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[Weekday] RoT vs DI

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Well we went out PKing early this afternoon and ran into like Infliction, soon after we heard DI were massing for us. I wasn't sure how it would turn out as we had no prep for the fight while DI probably had some sort of prep, however everyone was pumped to defend #1, we quickly re-massed and hopped to World 124 where DI awaited us.


Reign of Terror Starting: 165

Damage Incorporated Starting: 180~




The fight began at new gate with RoT slowly pushing through but with Di still in the game. Within 30 minutes DI ran to GDS in their first regroup, as RoT members began coming in the masses to TS our lead only expanded. In the last 20 minutes victory was certain, and after 75 minutes of fighting DI called off returning.


Reign of Terror Ending: 231 (84 on Teamspeak)

Damage Incorporated Ending: 0






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7 kills 5 deaths, they got destroyed.


#1 baby

Edited by Big B

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Meh gf lol, 8~ deaths like 6 kills.




Edited by Mainmill

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18 kills 7deaths maged 90% P:

Edited by Saam007

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Mk Paul

Goodjob guys, I came pretty late. Was watching TV and came up for a piss, checked the laptop and saw like 50 pms highlighting me lmfao.


Personally 3 deaths and 0 kills.

Edited by Mk Paul

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They got demolished and demoralized for the third time in a row, i profitted good job guys.

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fuck! just got home sad i missed it lol

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Yo Im Joel

90 minutes, now 75.

Hope they actually return in 2 weeks.

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Dominated was happy to see our ~ 60 people against their 70 at the start and how we still managed to rip them apart, DI showed some really good effort at some points with their spams but they couldn't maintain it, we never lost control. Great Job today boys, looking forward to more of this rivalry.

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King Millsy

Holy shit it was free loot lol

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like 5kills and 10deaths. was maging most of the time

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