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Loads of Gears of War 3 info

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"18 months has passed since the sinking of Jacinto. The last bastion of humanity bumbled into the sea, and the few survivors have been scattered across a dying world. The government has disbanded, the military has fallen to pieces, and a new threat it rising up that will literally tear the planet apart. Hope is hard to find, especially after years of war, loss, and heartbreak. As marcus Fenix and his companions face extinction, they must deal with a harsh reality. They're all stranded now; fighting back isn't a job anymore - it's the only chance they have."


The pictures I've seen is the world turned to a shithole. The message at the end of gears 2 was a distress call from Adam Fenix, Marcus's father. He knows how to defeat the locust so you must go after him.


Additions to the game:


2 new players for 4 player co-op


"He's our senitive one" "He's a young soldier that cares more about the people than the war." He's black and kind of scrawny, he will be one of the 2 new playable characters in the 4 player co-op.


"Every able-bodied man and woman now needs to suit up to stand against the new profound threats facing humanity. This woman is the first of playable woman characters in gears of war 3. She is the one you may remember who guided you through the other gears of war games; that's right, Anya.


Incendiary Grenades: Now there are Frag, Ink, Smoke, and Incendiary.


The Hammer Burst: It has been improved. From the picture I see, it has a bayonet on the front, just a blade for gutting them. It says there is a deep zoom on it for headshots so headshots should have more effect now.


Double Barreled Sawed-off Shotgun: This new weapon features a new single shot close range blast that can wipe out multiple enemys. The crosshair fills half of the screen.


The Digger Launcher: This weapon is different. It fires piranha like creatures that dig under the ground at immensely high speeds then pop up under your enemy and immobilizes them.


Recoilless Rifle: A new single shot weapon that looks like a sniper. "Capable of taking down most enemys in a single shot."


Mech suit: Theres a picture they showed that will be used for certain missions: MP unconfirmed. It is a metal suit like a robot suit with 2 bigass guns on it.


EXECUTIONS LOOK ALOT BETTER AND HAVE TO BE EARNED Heres one execution move they said: "You shove your flamethrower inside them and pull the trigger and flames come out of their eye sockets and mouth."


Ever wonder what your favorite duo are up to? Of course, I'm talking about the two most interesting characters in the game: Baird and Cole. It says you will be able to play them in certain missions to see their point of view. So while you are playing them you will hear Marcus on the mic for instance of something you just did. Showing you exactly where they are in the timeline.

Edited by Kill Elmo2

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didnt play the 2nd 1

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Death Troll

I couldn't really get into Gears. I played Halo and Call of Duty a lot, but it seems like every time I tried to play it seemed endless and boring.

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3rd person = bleh

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Red Sky 13

Can't wait to play.

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never played any of them may try it though

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never played any of them may try it though

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I couldn't really get into Gears. I played Halo and Call of Duty a lot, but it seems like every time I tried to play it seemed endless and boring.

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White Widow2

Fwack son its gonna be good. I like gears for the campaigns lol : )

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MW2 is so much better =]

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i need to get the 2nd one :L I prefer Halo though

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