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What Sports do you play?

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Sir Severed

I played baseball for 7 or 8 years. Played primarily shortstop and sometimes second, but could play any base really.


Now I just skateboard

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Bill Belichick

Swimming, golf, basketball (usually PF/C)

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football and floorball :P

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basketball- sg


baseball-no particular position

tennis-when i wanted to check out girls skirts :blush:


thats my list...but mainly did basketball because im 6'6 and i like it more

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I don't really play sports, but I do run. I find that if I take one dog I get more of a work out trying to make him stop trying to piss on every tree we run by. If I take the other dog, I have a hard time keeping up with her enthusiasm until she runs out of gas a few blocks later.

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I play football, Wr, Free Safety


Baseball, 1st base, center field

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Competitive swimming & water polo.

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Football - Middle line backer Im 5"11 184 (Only 15) Played since I was 10.


Wrestling - The sport I dedicate A lot of my time to. Been wrestling since I was in The first grade so 9 years. Hope to follow John Rizzo in Winning at states In the higher Varsity level.


Baseball - Only played for A few years when I was younger. Stopped In like the 6th grade. Played Mainly 3rd base.


Basketball - Same as baseball. Played center.


Soccer - ROFL played for like A year in the second grade and fucking hated it.

Edited by Gigago

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Thats all the athletes we have? lol

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Mixed Martial Arts, been doing it for 3 years

(Got black belt (Dan 1) 3 years ago in karate and was about to go for Dan2 but i decided id move on to MMA)


Football for the school team - Striker

Football outside of school (local club) - Right midfielder

Rugby in school - Fly half

and i go to the Gym 1-2 times a week :) (Depends if i can be fucked)

Edited by Stib

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Football for my college team, play central midfield or upfront usually. Used to play at borough/county level and for a sunday time but stopped since I got older. Do downhill mountain biking with friends at weekends and hoping to get a lot more into it this summer and maybe enter a few amateur races. Go to the gym a few times a week, and am pretty active in general. Used to play a lot more team sports at school and stuff but as i said I've grown out of most of it.

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Use to be a batsman in cricket for our school and I use to play football for my town's local team where I played center back and sometimes upfront on the right :P

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I used to do athletics, nothing now though =x

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Video games






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Red Sky 13

Soccer - Goalie

Hockey - Goalie

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