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Reign of Terror vs Brutality + VR

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Today we went out in P2P hearing Brutality were out, sadly Red Dragon Knights got to them before us so we just decided to walk around, soon enough Violent Resolution logged in and RDK let Brutality fight us, so it quickly became a 2v1.


Reign of Terror Starting: 150~ (Some were logging in)

Brutality Starting: 210 (70 on Ventrilo)

Violent Resolution Starting: 90




The fight began with us doing really well but as more and more VR got there along with a immense amount of Brutality crashing, it soon became even. We ran to Greater demons knowing we could destroy any clan/team there, and we did. As more and more RoT members got online our lead expanded while Brutality/VR dropped in numbers due to the fact they were getting destroyed. Soon after VR were to make little impact due to not being able to pull enough, so Brutality would be our opponent for the remainder of the fight. Soon after it was just evident that Brutality were getting killed faster then they were returning, and in the end just got cleared. Don't get me wrong, they tried to return but they couldn't. After 2 1/2 Hours of fighting VR & Brutality called it a day, leaving Reign of Terror victorious.








Reign of Terror Ending: 243 (87 on TS)

Brutality Ending: 0

Violent Resolution Ending: 0




Goodfight Brutality/VR. Goodjob to all Rot who were there, 87/120 on a no-prep weekday is amazing. Big thanks to Ancient Fury who ACed the majority of the fight, will repay the favor

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Mystic Shyne

was fun :D


3kills? 5 deaths

u tried mr GRIMSTRIPER



Edited by Mystic Shyne

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Nice try mugs. 10 kills 5 deaths. Feastable.

Edited by Grimstriper

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Gf like 4 deaths and around 3 kills





Edited by Mainmill

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Came about 30min late. 10 kills. 4 deaths

Edited by Indoff

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oops double post

Edited by Indoff

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Razor Jimbob

Grats boys.

Nice ending aswell, VR didnt seem to live up to their promise meh.

Edited by Razor Jimbob

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PvP Joey

15 Kills 5 deaths. GF VR+BRUT 2 Easy.



And goodluck to VR in F2P. Your crash meant nothing.

Edited by PvP Joey

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Gf Ya lil brits,

Outlasting in p2p? Nah son this aint F2p L2pk.

12+ kills 4ish deaths

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