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Reign of Terror vs Damage incorporated

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Earlier today we got word that Ghjjf had scheduled a 3 day prep reunion trip for today. When we heard the news, we immediately spread the word to everyone who was online, telling them to prepare. It was clear that DI wanted one last fight. So, although we did not expect to do anything today, we suited up and answered the call. Our massing spot was electric, with pump up songs playing and spam towers everywhere.


Reign of Terror starting: 231 options 09nov21154039.png


Damage Incorporated starting: 276 options



The start of the fight was extremely laggy, with both clans having big spam towers. Barrages were flying around left and right, and the summoning monsters trotted around increasing the lag. However, as the fight went on and both clans settled in it was clear that we had an advantage. Our spamming and maging was amazing all fight, and it was clear that we were extremely motivated with people constantly joining teamspeak when they heard we were fighting DI. After a 20 minute slaughter, Ghjjf had to go and called off returning for Di. Leaving Reign of Terror victorious once again.




Reign of Terror Ending: 09nov21155128.png

Damage Incorporated Ending: 0


Was fun. Personally had 3 kills 1 death.

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Champion 2k5

Shame they didn't return, 2 kills 0 deaths

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Was disappointing , but fun none the less.


Glad i could be there for the last fight :)

Edited by Dan`Two

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Looked fun, wish I could have been there to kill DI. lol Good job.

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Missed, goodjob looked easy lol

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Good job, wasn't there

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Ah sad was out, couldnt attend.


Goodjob RoT, seemd easy

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Was fun while it lasted. Shame they didn't return. <_<

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way too easy lol :rip:

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