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Reign of Terror make VR become P2P based

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Well recently VR have been having an awful amount of P2P trips, today we heard Violent Resolution declined a fight with EoS. We went on a celebration PK trip to AC for AF who was being 1 itemed by VR.


Reign of Terror Starting: 90?

Violent Resolution Starting: 31 on TS


The fight began with us using our signature tactic of basic spawn camping VR, and it worked. Soon VR members were being forced to return (While EoS was out in F2P lol) just to get spawn camped. At some points a few VR returned in gear but for the most part they were all 1 iteming. We chased VR all over deep wilderness as they tried getting their welfare/1 itemer regroups in a desperate attempt to stay afloat, but it was to no avail. Soon after only 2 1 itemers remained and VR either ended or vanished, so we called it a day.


If any clans need AC against VR feel free to PM me. Congratulations to AF for beating Brutality, sorry if any VR interrupted your fight.


VR declining a F2P fight to 1 item in P2P



VR CC & proof of them trying to fake ending










Reign of Terror Ending: 180~

Violent Resolution Ending: 6 Options complaining why they couldn't go F2P PK




Videos will be up soon. If VR attempt to take fake ending, refer to the above picture(s).

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Inuyasha Xpk

feasted. <@I_kasoy_I> @track bhr

<@[bK]RuneScript> *** [ TRACKER ]: [bounty-rogue] exp gains for Inuyasha Xpk in last 1day: 88 |

Edited by Inuyasha Xpk

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Fun as fuck, made like 4M+ from Violent Resolution members to fail to use all their runes before they die one-item barraging.

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killsvr.png Edited by Harry

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Ty for a Feast and free bhr.

Target was a 1 itemer in fall in l free ancient stat.


Edited by Daredqueen

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PvP Joey

I had fun lol we went F2P to fight RSD and they ended. It's a bit weird though since RoT did this to DI aswell and your making a big deal of it.


But glad you had fun if you really did...

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Champion 2k5

Oh, someone changed their name to 05grogan, I was kicking (combat kicking) them cos I thought he was with VR :iuno: sorry to you :P anyway, grats

Edited by Josh

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53 kills 3 kills; almost 8 bhr again

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I had fun lol we went F2P to fight RSD and they ended. It's a bit weird though since RoT did this to DI aswell and your making a big deal of it.


But glad you had fun if you really did...


Let me be the first to tell you



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Xmas Bandit

I had fun lol we went F2P to fight RSD and they ended. It's a bit weird though since RoT did this to DI aswell and your making a big deal of it.


But glad you had fun if you really did...


Didnt you follow somebody to VR?

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Can't say im surprised, Retards geting put in there place.. Grats

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