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RoT vs World

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Earlier this week I was informed the P2P clans of Runescape were planning to team up against us this Sunday, Sunday came and The World, who even had their IRC channel with over 300 people were all waiting at East Tree. Sadly, we had to delay our arrival by about 15 minutes to restart our Teamspeak as some people were having troubles connecting. After Teamspeak was fixed, we rushed the World who awaited.


Reign of Terror Starting: 276

World Starting: 820~ (Broken down Clan/Opts below)




Flames of Fury Starting: 200~

Brutality Starting: 180~

Infliction Starting: 150~

The British Crusaders Starting: 150~

Randomers/1 Itemers Starting: 200~


We rushed all the clans who were all falled in next to each other at East tree and the fight began. The start was hectic with so many people in such a confined space but we fought through. Soon The world began camping GDS, we rushed GDS and held GDS for the rest of the fight pushing each clump of people further and further away. Towards the end we were untouchable, as member's from clans like FoF began to become enraged at the mediocre performance began to leave for the night, while our numbers expanded. Then, in the final minutes of the fight we were able to break into separate groups and target every clan until they were forced to log out and call it a night. (Proof below).

The fight lasted just about 2 hours, Goodfight World.










Reign of Terror Ending: 309

World Ending: 0




Goodfight to every clan except FoF, who began to return in 1 item and attempt to DDoS our Teamspeak.

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Gf guys like 6 kills 12~ deaths, was funny specing out random fof magers.

Pretty pathetic how 90% of the fof mages returned in full leaf

Edited by Mainmill

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Like 8 kills 4 deaths, expected it to last longer lol








Edited by Creepyweird

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Made bank, owned.

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19 kills 6 deaths

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Lord Ximar

Was there at the start but then had to leave right before the big fight started and got back about when we were taking ending ops. Great work boys.

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Was fun, like 4 - 6 deaths and a few kills.. Was mostly spearing so wasn't really excpecting to get kilsl :D:D:D:



We own

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Razor Jimbob

2 deaths 6 kills, 504o3582345 assissts.

Was fun.

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3 kills, 6ish deaths. Managed to survive at the end with 3m worth of loot, so profited.

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about 13 deaths fucking barraged everytime teled up but about 9 kills think didnt see loot tho

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Jerem Ias

Came late, didnt had membership on Jerem_Ias...


Next thing i wanna see is VR in p2p :D

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gf world!!!

Edited by PapaHimat

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can't be touched.


was fun i made bank for once, but as usual i dont bank cuz im not a faggot

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