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Reign of Terror vs The Titans

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Saturday evening I contacted a DF official to set up a fight for today, they gladly accepted. We began prepping but only to hear DF had canceled due to VR hacking their forums. At this point, I spoke to TT in hopes of getting a fight and they accepted. In the end it got set up to be capped at 2 hours.


Reign of Terror Starting: 252

The Titans Starting: 240




This week was different. Last week we came inexperienced, and basically never had the lead but this week we came in a more formidable fighter. I don't think us or TT was expecting it which put us at an advantage which we'd hold the whole fight really, of course TT didn't take it that badly and kept a pile but let's be honest here our pile was most consistent in terms of size throughout the fight.


As fighting continued TT gained ground but we seemed to move a step ahead and until the end of the cap where both clans met. I saw a few watchers fall in on TT which gave them about 12-15 more options which in that case gave them the victory, both clans acknowledged it and we went to World 149 for ending and the watchers didn't follow.


We hopped and after everyone had logged in both clans stood next to each other, Reign of Terror with 92 and The Titans with 87.





Reign of Terror Ending: 276

The Titans Ending: 261 (Click here)




Pretty much a draw, Goodfight TT. The fight was pretty clean so there isn't a reason this topic should be otherwise. Of course both sides will have an interpretation of the fight but pride and whatever aside we did better today, it's as simple as that.


Thanks to Violent Resolution for the AC.

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17 deaths like 5 kills

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fun fun fun like 6 kills and 2 deaths

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Was real fun 4 kills 0 deaths thanks for letting me come Matthew.

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We did amazing, since our last fight with them we improved by A LOT and TT didn't expect it so that was their downfall, keep up the good work boys.


Had 5 deaths binding then when I was out leading, about like 10 kills had 0 ep when the fight ended :P

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Razor Jimbob

Was fun.

First 3/4 of the fight was best Ive seen us in F2P.

5 deaths 0 kills bindinggggg.

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3 Deaths, 6 kills. Was fucking fun. Hopefully a couple of people vidded

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Was an enjoyable fight, 1 death 3 kills but gained rune again, thanks for the fight.

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Edited by Mainmill

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Bs Emperor

Missed the fight by couple minutes... Nice job guys. VR AC????

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Didn't enjoy it as much as the TR fight, was alright. 2 kills 6 deaths.

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2 kills 0 deaths, survived with my rune g kill at the end with 2 pizzas left lmfao



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