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il ftw i

Il-Ftw-I's Intro

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its only cuz oldtimers irl friend marty i shot u2 or whatever and that i lured him while i was in valhalla

I dont wanna hear this shit about scamming when u can ask every person ive actually fucking MET, not like any of these no-namers flaming me, if i ever scammed, the answer im assuring you is no.


so fuck off faggots who are flaming me. thank-you people who actually have constructive critisicm


Oldtimer, try reading jordan's stickied topic from yesterday. Have a nice day.


Who are you?


Don't come on these boards trying to join our clan and then flame people and call them no namers.

You're the biggest no namer i could possibly know because i've never even fucking heard of you.


Welcome to the Reign of Rejects.

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il ftw i

bout to just call it a day and leave but i actually have met some people who are in this clan who have not had their lives taken over by runescape.

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Lol @ luring marty, too bad me and him were the ones who got kicked from pixel banditas and then Team haste... you suck dick and you lured marty for a ahrims top after we meet you, gratz? Nice post Vivid (H)

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bout to just call it a day and leave but i actually have met some people who are in this clan who have not had their lives taken over by runescape.

LOL u say we have no lives in rs u tried to quit and u came back?!!?!?! and we have had our lives taken over by rs nice one bud lol... and idc about a set of ahrims???? its cuz u cant fucking pk!!!!! u lose a set of rune and just leave the trip and cry?? ur such a pixel hungry kid who cant pk next time u quit just quit and dont come back

Edited by adman98

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P 0 Ke M E N gwas.

Seems like you have your head way up in your ass.

but anywayss.


GL man.

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il ftw i

funny how i havent said anything to start this but look what the canadians have done ( oldtimer is the only 1 im talking about)

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funny how i havent said anything to start this but look what the canadians have done ( oldtimer is the only 1 im talking about)


Nice one faggot, isn't it past your bed time?

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and u start it when u are a dick and the biggest douche in ur previous clans

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il ftw i


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nice attitude. gl on getting in :lol:

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il ftw i

at this point, half the people who have posted on my intro are faggots

show me some respect ill show u some

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at this point, half the people who have posted on my intro are faggots

show me some respect ill show u some

No you dont quite understand how this works,Allow me to explain

When youre in a clan and someone who has scammed people inside youre clan tried to join you do everything in youre power to make sure they do not get in. INSULTING CLAN MEMBERS IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO GET IN

We dont show you respect for us to gain youres, its the other way around you show us respect and we might grant you the rights to join us.

That is the basis of the clan, Telling members to Suck you dick is not an amazing good way to get on our good side.

As far as i can tell you're prolly not going to get in and even if you do after you into guest (like me) they put up a poll asking the members if they want you in,Youre going to have to go through another whole process now that you have pissed of some of the people who have some influence over the clan youre going to be fucked when that time comes around so in my honest oppinion you need to stop waisting youre time and ours with the application...Its probobly not going to happen.

Edited by Mage

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stfu intros shouldnt be posting on other intro anyway stop flaming him :S

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il ftw i

Thank-you, from somebody who is not canadian.

I have never met or done anything to these people.

Durrette actually can flame me becuz i treated him poorly after he left valhalla

The clan went down hill so i kinda blamed it on him becuz he kept it together and was a good app. manager

Anyways, these people can say what they want about me, i dont know wat a pixel bandita is or any of the stuff oldtimer said, ive never even seen him on rs or ever talked to him on ts.

I guess i wasted 2 hours of my time to make an INTRODUCTION by which i would get flamed by people ive never even met.


Well whatever i thought yesterday was fun, looked at my intro l8er and saw this random flaming. You guys can keep flaming this, it's not going to change anything. Ive never scammed or lured into wild or anything like that. Ive never even done anything bad on this game really, i only have 1.5 blk marks

Well its time to stop writing paragraphs to a clan that doesnt even like me and has their intro'd guests flame me all day.

Hope this topic can get cleaner by some people who have actually seen me in the game, saber, pbmark etc.. cuz every1 else in this clan, i have NEVER SEEN except h0z who used to be an old friend



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