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Oh Keifer, maybe you should take your own advice and focus on your own clan team.



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Lol the topics look kind of expected, the problem I see you having is the spamming based on what I saw earlier it kinda is a problem you guys have let yourself's down because everything is just too easy. When I was rot I always preached people to spam non-stop, someone should just say it over and over like I use to do people just forget to spam during run ins it really is the key to winning a fight. Besides the spamming issue you guys are undeniably still the most superior clan in p2p in every way just don't let yourself get loose I envision another year of terror comming and shit team like Brutality will remain 2nd rate shit p2p punchbags


Quoted for emphasis

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Almost forgot, can't leave this out.




Luckily I screenied it before VR offiicals deleted it.

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Such A pathetic Fucking leak seriously if your gona leak our boards do it right. All they posted were pics of us talking about how shit they are. And Recaps of fights. Absolutely nothing That Hurts us. Thanks for advertising our opinions of you though brut :)


Whats even worse is your posting pictures of topics that were made in 2008? Its 2010 now idiots.....


Atleast They Might have a better idea on how you run a real clan. Although they are A "Team" Which is just an excuse to mass recruit from f2p clans.


Edit: Wtf deadmeat was still In rot? Could of swore he left/got kicked.

Edited by Gigago

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should keifer really be the leader when his members are more competent at getting spies than he is?

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Doesn't look like anything important was shown lol

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rofl brut spy's go ahead and hit us we gladly take your items

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Oh no They screenied Anoinim and Harry's birthday topic what are we going to do.


No matter if you have a spy or not brutality, your still shit.

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Bill Belichick


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Xmas Bandit

Well what to say, the only thing i have to say is, you ended when you had more people mugtality back to dieing you shit Team.


Edit: was Reading some of the topics, and you made a spy screeny a fucking birthday topic? and nigmito needing help for his posts? jesus christ

Edited by Xmas Bandit

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Screening topics from 2008 lol nice.

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Razor Jimbob

Wait so they claim to of had this spy for 5 months and one of the best screenshots they could find was Harry & Anonims B day topic?


God damn..

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You screened legendary topics, Those are there for a reason dipshit

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i quit now rofl......

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