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Today, Reign of Terror set out on a Non-Mandatory PK to hit Ancient Fury, who was out with about 90 options. Right before we were about to end, we heard Team Brutality were massing for us. As their mass went on they struggled to break 50 people, I didn't make the trip mandatory yet as I wasn't sure Brutality were going to come as they thought we had a lot of options however we heard they hopped to our world and at that point, with 45 options, I made the trip mandatory.



RoT Starting: 45

Brutality Starting: 165




Within 5 minutes of making the trip mandatory, 1 by 1 RoT members logged into PvP and ran to single strip to mass. We heard Brutality were walking down, and at this point we rushed them with about 165~ options. However, due to a lack of communication shortly after rushing Brutality, DI rushed us from behind. I got into contact with Tomisme, and he said it was a mistake and we would be left alone. From here both Brutality and Reign of Terror remassed, Brutality went to a weird area and we followed.


RoT Starting: 180

Brutality Starting: 210~ (71 on Ventrilo)


I'll be totally honest here, I didn't know what to expect. We had just about 68 on Teamspeak and it seemed to be jumping around, however right as we rushed Brutality I heard "Member Joined" echo twice, and from then it just expanded. The fight itself was one-sided to say the least, Brutality found themselves over run every time they tried to push us off the hill, while Brutality dropped on Ventrilo we kept gaining. In the last 5 minutes there were few Brutality on the battlefield, VR Member and Brutality Official, U G0 To Fazt pmed me that Team Brutality had ended. They last only 25 minutes.


The fight itself wasn't good, we showed that last week was a off-day, it's just a shame that you guys got so cocky. So I'll leave you with a few pictures and quotes.


Get a clue you ******* moron, your clan sucks.
is rot a good clan? no, and it never was and never will be
ROT slumping






RoT Ending: 276 (On World 27, 260~ on the fight world)

Brutality Ending: 0






Thank-you to DI for ACing. And for Team Brutality, let this be a clear message of what is to come.

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Good fucking fight you rejects


11 kills 0 deaht.

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Sir player 5

3 kills 1 death

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lol i was there... like 2 kills 1 death lol

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2 kills 1 death, Brutality suck.

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Came at end, 3 Kills - 0 Deaths.

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BRUT SUCK COCK didnt know yall idiots were fighting them otherwise i wud have crashed it but got on just as it ended

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too easy wanted a better fight

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Lord Ximar

Fucking destroyed, RDK are better than these rejects.

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4 kills 3 deaths, Didnt get to loot\screeny any :(@

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Jerem Ias

Was good.

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