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Reign of Terror vs Violent Resolution + Brutality + Frozen Fury

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We originally had nothing planned as it was Superbowl Sunday, so originally we didn't have that many but we heard VR had declined a fight with EoS (despite their members not wanting to end) to attempt to crash us in P2P. We massed up what we had on and headed out. We hopped to world 137 where originally Frozen Fury was, however soon after

Brutality and Violent Resolution arrived and soon enough had merged in piles & clan chat.


Reign of Terror Starting: 225 (83 on TS, 240 by the time we actually fought)

Frozen Fury Starting: 150~

Brutality Starting: 120~

Violent Resolution Starting: 200




We basically hit them on login south of new gate and the fight began. Initially messy due to the gargantuan number of 1 itemers, once the bulk of VR got bored the fight became easier. Through everything Frozen Fury decided to return in gear so we put them in our sights and basically pummeled them all fight and whenever they'd regroup we'd clear the Brutality/VR 1 iteming us. This tactic proved pretty effective however we knew we wouldn't end them if they kept regrouping, at this point we began hitting FF's regroups and this is where things got messy with people going to dinner/watching the kick-off (Go Saints) we began slipping in our previously great performance, for about 25 minutes the fight was just a complete mess with neither RoT or FF able to pile very well with all the 1 itemers, however once the kick-off was over several members returned to the fight which really put the final nail in The Alliance's coffin. Our TS began booming with KO piles left, right, and center, with FF struggling to group up we shifted to VR and really just took them to town, every VR member who teled up was sent back to Edgeville within seconds. At this point Violent Resolution ordered their members to stop returning - Yes, 1 itemers were forced to stop returning. With 1 down we put Brutality in our sights who were generally south of FF, as they had like 30 people it was pretty easy, after like 2 hits Brutality also called it a night which left Frozen Fury, at this point with about 1-2 1 itemers on us and our momentum we rushed Frozen Fury and really within about 2 minutes Frozen Fury were sent out of the world, logging to regroup on World 132. At this point we confirmed with our sources that neither clan had intentions on returning and took ending. The fight lasted about 3 hours.





Reign of Terror Ending: 210~ (72 on TS)

Frozen Fury Ending: 0

Brutality Ending: 0

Violent Resolution Ending: 0





Goodjob all RoT members present today, see you around VR.

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Was fun, good job to the people who came today would have been a lot more enjoyable if the VR's grew a pair and actually fought us instead of 1iteming us. Other than that gj to ff for atleast having some sort of decency even if it was hiding behind two other clans

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GF men. was fun.

Edited by MeMito

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Mystic Shyne

gf. 6 deaths? and like 5 kills (5m l00t)

Edited by Mystic Shyne

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Gf alliance, like 15 kills 1 death, GL rebuilding

Edited by Reddevil159

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Vesta's Longsword off iFazt. Raped tons of FF across the battlefield with it;


Around 7 kills, 7-8 deaths,


Didn't bank anything, but broke even after selling my herbs from farming this week.


Fun as fuck though. P2P Dominance.

Edited by Sythersword

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Made bank 9 kills 2 deaths

Edited by NeedADentist

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Was fun, maybe next time bring RDK and make it more challenging

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Guest Dragoneyes80





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was Fun


8 kills around 4 Deaths



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