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  1. Today
  2. Pure Gamer

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    cant stop winning
  3. Yesterday
  4. cookson

    Cya VR

    It took him 20 years but he finally did it! Ruon3bs finally closed VR.....
  5. Phaeo

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    turkey avalanche
  6. Walnuts

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    ownage lol
  7. Twade

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    what were they thinkin lol
  8. Molly

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    omfg l00000l
  9. Barbus12

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    antirot is WEAK
  10. Famcloth

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    finland did not win
  11. Sap

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    fucking owned
  12. Finishzuelan

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    Perfected and gwasballed
  13. sunQ

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    thanks for playing
  14. Danker

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    walmart fools cleared
  15. Froob

    Tuesday - blasting budget fools

    vampire nation got the silver bullet
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