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Reign of Terror vs Echo of Silence

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Tonight I asked a few clans for a short prep, and only Echo of Silence accepted. The fight was like 40 minutes preparation so we massed up what we could get and headed out. It was our first uncapped fight since we began our venture into F2P against a clan notorious for long fights, we were ready for a long night.


Reign of Terror Starting: 216

Echo of Silence Starting: 180 (?)




It already got off to a bad start with EoS refusing to tell me where they were going to defend, we eventually found them at spiders and began. The fight began pretty even but we sent a few snipers who hands down won us this fight with their amazing performance. With EoS lacking in binds they got dragged around the map. After about 45 minutes of fighting EoS piles dwindled to about 50 options while our pile remained at a strong 150 + snipers, however VR came in at this point and would continue to show up making us stop the fight about 3 times. After the 3rd time Corruption and Divine Forces decided they would come AC and VR was no where to be seen for the remainder of the fight.


After about 90 minutes of fighting EoS was down to 30 opt piles and being dragged all around deep wilderness, at this point we increased snipers to put them down and it worked. After just about 2 hours of fighting EoS went to single. A few minutes later I was told they were going to ditch our fight to go help CoR/DF fight VR, at that point I claimed the win as they had no intentions of fighting us, a shame really.


Reign of Terror Ending: 225~

Echo of Silence Ending: 0




Both sides will have their interpretation of what happened but our victory is clear, you might not want to admit it but we did the talking tonight. I saw VR once or twice throughout the fight and claiming they were on you before DF/COR came could fly but intentionally regrouping near them and instigating a fight wont win you my sympathy. Nor will the excessive flaming you guys spammed the whole fight. We stopped the fight several times so you can't say we didn't, although I have a feeling you'll spam this topic with petty flames but that's nothing EoS hasn't done before.


Thanks to the clans that ACed, Divine Forces, Violent Resolution, Corruption.

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Death Troll

Gf was fun, And too easy. Hope to see you more often.

Edited by Death Holl

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Was fun 1 kill 0 deaths binding

Edited by Mainmill

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was lots of fun 1 death 0 kills binded most of the fight

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Was a feast, i expected eos to be better, 7 kills 0 deaths


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5 kills 5 deaths sniping

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Was fun, 1 death 0 kills binded the whole fight.

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X  Icey  X

was fun leading. wish I could have led more:P but it was fun. Gf eos

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Champion 2k5

Came late cos I was out, 0 kills 1 death

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good fun :) 2 kills 0 deaths gf eos

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