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Reign of Terror vs Brutality + RDK

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Today we heard Brutality and Damage Inc were fighting, knowing a couple clans would be trying to crash I set up a 1 day prep AC trip for the fight. The fight came, and well there wasn't much to AC as Brutality ended after 10 minutes (for a fight that as their leader said was the "Biggest fight in our history"), the next hour would consist of RoT walking around killing randomers until RDK was finished with a CJ's fight, from then Brutality members would 1 item RoT for no reason, while we kept waiting for RDK. When they were done they began massing and we waited...again. I PMed RDK officials and told them we'd be at Members gate, but they refused to come. We waited for like 20 more minutes and knowing RDK wouldn't come up, we rushed them while they were standing around at Hills east of Clan wars. Just as we rushed, Brutality rushed from the south making the fight from the start a 2v1.


RoT Starting: 231

RDK Starting: 300~ (102 on Ventrilo)

Brutality Starting: 150~ (52 on Ventrilo) All in Welfare/1 item.




The fight began tough for us being outnumbered by so much, but as soon as we got into a fight our numbers on teamspeak raised. The fighting continued and after a strong regroup, there was no looking back. RDK/Brutality would drop 1 by 1 as our Teamspeak numbers hit in excess of 90, while RDK/Brutality's would lower. At this moment we begin to falter. Our calling on Teamspeak dropped and we were spread, and out of nowhere one of our finest leaders joined Teamspeak after being away for 5 days. At this point, we knew RDK/Brutality had no chance. The fight continued on with RoT dominating. In the last 30 minutes RoT members would return in Barrows, Armadyl, Bandos, as nobody was dying. Shortly after RDK called off Returning after about 2 hours of fighting. However, before we thought the night was done for, Brutality rushed us in 1 item. We quickly cleared them out and took ending and called it a night.



RoT Ending: 270~ (91 on Teamspeak)

RDK Ending: 0

Brutality Ending: 0





Thank-you to the clan and team who decided to fight us today. Don't blame us for losing a fight you've waited 2 years for Brutality.




Shout out to Divine Forces for ACing, the favour will be returned as always.

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vids rendering now

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L Ea R M An

was a good fight, god about 10 kills and 3 deaths.


vidded it all so Ill take pics from vid.

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hate fighting around clan wars to bad rdk are such fucking pussies that they wont fight above 30 wild even though they had 100 people


0 kills 7 assists around 15 deaths

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R.I.P Brut

Gf Rdk

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went from 100 ep to 0 then back to 50 and back to 0, made some decent loot.

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Bl1nd Snp3r

10+ kills, 3 deaths


Maged almost the entire fight and still made a profit lol





Edited by Bl1nd Snp3r

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first rot fight and was fun


maged the whole time and 20-30 kills, 3 deaths mostly off barrage piles

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Violent Danz









next time we fight them, make sure its higher wildy they all ring of life

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Brut out 1 iteming with shitty ops. EPIC

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Died like 10 times as I rushed in their pile sniping their mages and made about 5m in kills.

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