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NR are attempting to spread RAT (Spyware) and Infect your computers and hack your RS ACC/Email through there. Exercise extreme caution when visiting the following locations:


Do not Register on/View NR Forums. They will Save your IP and Log your Password:




Or No Remorse Ventrilo:


Port: 4128


Private Messages with:







Earlier today Reign of Terror crashed No Remorse (Untamed Remake). A few hours passed and NR finally decided they would take action. The action they would take would be DDoSing RoT Forums and TS, however the catch is they pmed a RoT Spy to do it. The following is raw evidence of No Remorse Leaders speaking to what they think is someone who is DDoSing RoT Forums.


[23:18:31] <Kerfue> Anonim

[23:18:42] <Anonim> yh

[23:18:32] <Kerfue> ddos Rot forums

[23:18:39] <Kerfue> http://rs-rot.com

[23:18:45] <Kerfue> go

[23:18:57] <Anonim> k

[23:20:48] <Kerfue> Anonim

[23:20:49] <Kerfue> what port

[23:20:50] <Kerfue> for a site

[23:20:51] <Kerfue> ?

[23:20:52] <Kerfue> quick

[23:20:54] <Kerfue> Anonim^

[23:21:14] <Anonim> 80

[23:21:18] <Kerfue> KK

[23:21:21] <Anonim> i tried flooding rs-rot

[23:21:21] <Kerfue> when u doig it

[23:21:24] <Anonim> it just banned the bots

[23:21:29] <Kerfue> ?

[23:21:33] <Anonim> or blocked ips or something


Obviously there was no attack, it was simply him pretending to do it to please Kerfue. However this all happened on Ventrilo, where the spy (Ajekhan) happened to be recording their conversation.






Some great quotes in there:


Goodbye No Remorse, was fun [Him accepting the fact that this is going to destroy his team]



Oi Anonim did ya talk to ya little [????] about DDosing yet


What about your botnet? just take 100 bots and smack their vent...I dont even care about their Forums


When you get those bots yeah, I want them all dedicated to their site forever


When we [Jd & Kerfue] quit Runescape in 6 years time [...] Rot's site wont work


If I had a super power it would be the ability to jump out of my screen and into Mattyb's and kill him


You know what we need to do? We need to get your [Kerfue] Shit [Files with RAT] back up and infect [with Spywear] every RoT Member


How much would it be? [To pay someone to DDoS our forums]




However this was not the end. I decided I was going to get more, so Ajekhan decided to convince them that he had keylogged a RoT Official and had Leader Access. I quickly made up a few pictures (http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4234/spies.png) and edited the ML to make them believe he was legit. The following IRC logs are Ajekhan and Kerfue discussing it, well Kerfue was begging and Ajekhan was discussing.


[01:12:34] <Kerfue> ill gigve u +h

[01:12:35] <Kerfue> if u get me

[01:12:37] <Kerfue> leader board

[01:12:39] <Kerfue> i mean

[01:12:42] <Kerfue> leader acc on their forums


[01:14:32] <Kerfue> cmon bro

[01:14:33] <Kerfue> sort me the shit

[01:14:35] <Kerfue> please..cmon


[01:22:44] <Kerfue> i want

[01:22:46] <Kerfue> the account

[01:22:46] <Anonim> + Codename: Friedchickeniqua hasnt logged into rs yet

[01:22:51] <Kerfue> of boards

[01:23:15] <Kerfue> cmon Anonim

[01:23:25] <Kerfue> please?


[01:24:10] <Kerfue> if u get me it right now

[01:24:13] <Kerfue> quick

[01:24:18] <Kerfue> i need it asap cmon please


He gave him IRC OP

[01:27:53] <Kerfue> ur auto oped

[01:27:55] <Kerfue> ./hop

[01:28:15] <Kerfue> see


[01:40:15] <Kerfue> u think if they (THEIR OWN MEMBERS) complain we're gonna care

[01:40:16] <Kerfue> after this?


[01:56:23] <Anonim> http://img94.imagesh.../4234/spies.png (Fake pic we sent)


Kerfue trying to buy the access:

[02:10:23] <Kerfue> sell me?

[02:10:23] <Kerfue> i got £40 on my paypal

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Such shit clans

Edited by Grimstriper

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Anonim is like my best friend.


Hi kerfue

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PvP Joey



Kerfue is such a moron reject.

Edited by PvP Joey

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The Man

He was actually going to fucking buy a leader access account..And what would he do with it anyways rofl kill us?


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Wow NR rofl. Just wow. They're trying to give us viruses?

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