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Reign of Terror vs Brutality + Flames of Fury

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If any moderators need further proof (Videos/Ventrilo Recordings), I will provide it on request. A Couple videos are uploading at the moment


The day began with us rushing Flames of Fury, within 15 minutes of us clearing them Brutality came and began crashing the fight.


Reign of Terror Starting: 105

Flames of Fury Starting: 150

Brutality Starting: 120




They rushed us and the fight began. We kept a good group but it was increasingly pointless fighting them while they were returning in Welfare. So we began to incorporate tactics that would anger them, we knew it was the way to get under their skin because killing them wasn't enough.


We began grouping in mage and keeping 5-10 RoT members at the battlefield to keep them busy, then when they falled in we'd clear them with mage and repeat. After this they began mass barraging us so we moved the fight to give us an advantage, at Member gate and EoH. Everytime they came we mass barraged them, FoF falling for it easily while Brutality stood south and let them die. After doing this for 30 minutes and suffering about 30 deaths to their easily 150, we heard they were taking ending while we were still on the battlefield (Proof below), at this point Brutality logged out ending for the night and we rushed FoF at corporal beast, after some quick fighting they began running to single and logging out (Proof below)




















Reign of Terror Ending: 200~

Flames of Fury Ending: 0

Brutality Ending: 0




Call our tactics sad or whatever but at the end of the day you left the battlefield while there was fighting going on, did you expect us to stand in one spot fighting outnumbered 2:1? Moving was a tactic to keep us in the fight, if you think that's regrouping or "fake ending" go for it, we didn't go into single at one point of the fight and you had full knowledge of our location you just died everytime rushing because you didn't know how to fight in that situation.


Thanks to Untamed for the Anti-Crash.

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Got like 10 decent loot kills 3 deaths, was one of the funnest wars in a while

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Crs Range

wow fucking wow I just got home now from coast guard =(!!!!!!!!!!!

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Champion 2k5

Decent lol

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Mog Time

We did really well, outnumberd more than 2:1.


6 kills

10-12 deaths


Made 16M :D:D thanks for the loot fof + brut!


Got there 5 mins late, but stayed till the end.

Edited by Soul

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Was so much fun lol, they seem very mad, thanks for the win.


idk why fof called brut when fof had like 15 more then us, and we stilled raped fof.

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was fun lol

around 5 kills 7 deaths made 3m

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Today was full of festivities! eoh was so fun :lol:

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This is the first fight I've lost money in against the world, them pixel hungry cunts FoF camping me as soon as I tele up because their organisation is shit. 11 deaths 4 kills, one of the funniest and funniest fights I've had with RoT :)

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Twg Mager

87 kills 0 deaths, Arrived 5 mins before ending.



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Was very fun..


i had some 10 killish and 2 - 5 deaths not including suicides.





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