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Raping Frozen Fury

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Well yeah, not going to say how I found out but we massed up knowing Frozen Fury was out. Being that they hacked a FA last night I was sure to give them a little taste of what all of their PK trips are going to become, so we massed up and managed to get like 55 people in 10 mins.



Reign of Terror Starting: 165

Frozen Fury Starting: 120~




We rushed them south of GDS, they called 1 pile then noticed it would be futile so they tried running to single which only got more of them killed. We waited at new gate for them/VR to return but nothing happened so we scouted them remassing at world 132 BH, we rushed them and crushed any hopes they had at a successful PK trip. (Y).




Reign of Terror Ending: 174 (60 on TS)

Frozen Fury Ending: A few people complaining that they couldn't PK




Goodluck this Sunday all those who wish to oppose us, you're gonna need it.

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So easy

2 kills (:

Edited by Stib

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Champion 2k5

RoT slumping (THH)

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payback mother fuckers@#@##%


more to come

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so what? u cant save your shit clan from slumping reject

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King Millsy

Faggots see you soon r[]fl

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Was watching a film fuck my life, seems like FF aren't going to be PK'ing for a very long time rofl.

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