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Well yeah we went out expecting to fight The Alliance but for some reason they decided they wouldn't come out. We heard of a few fights going on so we just set our sights on that. By the time we left we had 100 on TS which was pretty great.


Reign of Terror Starting: 270 (Lates still coming, 100 on TS)




First world saw AF vs Brutality, we knew some FF and VR were helping Brutality so we rushed the fight and began piling them, shortly after they logged out. We then began hopping around clearing clans like HF who were alone and Jaja, none really decided they'd stick around and try to fight us. Eventually we crashed HF vs VH again and they did try fighting back for a bit since they had like 180 people, but we were able to force them to log. We chased their fight into like 3 different worlds. Shortly after we heard Brutality (who we later found out were AF) were at new gate so we rushed and then noticed it wasn't Brutality, both sides kept piling but shortly after our number advantage came through and AF left the battlefield. We then crashed VH vs HF one last time until I think they stopped fighting altogether then ended our night by crashing some pure war at GDS. We then went to F2P and decided to annoy VR, but I dont have any pictures so yeah





I don't have a ending pic from closer to the end of the trip so here's one from the middle, opts were about the same anyways


Reign of Terror Ending: 300+ (Peaked at 108 on TS)




Great job to everyone showed up, strong activity. (Y)

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Edited by Ludadogg0

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Was fun, shame no-one put up a real fight

Edited by Elve

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shit was fun

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alliance scared question mark

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free loot

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King Millsy

Another feast, VR slein.

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VR scared???

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made 3m :D

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