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Reign of Terror vs Violent Resolution

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We asked them for a fight, I assume they had some sort of prep as they knew RSD were going to be PKing today however I'm not sure and it doesn't really matter.


Reign of Terror Starting: 200~

Violent Resolution Starting: 200~




The fight began with both clans going strong for about 30 minutes until Brutality showed up with 40 people. We managed to rush them before they rushed us and we'd be hitting Brutality every few minutes for the next 30 minutes (with VR stopping at times). At this point VR grew to over 90 actives on TS while we remained at almost 80. In the last hour DF came to AC (until EoS came and killed them, but EoS ACed from this point until the end).


The sniper cap was lifted for the last hour and with Brutality sitting at 15 people in their sniping channel (and being killed by EoS) we brought the fight back to where it was pretty much even. But in the end our numbers weren't enough and we lost the fight because of it. No excuses, thanks for the fight VR.










Reign of Terror Immediate Ending: 210~ (234 was our full ending)

Violent Resolution Immediate Ending: 255 (Probably about 230~ if you removed the Brutality in their pile)




Highlight of the fight was certainly when we began having fun with the spam.

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shitload of kills








got more but the messages disappeared too quickly

Edited by Delinius

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Gj RoT.

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Xmas Bandit

great job rot :| had to leave early while acing lol, fucking eos.

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Champion 2k5

Thanks for the fight. Around 80 people to a non prepped fight on a weekday, we're slumping hard.

Edited by Josh

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Lord Ximar

We did very well, wish it was uncapped. Im sure it would of ended differently if it had been.

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Luck Z

Thanks for the fight, personally got 11 kills 2 deaths. Was actually quite boring due to the amount of crashers lol


Ended with 89 active on TS and peaked at about 97. Had a day prep as well.

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panic philly

kinda sucks kept getting crashed i guess

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Was fun =D Shame about crashers though.

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Grats on a fun fight

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Guest Desire

Had around 12 kills 5-6 deaths, binded like 7-8 deaths

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Pk  Theory

Was fun :)


Gj guys!

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Great Job Guys, was unable to attend the fight due to work.

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