@Matt Report post Posted March 12, 2010 Table of Contents 1. DDoSing/Illegal Activities 2. Activity 3. Dedication/Inner-Clan issues 4. Officials 5. Recent PK trip(s). DDoSing/Illegal Activities. VR like to accuse other people of doing it. Recently we've seen the darker side of things. VR officials buying DDoSing software, using malicious files to infect computers, and even hacking Paypals. Some proof of VR DDoSing: <PvPJoey> a ts? <^Alex> Yes <^Alex> Already took down Rot's TS <PvPJoey> oh <^Alex> They're on the back up <^Alex> Audio <^Alex> Vent <^Alex> It's harder to DoS <^Alex> PvPjoey <^Alex> PvPjoey <^Alex> Check RoT's TS now <^Alex> :P <^Alex> Tell me if its down <^Alex> Lol <PvPJoey> not sure <PvPJoey> there site up? <^Alex> its down <^Alex> Went back to TS <^Alex> www.rs-rot.com <^Alex> Site's Down <^Alex> + audio <^Alex> RIPPPPpp <^Alex> I love dominating. And now admission by one of the people who were pressured by his leaders to do it. I'll be examining the above testimony later on in my post. I'll leave you with just the above image. Activity. VR boast to be the most active PK clan in RS. Off the bat I can shoot down this logic as we PK about 2 times a day at least and VR have gone days without PKing at a time. Let's look at VR's recent pulls since this "crash war". Recently a few VR members have been saying "we've pulled 100 people a few times in recent days" as a way to show they aren't slumping. But is 100/240~ people really anything to brag about? Dedication/Inner-clan issues Dedication has always been something VR lacked. From a few months ago when they lost 80 people on TS in 2 hours, to mass-quits. However VR have kept Inner-clan issues under wraps for a good time until someone who is halfway smart began paying attention. Here are a few VR members quitting, and citing their reasons. I rage quit a few times in VR over minor things (RL reasons, arguments with people) but always ended up going back. My reason for leaving was because I trusted one of the officials with some fairly sensitive personal info about me, (which I didn't give them voluntary), ended up being leaked to half the clan. Decided instantly that I was done VR losing over 30 people on TS because of the trashing they received today And we have, of course, the infamous. Officials Well I mean I'd be stating the obvious if I pointed out the flaws in VR leadership, so I'll keep it simple. We have the inner-clan issues which led to the demoting of "Phoenixtam" (seen below). We have Officials leaking information their members trusted them with. We have Nodari567 rage-spying on VR and keeping his position in the clan I rage quit a few times in VR over minor things (RL reasons, arguments with people) but always ended up going back. My reason for leaving was because I trusted one of the officials with some fairly sensitive personal info about me, (which I didn't give them voluntary), ended up being leaked to half the clan. Decided instantly that I was done You have officials like D2master12, Lukas1400 who have been in VR for less than 3 months already with such a position of power. You have terrible leadership decisions (some of it eluded to in the pictures above) which have led to steady decline of VR. You have members being kicked left and right, people quitting, and spies everywhere. But I mean, it's OK. "VR Strong" Latest PK Trip I wouldn't usually use something this recent in a topic like this, but I think this should be noted. The fact that they killed about 20 DF, 10 RSD, and 15 RoT with 100 on TS (even though they only had about 70 in-game at their peak) Break-down of their PK trip by world Regroups 1-3 broken down by people who were there Hitting VR on Login: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkXcVXutXNs Summary: VR basically massed up, went to crash DF, got cleared by RSD+DF. We came in and hit them on login, they remassed, hit on login again, rushed by DF+RSD, logged out. Came back, got massed sniped by us, logged out to 74, RSD+DF ended and we left. Looks like another successful trip. Cya around, scrubs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ludadogg0 Report post Posted March 12, 2010 (edited) Good read, sad how vR still think they are "the shit" Edited March 12, 2010 by Ludadogg0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
7_M_E_T_A_7 Report post Posted March 12, 2010 (edited) ~Sprius: We have non dedicated members, and rot have dedicated members LMAO. Regroup #3 is a killer for VR! Edited March 12, 2010 by 7_M_E_T_A_7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
erik Report post Posted March 12, 2010 It must be fucking shit being VR lmfao. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
h0z Report post Posted March 12, 2010 Oh well at least they have a great community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
MEDUSA Report post Posted March 12, 2010 (edited) LOL Edited March 12, 2010 by Elve Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
4kyiyw4k Report post Posted March 12, 2010 holy fuak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Violent Danz Report post Posted March 12, 2010 oh my God. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Z A C K Report post Posted March 12, 2010 Holy Shit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Bacon040 Report post Posted March 12, 2010 oh lordy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
The Man Report post Posted March 12, 2010 Scrubs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Desire Report post Posted March 12, 2010 read it all :D. ol @ dsla's logs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Nick Report post Posted March 12, 2010 holy fuck they are are reaching a point of no return Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0