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Cod4 reload glitch

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Most of you who play problaly know this but incase you dont.


Ok reloading without slight of hand can cause you to lose kills, get killed and whatnot. So instead of wasting a perk you can glitch it. When you reload normally depending on what gun you have it takes a while as you have to change mag and the cock it. So when your guy is just about to load the mag into the gun tap (Y) twice this means the gun is switched to pistol and back to primary fast, but your gun is now reloaded. This works for all wepons apart from the lmg guns which are shit in anyways

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common sense bro, common sense

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The  Jod0

Bro on a 54 man server on Shipment an LMG rips it up LOL!

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Holy Elf 20

Lol yea im not for all that spray shit anyways im a sniper and silenced mp5 whore

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Lol yea im not for all that spray shit anyways im a sniperm16/ak47 and silenced mp5 whore



nice ill use this :$


and Dan, 54 people on shipment is stupid.

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knew it but yea mp5 rapes doing that lol

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Bro on a 54 man server on Shipment an LMG rips it up LOL!


54 man serever wtf? xbox...?

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vry clevr gud hax.

Are you gay?

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