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Reign of Terror's Sunday Out

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Well earlier today we massed up, during the mass we heard DI had canceled their weekly Sunday PK for unknown reasons, so we went out not knowing what we'd encounter. On our first world we encountered Infliction who was at Lava gap


Reign of Terror Starting: 264

Infliction Starting: 150~




We rushed them south of lava gap and with efficient mages few escaped. After they were cleared Welfarers rushed from the south, within minutes they were cleared (they had like 70 people or something), as they were cleared we were getting back together to go hit TBC (their PK trip had just began) Infliction came running in, but just like before they were easily cleared.




Reign of Terror Ending: 270~

Infliction Ending: 0

Welfarers Ending: 0




At this point we got word that Brutality was at moss giants, we hopped and set up at Spider hill waiting to intercept them, shortly after they came walking right into us.


Reign of Terror Starting: 270

Brutality Starting: 165


They began to fight back but within a matter of a minute they ran to moss giants, apparently they had a planned fight with Flames of Fury, as there was obviously no fight in progress and FoF was on another world. After a few minutes Brutality logged out in single




Reign of Terror Ending: 282

Brutality Ending: 0 (Logged out)




We walked around a few worlds to find out that The British Crusaders and Infliction were teaming up to hit us, we quickly banked and walked up.


Reign of Terror Starting: 285~ (Sent a couple scouts north)

Infliction + The British Crusaders Starting: 300+ (Maxed CC)




We rushed them at Greater Demons and the fight began. I originally expected a longer fight due to their immense numbers but our organization put them on the ropes within 10 minutes. I believe at this point some VH and Welfarers showed up, but we quickly cleared them while still fighting Infliction+TBC. After rushing their final group at New gate Infliction+TBC portalled down and ended their joint PK trip.




Reign of Terror Ending: 300~ (101 on TS at this point)

Infliction + The British Crusaders Ending: 0




After this it seemed like most clans had ended their PK trips except for the 4 clans involved in planned fights, we about 30 minutes hopping around both fights clearing crashers then called it a night.


Goodfight to all clans we fought today.

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Mystic Shyne

was fun


gj boys

Edited by Mystic Shyne

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feasted 4kills 1 death up 2mil

Edited by Metal_arms00

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Turned up late, but was there to rush If & Tbc at gdz, didnt get no kills because I fail but I did 76k with someone = 090925202411.png

Edited by Quaderr

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Razor Jimbob

Matty B raking in the bank loot.

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And Rdk Suck a Dicks Flaming


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Was fun, didn't get any pics...


Too bad all the clans are scared of us we don't get a decent fight :(

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made like 7m, then went afk and didnt know u guys hopped. Got 1 hit @ new gate lost everything M3H.

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Was free loot but i got dropped by welfarers as we ended like 31 32 spec lmao!

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Was fun 4 kills 0 deaths.



Edited by Mainmill

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Got 5+ kills all say someone els got o well still fun



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