@Matt Report post Posted June 27, 2010 Well basically Brutality told all their members that if they didn't fight for Brutality in the upcoming Jagex cup, they would be kicked. This wasn't a problem until VR gave the same ultimatum to their members. Tensions had been growing since Brutality dumped VR post-truce (yeah VR got used lol) and it led up to this. Today Brutality were attempting to crash our fight and began killing VR members watching. The following IRC log is the fight that ensued and caused Brut members to leave VR/VR members leave Brut, and many talks of a possible crash war (in this case civil war). The logs are long, good lines are in red text 05:06:40 <+Awsome_Dude4> brut just killed me 05:06:40 <@Jaguarrr> tornado 05:06:40 <+Awsome_Dude4> brut just killed me 05:06:41 <+Awsome_Dude4> brut just killed me 05:06:42 <@Den||d1e2n3> did they lose 05:06:42 <Adam|St4k1ng> xligit just bsed another vr member 05:06:43 <+Awsome_Dude4> fucking mass up! 05:06:44 <+``Axel> Tgarbo, Jao` is 05:06:44 <+Tgarbo> who else 05:06:48 <+Awsome_Dude4> #rs-brutality 05:06:48 <Chin`> Awsome_Dude4 whats your point 05:06:49 <Chin`> lol 05:06:49 <+Tgarbo> jao? whos that? 05:06:53 <+Tgarbo> whos jao 05:06:53 <+Awsome_Dude4> fucking mass up 05:06:55 <+killa_skrill> k get ready to snipe brut 05:06:56 <+Lordkilla44> LOL Awsome_Dude4 LOLOLOL 05:06:58 <@Jao`> im hispanic.. 05:07:00 <Vinny`> LOL 05:07:00 <`Ronne> LOL 05:07:04 <+killa_skrill> k get ready to snipe brut 05:07:05 <+Tgarbo> your a mexician 05:07:07 Frostie99er (~Frostie@rage.xbnc.net) has joined #vr 05:07:07 ChanServ sets mode: +v Frostie99er 05:07:08 <+Lordkilla44> lmfao 05:07:09 `MIKey|BBL is now known as `Mikey 05:07:09 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Frostie99er is in 075 clans. | Clans: Charmed And Dangerous, PCE list 23, Quest masters, teampixel, VR Brit Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Frostie99er 05:07:10 <@Luck_Z> Paris_Fexis = best hispanic.. 05:07:10 Matt|Il-Ftw-I (~r0fl@Swift-E963C8A5.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) has joined #vr 05:07:12 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Matt|il-ftw-i was not found in the RSHSC. 05:07:12 <`Ronne> im wearing a sombrero irl 05:07:14 Portugal252 (~ghhtyuty@Swift-ECEC9AB7.croy.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #vr 05:07:15 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Portugal252 is in 072 clans. | Clans: AutoCast Legends, Best p2p hybrids of Runescape | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Portugal252 05:07:15 <+Tgarbo> sorry jao, there is no award for being mexician 05:07:16 Steve0rz (~Steve0rz@Swift-C2D6CFCB.bb.sky.com) has joined #vr 05:07:16 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Steveorz is in 072 clans. | Clans: Brutality, Spirit List7 | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Steveorz 05:07:17 <Chin`> Awsome_Dude4 you act like vr doesnt kill us lol 05:07:17 Darth|Work is now known as Darth_bob123 05:07:17 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> lolllllll 05:07:20 <Chin`> :D:D:D? 05:07:21 <+Frostie99er> GO ON 05:07:23 <+Frostie99er> GO ON SON 05:07:24 <OO\I\MAGE\I> Luck_Z? rofl im best hispanic 05:07:24 <@Jao`> ppp 05:07:24 <G0d> wo made 05:07:26 <G0d> who mad 05:07:26 <Portugal252> mass up l00t 05:07:27 Terrance (~Rune3_Pk3@Swift-A03B89B5.adsl.user.start.ca) has joined #vr 05:07:27 <Adam|St4k1ng> get ready to snipe brut guys! 05:07:27 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Terrance is in 078 clans. | Clans: Brutality, Brutality Officials, Charmed And Dangerous, Hybriding School, Nasty Switches, Runescapes all time greatest hybrids, Runescapes Ultimate Hybrids, Team Black Chefs | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Terrance 05:07:28 <+Awsome_Dude4> Chin` your a fucking idiot im going to snipe your pile now 05:07:29 <Terrance> YO MATES 05:07:32 <Terrance> GET READY TO SNIPE BRUT 05:07:33 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> LOL 05:07:37 <G0d> LOL 05:07:37 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> {0o0o}str{oo} 05:07:38 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> u here 05:07:39 <Terrance> Awsome_Dude4 whos mad? 05:07:40 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> {0o0o}str{oo} 05:07:40 <Terrance> Awsome_Dude4 whos mad? 05:07:40 <Terrance> Awsome_Dude4 whos mad? 05:07:41 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> u here 05:07:41 <Terrance> Awsome_Dude4 whos mad? 05:07:41 Matty sets mode: +b *!*Rune3_Pk3@*.adsl.user.start.ca 05:07:41 Terrance was kicked by Matty (Don't spam - Temp ban (1543)) 05:07:41 <Portugal252> L0L 05:07:41 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> yeh 05:07:42 <OO\I\MAGE\I> shut the fuck up 05:07:45 <@Nodari567> oi 05:07:46 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> who killed you 05:07:47 <OO\I\MAGE\I> before i really snipe brut 05:07:48 <Steve0rz> brut just killed me 05:07:49 <Steve0rz> mass up 05:07:51 <+Awsome_Dude4> any vr interested n sniping BRUT join cc! 05:07:52 <+Stefan> OO\I\MAGE\I 05:07:53 <+[Caddy990]> Portugal252 tell that black cunt to shut up 05:07:54 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> brut just bsed me lol 05:07:54 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> wat 05:07:55 <+Stefan> dont flame 05:07:55 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> mass up 05:07:55 <@Nodari567> shut up you lil bastards 05:07:57 <+Stefan> dont flame USA 05:07:58 <@Luck_Z> yo 05:07:58 <+Stefan> :( 05:07:59 <+[Caddy990]> tell him to go eat some kfc 05:08:00 <+Frostie99er> all because oooostr died 05:08:00 <@Luck_Z> feel free to snipe brut they suck 05:08:01 Steve0rz (~Steve0rz@Swift-C2D6CFCB.bb.sky.com) has left #vr 05:08:03 <Adam|St4k1ng> noddles 05:08:03 <OO\I\MAGE\I> Stefan lets snipe brut? 05:08:04 Nodari567 sets mode: +m 05:08:05 <@Luck_Z> :PP 05:08:05 <+`Spirius> im sniping brut 05:08:05 <@Lukas1400> usa did well to get this far 05:08:05 <@Craiggg> bruts shit? 05:08:08 ChanServ sets mode: +v OO\I\MAGE\I 05:08:09 <+Awsome_Dude4> ty Luck_Z 05:08:10 <+`Spirius> Luck_Z who r brut fighting 05:08:10 <@Jao`> if only they subbed kobe in, usa would've won 05:08:11 <+Stefan> OO\I\MAGE\I 05:08:13 <@Luck_Z> dk 05:08:13 <+Stefan> im already there helping rot lol 05:08:14 <+Awsome_Dude4> they kileld me for a fucking set l0l 05:08:15 <+Stefan> jk 05:08:16 <+`Spirius> rofl!@ 05:08:17 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> :o 05:08:17 <+Stefan> im not even on rs 05:08:17 <+Frostie99er> rofl... 05:08:19 <+[Caddy990]> Craiggg r brut flaming us? 05:08:19 <+`Spirius> im gona snipe them l0l 05:08:21 <+Stefan> lol 05:08:22 <+Awsome_Dude4> ye dk our buddies 05:08:23 <+Stefan> brut = shit team/clan 05:08:24 <+Stefan> brut = shit team/clan 05:08:24 <+Stefan> brut = shit team/clan 05:08:26 <+Awsome_Dude4> time to snipe brut l0l 05:08:27 <+Stefan> BRUT iS SHIT 05:08:30 <+Frostie99er> dnt think no1 gives a fk if u snipe brut 0205:08:31 Swording509 (~ssh161407@Swift-2E3E0BB.lei3.cable.ntl.com) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:08:32 <+Frostie99er> u fkn mong 05:08:35 <@Jao`> Agreed Stefan 05:08:36 `gaz (~pjirc.vi@Swift-8295CFC4.manc.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #vr 05:08:37 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: `gaz was not found in the RSHSC. 05:08:38 <+[Caddy990]> ROT VS BRUT WORLD? 05:08:38 <+[Caddy990]> ROT VS BRUT WORLD? 05:08:41 <@Luck_Z> its not 05:08:43 <@Luck_Z> rot vs brut 05:08:43 <+Stefan> Brutality = shit team, always cause trouble 05:08:44 <@Luck_Z> its rot vs corr 05:08:45 <+[Caddy990]> wat 05:08:46 <@Luck_Z> with half of rs there 05:08:47 <+[Caddy990]> oh 05:08:47 <+Frostie99er> all because ooostr came up acting the big man 05:08:48 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:08:49 <+Frostie99er> sit dwn kid 05:08:50 <+Stefan> killa_skrill 05:08:51 <+Stefan> killa_skrill 05:08:54 <+[Caddy990]> was gna go feast in p2p 05:08:55 <+`God|`po0n> who's winning 05:08:55 <+killa_skrill> ?# 05:08:55 <+Stefan> lanky's team is hated by vr now 05:08:56 <+Stefan> :3 05:08:56 <+`God|`po0n> rot or cor 05:08:57 <@Luck_Z> idk like 05:08:58 <+Stefan> i hate lanky 05:08:59 <@Luck_Z> half of rs is there 05:09:01 <+Stefan> Lanky 05:09:02 <@Luck_Z> who knows whos winning 05:09:03 <+Stefan> stop crashing rot 05:09:03 <+Stefan> lol 05:09:04 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:09:09 <@Luck_Z> Lanky is brut he can crash rot if he wants to 05:09:11 <@Jaguarrr> A. Gyan 10, Total 1377 votes | Man of the match 05:09:13 <+Stefan> Luck_Z 05:09:16 <+Stefan> hes gonna get us 05:09:16 <+Stefan> crashed 05:09:17 <+Stefan> like an idiot 05:09:21 <@Luck_Z> hes in brut 05:09:22 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:09:23 <+`God|`po0n> nope 05:09:25 Ed|phantom (~Edphanto@Swift-7A88B609.range217-39.btcentralplus.com) has joined #vr 05:09:25 ChanServ sets mode: +v Ed|phantom 05:09:25 <+Stefan> rot will rage toh 05:09:25 <+`God|`po0n> he's in brut 05:09:26 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ PRIVACY ]: Ed|phantom has defname privacy enabled. 05:09:26 <+Stefan> lOL 05:09:29 <+Stefan> rot will rage 05:09:29 <+Stefan> LOL 05:09:29 <+`God|`po0n> brut = crashing war with rot 05:09:37 <@Craiggg> any vr crashing with brut will be kicked 05:09:37 <+Stefan> brut are so dumb 05:09:39 <@Craiggg> bruts shit 05:09:42 <+Stefan> Craiggg 05:09:43 <+killa_skrill> ^ 05:09:43 <+Stefan> thank you 05:09:44 <+Stefan> OMFG 05:09:45 <+Stefan> THANK YOU 05:09:45 <+Stefan> HOLY SHIT 05:09:47 <+Stefan> kick Lanky 05:09:48 <+Stefan> kick Lanky 05:09:48 <+`God|`po0n> l0l Craiggg 05:09:49 <+`God|`po0n> legend 05:09:54 <+Stefan> kick Lanky hes crashing 05:09:54 <+killa_skrill> kick lanky hes crashing 05:10:02 <@Craiggg> bruts leaders r retarded 05:10:02 <@Evizu> kick ur mum 05:10:07 <@Luck_Z> 11-001411:001011:000711- 11(@Craiggg11) bruts leaders r retarded 05:10:11 Grey|3d|0k is now known as Grey|4d|0k 05:10:12 <+killa_skrill> <3 Evizu 05:10:13 <+Stefan> USA demands taht u kick lanky 05:10:13 <+Stefan> :D 05:10:16 <@Luck_Z> holy shit its evi 05:10:18 <+``Axel> we know Luck_Z 05:10:19 <+pkred00000> can we pkey? 05:10:19 <+Stefan> please for usa sake 05:10:19 <+pkred00000> can we pkey? 05:10:20 <@Evizu> yyeah 05:10:21 <@Luck_Z> yo Evizu man come talk 05:10:21 <@Evizu> back 05:10:23 <@Luck_Z> come talk 05:10:23 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> Evizu hangover? 05:10:25 <@Luck_Z> come talk 05:10:25 <@Luck_Z> come talk 05:10:26 <+``Axel> Evizu call a mass 05:10:27 <@Evizu> back betta then ever 05:10:29 <@Den||d1e2n3> Evizu 05:10:30 <@Den||d1e2n3> 05:10:31 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> Evizu hangover? 05:10:34 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> or still wasted 05:10:36 <+Awsome_Dude4> location on Brut? 05:10:37 <+UrMirage> OO\I\MAGE\I 05:10:38 <@Evizu> no lolmao. 05:10:39 <+UrMirage> he is drunk 05:10:40 <@Luck_Z> Evizu = next warlord 05:10:40 <@Evizu> veen 05:10:41 <+Frostie99er> (22:10:34) <+Awsome_Dude4> location on Brut? 05:10:42 <+Awsome_Dude4> location on Brut? so i can snipe these fucks 05:10:42 <@Evizu> at the bar 05:10:42 <+|`Chris`|> .ml brut 05:10:43 <@Evizu> all day 05:10:43 Nodari567 sets mode: -m 05:10:44 <@Evizu> lolz 05:10:44 <@[Dan-Ultra]> go post on awards 05:10:44 <@[Dan-Ultra]> go post on awards 05:10:45 <@[Dan-Ultra]> go post on awards 05:10:45 <@Luck_Z> LOL 05:10:46 <+Frostie99er> (22:10:34) <+Awsome_Dude4> location on Brut? < STFU U NOB 05:10:46 <@Luck_Z> still drunk 05:10:47 <@Luck_Z> expected kid 05:10:49 <+Awsome_Dude4> location on Brut? so i can snipe these fucks 05:10:50 <+killa_skrill> Den||d1e2n3 give me the recording of evizu talking... 05:10:51 <+Frostie99er> u fkn dum kid? 05:10:54 <+killa_skrill> i was sleeping 05:10:55 <+UrMirage> yeh lol Luck_Z 05:10:58 <+Frostie99er> awsome do u hav downs? 05:11:03 <+Frostie99er> fkn retard 05:11:05 <+killa_skrill> Den||d1e2n3 give me the recording of evizu talking... 0205:11:07 Adam|St4k1ng (~AdamSt4k@Swift-E7514F69.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:11:09 <@Evizu> yo 05:11:11 <@Evizu> no jikes 05:11:11 <+Petethe1st> http://i46.tinypic.com/30hwhlh.jpg 05:11:12 <@Evizu> jokes 05:11:14 <@Evizu> some fuking 05:11:14 <+Frostie99er> snipe a brut member i will snipe u 05:11:15 <@Evizu> old mn 05:11:16 <+Jeroen``> evizu 05:11:17 <@Evizu> starte on me 05:11:19 <@Evizu> started 05:11:19 <+Jeroen``> are u still a virgin? 05:11:20 <+`God|`po0n> Evizu 05:11:21 <@Craiggg> Evizu can u fucking reply jesus christ 05:11:21 <+`God|`po0n> bruts out 05:11:22 <+Jeroen``> are u still a virgin? 05:11:23 <+`God|`po0n> u gotta go bro 05:11:24 <@Evizu> for wearin a boston celtic p 05:11:26 <+hega_man> Heyyyy 05:11:26 <+Frostie99er> u dum kid 05:11:29 <+hega_man> There should be 05:11:30 <+killa_skrill> Den||d1e2n3 give me the recording of Evizu talking... 05:11:32 <+``Axel> Frostie99er u mad? 05:11:32 <+killa_skrill> ?????????????????? 05:11:33 Tooheyy (~nnscript@Swift-FEA8CC36.cae.bellsouth.net) has joined #vr 05:11:33 ChanServ sets mode: +v Tooheyy 05:11:33 <+hega_man> the best 4n 05:11:33 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Tooheyy is in 074 clans. | Clans: Brutality, Brutality Officials, Strifen Unit, VR Retired | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Tooheyy 05:11:34 <+Frostie99er> u dum kid 05:11:35 <+Petethe1st> 2 VLS & Hilt in the past 3 days 05:11:35 <+Stefan> killa_skrill 05:11:37 <+Stefan> killa_skrill 05:11:39 <+Stefan> lanky is crashing -.- 05:11:40 <+Petethe1st> My luck on www.runescape.com is beyond limits 05:11:41 <+killa_skrill> yh 05:11:43 <+killa_skrill> kick lanky 05:11:43 <+Stefan> he attaked me 05:11:44 <+Stefan> i was ac'ing 05:11:45 Adam|St4k1ng (~AdamSt4k@Swift-E7514F69.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #vr 05:11:45 <+Stefan> lol 05:11:46 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: The Rs Adam is in 072 clans. | Clans: Brutality, Charmed And Dangerous | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=The%A0Rs%A0Adam 05:11:47 <+Jeroen``> pete 05:11:49 <+Jeroen``> go to corp 05:11:50 <+Jeroen``> l0l0l 05:11:53 <+Awsome_Dude4> Frostie99er gl 05:11:54 <+[Caddy990]> LOL Yvan144| 05:11:54 <+Petethe1st> lol 05:11:56 <+Awsome_Dude4> location on Brut? so i can snipe these fucks 05:11:58 <@[Dan-Ultra]> tramp Adam|St4k1ng 05:11:58 <+[Caddy990]> tiffany = best sniper? 05:12:01 <+[Caddy990]> are u dizzy blud 05:12:02 <+Lordkilla44> fuck off Awsome_Dude4 L0L 05:12:03 Mart` (~Mart@44AF33BC.8A3D9F20.71220B71.IP) has joined #vr 05:12:03 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: J Oopy is in 072 clans. | Clans: Blasphemy, Heart Unit list 2 | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=J%A0Oopy 05:12:04 <+[Caddy990]> she doesnt snipe 05:12:05 <+Frostie99er> (22:11:51) <+Awsome_Dude4> Frostie99er gl 05:12:06 <+bear-187> l 05:12:09 <+Frostie99er> do it and see wht happens2 u 0205:12:14 `GooD (~izcmzdgy@Swift-F6F4440C.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (Quit: CyberScript - até o Lula usa (www.cyberscript.org)) 05:12:18 <+Jeroen``> caddy 05:12:23 <+Jeroen``> i voted u for best sniper 05:12:25 <+Jeroen``> how do u feel 05:12:38 <+killa_skrill> skimer40 = nest sniper 05:12:44 <+killa_skrill> skimer40 = best sniper 05:12:47 <Mart`> http://yfrog.com/0mcorrupyj 05:12:47 <+[Caddy990]> good 05:12:48 <Mart`> I lie? 05:12:50 <+XDaRkEsTx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAejcUUpOBw'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAejcUUpOBw 05:12:51 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ YOUTUBE ]: Title: XDaRkEsTx Owns | Duration: 072mins 28secs | Views: 0760 05:12:52 <+Jeroen``> killa skrill 05:12:53 <+[Caddy990]> na blud 05:12:55 <+XDaRkEsTx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAejcUUpOBw 05:12:55 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ YOUTUBE ]: Title: XDaRkEsTx Owns | Duration: 072mins 28secs | Views: 0760 05:12:56 <+Jeroen``> that nikka cant even tank 05:12:58 <+killa_skrill> ? 05:13:01 <+killa_skrill> lol 05:13:02 <+Jeroen``> you will have to have the whole package 05:17:01 <+|`Chris`|> No 05:17:03 <@Luck_Z> nah 05:17:04 <@Luck_Z> stop 05:17:04 <+killa_skrill> Lanky why u crashing rot 05:17:07 <@Luck_Z> don't be 05:17:09 <@Luck_Z> sniping brut or rot 05:17:15 <@Luck_Z> go play runescape and stop having a big e-dick 05:17:18 <+Awsome_Dude4> Luck_Z they killed me saying wrong clan choice l0l! 05:17:25 <@Luck_Z> whats ur rsn 05:17:26 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:17:29 <@Luck_Z> !rsn Awsome_Dude4 05:17:31 <+Awsome_Dude4> i had a vr cape on 05:17:35 <Vinny`> Awsome_Dude4 are you angry 05:17:37 <+XDaRkEsTx> proof Awsome_Dude4? 05:17:39 <Wizzy> Lll 05:17:41 <@Luck_Z> well 05:17:42 <@Luck_Z> if they do it again 05:17:42 <+XDaRkEsTx> Awsome_Dude4 proof? 05:17:45 <@Luck_Z> they wont win any fights 05:17:47 <@Luck_Z> for about 05:17:48 <+XDaRkEsTx> Luck_Z he has no proof 05:17:48 <@Luck_Z> ~3 months 05:17:49 Matty sets mode: -b *!*Rune3_Pk3@*.adsl.user.start.ca 05:17:52 <@Luck_Z> but i doubt it will happen again 05:17:53 <@Luck_Z> so its all good 05:17:54 <+UrMirage> Luck_Z 05:17:57 <+killa_skrill> get ur sally's ready for brut's next fight 05:18:01 <+Awsome_Dude4> l0l Luck_Z 05:18:03 <+Awsome_Dude4> ready for this? 05:18:04 <+UrMirage> i thought u just told them to stop having big e-dicks 05:18:08 <+|`Chris`|> .clan link929 05:18:08 <+Awsome_Dude4> http://swiftimg.net/images/public/lpp0toz.png'>http://swiftimg.net/images/public/lpp0toz.png'>http://swiftimg.net/images/public/lpp0toz.png Vinny` 0205:18:09 @Blazer1332 (~Blazer133@Swift-DD22D90D.ed.shawcable.net) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:18:10 <@Luck_Z> if they pile a vr member knowing that its vr then were not going to take that 05:18:10 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> doub they will last 3 months 05:18:12 <+rj_deathlord> if ur brut 05:18:15 <+rj_deathlord> dont snipe rot seriously 05:18:16 <@Luck_Z> but hopefully it was an accident 05:18:17 <+rj_deathlord> including u Tooheyy 05:18:19 <@Luck_Z> if your attacking them 05:18:20 <+Awsome_Dude4> http://swiftimg.net/images/public/lpp0toz.png Vinny` 05:18:21 <@Luck_Z> then its ur fault 05:18:22 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:18:24 <+Awsome_Dude4> in a staff? 05:18:30 <+Awsome_Dude4> a mystic lava staff 05:18:53 <@Luck_Z> brut officials here need to smarten the fuck up 05:18:55 <+Aidan|Dink_king78> nope ok. 05:18:56 <@Luck_Z> thats all i have to say 05:18:56 <+I_keviin_I> 0o0o 05:18:59 <+I_keviin_I> brut piled me too 05:18:59 <+I_keviin_I> lol 05:19:00 <+XDaRkEsTx> not a tank Awsome_Dude4 05:19:03 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> There shit 05:19:04 <+XDaRkEsTx> jks :P 05:19:04 <+rj_deathlord> im acing brut 05:19:06 <+rj_deathlord> with dk 05:19:09 <+Yvan144|> r[]fl rj 05:19:11 <+Awsome_Dude4> I_keviin_I u wanna do somethin bou it? 05:19:11 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> ^ 05:19:11 ChanServ sets mode: +v `Desire 05:19:11 <+rj_deathlord> so they cant 05:19:36 <+Awsome_Dude4> well fuck im in sniping gear 05:19:36 <@Luck_Z> well if ur with dk then ur gonna get piled 05:19:40 <+Awsome_Dude4> anyone got a ac falled in? 05:19:45 <+rj_deathlord> Dk acing brut 05:19:46 <@Luck_Z> but if any vr member that not in brut gets piled without a reason then we will respond to it 05:19:47 <+I_keviin_I> i know lol 05:19:54 <+Petethe1st> Jeroen`` 05:19:55 <+Petethe1st> if sum1 votes for me 05:19:59 <+Petethe1st> I feel obliged to vote back ;D 05:20:01 <+Petethe1st> cos im kind like tht 05:20:05 <+rj_deathlord> brut logged 05:20:05 <+rj_deathlord> dw 05:20:07 <+killa_skrill> .clan runfromjack 05:20:08 <+Jeroen``> nah 05:20:09 <+rj_deathlord> they cant crash now 05:20:09 <+Jeroen``> l0l 05:20:53 <+``Axel> Den||d1e2n3, are you a luxehoer? 05:20:58 <+Jeroen``> LOL 05:21:11 <+Ed|phantom> whos a skiller 05:21:11 <+Ed|phantom> in vr 05:21:14 <+Jeroen``> <-- 05:21:16 <+Neszojjabe> me 05:21:18 <+``Axel> me 05:21:20 <+Neszojjabe> look at g&a 05:21:25 <+``Axel> 99cook fletch bro 05:21:25 <+Neszojjabe> full of my skilling thread 0205:21:27 +Awsome_Dude4 (~Awsome_Du@Swift-671CBFE3.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer) 05:21:32 <+Petethe1st> k Neszojjabe u got my vote I was stuck on that 1 too l0l 05:21:35 <+Pedro`> look at kaylas stats 05:21:36 <+Pedro`> you lose 05:21:54 <+``Axel> if you vote Neszojjabe your a proud luxehoer 05:22:03 Awsome_Dude4 (~Awsome_Du@Swift-671CBFE3.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net) has joined #vr 05:22:03 ChanServ sets mode: +v Awsome_Dude4 05:22:03 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Awsome Dude4 is in 074 clans. | Clans: DollFaces, PCE list 23, Quest masters, Yeee Boiii Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Awsome%A0Dude4 0205:22:09 +Kgb96 (~Kgb96@Swift-5A8090E1.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:22:18 Kgb96 (~Kgb96@Swift-5A8090E1.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #vr 05:22:18 ChanServ sets mode: +v Kgb96 05:22:19 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Kgb96 is in 0719 clans. | First 10 Clans: All Pkersinc Ever, DollFaces, Dragonsla399s Friends, Frozen Fury Ending List, Genocide, I C 3 Bs Minions, Im Canadian, Phoenix Suns Fans, Runescape Best Pkers, runescape best tankers | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Kgb96 05:22:19 <@Nodari567> not gonan lie plas 05:22:19 <+Ed|phantom> i voted him 05:22:21 <+killa_skrill> Shorty- u mad? 05:22:22 <+Ed|phantom> i lik being a luxeoher 05:22:23 <@Nodari567> pals* 05:22:26 <@Nodari567> ghana vs uruguay 05:22:27 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> LOL Shorty- 05:22:29 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> Sorry :( 05:22:29 <@Nodari567> should be a good match 05:22:31 <Shorty-> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 05:22:32 <Shorty-> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 05:22:32 <Shorty-> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 05:22:33 <+``Axel> Nodari567 yes 05:22:34 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> llll 05:22:34 <+Neszojjabe> another skilling ach coming in a hour or maybe 2 :P 05:22:35 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> :P 05:22:36 <+killa_skrill> u mad shorty? 05:22:37 <+``Axel> and ghana will win 05:22:38 `nederwiet` (~lauraa@Swift-A10684CF.speed.planet.nl) has joined #vr 05:22:39 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: `nederwiet` was not found in the RSHSC. 05:22:39 <Shorty-> ily {0o0o}str{oo} 05:22:42 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> <3333 05:22:43 <Shorty-> quit fucking acing me 05:22:43 <+killa_skrill> u mad? 05:22:45 <Shorty-> quit fucking acing me 05:22:45 <Shorty-> quit fucking acing me 05:22:46 <+killa_skrill> u mad? 05:22:46 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> lol 05:22:47 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> olol 05:22:58 <+rj_deathlord> Shorty- 05:22:59 <+rj_deathlord> its dk 05:22:59 <+rj_deathlord> not vr 05:23:00 <+rj_deathlord> mate 05:23:06 <+killa_skrill> hes mad 05:23:06 <Shorty-> {0o0o}str{oo} 05:23:10 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> Yo 05:23:11 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> bro 05:23:13 <Shorty-> dont call piles 05:23:14 <Shorty-> faggot 05:23:16 <@Luck_Z> !clan behexen666 05:23:18 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> :P 0205:23:28 `nederwiet` (~lauraa@Swift-A10684CF.speed.planet.nl) Quit (Client exited) 05:23:31 <@Lukas1400> come chill on ts peoples 05:23:31 <@Lukas1400> come chill on ts peoples 05:23:33 <+Stefan> Shorty- 05:23:34 <+Stefan> u mad? 05:23:35 <+Stefan> Shorty- 05:23:35 <+Stefan> u mad? 05:23:37 <Shorty-> yes 05:23:43 lauraa (~lauraa@Swift-A10684CF.speed.planet.nl) has joined #vr 05:23:44 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Lauraa was not found in the RSHSC. 05:23:45 <+killa_skrill> .clan i c 3 b 05:23:47 <+Ed|phantom> hey Shorty- :) 05:23:55 <+Stefan> killa_skrill 05:23:57 <+Stefan> stop crashing the fight idio 05:23:57 <@Craiggg> http://www.vr-rs.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=17421'>http://www.vr-rs.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=17421 05:23:58 <+killa_skrill> ? 05:24:00 <+Stefan> i see you 05:24:02 <+Ed|phantom> whos fighting? 05:24:02 <+Stefan> stop crashing idiot 0605:24:08 +Bielgbi está away; Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/ThalesLucena'>http://twitter.com/ThalesLucena - desde[15:44:03] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=- 05:24:19 <+Jeroen``> stefan 05:24:21 <+Jeroen``> stop trolling 05:24:33 Frostie99er is now known as Frostie|Away 05:24:37 <+Stefan> Jeroen`` 05:24:41 <+Stefan> killa_skrill is crashing atm 05:24:42 <+UrMirage> Craiggg i replied 05:24:43 <+UrMirage> Gl 05:24:43 <+Stefan> he ed me saying 05:24:48 <+Stefan> "yo come crash wit me lo" 05:24:50 <+killa_skrill> yh idiot 0205:24:51 +`Desire (~Desire@Swift-1DD8C44.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: `Desire) 05:24:53 <+Stefan> killa_skrill stop crashin 05:24:53 <+Stefan> ll 05:24:55 <+Jeroen``> fucking legend 05:24:55 <+killa_skrill> lol 05:24:56 <+Petethe1st> wtf is 05:24:57 `Desire (~Desire@Swift-1DD8C44.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) has joined #vr 05:24:57 <+killa_skrill> <3 05:24:57 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Nice-pile is in 072 clans. | Clans: Genocide, PCE List 25 | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Nice%2Dpile 05:24:58 <+Jeroen``> go ahead lad 05:24:58 <+Petethe1st> best poster 05:24:58 <+Petethe1st> ? 05:25:00 <+Jeroen``> u got my points 05:25:08 <+[Caddy990]> !google lukas1400 05:25:10 <+muzz_fuzz8> paying someone to get me 33 hunter.......... 05:25:10 <lauraa> go ahead homo's 05:25:11 <+muzz_fuzz8> paying someone to get me 33 hunter.......... 05:25:21 <+Stefan> Jeroen`` 05:25:23 vini_blz (~vini.blzl@Swift-91F126CA.lpnet.com.br) has joined #vr 05:25:23 <+killa_skrill> 10 nugs? 05:25:23 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Vini Blz is in 075 clans. | Clans: All Best Tanker of Runescape, All Legends of Glory Ever, Arcane Army Legends, Metal Massive Attack, Most Wanted Brazilians Officials | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Vini%A0Blz 05:25:27 <+Stefan> Tornado 05:25:29 <+Stefan> FUCKER 05:25:56 <+Ed|phantom> oh lawd 05:25:59 <+Ed|phantom> i cba to do all those votes 05:26:01 <+Ed|phantom> way too many 05:26:23 <+Awsome_Dude4> Luck_Z can we snipe cor? 05:26:30 `Abdul (~qwebirc@Swift-24C5EC97.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #vr 05:26:30 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Spacemonk7 is in 0710 clans. | First 10 Clans: 075v5 CastleWars, CW Old School, CWC, Legacy of Castle Wars, Spirit List2, Team BeeOnKyle, Team Bolle, Team Chazz, Team Dylan, Team Stephen | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Spacemonk7 05:26:32 <@Craiggg> obviously not 05:26:33 <@Matty> !stats devilyo 05:26:34 <+muzz_fuzz8> stefan get get me 33 hunter nigguh 05:26:34 <+Awsome_Dude4> l0l 05:26:37 <+Stefan> yeah? 05:26:38 <+Awsome_Dude4> can we snipe tcl 05:26:40 <+Stefan> muzz_fuzz8 05:26:43 <+Stefan> wat account ;p. 05:26:44 <+Stefan> :D> 05:26:48 <+muzz_fuzz8> muz 05:26:50 <+Stefan> lmfao 05:26:54 <+Stefan> got the material for it? 05:26:59 <+Stefan> im not getting u charms nigguh 05:27:05 <+[Caddy990]> !clan mr toxine 05:27:06 <@Luck_Z> Awsome_Dude4 05:27:07 <@Luck_Z> ? 05:27:07 <@Jao`> Stefan best troll.. 05:27:12 <+muzz_fuzz8> i said hunter nub 05:27:12 <@Luck_Z> are those legitimate questions 05:27:13 <+Stefan> Jao` 05:27:14 <+Awsome_Dude4> nvm Luck_Z i was being a smart ass 05:27:16 <@Luck_Z> or are u just being retarded 05:27:17 <@Luck_Z> ok 0205:27:20 +Paris_Fexis (~Paris_Fex@CC4FAF26.6EE3CB4B.5824573F.IP) Quit (Client exited) 05:27:21 <+Awsome_Dude4> .clan nel on1 05:27:24 <+Yvan144|> Jao` - Best Asian gwasball'd 05:27:24 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> Luck_Z punish him. 05:27:25 <@Jao`> da looter best looter 05:27:29 <+Stefan> Jao` 05:27:29 <+Awsome_Dude4> Luck_Z i got a corr targ 05:27:31 <+Awsome_Dude4> what should i do 05:27:31 <+Stefan> wat is looter 05:27:32 <+Stefan> l0l 05:27:34 <+Stefan> best pker? 05:27:35 <@Luck_Z> not attack him 05:27:39 <@Jao`> ye.. 05:27:39 Crisis (~qyea@Swift-E68EEB8E.cpe.vivax.com.br) has joined #vr 05:27:39 ChanServ sets mode: +v Crisis 05:27:40 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Crisis253 is in 079 clans. | Clans: All Best Tanker of Runescape, All Legends of Glory Ever, Best Brazilian Tankers, Brazilian Maxed F2p Combat, greiciunit, Metal Massive Attack, Sao Paulo, Violent Resolution, Violent Resolution Latin Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Crisis253 05:27:41 <+Awsome_Dude4> wat if he attacks me 05:27:42 <@Jao`> f2p p2p dont matter 05:27:44 <@Jao`> he gets tht loot 05:27:57 <+Stefan> ;D 05:27:58 <@Nodari567> Craiggg 05:27:59 <@Nodari567> thats camelfan 05:28:05 <+King2000eg> Nodari567 <3 05:28:10 <@Nodari567> sup big boy 05:28:11 <@Nodari567> how r u 05:28:14 <+King2000eg> fine 05:28:16 <+King2000eg> almost done with exams 05:28:21 <@Nodari567> nice mate 05:28:21 Grey|5d|0k is now known as |||||||||away|||||| 05:28:26 <@Nodari567> should come back to no lifin scape with us 05:28:32 |||||||||away|||||| (~dfrockero@38331EE3.DF54F49C.8A7A952C.IP) has left #vr 05:28:35 <+rj_deathlord> !clan click speedf 05:28:35 <`Ronne> rj_deathlord 05:28:36 <+rj_deathlord> !clan click speed 05:28:38 <`Ronne> downsyndrome 05:28:39 <+rj_deathlord> sup 0205:28:40 `Abdul (~qwebirc@Swift-24C5EC97.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Page closed) 05:28:42 <`Ronne> thats keifer 05:28:42 <+rj_deathlord> y0 05:28:44 <`Ronne> u idiot 05:28:44 <+rj_deathlord> idc 05:28:46 <+rj_deathlord> hes crashing rot 05:28:58 <`Ronne> since when do you like rot 05:29:01 <+killa_skrill> Expected 05:29:12 Mhatthias (~SirRoyce@Swift-A90EDD3.upc-c.chello.nl) has joined #vr 05:29:12 ChanServ sets mode: +v Mhatthias 05:29:12 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Mhatthias is in clan: Violent Resolution ( URL: http://www.vr-rs.net/forums ) 05:29:13 <Lordmatty0> lmao slurp slurp 05:29:16 <+Mhatthias> rip usa 05:29:18 <@Craiggg> since brut leaders became retards 05:29:24 <+Neszojjabe> .ge big bones 0205:29:40 +Brilliant69 (~arhuhdh@A4B2012D.F7B2D728.5C713B82.IP) Quit (Quit: ) 05:29:44 <Chin`> {0o0o}str{oo} y u so mad lolz 05:29:47 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> im not 05:29:48 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> lol 05:29:50 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> having fun :P 05:30:00 lauraa (~lauraa@Swift-A10684CF.speed.planet.nl) has left #vr 05:30:04 <+Awsome_Dude4> .clan stay br utal 05:30:09 <+Awsome_Dude4> .clan stay bru tal 05:30:17 <+Stefan> lol 05:30:23 <+Stefan> Lanky 05:30:26 <+pkred00000> norman 05:30:30 <+Ed|phantom> are rot fighting brut 05:30:31 <+Stefan> Lanky dont crash newb 05:30:32 <+Ed|phantom> p2p? 05:30:36 <@Luck_Z> if their pking with dk and dk's fighting brut they can fight ea other 05:30:37 <+Stefan> no 05:30:37 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:30:38 <+Stefan> EduRePiN 05:30:41 <+Stefan> Ed|phantom 05:30:41 <xLigit> not goin on vr forums again lol 05:30:41 <`Ronne> were getting ddosed 05:30:42 <+Stefan> brutality (retards) 05:30:42 xLigit (xLigit@Swift-731833C7.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has left #vr 05:30:43 <+Stefan> are crashing 05:30:47 <`Ronne> Stefan 05:30:50 <+Ed|phantom> crashing what 05:30:51 <+Keifer> Craiggg what the fuck are u talking about 05:30:51 <`Ronne> you got downs mat 05:30:53 <`Ronne> e 05:30:54 <Lordmatty0> suck some more rot dick lol 05:30:55 <`Ronne> stop talking 05:30:57 <+Ed|phantom> Stefan what fight 05:30:58 <+I_keviin_I> im not attacking people in brut that is vr :P 05:31:00 <+Stefan> brutality is crashing RoT Vs. CoR 05:31:00 <+Stefan> brutality is crashing RoT Vs. CoR 05:31:01 <+Stefan> brutality is crashing RoT Vs. CoR 05:31:02 <+Ed|phantom> l 05:31:03 <Lordmatty0> suck some more rot dick lol 05:31:06 <+Ed|phantom> LOL 05:31:09 <`Ronne> Stefan FUCK OFF WE AINT DOING SHIT LOL 05:31:10 <+XxFirekokoxX> .track 05:31:11 <+Ed|phantom> dennis wont be happy 05:31:18 <+Stefan> lol 05:31:19 <+XxFirekokoxX> .track xxfirekokoxx 05:31:24 <+I_keviin_I> brut is fishing spot 05:31:31 <+Stefan> they fishing? 05:31:33 <+Stefan> y 05:31:34 <`Ronne> becaus our second ts got ddosed to 05:31:35 <+Stefan> :P 05:31:37 <`Ronne> probly by u guys 05:31:39 <@Craiggg> threatening vr to fight for brut or get kicked Keifer 05:31:42 <@Craiggg> thats what 05:31:49 <@Craiggg> so stupid 05:31:55 <+Keifer> when did i ever say that? 05:32:03 <@Craiggg> u or fazt 05:32:07 <+Keifer> neither of us 05:32:09 <@Craiggg> iv seen the posts 05:32:12 <+``Axel> Den||d1e2n3 so we can att brut who aint in vr 05:32:12 <@Craiggg> dont need to lie 05:32:15 <+Keifer> u are 100% misinformed 05:32:16 <@Den||d1e2n3> no 05:32:20 <@Den||d1e2n3> only if they killed u first 05:32:24 <+``Axel> kk 05:32:28 <@Den||d1e2n3> else no1 should be anywhere atm 05:32:33 <+``Axel> ur acing btw? 05:32:33 <+Stefan> why is brut crashing in first place 05:32:35 <+Stefan> they dum or somethin lol 05:32:37 <+``Axel> cuz i want to watch 05:32:40 <@Den||d1e2n3> thats bruts buss 05:32:41 <+Keifer> why the fuck do u think 05:32:41 <`Ronne> Den||d1e2n3 laat die {0o0o}str{oo} opkankeren 05:32:42 <+``Axel> dont want to return 10times 05:32:47 <+killa_skrill> stefan there in a crash war u piece of sht 05:32:48 <@Nodari567> yo 05:32:52 <+Stefan> killa_skrill 05:32:54 <@Nodari567> brut has their reasons for crashing rot 05:32:55 <+Stefan> im gonna crash u 05:32:56 <+Stefan> ,3 05:32:57 ace1506 (~ace1506@Swift-17DD92F1.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #vr 05:32:57 <+Stefan> <3 05:32:57 <+killa_skrill> <3 05:32:58 <+[Caddy990]> Lukas1400 no point sayin that to Jack| r0fl 05:32:58 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Ruski is in 074 clans. | Clans: Dogz Illustrated Ending, GWAS POLICE, Reign of Terror, Team AssCock | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Ruski 05:33:01 <+Stefan> crash war killa_skrill vs me 05:33:01 <+[Caddy990]> hes like barely senior 05:33:04 <@Lukas1400> imdrunk 05:33:06 <@Lukas1400> lool 05:33:07 +killa_skrill (~killa_skr@1AC48FBD.AE64AADE.E1C4AFE.IP) has left #vr 05:33:08 <+[Caddy990]> na ur not 05:33:08 <@Lukas1400> and stoned 05:33:09 <@Nodari567> should not be your concerns and if i see any of you attacking them i will kick you 05:33:10 killa_skrill (~killa_skr@1AC48FBD.AE64AADE.E1C4AFE.IP) has joined #vr 05:33:10 ChanServ sets mode: +v killa_skrill 05:33:10 <+Jack|> im like nearly 10 months 05:33:11 <+Jack|> spic 0205:33:11 +Rafa (~Rafa@49D7E8A4.2A01CB2.8A7A952C.IP) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:33:17 <+killa_skrill> Jack| 05:33:25 <+Mhatthias> .ge dragon bones 05:33:27 <+Jack|> waiting.. 05:33:31 <+killa_skrill> <3 05:33:40 <+rj_deathlord> brut r shit anyway 05:33:40 <`Desire> no big deal craiggg all of brutalities officials are retarded LMFAI 05:33:40 Brezzy (~Brezzy@Swift-91AAF22D.mco.bellsouth.net) has joined #vr 05:33:41 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Brezzy was not found in the RSHSC. 05:33:42 <`Desire> no big deal craiggg all of brutalities officials are retarded LMFAO 05:33:43 <+rj_deathlord> they sat in single 05:33:43 <+rj_deathlord> with 90 opts 05:33:44 <+Lordkilla44> .clan im happy 05:33:53 <+Stefan> `Desire 05:33:54 <+Stefan> so true lol 05:33:57 <+Stefan> r u still in brut tho lmfao 05:34:01 <`Desire> no LMFAO 05:34:04 <+Stefan> LMFAO GOOD 0605:34:07 +Bielgbi está away; Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/ThalesLucena - desde[15:44:03] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=- 05:34:08 <`Desire> left after a week 05:34:10 Brezzy (~Brezzy@Swift-91AAF22D.mco.bellsouth.net) has left #vr 05:34:19 <`Ronne> like you were anygood `Desire 05:34:22 <`Ronne> wake up lol 05:34:24 <+Awsome_Dude4> .clan pkranger517 05:34:26 xLigit`away (xLigit@Swift-731833C7.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #vr 05:34:27 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Xligit is in 0715 clans. | First 10 Clans: AutoCast Legends, Best American Hybrids, Best Hybrids of North America, Best p2p hybrids of Runescape, Brutality, Hybriding School, Pro Hybrids, PvpBoss, Runescapes Sickest Hybrids, Scene Girl UniT | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Xligit 05:34:30 <+Awsome_Dude4> fml hes in dk 05:34:37 <`Desire> ROnne i was better than you i bet lmfao 05:34:37 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> Nodari567 05:34:41 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> who cant we attack? 05:34:42 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> hi Xligit 05:34:44 <@Luck_Z> Keifer 05:34:46 Pop_R1ne (~Pop_R1ne@Swift-2C980ABF.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) has joined #vr 05:34:46 ChanServ sets mode: +v Pop_R1ne 05:34:46 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Pop R1ne is in 072 clans. | Clans: Megan Fox Fans, Violent Resolution | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Pop%A0R1ne 05:34:47 <@Luck_Z> 11-001211:000211:000111- 11(@Luck_Z11) if vr members in brut fight for vr instead of brut in jagex cup 05:34:47 <@Luck_Z> 11-001211:000211:000511- 11(@Luck_Z11) they get kicked 05:34:49 <`Ronne> like i alrdy said `Desire wake the fuck up 05:34:52 <@Luck_Z> 11-001211:000811:001311- 11(%xLigit11) it was keifer not fazt Luck_Z 05:34:55 <@Luck_Z> ? 05:34:59 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> Brut is shit 05:34:59 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> l.. 05:35:04 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:35:07 <+``Axel> ^ 05:35:07 <`Desire> `Ronne i returned for 9 hours against ROT 05:35:07 <+Awsome_Dude4> lol? 05:35:10 <@Evizu> ur mums shit 05:35:11 <`Desire> like i said....waste 0of time 05:35:13 <+Awsome_Dude4> Luck_Z wanna crash them nao 05:35:15 <@Luck_Z> no need to flame here 05:35:16 <@Luck_Z> no 05:35:16 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> GREEN:SHAKE: G.E.N.O.C.I.D.E 05:35:17 <@Luck_Z> dont crash them 05:35:17 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:35:21 <`Ronne> `Desire 05:35:25 <`Ronne> ur shit lol 05:35:27 <`Desire> im gonna go camp brut mages, peace lol. 05:35:30 <+Stefan> Luck_Z 0205:35:33 +pkred00000 (~karelfran@Swift-C61BA8A2.sip.mia.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: ) 05:35:33 <+Stefan> brut leaders have low iq 05:35:34 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> Evizu you're the shit 05:35:34 <+Stefan> l 05:35:36 <`Ronne> like u will kill any1 05:35:38 <+Stefan> they are all like 05:35:39 <+Awsome_Dude4> l0l `Desire yeeee 05:35:40 <+Stefan> working in south africa 05:35:41 <+Stefan> lmfao 05:35:44 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> THEY ARE DERPS 05:35:46 <`Desire> LMFO 05:35:46 <+Stefan> OO\I\MAGE\I 05:35:47 <Chin`> `Desire who are you 05:35:47 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> DERPHERPDEROP 05:35:48 <+Stefan> brut leaders are like 05:35:51 <+Stefan> HERP DERP 05:35:52 <+Stefan> LOL 05:35:52 <+Stefan> they are so dumb 05:35:53 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> DERPHERPDERP 05:35:58 <`Desire> does it matter who i am 05:35:58 <+Lordkilla44> Stefan shut up lol 05:35:59 <Chin`> yes 05:36:03 <Chin`> because id like to know 05:36:03 <+Stefan> `dei 05:36:05 <+Stefan> lmfao desire 05:36:05 <+Keifer> Luck_Z 05:36:06 <+Stefan> ;p 05:36:09 <`Desire> im your mothers father 05:36:11 <+Keifer> its if they dont fight both both 05:36:17 <`Desire> that makes me your grandfather\ 05:36:20 <Chin`> youre not my grandad 05:36:21 <+`God|`po0n> Flash3:#rs-genocide 05:36:22 <+Keifer> seen as 90% of brut have 2nd accounts that we all pretty much share 05:36:23 <+`God|`po0n> represent {0o0o}str{oo} 05:36:24 <`Desire> yes i am 05:36:26 <+[Caddy990]> Chin` go fuck ur nan 05:36:31 <Lordmatty0> mad 05:36:34 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> Genocide owns brut in matched 05:36:34 <`Desire> LMFAO 05:36:35 <+rj_deathlord> flash2: im owning 05:36:39 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> in a few days in a pkri too 05:36:41 <+OO\I\MAGE\I> !devoice 05:36:41 X sets mode: -v OO\I\MAGE\I 05:36:44 <+rj_deathlord> l 05:36:49 <`Ronne> rj_deathlord u aint funny 05:36:50 <+killa_skrill> .ml rj 0205:36:50 +Petethe1st (~Petethe1s@Swift-738A857F.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:36:53 <`Ronne> u mad becaus u got kicked 05:36:54 <+Grant502> %{0o0o}str{oo}> 05:36:56 Crisis is now known as Crisis|brb 05:36:57 <%{0o0o}str{oo}> hi 05:36:57 <`Ronne> wake the fuck up 05:36:58 <+Grant502> what u been smoking 05:36:59 <+rj_deathlord> Yeh ragging man! 05:37:00 <+``Axel> cor rape rot 05:37:03 <+rj_deathlord> `Ronne 05:37:04 <Lordmatty0> lmao u dumb kid 05:37:05 <+rj_deathlord> heard u ended 05:37:07 <+muzz_fuzz8> paying/dying for cash for someone to get me from 20-33 hunter 05:37:08 <+rj_deathlord> without killing more than 10 rot 05:37:09 <Lordmatty0> safe Grant502 05:37:09 <+rj_deathlord> shame 05:37:10 <+muzz_fuzz8> paying/dying for cash for someone to get me from 20-33 hunter 05:37:13 <+Grant502> safe 05:37:13 <`Ronne> rj_deathlord 05:37:18 Rafa (~Rafa@49D7E8A4.2A01CB2.8A7A952C.IP) has joined #vr 05:37:18 ChanServ sets mode: +v Rafa 05:37:19 <`Ronne> u think its wierd ? 05:37:19 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Rafaaeeel is in 074 clans. | Clans: Condemned Army, Latin Killer, Violent Resolution, Violent Resolution Latin Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Rafaaeeel 05:37:23 <`Ronne> second ts got ddosed 05:37:23 <`Ronne> to 05:37:33 <`Ronne> probly by some1 of vr 05:37:34 <+rj_deathlord> U shudnt crash 05:37:34 mihi37_ (~mihi37@Swift-AF7A7FDA.oroscom.hu) has joined #vr 05:37:35 <+Jeroen``> why fucking pile me l0l 05:37:35 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Mihi37 is in 0711 clans. | First 10 Clans: All IQ ever, All RHK Ever, BEST OF HUNGARIANS, Clan Europe Retired Members, HP Alliance, Hun Horde, Hungarian Community, InterQueo Community, noobpower, RsHun Knights | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Mihi37 05:37:37 <+rj_deathlord> u shud be honourable 05:37:38 <+Grant502> rj deathlord wins again 05:37:38 <`Ronne> Jeroen`` 05:37:39 <+Grant502> rj deathlord wins again 05:37:39 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> vr made 05:37:41 <`Ronne> did i? 05:37:42 Petethe1st (~Petethe1s@Swift-738A857F.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #vr 05:37:42 ChanServ sets mode: +v Petethe1st 05:37:42 <+[GF]RuneScript> [ CLAN ]: Petethe1st is in 072 clans. | Clans: Scotland, Violent Resolution Slayers | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Petethe1st 05:37:44 <Matt|Il-Ftw-I> Shit clan lol 05:37:45 Matt|Il-Ftw-I (~r0fl@Swift-E963C8A5.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) has left #vr 05:37:46 <+Jeroen``> ur probnally rot 05:37:46 <+Jeroen``> l0l 05:37:47 <+Ed|phantom> `Ronne 05:37:50 <+Ed|phantom> welcome to the crash war 05:37:50 <`Ronne> im brut 05:37:51 <+Grant502> did rot rly get droped? 05:37:51 <+Ed|phantom> GL. 05:37:51 <`Ronne> downy 05:37:54 <+rj_deathlord> LOL 05:37:56 <+Jeroen``> still 05:37:56 <`Ronne> Ed|phantom 05:37:57 <+Jeroen``> idc 05:37:57 <+Jeroen``> l0l 05:37:58 <`Ronne> try us in p2p 05:38:01 <+rj_deathlord> `Ronne 05:38:02 <`Ronne> otherwise 05:38:02 <+`God|`po0n> `Ronne 05:38:03 <+Pop_R1ne> Whos fighting? 05:38:03 <+`God|`po0n> what ts? 05:38:04 <+rj_deathlord> u shud try rot in p2p first 05:38:07 <OO\I\MAGE\I> i only have 61 friends in runescape :{{{{{{{{{{{{ 05:38:08 <`Ronne> rj_deathlord 05:38:11 <`Desire> Welcome to the crash war ROnne 05:38:11 <`Ronne> mad becaus u got kicked LOL 05:38:12 <+rj_deathlord> cos u lose like 98% of fights 05:38:13 <+``Axel> brut suck as always 05:38:14 <`Desire> idc if ur brut ROFL 05:38:15 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 05:38:18 <+Pop_R1ne> Whos fighting? 05:38:18 <`Ronne> rj_deathlord were #1 05:38:19 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 0205:38:20 mihi37 (~mihi37@Swift-AF7A7FDA.oroscom.hu) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:38:20 <+Stefan> brutality getting raped atm lol 05:38:20 <+Ed|phantom> welcome to the crash war 05:38:20 <+Awsome_Dude4> `Ronne i dont appreciate you killing me for a rune set 05:38:21 <+rj_deathlord> ur #1 my ass 0205:38:22 jake|away` (~Blaedr@E9B3C5E4.3224C96F.3315D355.IP) Quit (Ping timeout) 05:38:22 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 05:38:23 <`Ronne> what aboyut you 05:38:23 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 05:38:24 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 05:38:24 <+rj_deathlord> l 05:38:25 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 05:38:25 <+Awsome_Dude4> `Ronne i dont appreciate you killing me for a rune set 05:38:25 <+`God|`po0n> #vr #2 p2p 05:38:26 <+Stefan> welcome to the crash war. 05:38:27 <+Pop_R1ne> .rsn `ronne 05:38:27 <Lordmatty0> vr aint won a fight in ages lol 05:38:27 <+rj_deathlord> Luck_Z kb theese retards 05:38:29 <@Luck_Z> chill idiots 05:38:30 <+Awsome_Dude4> http://swiftimg.net/images/public/lpp0toz.png 05:38:30 <+Stefan> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 05:38:31 <+rj_deathlord> Lordmatty0 05:38:32 <@Luck_Z> +m 05:38:32 Luck_Z sets mode: +m 05:38:32 <+Stefan> Luck_Z 05:38:32 <+rj_deathlord> we beat tt 05:38:33 <+Grant502> luck_Z +m this shit 05:38:35 <+Awsome_Dude4> gl 05:38:35 <+rj_deathlord> last week 05:38:35 <@Luck_Z> shut the fuck up already 05:38:35 <+Stefan> kb them 05:38:35 <@Luck_Z> lol 05:38:35 <+rj_deathlord> shame 05:38:35 <+rj_deathlord> .. 05:38:36 <+Stefan> kb them LOL 05:38:37 <+Awsome_Dude4> gl 05:38:37 *.SwiftIRC.net sets mode: +M 05:38:39 <@Luck_Z> -M 05:38:39 Luck_Z sets mode: -M 05:38:41 <+Pop_R1ne> who are they 05:38:41 <+rj_deathlord> Lordmatty0 we beat tt 05:38:42 <+`God|`po0n> you brut better watch who you're flaming 05:38:43 <+rj_deathlord> last week 05:38:43 <+Ed|phantom> welcome to the crash war 05:38:43 <+`God|`po0n> you brut better watch who you're flaming 05:38:46 <+Awsome_Dude4> !ban #rs-brutality 05:38:55 <+`God|`po0n> You already can't handle fucking rot 05:38:57 <+Ed|phantom> dennis will sort this all out 05:38:59 <+Tooheyy> !devoice 05:39:00 X sets mode: -v Tooheyy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ludadogg0 Report post Posted June 27, 2010 (edited) LOLOL Cya later Brut Civil war, Respect to vR because Brut only did all of this just so they could compete with us again. Unlucky FF, prolly was part of the master plan or something, wish Brut would have died instead of FF. Edited June 27, 2010 by Hector Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Rob56 Report post Posted June 27, 2010 (edited) And the Civil War begins Edited June 27, 2010 by Rob` Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
MeMito Report post Posted June 27, 2010 (edited) lmfao brutality is fucked now Edited June 27, 2010 by MeMito Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
h0z Report post Posted June 27, 2010 Wow must be fake, don't you have anything better to do rather than fake logs? ;$ ;$ ;$ ;$ ;$ ;$ ;$ ;$ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Papa Report post Posted June 27, 2010 (edited) LO!L Edited June 27, 2010 by PapalHimat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
The Man Report post Posted June 27, 2010 (edited) This game just makes me lol. Edited June 27, 2010 by The Man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
str 0wnz him Report post Posted June 27, 2010 pking atm wil have a read of it a bit later, gf alliance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Lord Pain88 Report post Posted June 27, 2010 VR is better off without Brut anyway lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
dereadytobie Report post Posted June 27, 2010 (edited) Read all of it lol Brutality wouldn't last a month in a crashwar against VR Edited June 27, 2010 by Bereadytodie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Lord__joshua Report post Posted June 27, 2010 Cya brut. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
MEDUSA Report post Posted June 27, 2010 Bye Bye Bye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Barbus12 Report post Posted June 27, 2010 civil war is on the rise, if this stays this way brutality is dead lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0