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Reign of Terror vs Violent Resolution

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Where do I even start with you?


With the massive dick-sucking you did while in RoT to those terribly written posts I had to delete half of the replies to because they were basically flaming you. People didn't like your attitude so they talked shit about you, and you being the invertebrate you are crumbled under the fact that maybe just maybe someone didn't like you.


I'd normally take the time to really go into why you're such a retard but you're not even worth it, end of the day you're someone who's relying on a prepubescent paki and some overweight kid who has anger management issues as your source of human contact, because god knows your excuse for a personality wont get you anywhere in the real world



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shit load of kills


(16:17:02) <[QC]RuneScript> *** [ A. LOG ]: Recent Activity for Delinius?: I killed 2k10爌RoDiGy [2/1/2010], I killed Rs燬hark [2/1/2010], I killed Lol營m燰R [2/1/2010], I killed Killa燬krill [2/1/2010], I killed Rs燬hark [2/1/2010]

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ROFL go mattyb XD

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Where do I even start with you?


With the massive dick-sucking you did while in RoT to those terribly written posts I had to delete half of the replies to because they were basically flaming you. People didn't like your attitude so they talked shit about you, and you being the invertebrate you are crumbled under the fact that maybe just maybe someone didn't like you.


I'd normally take the time to really go into why you're such a retard but you're not even worth it, end of the day you're someone who's relying on a prepubescent paki and some overweight kid who has anger management issues as your source of human contact, because god knows your excuse for a personality wont get you anywhere in the real world


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Where do I even start with you?


With the massive dick-sucking you did while in RoT to those terribly written posts I had to delete half of the replies to because they were basically flaming you. People didn't like your attitude so they talked shit about you, and you being the invertebrate you are crumbled under the fact that maybe just maybe someone didn't like you.


I'd normally take the time to really go into why you're such a retard but you're not even worth it, end of the day you're someone who's relying on a prepubescent paki and some overweight kid who has anger management issues as your source of human contact, because god knows your excuse for a personality wont get you anywhere in the real world



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Where do I even start with you?


With the massive dick-sucking you did while in RoT to those terribly written posts I had to delete half of the replies to because they were basically flaming you. People didn't like your attitude so they talked shit about you, and you being the invertebrate you are crumbled under the fact that maybe just maybe someone didn't like you.


I'd normally take the time to really go into why you're such a retard but you're not even worth it, end of the day you're someone who's relying on a prepubescent paki and some overweight kid who has anger management issues as your source of human contact, because god knows your excuse for a personality wont get you anywhere in the real world

Too far. I still sort of liked him / them :(

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Kickas 10

lol looked like a feast wish i could ahve been there

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Guest I___Kick___I


you're someone who's relying on a prepubescent paki and some overweight kid who has anger management issues as your source of human contact, because god knows your excuse for a personality wont get you anywhere in the real world


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PvP Joey

Honestly Mattbrazil 2 your one to talk.



I don't care what you think as looking at these irc logs, and forum pictures seems like you asked me to stay alot and i said no.


You think your like a hard ass beeing the Leader of a Runescape clan and your little ant's laugh at your joke's. Fact is you probably haven't said a word in real life or Runescape in about 3 Years pal.


I have something you will never have which is respect and dignity. Your propaganda doesn't work for people like me.



It wouldn't be worth my time to leak pictures or information of a clan led by yourself.



Good day.

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Honestly Mattbrazil 2 your one to talk.



I don't care what you think as looking at these irc logs, and forum pictures seems like you asked me to stay alot and i said no.


You think your like a hard ass beeing the Leader of a Runescape clan and your little ant's laugh at your joke's. Fact is you probably haven't said a word in real life or Runescape in about 3 Years pal.


I have something you will never have which is respect and dignity. Your propaganda doesn't work for people like me.



It wouldn't be worth my time to leak pictures or information of a clan led by yourself.



Good day.

Are you mad :P?

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Got bank off a meatshield called le bennete or summet, good luck rebuilding VR.

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