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MLB No Hitters

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Whats the deal? So far there has been so many of these games, why?


Some say its because of the steroid crackdown, some say its just natural and happens.





FYI - If you don't know what a Perfect Game is, its when you pitch 9 innings in a MLB game, not allowing a single hit.

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panic philly

some teams just suck and some defenses are really good doesnt always have to be a perfect pitcher i guess

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meh baseball

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Inuyasha Xpk

baseball meh

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lol theres been like only 2 perfect games, just a shitload of no hitters.


and its cuz pitchers in modern times r trained good n shit and entering primes

who gives a shit tbh lol

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Baseball is just being taken more seriously and modern day training is alot harder then previous, and we're learning from mistakes in the past, making pitching easier for the pitchers.

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I just think that the better players are getting older, there are now alot of younger players.

The oldest team average age is like 28 or something lol.

Pitchers can be old and still be good while fielders can't.

Just happens I guess.

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Baseball is just being taken more seriously and modern day training is alot harder then previous, and we're learning from mistakes in the past, making pitching easier for the pitchers.

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Not a fan of baseball

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Yea, personal error, ment no-hitters l0l, but you all pretty must got what I ment lol.

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Boring sport to watch so dontcare.!

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They haven't cracked down on pitchers who use sterioids yet. Fucked up sport full of cheaters tbh.

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ilbaldo immnezex or however yuou spell his name is a fwuackin beast and shoulda had 1

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a perfect game is no hits, no walks, no errors, no hits batsmen, and no runs. not just no hits.

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