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Reign of Terror's Late Night Out

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Well after raping Brutality we had a planned fight with CL, the timezone was a bit bad for us but considering CL outnumbered us by over 10 people (at some points 13), we did really well, making them pull back their snipers.


Reign of Terror Starting: 201

Chivalry Legion Starting: 231




We defended at the tree, the fight began and we remained at 73 on TS while CL shot up to 86, at this point they put on the pressure and we got dragged for the next 20 minutes, soon after CL began dropping and we gained a few and sent our snipers. At this point CL called theirs back and were basically on the back foot for the rest of the fight, in the end, somehow, they managed to pull out 228 options to our 200~. We lost by opts but if it was uncapped, considering CL was just losing numbers we probably would of won.


Reign of Terror Ending: 201~ (219 on World 27)

Chivalry Legion Ending: 231




After this we decided to go out in P2P to hit KO, it was non-mandatory so we only had a few people. However just before we rushed KO, FF rushed us from behind. KO rushed in behind them and the 2v1 began.


Reign of Terror Starting: 60

FF + KO Starting: 200~ (I counted like 70ish people in their CC)




We were all in mage and 3 times our opts had just rushed, so we just held it out and called it a mandatory while people teled up. Then we got into the game. Pile after pile for the first 30 minutes were just FF and KO getting knocked around. Then fatigue and boredom kicked in and we began slacking, it wasn't that they were picking up it's just that we weren't doing good as we should be. Anyways after like 2 hours of fighting they called it off. Their gear was pretty shit but hey it's a fight


Reign of Terror Ending: 150 (55 on TS)

FF + KO Ending: 0




3 mandatories today, goodjob everyone

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the fight agianst CL, was one of many fun F2P fights, Goodfight CL.




the fight agianst FF & Ko was a lil worse, but atleast its a fight.


Like 5 kills 17 deaths, mage ftw.




Gmt unit stikes agian.

Edited by 0 O Du3l O 0

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The fight fucking sucked...I hope Ff and Ko both die for 1 item, welfare, etc barraging us while in our capes. Such a fucking annoying fight.

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Violent Danz

Was fun





Edited by Violent Danz

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was at all of the fights today my bank has been decimated lol


it was fun but the last fight sucked imo cause they kept returning in shitty gear killed 9 according to my adventurers log

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Easy. Good job guys, especially at the CL fight the Binds/Ko's/Tanking were all amazing.

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Didn't get on until later in the CL fight so 0 deaths 3 kills


ff/ko fight I had about 10 deaths, but I lost count of kills/assists...was a pathetic fight, but it was a fight. Should have ended them quicker.

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Too easy. It was kind of annoying fighting the idiots in welfare. Oh well.

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Sounds like a feast Rot.

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All fights today were fun, Binded all CL fight. Maged some of KO + FF Fight, until I just kept getting sniped even while hiding my mage.


like 3-4 kills, trash loot, around 20-30 deaths. Somehow I was a main target to be sniped all day. Just need to start we rebuilding my bank now.

Edited by Sytherswordâ?¢

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Both fights were pretty fun. Had around 5 deaths/1 kill during the CL war and 7 deaths/4 kills against KO+FF,

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Bs Emperor

Fun night.

FOR THE WHOLE DAY:: 23 kills 4-5 deaths(?)


I'm going to sleep.

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Made it to the ff + ko fight only, was fun got sniped a lot. But, it didn't stop me from maging the whole time i was there. :)

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I missed it, went to sleep after the CL fight. :russianroulette:

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