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Reign of Terror annihilate Violent Resolution ~ F2P

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We heard VR were out on world 136, so we called a Mandatory. Knowing TT were probably going to rush them, we rushed them with 30 opts and returned until our options built up. 2 minutes later TT rushed and took the fight from us, but we continued to hit VR regardless.


Reign of Terror Starting: 30

Violent Resolution Starting: 150(?)


Anyways as our options grew in-game VR's performance began to diminish. We had a strong main pile taking down VR left and right, and soon enough our Teamspeak was DDoS'd. Knowing VR had DDoS capabilities (read below) we decided to switch teamspeaks. Apparently at this time TT also got DDoS'd (read below). Anyways after another 15 minutes VR were sent regrouping all over the map, until they finally logged out. As the fight was originally ours we have decided to post this, also because the fact that VR ddos'd their opponents tonight.






Read the CC



VR in Single



VR DDoSing capabilities:



VR DDoSing TT:



And VR real life threatening:




Reign of Terror Ending: 150~

Violent Resolution Ending: Logged out




Goodfight VR, end of the day you left the world with us attacking you, forfeiting your spot. To RSC Mods: I can provide videos, TS recordings, IRC logs, screenshots to disclaim any of VR's accusations.

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Too easy, 3 kills 1 death

Edited by Mainmill

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Too easy, 5 kills 0 deaths.

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Was fun, 4 kills 1 death. #1 F2P & #1 P2P feels great (Y) GL getting out of your slump VR

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Cant get any easier

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