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Guy Freaks Out After Girlfriend Deletes WoW Characters

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I think you can ring blizzard and they can get your characters back for a smell free or if you're lucky for free :)

that kids an idiot though

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Damn...... Seems fake though, no matter how pissed off I was I'd doubt id fucking hit my computer across the room lol

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LOL that guy fucked that computer up bro wasn;t even a fair fight.

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Guest FuH

If someone ruined something i put so much time and effort into like that i would murder them

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Bull Mc

That was a nice computer.

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It can take a long time, tons of effort and lots of losing rolls to get the items on the characters. A lot of effort goes into making a good account, it can take months to get a single item. First the item has to actually drop, depending on how rare it is, could be less than 1% chance. And then if it actually does drop from a raid boss, you have to win the roll for it and anyone who has played WoW knows how cruel lady luck is. Nothing sucks like losing something you really need by rolling a single digit number or someone rolls 1 higher than you or you aren't even close to beating the highest roll and that feeling you get when someone rolls a flat 100. So assuming he had mad shit and maybe even a few arena titles, achievements, server firsts, you gotta think of how pissed off someone would be if that were to just be deleted.


But here's why I think it's fake. Anyone who plays WoW and doesn't fail at life knows you can call Blizzard weekdays get your account restored fully including deleted items.

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He probally beat her later that night

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i woulda beat the bitches ass

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