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Reign of Terror vs Flames of Fury + Brutality + Infliction

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Today we set out on a non-mandatory PK trip hearing Brutality were out, we didn't have a prep or anything so we didn't know what to expect.


Reign of Terror Starting: 105

Brutality Starting: 150




We ran into Brutality at Chaos Dwarfs and the fight began, we did very well, dominating Brutality outnumbered so I didn't bother to make it mandatory, within 5 minutes Brutality ran to Greater demons, and then to new gate. At this point they began logging, thinking they had ended for the night we got ending.




Reign of Terror Ending: 120

Brutality Ending: 0




Just as I thought they were ending, Brutality called Infliction and Flames of Fury up for a allied PK trip with intentions of fighting us. While we waited we decided we'd stock up on Team-1 capes (Their Alliance's cape).


Reign of Terror Starting: 180

Flames of Fury + Brutality + Infliction Starting: 399+


Even though we cleared The Alliance in 5 minutes last night, we knew they weren't going to give the win to us easily tonight - and they didn't, even though that hurt them since RoT got over 600 more kills. For some reason The Alliance began walking down, we quickly logged into the world and ran south and managed to get the last clan still logged in, Brutality. We began to demolish Brutality and 5 minutes later Infliction/Flames of Fury logged in.

At this point we knew we'd get spawn camped, so we ran to GDS where the fight would remain for the rest of the night. As time went on, more and more RoT came online while Brutality/FoF/Infliction members, tired of just dying began to leave. Halfway through the fight, Infliction closed so they left the fight which allowed us to target the 2 remaining clans.

Needless to say, despite being outnumbered, we tore them apart. As tempers flared within The Alliance's CC, they made the decision to regroup at new gate, we quickly followed them. At new gate we pinned them down and piled, maged, spammed, and got KO's left, right, and center until The Alliance was forced to end. Shortly after I got word that they had enough, and logged out. After about 2 1/2 hours of fighting.









Reign of Terror Ending: 300~

Flames of Fury + Brutality + Infliction Ending: 0




Goodjob to all RoT Members, 100/128 people to a non-preped event. And goodfight to Brutality/Flames of Fury, hope you guys have a good plan since Infliction died, you're going to need it.

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Only came for the last part, gj.

Like 6 deaths and around 4 kills

Edited by Mainmill

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Was easy as always.











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Edited by Creepyweird

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To easay

Edited by Grimstriper

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Mystic Shyne

g00000d fight

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Death Troll

Was fun. Feasted on some kids. Good job. :P

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was out, looked easy tho

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