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RoT vs FoF+Brutality+RDK+Ex-DI+W

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We heard a few clans were out, just as we logged in we scouted Flames of Fury north of GDS, we potted up and rushed. As soon as we rushed we heard that Brutality and Red Dragon Knights were coming, and within 10 minutes Welfarers CC. As if it wasn't enough, about 30 ex-DI decided to tag along. Knowing the world was against us, we were ready for a long night.


Reign of Terror Starting: 261


World Starting: 1000~ (Options/Clan broken down below)

Flames of Fury: 225

Brutality: 180

Red Dragon Knights: 180

Ex-DI: 90

W: 300~




The fight began a total mess with more then 400 people on the battlefield, being targeted so heavily by everyone it seems we continued to fight and incorporated a tactic of moving very often and picking off people who weren't with the group, we regrouped a few times but nothing to be ashamed of when you're fighting about 4:1, anyways soon more and more RoT members came online and stayed online while members of the world began going to sleep. After about 3 hours and 30 minutes all the clans who came began leaving, beginning with RDK with attributed to the fall of the other clan/team, soon after no clan/team/ex-clan was left on the battlefield. Reign of Terror stood victorious, reaching immorality.



Reign of Terror Ending: 285~

World Ending: 0




Goodfight world, hope to do it again. To RSC Mods: I can provide proof of all sides actually being there/teaming against us upon request.

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Was fun,

~20kills 25deaths.

Edited by Jake

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20ish Kills 50+ Deaths around 30 for mage.


Was hella fun hope we get more fights like this although i doubt we will.

Edited by Grimstriper

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Gf world like 20 deaths and 12 kills or so.




Edited by Mainmill

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Edited by Jmoney560

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Champion 2k5

Was ok, no idea how many deaths/kills

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Was fun, hopefully we can do more things like that.


Was there for all but the first 20 min, and then 10 min or so in the middle.



13 deaths and like 8 kills, mostly was spearing

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Goodjob boys, fucking amazing.

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Was really fun, I got quite a few kills.


Couldn't mage though, was always getting sniped.


FoF did the best out of all of them, but they weren't enough.


Gratz on #2 FoF

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like 20+ kills, and 15 deaths, untouchable.

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