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Sunday: RoT vs IF (ft. bullhouse cc)

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Reign of Terror vs Infliction

IF reached out to us yesterday asking for a fight. We gladly accepted, knowing the clan world has been slowing down, and hoped to wake up anti-RoT. Our plan worked. Anti-RoT gathered 7 clans (VR, Vit, TK, DK, Moi World, Lithuanians, and Fins). This didn't matter because the fight never stopped, and their presence was irrelevant.

Reign of Terror Starting: 53
Infliction Starting: 55


After getting ready, we clashed in w481 west of the GDZ area, where we went back and forth, catching good clumps and spamming on top. After around 15 minutes of non-stop fighting, the anti-RoT CC that gathered to crash this fight, "Bullhouse," showed up in hopes of stopping the fight. Obviously, it was never going to end well for them. Despite having 7 clans there (VR pulled 5; I don't know if you can call that a clan), they didn't stand a chance. We chased them one or two times, and it was over in minutes. After they ran and logged, we came back to fight with IF. At this point, Vitality realized how bad of an event this was and decided to leave the "crash session" to go and PK/do their thing.


I'm not going to lie; this was probably one of the cleanest fights in the past decade. A lot of people always
look forward to having a good contested fight, as they have been few recently. You'd expect the whole anti-RoT alliance to fill up a CC, but they could barely go past 70 this day.

Anyways, after around 1 hour and 30 minutes of fighting, IF asked us to end, so we did after beating up what was left of anti-RoT. Thanks for the fight, IF. Looking forward to the next one

Reign of Terror Ending: 70



Edited by Edson

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7 clans stopped returning  :_P

Edited by Ryzho

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where was anti rot

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