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RoT Exposed

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That would make it 5-1 (If you count 5 minutes on FA forums as a point) in the last 15 days. It'll be 6 by Friday, but I think I've already said enough.



A very pissed off RoT member PM'd me earlier concerning RoT's recent decent, and allowed me on his forum account and gave me some other interesting information.


<Spy> Blazer1332

<Spy> Blazer1332

<Blazer1332> ?

<Spy> you got a minute?

<Blazer1332> What for?

<Spy> would you alow someone from rot to join ff?

<Blazer1332> No.

<Blazer1332> Why?

<Spy> I used to like the p2p and shit, but f2p now and just gettin 1 itemed is retarded

<Blazer1332> I thought you guys liked it?

<Spy> People try and stay positive in ts but people just go afk or dont bother coming back up

<Spy> And I skip the f2p so do a shit load of other people

<Blazer1332> Well VR dominates you every time so I understand that lol

<Spy> meh

<Spy> So theres no chance in me joining?

<Blazer1332> You could always spy.

I frankly don't care if he's caught, because he wouldn't be getting in anyways. Anyways, here's a few interesting things about our good friends over at Reign of Terror. And MattyB, cut the horse play.




Well first off, I guess we'll be seeing you Sunday. Your sign up is horrendous right now, pick up that forum activity!




How'd your msn get hacked? :(




Mass recruiting + Retards = Bad. Learn your fucking memberlist.




Good man Mattyb, you don't tolerate horse play in your forums.




Recruiting off Jaja. Nice. Who's next, DF?




From February 14th. Big Mattyb taking the blame for Rot being so shit. Respect.




Back to Bizz!




Dealing with VR 1 iteming. Yeah, they're clearly having no affect on you.





A fine rot member's kicked post (He joined VR).




And our good old friend iCody - how you liking Rot bruv?




Just a few pictures and such. I'll browse some more later. Any other Rot that want to spy, just throw me a PM. See you Sunday :canada:


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I Trace I

oh soz i didnt read :\



gf i guess?

Edited by I Trace I

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yeah man, we're gunna die because our FA boards we're leaked for 5 minutes!

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X Too Fast X

Oh no our FA boards @!#!

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HAHHAHAHA like FF can do anything they are so bad they shud stick with fighting welfafers b4 they try 2 start shit with rot cuz if you wanted 2 you know FF would die

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OH LAWD what will we do.

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i love how vR is like r0fl dying r0fl. when they pulled 40 people last night.

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lmfao the ff's think they are so good

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blazer has no pubes? confirm/deny

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Oh shit son FA boards got leaked.




Anyways, the idiot got kicked.

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