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  1. Joining RoT

    1. Joining RoT   (18,055 visits to this link)

      126 Combat. 2000 Total. Completed Med Level Account. Various other Experience, Skill, Activity and Gear requirements

      Invite Only.

    2. Don't have an Invite?   (8,565 visits to this link)

      Spying for RoT is basically the only way to get a chance without an Invite.

      Join our Discord and message an Official.

      rot_rob or a1v1

  2. Reign of Terror

    1. Discord   (16,354 visits to this link)

      Click to receive your Invite and join.

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    3. YouTube   (15,565 visits to this link)

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    1. General Chat

      Discuss anything regarding RS.

      • 8,383 topics
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    2. Wilderness

      Victimizing Anti-RoT on a daily basis.

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      • 213,347 posts
  4. Reign of Terror Museum

    1. Hall of Fame

      All that was great.

      • 42 topics
      • 909 posts
    2. Clans Exposed

      Graveyard of all those who opposed.

      • 148 topics
      • 15,958 posts
    3. Old Fights

      Fights from the past

      • 320 topics
      • 18,707 posts
    4. Reign of Terror History   (15,804 visits to this link)

      Complete written history of the Reign of Terror.

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    14.1K Total Members
    Newest Member Rusty