dying in pk videos
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:32 AM
Do we know which no’s on this sunday event, are going out with pure clans
Yea same, @LSD i would decline him purely due to activity
Hes always a no every sundsy
LSD18-Oct-20 10:33 AM
Was a problem in his first, second, and now third stint
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:36 AM
Some people just arent build for it
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:45 AM
Is adrolt also going on pure sunday?
LSD18-Oct-20 10:48 AM
He works weekends
Always ya
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:48 AM
LSD18-Oct-20 10:49 AM
He usually gets home like right at the very end of Sunday shit
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:49 AM
yea he usually joins ts and asks how it went
I'm going to give aesir a little bit to start getting active again then we will handle from there
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:55 AM
Who in their right mind works weekends
Its unfathomable
Arty18-Oct-20 10:55 AM
i do
i get 100€ more on a suinday
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:55 AM
lol people who dont have daddy to pay for everything
Arty18-Oct-20 10:55 AM
so yeah i do
Money Trip18-Oct-20 10:56 AM
I work some Saturdays
time and a half op
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:57 AM
Id never work a sunday for a bit more money
Or weekends for that matter
I cant either
Sat/sun are holy
Money Trip18-Oct-20 10:57 AM
U can barely work during the week
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:57 AM
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:57 AM
most of the time if you work weekends you get mid days off right?
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:58 AM
Money Trip18-Oct-20 10:58 AM
Lms = full time job
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:58 AM
Nah once i finish uni
Ill work 30-35 hrs a week
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 10:58 AM
wait your in school?
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 10:58 AM
Last year of my masters
I also get passive money
Due to my dads company giving me the rights to sell their refrigerant gass leftovers each year
But can someone give me the names of pure multiclanners in veng?
Ill pm them if need be
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 11:04 AM
ᛅ Trae18-Oct-20 11:07 AM
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 11:13 AM
also just a heads up wont be on at all tomorrow or Wednesday
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 11:18 AM
What pure clan is he in anyway
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 11:20 AM
kg i think
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 11:21 AM
Are they even a clan??
meshh18-Oct-20 11:22 AM
hes in rev though
isnt he
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 11:22 AM
i think
meshh18-Oct-20 11:22 AM
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 11:23 AM
Since when
Isnt he a whale lil
Arty18-Oct-20 11:23 AM
he revenant
Dictator Zewy18-Oct-20 11:46 AM
Adrolt isn't leaving btw @here
Arty18-Oct-20 11:46 AM
lill lying bitch
Dictator Zewy18-Oct-20 11:48 AM
He's rev. But I've told him before he is probably only one that multiclans properly. He works with me a fuckton behind the scenes. Comes to veng events 90% of the time over anyone else
Tells me when he doesn't and is more active in our ts then 85% our members. He's gucci and good member
If that changes we will revisit it
But he is probably only one that is safe
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 12:08 PM
Ait ait
Wb lad
ᛅ Trae18-Oct-20 12:34 PM
zewy u implemented no more multi clanning?
@Dictator Zewy ?
0 3 6 518-Oct-20 12:35 PM
ᛅ Trae18-Oct-20 12:37 PM
Awww yes
come here zoggy18-Oct-20 12:50 PM
Hahaha trae
Why u so happy about that
ᛅ Trae18-Oct-20 12:57 PM
Idk pretty fucked up atm
mega 15th level pokemon master18-Oct-20 01:19 PM
Ffs dude there is legit zero reason for me to be helping this bitch
I thought it was like helping some older lady by myself
She got like 4 other ppl helping
Tf u need me for
Fuckin stupid
Her son and her husband not here to help why tf am i
siege18-Oct-20 01:20 PM
Easy fix
Patron18-Oct-20 01:24 PM
I’m picturing that video where that dude runs around slapping everyone in his backyard