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Gf Ags

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Wow u deserve to lose more than ags fucking tard, you ran around for ages b4 even looting it then u dnt even bank it... You obv knew it pros ags cause u said gf ags.



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Mystic Shyne

your so dumb..

why the fuck would you even stay in wildy, when u know your gonna lose ags if u die -.-

u when back like 4 times after u looted the ancient stat.. the rest was like 20k...


Edited by Mystic Shyne

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Gf =) thats something i would do i lost zammy spear over a stinkin mystic top way back when

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Well deserved for being a retard

^^ LMAO, ill never get tired of seeing that

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how the fuck did you manage to get an ags in the first place if you're this retarded. From the word go you were doing the dumbest things.


Also you said in earlier posts you didn't realise your glory wasn't charged when you right clicked it and scrolled through the teles..

Edited by Lordlocke1

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Lord Ximar

so old lol

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lol idiot :hickus:

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unlucky m8

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crazy yy

expected lolol. gf do no brews while multi peeking nice...

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yes i forgot my glory was charged

you sir, are a RETARD



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You sir, are an idiot.

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Wow that was dumb, freaking out about ancient and losing ags...

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Your an idiot, they got special help for people like you.

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