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Keifer/Brutality exposed.

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Yeah we know we're all sick of Brutal Resolution saying RoT is DDoSing their teamspeaks and such and hasn't provided with any proof at all.


We all know that Brutality has a anti-ddos policy. Anyways Keifer has asked this ex. Brutality member (Magicboy, who is PKing with a team known as Hopla who uses my ventrilo), to DDoS Reign Of Terrors teamspeak. Not only has he asked to DDoS RoTs teamspeak, he has also asked Magicboy to DDoS RoT member in single to get some cash because we've completely destroyed his bank because of all the countless hours of smashing his shitty ass team.



More legit proof since that log kinda sucks.



I will update with more pictures, not only of Keifer asking him to DDoS but also U_G0_T0_Fazt. Anyhow since it's quite fitting I'll add some of Brutalitys private forum.


So in 2 months guys we need to have 120+ members, ready to take on the top. We will take a PK trip if its realistic and aim to pull our first 100 since reopening! A big part of this will be word of mouth, so get your friends on board. Make sure our public image is upheld - keep OUT of flame wars and stupid debates, let ingame do all the talking. Start representing Brutality again; if you suck at single dont go there, never go anywhere without full gear. Never rag, never 1 item, never flame for stupid shit. Make yourself look good, and in turn it will make our team look good. We used to be the most exclusive club in the game, the team everybody wanted to be, so lets bring that reputation back. The target has been set! Lets get shit done.


How ironic since their leader DDoS people in single lol.


Brutality death watch: 70 members + 13 FAs



Edit: If you're a single PKer I advice you not going on Brutality forums/Vent unless your planning on joining.

Edit2: Even if you're joining be careful, Brutality members DDoS eachother aswell. Proof here

Edited by Bereadytodie

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Deathcount 70



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silly brutal resolution

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its really sad to see them go like this. its like an elephant stuck in a hole. squirming to get to the top only to fall down over and over again til its last breath. or a nigger such as terrance in nigeria comes and shoots it to save it from suffering. dont worry rot will be the terrance of nigeria and put the bullet in the head to make it faster.

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Also this screenshot was pmed to me by a Violent Resolution member. He found it quite hypocritical as well.



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How Embarrassing it is to be Brutality or Vr at this point.

Edited by Sythersword

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They really don't bother to hide it, I was in #VR once and they were talking about paying some guy to DDoS your forums l0l ;x

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83 man ML r0flr0frlf0rlfr0flr0fl RIP

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