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Reign of Terror's Saturday

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Missing quite a few pictures as we were all over the place


We headed out for a PK trip very early today, earlier then every other weekend hearing that RDK were out trying to avoid us. On our first world we heard RDK walked out of single, within 11 seconds we rushed them.


Reign of Terror Starting: 135 (Quick mass, 70 in TS)

Red Dragon Knights Starting: 165




We rushed them and caught them off guard and from there only expanded our lead as our lates got to the fight. After about 15 minutes of fighting RDK began logging out.







Reign of Terror Ending: 200~

Red Dragon Knights Ending: 0




We awaited RDK to remass once again, in the mean time we hit VR's EP DD and instantly killed like 50 of them, but as soon as RDK remassed we awaited them at new gate to login from Non-PvP.


Reign of Terror Starting: 200~

Red Dragon Knights Starting: 165


As RDK began logging in they were instantly slaughtered as they didn't expect us, after a small attempt at fighting back they all began to run -- which didn't work out well as they all got frozen, little RDK got out alive and they went to regroup at CWA and ended their trip.


Reign of Terror Ending: 200~

Red Dragon Knights Ending: 0


At this point we heard Flames of Fury were doing massing, I was expecting more but they only pulled a low 55 people. As they awaited late comers we set up just north.


Reign of Terror Starting: 225~

Flames of Fury Starting: 165~


Time went by and FoF didn't budge, after standing in single for more then 30 minutes we decided to rush them in single -- as they were surrounded by multi-way combat zones, the plan worked and as soon as they ran into multi zone they were quickly piled. At this time we got word that Flames of Fury had ended their 4 day prep trip without leaving single once.





Reign of Terror Ending: 225~

Flames of Fury Ending: 0


Just as we thought the night was over Brutality were at Corporal beast, we quickly potted up and rushed.


Reign of Terror Starting: 225

Brutality Starting: 150~


We rushed and the fight began, It's pretty safe to say Brutality put up the best fight tonight so thanks for that, as time went on we expanded our lead but just we were getting comfortable FoF rushed after remassing for 20 minutes. After a while it was clear both were teaming against us, we now called people online and got ready for a real fight.





Reign of Terror Starting: 225~

Brutality + Flames of Fury Starting: 300~


We quickly moved so we weren't being sandwiched and began piling at a insanely fast pace. With quick returning and superior organization the numbers from both clans began to dwindle, they both ran to single and remassed.






Reign of Terror Ending: 225~

Brutality + Flames of Fury Ending: 300~


We heard that they were going to re-mass, at this point it seemed that New Bloods rushed us from the north, and about 45 Ex-DI from the west.


Reign of Terror Starting: 225~

New Bloods Starting: 120

Ex-DI Starting: 135


We moved a bit south and they collided with each other, then we began to break into them and they didn't bother returning.




Reign of Terror Ending: 225~

New Bloods Ending: 0

Ex-DI Starting: 0


At this point Brutality and FoF had remassed for their joint PK trip, we quickly rushed them at Dwarfs and the fight began.


Reign of Terror Starting: 240~

Brutality + Flames of Fury Starting: 300~


This time was no different then the last, only quicker. As enraged FoF and Brutality members began to leave Ventrilo we expanded our lead and shortly after both clans ran to single again.







Reign of Terror Ending: 240~

Brutality + Flames of Fury Ending: 0


While trying to take ending options FoF rushed us in 1 item, a pathetic attempt which only attributed to the anger of some of their members


Reign of Terror Starting: 240~

Flames of Fury 1 Itemers Starting: 90~


The attempt failed miserably, they rushed on top of a hill and most died before setting off a single barrage-cast, they kept returning for a while but then; in embarrassment ended.


Reign of Terror Ending: 240~

Flames of Fury 1 Itemers Ending: 0


And to wrap off the night we heard Infliction and Brutality were falled in together south of lava gap, we quickly got together and rushed them.


Reign of Terror Starting: 240~

Infliction + Brutality Starting: 250~


We rushed them south of gap and the fight began, we managed to get in the middle of them so we were able to easily pick off both sides as they had no form of communication, soon they began running to single and logging out. After this all clans had ended their PK trips, so we called it a night.




Reign of Terror Ending: 240~




Goodfight everyone, shame some clans had to lower their standards to release their anger.

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Good fight FoF/brut/rdk/anyone else, was fun.

Edited by Mainmill

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1 kill 0 deaths, came at the end cause had food :)

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Working on a small video too of the fight

Edited by Hepau

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was fun fighting all those noobs

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Lord Ximar

Way too easy, made bank. Good luck getting to winter Flames of Fury lol.

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Violent Danz

9 kills 0 deaths was fun

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Lol at Hepau's pic, you can see the guy in torso and t legs that died for ags and claws, Gj with the other kills though lol

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Was a pretty desent night, I made like 3M before the trip double d clawing idiots with xi gingerash then made like 2M on the PK, only kill I screenied:



Got like 35+ kills & 0 deaths, thanks for the fights.

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was fun fighting all those noobs

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0 kills 3 deaths lol. was to easy.


Edited by Barbus12

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