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Tiger Woods

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Ever since his return to golf after his whole mess of shit last year, hes obviously hasn't been Tiger. Do you think its possible for him to return to what he once was?


Personally I do, but it won't be anytime this year. He's gotta straighten up his attitude because your mental status most likely does effect your golf game, and its obvious he has ALOT on his mind.



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Golf is the most boring sport in the world to watch.

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All went downhill.

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I'm not into golf but i do know tiger was amazing at it once

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I hope so. Its not fun watching Golf when Tiger isn't doing work.

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Yea I don't like to watch golf, but if there are highlights on ESPN, I'm gonna watch them lol.

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When his wife knocked the shit outta him she knocked out some of his skills too

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Pk  Theory

Golf is the most boring sport in the world to watch.

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When his wife knocked the shit outta him she knocked out some of his skills too

MUST be the case.

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Golf is the most boring sport in the world to watch.

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Not a fan of golf, but hopefully so

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Golf is the most boring sport in the world to watch.


^agreed. Golf is gay

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hes just thinking about scoring his next hole



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