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Medieval 2 Total War

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Anyone play?

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I had it but lent it to my mate and never got it back :o

You play it online? I might try get it back and give you some fights :P


Oh I have Rome Total war if you have that?

Edited by Blaedr

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i did have rome total war, im downloading all of the total war's but taking forever no seeds :(

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I only got medieval 2, but if I get some extra money someday Ill buy the Rome one. Let me know when you get the medieval 2 back and we can have a few battles :P I'm not all that good and I typically just go with the same tactic over and over.

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I'm pretty rusty, haven't played it in ages :P

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whats it like?

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whats it like?


Its a game where you can play a campaign where you build up castles or cities and then also can fight the battles in real time on a map. There are tons of different units from infantry to cavalry and even elephants.

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In-Game screenshots.






Scotland VS England











Pretty fucking decent for being a couple years old. Battles are fought in real time, as the years progress (like 1090-1500 or some shit) you go from peasant armies and using militia with no armor to leather armor, to later Knights in chainmail, to finally as the time goes on knights in full platemail armor and professional soldiers.


Things like militia\peasants\mercenaries with shit armor are cheap, but they break and run at the first sign of being outnumbered, cavalry charges easily break their lines, and once they retreat its hard to get them to stop.


To increase trade and raise better troops and navies you build stuff in your cities, which in turn increases technology. bigger walls for defence around important cities, ports and markets on coastal cities since they will do a lot of trading, farms and churches in rural cities to keep the farmers happy.



If you play a Christian nation you can get called on crusades to conquer Jerusalem\egypt\the Moors.


Later on the mongols appear out of no where off the map and usually wreck your shit, they use elephants that destroy your morale, rocket launchers and cavalry archers to ruin your organization, nightmare to deal with.


Pretty fun in single player, haven't played much multi player.

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I play number one which is decent, i'll defiantly look on getting number2 because it looks so much more awesome.

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H Marvin

Is that the massive war game that makes my comp crash every 5 seconds?:#


It always looked cool but my comp sucks to much :c

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