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What Sports do you play?

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Because we all know we're not nerds and have lives in RoT. This is for the public and see how many other non-nerds are in the boards of RoT.


Me personally I played Football, Fullback and Sam Linebacker, or Strong Linebacker. I was 5'8" and 190 lbs. Ran a 4,8~9 in the 40. Quit after my freshman year because I got tired of it.


I currently play Baseball, Pitcher and 3rd Base. I throw around 86~ and I got some dirty stuff. I throw a Changeup, Slider, but I love the Curveball for my strikeout pitch. Usually batting in the 3rd or 4th spot.


What do you idiots,scrawny brits play?

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Don't play shit; I work out at a local gym on a daily basis though and run in the mornings if I get the chance.

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I played soccer for 11 years mostly as a right forward. Played baseball for 1 season but it got boring after a while.


Now I just go to the gym twice a week and I might start kickboxing soon.

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Just football(soccer for you foreigners) every sunday with the lads

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Used to play soccer, now just basketball pos. shooting guard.

Edited by Numbers`

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nothing organized, play basketball and football with friends though ^^

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choir, baritone/base 2 :>

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Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Handball, cricket, hockey, roller hockey, ice hockey, lacrosse, dodge ball, kickball, wrestling, and track


Thats about it

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The Man

Well I play a shit load of sports ever since I was a little kid. Im right now 6'1 and 190ish..Im really low on body fat according to the doctor that tested me on it. Forgot the percentage :S.


For sports here my my list/position


Football: Usually Safety because my quick and have the ability to easily read plays by the quarterback. It's like a gift lol.


Basketball: I was a shooting guard until I hit my growth spert in 7/8th grade then I became more of a forward. Im able to hold my own against some of the taller centers when im down in the paint because they are so slow and gumpy as fuck.


Baseball: On the odd pickup games ill always play first because iv always played this position and just used to it. As for a hitter im 3-5 depends on how good of a team I have.


At this park I go to they have a nice volleyball set up and I always get into the games because it's a lot of fun if you actually play. I don't like to set up as much so im usually the one spiking the ball. Great sport to try if you haven't played it or not good at some other sports such as football or basketball.


I want to play hockey but have no time at all to get into it because of work every day. No foreign soccer for me lol.

Edited by The Man

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After High school never did school sports.


Did soccer from age 5-13 was a goalie and a damn good one. Stopped after i moved to a new state.


Football did 3 years in my Hs, was Defensive weak tackle and Offensive Left guard.


Basketball: used to play daily at school and couple nights a week at the park/front yard with neighbors nothing organized.


Even tho im a big guy im still pretty active lol.

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i play baseball.


outfield and pitched, ive had a shitload of problems with my arm over the last year though. before i was hurt i was hitting 82 with my fastball, il prob be lucky to get back up to 75 before the end of this summer though, next year is when im really hoping to excel again

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Rugby I was a wing/centre, softball was 1st base, basketball was usually point/shooting guard, volleyball a bit and cricket where I was medium pace bowler.. zzzzz

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