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PvP Joey

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2

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PvP Joey

Saw it on Premiere night last night, wanted to know other peoples opinions of they saw it. I thought it was really good with a predictable ending though.


R.I.P Harry Potter Series.

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I grew up with this. I went to the movies with my Pot Head cousin for the 2nd one not even knowing what it was lol. Ive read most of the books multiple times, and I for one am saddend that there will be no more :| ...I watched it from the little booth with the projector. Was an amazing movie graphic wise. But they always find some way to fuck up the story lines. (Part 4 was the worst for that lol)




Rip Harry...



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Going to see it tonight, cant wait.

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Watched it about 6 hours ago was amazing.




Ending is cheezy though i must admit.

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harry potter is gay

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Gonna watch it later, need to watch part 1 aswell :blush:

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As a movie it was decent, but they completely twisted aroudn the storyline adding in different things to make it more cinematic. I think that if they had been a lot more faithful to the book it would have been much better. For as much action as there was supposed to be in this...I wasn't impressed in that aspect at all. There were way too many moments trying to build emotion off of nothing and it fell flat in those as well. I personally would have done A LOT different.

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N Y Heart
  On 7/15/2011 at 5:02 PM, Arjun said:

Watched it about 6 hours ago was amazing.




Ending is cheezy though i must admit.

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The Man

I went last night aswell and was focused more on the chicks dressed in harry potter uniforms(skirts). As for the movie I really enjoyed it and I always loved all the other movies.

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Can't stand Harry Potter. Tried reading the first book and I got bored after page 14.

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harry pooter fagget nerd

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I've read all the books a couple of times.. And I've always found the movies disappointing but I still go to see them, just for the sake of it. I haven't seen this one yet, i'm going to soon though.

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