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Longest fight in P2P History

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Man for man, we are better. If it have been 100 Brutality Members Vs 100 RoT Members im sure we'd win.


Well we knew Brutality planned on PKing today so when they asked us for a fight, we knew they'd be pulling big especially after allowing over 50 ex-FF to PK with them.


Reign of Terror Starting: 219

Brutality Starting: 375~




I personally didn't make the start but from what I heard/can imagine, being outnumbered by almost 60 people wasn't exactly easy to deal with. I got home about an hour into the fight and considering at this point Brutality had over 50 more people than us, we were doing pretty good. Intense fighting continued for hours hereafter, we managed to maintain and slowly gain numbers while Brutality dropped from 130 people to barely 100 by 7 EST. At 7 EST we began to turn the tide of the fight, and we never looked back. Hours passed and our numbers never faltered, our dedication never broken. The next few hours would consist of a mess within greater demons, with both of us barraging us then switching back to single spells, then back again. At around midnight eastern Brutality were nearly cleared from the battlefield, and would attempt to outlast for the next 3 hours within GDS. As their TS numbers went from 60 to 50, 50 to 40 we all knew the end was near. As the clock neared 3AM Eastern Keifer promised Brutality they would not end, and they would wait for their GMT to wake up (as it was near 8AM in the UK). At this point we knew we had to make him eat his words. We all returned in mage and began spamming, piling, and returning like no other. As the clock had just passed 3 AM EST/8 AM GMT Brutality called off returning, just short of 11 hours of fighting. Thus, the longest fight in the history of P2P.


There were some people from various clans hitting RoT/Brutality, nothing that effected the outcome of the fight. Although I'm betting that will be the main excuse given by Brutality.














Reign of Terror Ending: 240~

Brutality Ending: 0 (34 on TS)




Great job to all RoT members there, ending with more than we began with after almost 11 hours of fighting, and coming through when all odds were against us.


Anyways Brutality, you're not going to go anywhere when you drop 100 people in less than 11 hours, and when you fail to clear your opponent when you nearly double their options. Anyways, see you soon.

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good fite, around 30, 40 deaths i believe



Edited by Delinius

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133 starting vs 71 and they couldn't take us down.


It's time for another merger, Brut.





Edited by Idioteque69

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Gj RoT

There were several Ko/Exo members there crashing so I went on a little AC Trip.



Edited by Floridaguy0

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120+kills 71 deaths



Edited by 619mwa

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Gf was there for only 6 hours tho


43 deaths like 10-15 kills



Edited by Davedax

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Good fight Brut

37 kills/63 deaths lol

Edited by Ancientt

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GF around 222 kills and 60 deaths

Edited by Igotlaid 69

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Was there from start to finish apart from having to leave for 30 minutes.


116 kills (Bounty-Rogue(17) +116), around 70 deaths. 50 of those deaths being for mage.


Thanks for the fight brut, shame you had to outlast for so long, the last few hours of the fight was just you teleing up to die pretty much.

Edited by Rob`

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Guest Evan

skipped most of it

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Edited by Coolalvin94

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Good Work RoT.

I AC'd and watched a lot of the fight with my Runescape Dinasty brothers Joyhova110 and Ajaaj7!

Edited by Chainsaw35

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Damn it was the longest fight we ever had but it did not feel like a long fight. Got so much loot out of it, GF!!!

Edited by MeMito

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White Widow2

we won

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