@Matt Report post Posted August 18, 2010 If this gets viewed enough times I'll post 6 months worth of #brutadmin logs too Brut+KO+Genocide (RIP) used this channel called #coolcircle to co-ordinate all of their crashing on us. It's a pretty interesting read, I bolded/colored the more important lines. Take note of how KO suck Brutality's dicks but Brut don't even give a shit about them. But I guess KO don't mind getting used. (17:10:26) <@insaneluver> ok so (17:10:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> A lot of ideas have been thrown out there as to how we should approach rot but they haven't really been agreed on by everyone (17:10:35) <@insaneluver> does eevryone here hate rot more than any other clan (17:10:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> since near everyone is present , brainstorming now would be the best idea (17:10:46) <@insaneluver> agreed (17:10:59) <@`Die> The thing is, i don't know if we could take them out in a gmt /est timezone (17:11:03) <@`Die> not yet anyways (17:11:12) <@insaneluver> if they start early gmt (17:11:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> GMT friendly timezone would always push into EST (17:11:20) <@insaneluver> and hf dont show up (17:11:22) <@`Die> it seems that after this fight, more attention was put in ko/brut/geno (17:11:26) <@`Die> the ircs are noticably fuller (17:11:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> the only way we could is if brut pulls huge and we end them before their timezone comes in (17:11:50) <@JayBizzle`> The last time it was Brut + VR + FF, it was us who was always left standing fighting RoT alone (17:11:51) <@`Die> What we did yesterday was perfect (17:11:53) <@insaneluver> i think we should all prep at the same time for prepped fights (17:11:54) <@JayBizzle`> just throwing that out there... (17:12:02) <@Mr_inie> JayBizzle` that won't happen with us (17:12:04) <@`Die> were not like that jay (17:12:06) <@Mr_inie> since we have had the same problem (17:12:07) <@`Die> we stayed the full 8 hours (17:12:10) <@`Die> we're not quitters (17:12:14) <@insaneluver> yeah we don't call it off (17:12:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> We never once degraded our gear (17:12:28) <@`Die> If they were to offer one of us a truce , it would probably be KO (17:12:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i was vr then , still am , vr didn't take p2p seriously so we didn't do maximum damage on RoT (17:12:33) <@Kaochinx27> http/swiftimg.net/images/public/d5jtk8b.png (17:12:33) <@`Die> and we would decline that shit (17:12:37) <@Kaochinx27> he died for like 20m (17:12:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> we're all P2P here (17:12:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Promote returning in mage (17:12:55) <@Mr_inie> one thing we have to agree upon is not making agrements with rot (17:12:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> trapping them in the spot they love so much (17:13:00) <@`Die> yeah i noticed ALOT of us were in mage (17:13:02) <@Mr_inie> bc they will try (17:13:05) <@`Die> brut probly had the highest percentage (17:13:07) <@`Die> in mage (17:13:18) <@Mr_inie> and it wont be your brut guys they will approach, bc they will never approach you guys to have peace lol (17:13:18) <@`Die> but ko probly had most because of our #s (17:13:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Brut probably has the biggest banks too (17:13:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> bitch JayBizzle` (17:13:27) <@Kaochinx27> im just glad my chins finally came in use... (17:13:29) <@gr33narrow01> `God|`Gattlerr we did that alot because the rot retards just wrath'd their own members every time (17:13:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> RoT loves gdz so much keep in mind the fight brut did win against rot (17:13:42) <@JayBizzle`> If you only planning on crashing them in P2P, it's not going to work. They'll just focus on the outside area (F2P) for action as they know they don't rly have much all else to acheive in P2P (17:13:49) <@JayBizzle`> you'd have to get your Members to get F2P sets (17:13:51) <@JayBizzle`> and go there aswell (17:13:52) <@JayBizzle`> lol (17:13:55) <@Kaochinx27> yea `Die (17:13:58) <@Kaochinx27> have to affect them in f2p (17:14:02) <@Mr_inie> we know that JayBizzle` (17:14:03) <@insaneluver> we can try but without vr it won't work (17:14:08) <@insaneluver> and if vr is going to crash corr (17:14:10) <@Kaochinx27> we will have vr (17:14:11) <@Kaochinx27> dont worry. (17:14:15) <@insaneluver> corr leaders going to be like lets help rot (17:14:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Hitting them in F2P will re-enter vr into the crashing war. (17:14:20) <@Mr_inie> that sucks for us but if we together pull what 70 ppl who are just mass sniping ROT only (17:14:22) <@insaneluver> and not much ko can do to sway them (17:14:23) <@Mr_inie> we can do seroius damage (17:14:24) <@Kaochinx27> nah we wont crash cor (17:14:26) <@insaneluver> ok (17:14:33) <@insaneluver> thanks (17:14:42) <@`Die> For those of you who don't know, what happened yesterday was the following, KO+Brut+Geno agreed that it was time to fight RoT in a timezone they are unfamiliar with, so KO massed up for a mand, and without brut/geno/ko members knowing, we had a guy fake spying on KO for rot so they would hit us (17:14:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> IF we hit them in F2P they'll retaliate (17:14:44) <@insaneluver> we should stick together for good (17:14:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> by coming to corrs and vrs fights (17:14:53) <@gr33narrow01> we all ready snipe them in f2p but we will call actual f2p trips to mass snipe rot (17:14:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> and picking off the geno\ko members (17:14:54) <@`Die> Within 15 minutes, it was 80+ v their 40 (17:14:56) <@Mr_inie> they already do `God|`Gattlerr (17:15:02) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Thing is (17:15:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> corr won't retaliate (17:15:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> vr will (17:15:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> corr doesnt want that and i dont blame them (17:15:17) <@Mr_inie> corr are pussies from what i heard, no offense if anyone is corr (17:15:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they're much more fit for success outside of crashing (17:15:28) <@JayBizzle`> RSD (17:15:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> vr like RoT does this daily (17:15:33) <@JayBizzle`> won't even AC our F2P fights (17:15:34) <@Mr_inie> true (17:15:39) <@Kaochinx27> vr is the only f2p clan with any balls (17:15:40) <@JayBizzle`> because they don't wna 'get involved' in the RoT shit (17:15:42) <@Kaochinx27> aside from cc teams (17:15:51) <@JayBizzle`> (23:15:06) <@Kaochinx27> vr is the only f2p clan with any balls (17:15:55) <@JayBizzle`> hey we turned into a clan last week (17:15:56) <@Mr_inie> yeah but JayBizzle` think about it (17:15:59) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yeah...lol (17:16:01) <@Kaochinx27> ...yeah (17:16:02) <@Mr_inie> people didn't join ROT to f2p? (17:16:04) <@Kaochinx27> welcome to the clan world (17:16:05) <@`Die> KO/Geno/Brut are the only p2p clans who fight back (17:16:06) <@JayBizzle`> Mr_inie (17:16:11) <@JayBizzle`> they'll still make due with F2P (17:16:12) <@Kaochinx27> did you like that spam in the j cup fight lol (17:16:12) <@Fazt> theres only VR out of the f2p clans with any balls (17:16:14) <@`Die> and BP i guess (17:16:20) <@Mr_inie> true and go crash in p2p (17:16:23) <@JayBizzle`> unless the pressure is put on them everywhere (17:16:24) <@JayBizzle`> not just p2p (17:16:27) <@Mr_inie> if we get vr to cut the deal with rot (17:16:29) <@insaneluver> ko will happily crash them with vr lol but we aren't very good in f2p or expect to pull huge in f2p (17:16:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Havoc would be a asset if they didnt go to slump mode. (17:16:43) <@insaneluver> but even 15 ppl can make a diff just sniping leaders (17:16:46) <@Mr_inie> true (17:16:48) <@`Die> In f2p the best way to go about things, is demoralising their members (17:16:51) <@`Die> camping the shit out of them (17:16:54) <@`Die> their members will feel it (17:16:55) <@Mr_inie> `God|`Gattlerr thats the proble, we already have an agreement with havoc (17:16:56) <@`Die> the leaders wont (17:16:56) <@Mr_inie> they will crash with us (17:16:58) <@Mr_inie> and with u guys (17:16:59) <@insaneluver> and we can get eos to help crash them (17:17:06) <@Mr_inie> but they are in a slump atm, two leaders inactive or something (17:17:07) <@insaneluver> since eos hate them and have balls unlike af (17:17:09) <@`Die> But havoc is in a slump atm (17:17:12) <@gr33narrow01> kk2 wanted to join ko but we would wrather have him lead his own clan for more numbers (17:17:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> havoc has 9 on vacation with a 30 man ml (17:17:22) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they struggled to pull 15 to cwa. (17:17:27) <@Mr_inie> yeah (17:17:33) <@`Die> They were doign great before (17:17:34) <@insaneluver> hey guys, so does everyone agree that your clan won't accept a no-crash agreement anytime soon from rot (17:17:36) <@`Die> but 2 officials left (17:17:40) <@JayBizzle`> if anyone recommends inviting Infliction #9023 to this irc (17:17:40) <@insaneluver> coz they'd only do it to break this up (17:17:42) <@JayBizzle`> i'm leaving (17:17:46) <@insaneluver> who is that (17:17:47) <@`Die> im not lol (17:17:56) <@`Die> because of the_rs_jad hay ? (17:17:58) <@`Die> jay* (17:17:59) <@Kaochinx27> (17:17:34) <@insaneluver> hey guys, so does everyone agree that your clan won't accept a no-crash agreement anytime soon from rot (17:18:00) <@JayBizzle`> no (17:18:00) <@Kaochinx27> yes (17:18:03) <@JayBizzle`> just coz they suck (17:18:09) <@`Die> lol (17:18:10) <@Mr_inie> ty Kaochinx27 (17:18:12) <@`Die> everyone (17:18:13) <@`Die> (18:16:47) <@insaneluver> hey guys, so does everyone agree that your clan won't accept a no-crash agreement anytime soon from rot (17:18:14) <@`Die> (18:16:47) <@insaneluver> hey guys, so does everyone agree that your clan won't accept a no-crash agreement anytime soon from rot (17:18:14) <@`Die> (18:16:47) <@insaneluver> hey guys, so does everyone agree that your clan won't accept a no-crash agreement anytime soon from rot (17:18:15) <@Mr_inie> u got ko's word too. (17:18:18) <@Kaochinx27> Mr_inie (17:18:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Yes (17:18:23) <@JayBizzle`> `Die u know i dropped binu for max (17:18:27) <@`Die> Lmao jay (17:18:28) <@`Die> deserved (17:18:29) <@Mr_inie> lmao JayBizzle` we saw the vid (17:18:31) <@Mr_inie> yes Kaochinx27? (17:18:32) <@Kaochinx27> i was told when rot ended last night, that if we dont interfere again nothing will happen to genocide (17:18:34) <@JayBizzle`> im still smiling (17:18:43) <@`Die> l0l kao (17:18:44) <@Mr_inie> Kaochinx27 they have been theatening (17:18:47) <@`Die> they felt it (17:18:47) <@Mr_inie> and making agreements forever (17:18:49) <@Mr_inie> and they keep breaking it (17:18:51) <@xLigit> 23:01:23 | Keifer: i said id kill that motherfucking clan (17:18:51) <@xLigit> 23:01:24 | Keifer: before i quit (17:18:54) <@Kaochinx27> told matty to smd and dared him to start crashing vr (17:18:57) <@`Die> Yo guys, they threatened AA lmao. (17:19:04) <@Mr_inie> lmao Kaochinx27 (17:19:07) <@`Die> IF YOU HELP KO WERE KILLING YOUR CLAN (17:19:10) <@`Die> They said that to AA (17:19:11) <@insaneluver> lol (17:19:14) <@insaneluver> and BP (17:19:16) <@Kaochinx27> he said that shit to me last week (17:19:20) <@Kaochinx27> when we merge cc to hit rp (17:19:20) <@Kaochinx27> lol (17:19:22) <@`Die> yeah but bp doesnt give a shit (17:19:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They can threaten all they want , Never has killing rot been as organized as it is now so no we're not letting down. (17:19:24) <@`Die> they said they would help (17:19:25) <@Mr_inie> thing is they make up stupdi shit to crash anyways (17:19:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They can threaten all they want , Never has killing rot been as organized as it is now so no we're not letting down. (17:19:28) <@`Die> but i dont want them in this channel (17:19:34) <@Mr_inie> ( You guys had one snikper y day in our f2p war, we're crashing you in p2p) (17:19:35) <@insaneluver> we should not fuck with bp much, they helped us last night (17:19:47) <@Mr_inie> after rot idiots ddos'd their forum (17:19:52) <@Mr_inie> who does that, ddossing ur help lol (17:19:53) <@insaneluver> so how is this- if one of us goes for a big mand trip (17:19:54) <@`Die> insaneluver (17:19:54) <@`God|`Gattlerr> BP can help us BUT i don't think they need to be in here (17:20:00) <@insaneluver> let others know so we cann all come anti crash Rot (17:20:01) <@`Die> they said they would help with rot (17:20:05) <@`Die> but i dont want them in on this plan (17:20:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Audio \ CC now - (17:20:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Audio \ CC now - (17:20:07) <@insaneluver> yeah sure gatler (17:20:08) <@`Die> they can be told short notice (17:20:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> People thought one audio would be good but tbh (17:20:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> if ddosing plays a role (17:20:22) <@`God|`Gattlerr> it's harder to hit 3 (17:20:22) <@insaneluver> yeah thats a problem (17:20:22) <@`Die> We can do what we did yesterday in a foreign timezone (17:20:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> then 1 (17:20:24) <@insaneluver> plus spying (17:20:27) <@`Die> except (17:20:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> So split audios (17:20:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> should remain (17:20:33) <@`Die> geno + brut mass up to fight eachother in clw (17:20:43) <@insaneluver> no we want them to come hit all 3 of us (17:20:44) <@`Die> ^thats what members are told (17:20:47) <@`Die> whiel ko gets hit by rot (17:20:49) <@xLigit> i thought last night was going to be like a 1 time thing lets not give them what they want (17:20:51) <@`Die> And then hell erupts again (17:21:05) <@xLigit> but what we do need to do is crash them whenever they fight that would be more effective then beating them (17:21:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> xLigit if we do what we did last night again it'll be at the worst possible time for rot. (17:21:09) <@`Die> We're not fighting them when they have a chance to win. (17:21:15) <@Mr_inie> well, this is not to be annoying or anything, but rot enjoyed their beating last night (17:21:21) <@Mr_inie> bc they got action in p2p (17:21:25) <@Mr_inie> which no1 gives them noore (17:21:27) <@`Die> NJo they didnt inie (17:21:28) <@insaneluver> i doubt they did to the end (17:21:29) <@`Die> thats what they said (17:21:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I doubt all 9 of them returning enjoyed it tbh. (17:21:31) <@`Die> its propoganda (17:21:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I doubt all 9 of them returning enjoyed it tbh. (17:21:33) <@insaneluver> they just died in the last 2-3 hrs (17:21:44) <@Mr_inie> lmao their intro's are pissed yes (17:21:49) <@`Die> if they werent shakened (17:21:51) <@Mr_inie> but some membs who joined for p2p were liek fuck finally (17:21:52) <@Kaochinx27> their goal is to kill brut, so we just have to be ready to hit them whenever they attempt to hit brut in f2p. (17:21:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Poor christy. (17:21:54) <@`Die> they wouldnt've threatened like every clan (17:21:55) <@`Die> to not come (17:21:56) <@Kaochinx27> and everything will be straight (17:21:58) <@xLigit> if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something (17:21:59) <@gr33narrow01> ko needs a week of no uncapped wars to make their sets back (17:22:01) <@Burger> Yo (17:22:02) <@Mr_inie> true that too (17:22:05) <@Burger> Dont be scared of them Gatler (17:22:13) <@Burger> They threaten TT (17:22:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> what lol? (17:22:21) <@xLigit> if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something (17:22:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I only fear chuck norris. (17:22:25) <@Burger> about VR etc (17:22:29) <@xLigit> so like you find out there fighting so and so in f2p (17:22:31) <@Kaochinx27> indeed xLigit (17:22:36) * `God|`Gattlerr changed the topic to 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing somethingo' (17:22:37) <@xLigit> you highlight here we all mass up (17:22:44) <@Burger> Will do (17:22:44) <@xLigit> p2p (17:22:45) <@xLigit> f2p (17:22:47) <@xLigit> pvm (17:22:49) <@xLigit> who cares (17:22:50) <@xLigit> lol (17:22:51) <@insaneluver> yeah set this to auto join (17:22:53) <@`Die> We shouldnt fight them like we did last night, unless we know we are going to win (17:22:56) <@Kaochinx27> vr just cleared rot's ep dd. (17:23:01) <@Kaochinx27> wonder if they gonna start a crash war now (17:23:01) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (17:23:01) <@insaneluver> ownage (17:23:03) <@`Die> r0fl Kaochinx27 (17:23:07) <@`God|`Gattlerr> GL (17:23:09) <@Fazt> probs will (17:23:12) <@Mr_inie> lmao (17:23:13) <@Mr_inie> I hope so (17:23:14) <@`Die> if VR is abord (17:23:15) <@insaneluver> i don't think they got the guts atm (17:23:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> what we had last night +40-60 vr in salamanders (17:23:16) <@`Die> that would be even better (17:23:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i dare RoT (17:23:17) <@Mr_inie> bc vr can touch them (17:23:19) <@`God|`Gattlerr> what we had last night +40-60 vr in salamanders (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> vR] Evizu ;; says: (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> http/swiftimg.net/images/public/d5jtk8b.png (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> killed like 10 of em (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> L (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> GF ROT >>TJ<< says: (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> unless your ready for war (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> dont hit their ep dd @@@ (17:23:19) <@Kaochinx27> you saw what happen to tt (17:23:19) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i dare RoT (17:23:24) <@gr33narrow01> should we hit rp a shit load too? (17:23:27) <@`Die> 150 people + crashing them in f2p (17:23:30) <@Kaochinx27> yeah gr33narrow01 (17:23:32) <@Kaochinx27> fk rp (17:23:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> gr33narrow01 (17:23:38) <@Kaochinx27> they just free sht (17:23:42) <@`Die> Rot doesn't have the mentality for a 10h+ f2p war in which they are getting shit on (17:23:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> KO+Geno can handle rp easily (17:23:45) <@`Die> atleast yet, anyways (17:23:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They pk low (17:23:48) <@Mr_inie> RP is like jaja with vent (17:23:50) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rot wont come low (17:23:53) <@Burger> we can handle RP ourselves (17:23:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Genocide already clears rp (17:23:57) <@Burger> But we know ROT will be there (17:23:57) <@`God|`Gattlerr> at low wild (17:23:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> daily (17:24:06) <@Mr_inie> L (17:24:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Brut doesn't even need to mass for rp (17:24:13) <@Mr_inie> RP are just ROT's meatshields (17:24:16) <@`Die> Sucks that af are a bunch of pussies (17:24:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they don't go deep unless rot is deep. (17:24:22) <@`Die> and will probly help RoT if threatened (17:24:22) <@Mr_inie> nothing more (17:24:32) <@gr33narrow01> soon as rp scouts us they go low lvl wild and talk shit about how ko are pussies on their vent (17:24:43) <@Mr_inie> lol +1 (17:24:44) <@insaneluver> rp take 15-20 minutes to remass once they get cleared (17:24:47) <@xLigit> only thing you gotta know is brut is gmt based (17:24:52) <@insaneluver> we do (17:24:54) <@Mr_inie> true (17:24:54) <@xLigit> but we should always have 20+ ppl at all hours (17:24:56) <@insaneluver> so we can't fight them in peak est (17:25:02) <@insaneluver> late est/early gmt (17:25:09) <@insaneluver> or crash fights in f2p (17:25:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> As for CC when the time comes we'll switch it up , die nub - Fazt\keifer , Kaochinx (17:25:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> keep em guessing (17:25:17) <@insaneluver> what about this (17:25:18) <@Burger> yh (17:25:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Audios remain split (17:25:26) <@Burger> I like (17:25:28) <@Burger> Numerous piles (17:25:29) <@Burger> (17:25:30) <@insaneluver> add all ROT members/RP leaders to ignore list (17:25:36) <@insaneluver> in the cc (17:25:49) <@insaneluver> they have to log onto pures to talk shit (17:25:53) <@`Die> Yesterday was barely piling (17:25:55) <@insaneluver> so they aren't actually at war (17:25:56) <@`Die> it was a barrage fest (17:25:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> one cc but different instructions for all 3 clans makes us unpredictable. (17:26:00) <@`Die> i got 312k mage exp.. (17:26:03) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 2 clans can be barraging another clan sw clearing flankers (17:26:06) <@`God|`Gattlerr> keep em off guard. (17:26:13) <@insaneluver> yeah i think we barraged each other a bit last night (17:26:14) <@Mr_inie> yeah (17:26:22) <@`Die> its bound to happen (17:26:26) <@insaneluver> rot would get themselves piled and run into the barrage pile (17:26:28) <@`Die> Ofc we are going to barrage eachother (17:26:31) <@Mr_inie> it has to happen, we can't really use it against one another though (17:26:34) <@`Die> friendly fire will happen (17:26:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 27 kills alog <- (17:26:37) <@Mr_inie> yeah (17:26:40) <@Mr_inie> as long as (17:26:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Queenbee represent (17:26:46) <@Mr_inie> we dont spam piles on eachother lol (17:26:51) <@insaneluver> my alog is full and thats not even all of it (17:26:57) <@`Die> i didnt read it (17:27:00) <@gr33narrow01> the main thing we stressed to ko was get out of gdz when rot goes in the stable because we dont want to kill our own cc (17:27:00) <@`Die> but i ran out of dp. (17:27:03) <@`Die> and i have alot of dp. (17:27:10) <@xLigit> anyways i gotta go to some bbq lol just let us all know soon as you find out rots doin something idc what it is and we will do same (17:27:18) <@xLigit> cya (17:27:19) <@insaneluver> ok, sounds good (17:27:20) <@Mr_inie> alrgiht (17:27:21) <@`Die> cya (17:27:21) <@insaneluver> bye (17:27:22) <@Mr_inie> see ya xLigit (17:27:24) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (17:27:26) <@`Die> add this chann to autojoin (17:27:34) <@Keifer> what a dick who agrees (17:27:39) <@Keifer> < (17:27:46) * `Die changed the topic to 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (17:28:03) <@Mr_inie> yo Fazt i liked ur words today (17:28:11) <@`Die> ya same lol (17:28:14) <@Mr_inie> " IF you can't handle the world, don't crash them" (17:28:35) <@`Die> Vh was at the war too (17:28:54) <@`Die> i lol'ed when a VH member on the topic was like ' I went to go watch and pked a vls' (17:28:59) <@Burger> they did nothin (17:29:03) <@Mr_inie> it's ok, we have VH on our side if we ever need it (17:29:08) <@Mr_inie> which I doubt we will (17:29:11) <@`Die> na Burger everything helps (17:29:16) <@`Die> they had liek a 10 man unit (17:29:18) <@`Die> killing looters (17:29:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> We have enough #s to pick up eachothers slack also (17:29:23) <@`Die> when yo uloot a good kill, and then die (17:29:26) <@`Die> thats demoralising (17:29:27) <@Fazt> lol (17:29:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Brut couldnt pull alot last night because timezone but it meant ko geno had enough (17:29:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> When bruts in their prime (17:29:36) <@Mr_inie> yeah ask me, before I had yak (17:29:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 30-30 ko\geno (17:29:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> is enough (17:29:42) <@Burger> KO sustained (17:29:44) <@Burger> 50 for hours (17:29:45) <@Burger> lol (17:29:46) <@Mr_inie> yeah `God|`Gattlerr (17:29:56) <@Keifer> we dont pull alot anyways (17:29:57) <@`Die> I don't think fighting RoT in brut's timezone would be smart (17:30:00) <@Mr_inie> we pull around 30 more or less towards later GMT (17:30:03) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifer you're pulling like 60 (17:30:04) <@`Die> because in the dead timezones RoT cant gain (17:30:11) <@Burger> ^ (17:30:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 60 and 30-30 ko\geno outside of our timezone (17:30:13) <@Mr_inie> and that's brut's prime, so they can probably take it over (17:30:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> is more then what we had last night (17:30:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yes bruts pulling less but it's not horrible (17:30:23) <@`Die> geno + ko can (17:30:23) <@`Die> RoT sustains their numbers (17:30:23) <@`Die> they cant gain during the night (17:30:23) <@`Die> ko + geno can (17:30:33) <@Mr_inie> yeah (17:30:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> even the 30 brut made a big difference (17:30:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> seeing as they were all in mage (17:30:43) <@`Die> We don't want to give RoT fights they have a chance of winning (17:30:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> and know what to do (17:30:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> If we starve rot in P2P (17:30:56) <@`Die> GMT/EST timezones arent the best t o fight them in (17:30:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they only have af\hf (17:30:57) <@`Die> yeah god (17:30:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> hf wont fight RoT (17:31:05) <@`Die> the only way we should give them a fight (17:31:09) <@insaneluver> what about RSD guys (17:31:11) <@`Die> is when our numbers crush them like yesterday (17:31:14) <@insaneluver> does RD hate VR atm? (17:31:14) <@`Die> RSD is useless (17:31:16) <@Mr_inie> rsd doesn.t p2p much no more insaneluver (17:31:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> It would be nice to fight rot in GMT but if they outlast GMT leads into EST (17:31:24) <@gr33narrow01> so if were unpreparred and we hit rp and they clear rot we just dip before we get hit? (17:31:25) <@insaneluver> they will come if pushed (17:31:26) <@`God|`Gattlerr> only bad part (17:31:31) <@Mr_inie> yeah `God|`Gattlerr it gives them a reason to drag (17:31:34) <@`Die> and they will outlast (17:31:36) <@gr33narrow01> call* rot (17:31:38) <@insaneluver> they will stay out as long as their fights are fine (17:31:39) <@`Die> in aussie timezone they can only lose (17:31:39) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They'll drag brutalitys timezone into theirs (17:31:55) <@`Die> and the great thing about aussie timezone is (17:32:00) <@`Die> Brut's gmt's can log in (17:32:05) <@`Die> if they drag it 10h (17:32:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Aussie timezone suits Genocide as we're EST but our members are older so we peak late est (17:32:15) <@`Die> they gotta drag it like 15h to be in their prime timezone (17:32:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 10-11 ish (17:32:19) <@`Die> which they wont (17:32:33) <@Keifer> we are trying to get the BP clan to join us (17:32:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> unsure (17:32:42) <@`Die> Merge into you guys ? (17:32:45) <@`Die> BP will help (17:32:48) <@Keifer> their pk leader is brut (17:32:51) <@`Die> already talked to darkest (17:32:54) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifer (17:32:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> which one? (17:32:56) <@Keifer> nah not merge lol (17:33:01) <@`Die> but i don't think giving them access to this channel is good (17:33:07) <@`God|`Gattlerr> because stupid zelfhar had them with rot before the other pk leader logged on (17:33:12) <@Burger> The big contenders is (17:33:15) <@Burger> KO brut geno (17:33:17) <@Burger> Against ROT (17:33:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> You can give the brut pk leader access keifer (17:33:21) <@`God|`Gattlerr> if you think that's best (17:33:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i just need ma niggy JayBizzle` in here (17:33:30) <@Keifer> i dont (17:33:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> idc if he's council (17:33:34) <@JayBizzle`> L (17:33:38) <@`Die> The only reason every other 'alliance' lost against rot (17:33:42) <@Keifer> JayBizzle` is useless mate (17:33:44) <@gr33narrow01> we tried to get a good fall in today of all clans but zelfhar wouldnt get bp to fi (17:33:46) <@JayBizzle`> fuck off (17:33:50) <@Keifer> go manage some apps bizzle (17:33:50) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifer i know he is (17:33:52) <@`God|`Gattlerr> but his name is nice (17:33:55) <@`Die> was because they fought RoT at their peak timezone, and they sustained their numbers till the end (17:33:59) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Which reminds me (17:34:02) <@JayBizzle`> l0l (17:34:03) <@`God|`Gattlerr> you want tooheyy in here or? (17:34:06) <@`God|`Gattlerr> you 3 are fine (17:34:15) <@Keifer> no i dont trust him (17:34:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> k (17:34:27) <@JayBizzle`> 4 (17:34:28) <@JayBizzle`> * (17:34:49) <@`Die> lol, yesterday we were spamming irc channels 'WORLD VS ROT DIE NUB PLZ CC'' (17:35:02) <@Mr_inie> lmao (17:35:26) <@Mr_inie> a great way to piss off rot is what we been doing (17:35:29) <@Mr_inie> hit RP clear them (17:35:31) <@Mr_inie> make rot mass up (17:35:32) <@Mr_inie> and leave (17:35:39) <@gr33narrow01> yes (17:35:40) <@`Die> yes, we did that once (17:35:46) <@`Die> you remember `God|`Gattlerr ? (17:35:49) <@gr33narrow01> and rot gets so pissed they clear rp (17:35:49) <@Mr_inie> lmao (17:35:51) <@`Die> when ko + geno met up at rune rocks ? (17:35:59) <@`Die> and fucked up rp for 10 minutes and bailed single ? (17:36:03) <@`Die> the reason was, we knew rot was coming (17:36:09) <@`Die> They showed up on their mand with 6 0people (17:36:10) <@Mr_inie> u know (17:36:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yeah `Die (17:36:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 200 opts strong (17:36:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> no prep (17:36:15) <@`Die> and were pissed at RP (17:36:19) <@`Die> So they cleared RP and ended lol (17:36:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lmao (17:36:24) <@Mr_inie> RP took ending with RoT outside after RoT cleared them (17:36:28) <@insaneluver> ilol (17:36:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rp has to do what they say (17:36:34) <@Mr_inie> they still went to take ending next to rot after they got cleared lmao (17:36:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 2krazy leads them (17:36:53) <@Mr_inie> wll (17:36:58) <@Mr_inie> they are just their meatshields, nothing more (17:37:03) <@Mr_inie> but they come in handy for them (17:38:22) <@`Die> the best thing we did yesterday was making sure RP was cleared before RoT (17:38:32) <@`Die> because RP loses like 20% of their numbers every time they get cleared (17:38:51) <@Mr_inie> yh (17:38:55) <@`Die> And the barrage piles we had were epic (17:39:02) <@Mr_inie> and dcranger flaming his members every time doesnt help (17:39:12) <@`Die> like 3 hours of the fight was them trying to tele up , while they just sat there being barraged (17:39:16) <@`Die> and dieing with retribution (17:39:22) <@`Die> in the 3 squares they had. (17:39:28) <@Burger> killin themselves (17:39:29) <@Burger> Lol (17:39:33) <@`Die> yep (17:40:13) <@Mr_inie> aight, well i think we are on the same page now, which is awesome (17:40:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i was doing some major cc patroll last night (17:40:30) <@`Die> Sniping them in F2p will piss them off the most (17:40:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> got lick 15 jaja 50 rot\rp (17:40:39) <@insaneluver> whenis rots next fight (17:40:39) <@`God|`Gattlerr> like* (17:40:49) <@Mr_inie> rsd in jagex cup sadly (17:40:51) <@Mr_inie> too bad its in cwars (17:40:54) <@Mr_inie> woulda been a first great step (17:41:01) <@`Die> yeah RoT started coming into our cc because they were getting destroyed (17:41:03) <@`Die> some members did (17:41:24) <@Mr_inie> just lookikng for excuses (17:41:41) <@`Die> If VR starts shit with RoT again, that will make a huge difference (17:41:56) <@Keifer> yo just make sure every1 knows rot are the bad guys in this (17:41:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> That'll kill them (17:41:56) <@Mr_inie> well they wouldn't be able to go out anymore (17:42:00) <@`God|`Gattlerr> During the crash war (17:42:02) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rot was NOT (17:42:02) <@Keifer> & we are just stickin up for ourselves (17:42:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> fighting in F2P (17:42:07) <@Keifer> unlike the massive f2p clans (17:42:14) <@`Die> keifer its been like that with ko for like 4 months (17:42:20) <@Keifer> ? (17:42:21) <@Mr_inie> dw Keifer (17:42:27) <@`Die> weve mass up occasionally to hit their ep dds (17:42:27) <@Mr_inie> KO knows rot are the bad guys (17:42:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Vr crashing RoT in F2P with 2 teams and clan brutality sniping them = rot fucked (17:42:36) <@Keifer> i mean (17:42:37) <@`Die> snipe their f2p wars ( although we only pull like 10) (17:42:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> See what i did there? (17:42:43) <@Keifer> other people (17:42:44) <@Mr_inie> haha (17:42:45) <@Keifer> no us lot (17:42:53) <@Mr_inie> yeah true (17:43:19) <@Keifer> they acn recruit because people see them beatin up 3 clans or w/e (17:43:40) <@insaneluver> yeah but 3 of us can recruit faster than just ROT (17:43:41) <@Keifer> if it looks like they are just trying to bully people and losing to the little guy (17:43:44) <@Keifer> that stops (17:44:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> People tend to think we joined because of brut or ko (17:44:18) <@Burger> It gots to turn around (17:44:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They complain the wild is dead then threaten us (17:44:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> instread of letting us grow (17:44:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Like we won't retaliate (17:44:37) <@Burger> Don't take there shit (17:44:39) <@Burger> Your not the only ones (17:44:41) <@Burger> Yeah (17:44:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Dont care if my ml is 40 people (17:44:45) <@`God|`Gattlerr> those 40 people (17:44:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> will return (17:44:48) <@`God|`Gattlerr> till they end (17:44:57) <@Mr_inie> `God|`Gattlerr they were kinda killing themselves (17:45:02) <@Mr_inie> with not letting smaller clans grow (17:45:16) <@`Die> ^ (17:45:20) <@Mr_inie> and now (17:45:23) <@`Die> That's why they had to go f1p (17:45:26) <@Mr_inie> thye have a couple big ones, and mediocre clans (17:45:27) <@`Die> f2p* (17:45:28) <@Mr_inie> left behind angry (17:45:34) <@Mr_inie> and they thougth we wouldnt do anything about ut (17:45:38) <@`Die> They were starved of action (17:45:42) <@Mr_inie> it*, but they forgot we are going to retaliate (17:45:50) <@`Die> and the action they get involves their bank's busting and ending with a humiliating RSC post (17:45:50) <@Mr_inie> rather then taking their crap (17:45:53) <@`Die> that's bad for them (17:46:09) <@Mr_inie> they never expected us combined to stay this long, never (17:46:21) <@`Die> If we snipe them in f2p, they cant claim a win over us (17:46:28) <@Mr_inie> it might be good, it gives hope to newer smaller teams (17:46:33) <@Mr_inie> to grow balls (17:46:37) <@`Die> yeah (17:46:50) <@Mr_inie> bc in the end new clans have to choose, joining us or sucking on rot's balls (17:47:00) <@Mr_inie> us as in our coolcircle lo (17:47:21) <@`Die> lol @ coolcircle (17:47:31) <@`Die> thats been my cc name for like 2 years (17:47:35) <@`Die> me and my cousin made it up idk why (17:47:39) <@Mr_inie> lol (17:47:50) <@`Die> i think he owned this channel as a matter of fact (17:48:14) <@Mr_inie> btw JayBizzle` ur hits are fucked up man lol (17:48:22) <@JayBizzle`> why (17:48:31) <@JayBizzle`> i wanted to test out (17:48:33) <@JayBizzle`> rapier/maul pking (17:48:35) <@JayBizzle`> aint used before (17:48:40) <@JayBizzle`> and binu was my first fight (17:48:40) <@JayBizzle`> (17:48:45) <@Mr_inie> damn (17:48:50) <@Mr_inie> was that a maul u hit with? (17:48:55) <@Mr_inie> or cls (17:49:28) <@`Die> i like that one combo sparc mac used - chatoic maul- 2 maul specs- and then pull out the maul again (17:56:26) <@Fazt> Mr_inie (17:56:30) <@Fazt> he rapie'd then vls'd (17:56:43) <@Mr_inie> ok thanks (17:56:46) <@Burger> yo (17:56:48) <@Burger> any of u guys (17:56:51) <@Burger> vid the rot fight (17:57:09) <@`Die> And btw, what was the cc's ending opts ? (17:57:14) <@`Die> I heard you guys took a fallin (17:57:31) <@`Die> ( i left after 6 hours because im est and it was getting bright out and parents were gonna leave early) (17:58:18) <@gr33narrow01> we couldnt get a decent fall in because zelfar wouldnt fall in with bp and some people fell in with bp (17:58:23) <@gr33narrow01> but it was a full cc (17:58:40) <@`Die> Fazt was yesterday's fight a moral boost for brut members ? (17:58:42) <@`Die> Seeing rot fall (17:58:48) <@`Die> it certainly was for ko (17:58:54) <@Fazt> err the 30 out of 90 that fought lol (17:59:00) <@Fazt> kinda out of our timezone (17:59:02) <@Fazt> and we've done it before (17:59:04) <@`Die> yeah ik (17:59:10) <@Fazt> so not thta big of a deal like it was for you (17:59:11) <@`Die> Its not a bad thing either about your timezone (17:59:22) <@`Die> Because your gmt's started getting on (17:59:26) <@`Die> that's probs why rot ended (17:59:43) <@`Die> they knew you guys were gonna gain before we lost (18:00:02) <@Burger> Its nice seeing them ending when they think there so good (18:00:09) <@Burger> And their members = gf sets lol (18:01:09) <@Mr_inie> well one thing that is nic seeing is that they thought they were invincable (18:01:29) <@Mr_inie> I wonder how they gonna brainwish their membs this time (18:02:30) * Burger is now known as Burger|Rebuilding (18:02:44) <@Burger|Rebuilding> 50 something deaths here (18:02:45) <@Burger|Rebuilding> Lol (18:03:50) <@Mr_inie> wtf u gud tank (18:03:53) <@Mr_inie> u needa learn burger ffs@ (18:03:57) <@Burger|Rebuilding> Na yo (18:04:00) <@Burger|Rebuilding> I suicide barage (18:11:39) <@`Die> Burger|Rebuilding change your nick lol (18:11:42) <@`Die> or it'll probly be on the rsc post (18:12:00) <@Burger|Rebuilding> Idc lol (18:12:06) <@`Die> they are looking for anything atm (18:12:25) <@`Die> well, its all of our images not yours lol (18:12:39) * Burger|Rebuilding is now known as Burger (18:12:43) <@`Die> =] (18:16:39) * @JayBizzle` has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (18:18:21) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (18:18:24) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (18:18:24) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (18:42:19) * arabpopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-6D9D0953.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (18:42:19) * ChanServ set mode: +b *!*@Swift-6D9D0953.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net (18:42:19) * arabpopcorn was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.o) (18:43:17) * `Die set mode: -b *!*@Swift-6D9D0953.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net (18:43:30) * arabpopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-6D9D0953.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (18:43:30) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (18:43:30) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (19:16:23) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-93B2C3E7.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (19:16:23) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (19:16:23) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (19:28:06) <@xLigit> PM ME IF YOU WANT TO 76K IVE GOT 2 ACCOUNTS /amsg (19:28:07) <@xLigit> PM ME IF YOU WANT TO 76K IVE GOT 2 ACCOUNTS /amsg (19:38:24) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (19:41:14) * Die_Nub_Plz (~slayer@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:41:15) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:41:15) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (19:45:53) * arabpopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-7A7828F3.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (19:45:54) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (19:45:54) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (19:55:10) * @gr33narrow01 has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (20:05:22) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:27:25) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (20:41:05) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:41:10) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:41:24) * @Mr_inie has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (20:44:04) * arabpopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-A3E238EB.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:44:04) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (20:44:04) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (20:53:01) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (21:29:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i re-posed insaneluver (21:29:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1409523-genocide-ko-brutality-vs-rot/ (21:29:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they deleted the post since brut made it (21:29:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> so i re-posted (21:30:22) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1409523-genocide-ko-brutality-vs-rot/ - repost original got deleted (21:32:11) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (21:39:12) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:40:01) <@Burger> posted (21:42:22) <@insaneluver> ok (21:43:38) <@insaneluver> edit RP in the topic gatlerr (21:43:42) <@insaneluver> `God|`Gattlerr: (21:44:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i did put rp insaneluver (21:44:41) <@insaneluver> kk (21:44:46) <@insaneluver> ty (21:44:57) <@insaneluver> the topic name gets cropped in the link (21:57:15) * arabpopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-707D6BCF.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (21:57:15) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (21:57:15) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (21:59:48) <@arabpopcorn> If anyone needs a Guilded alter, world 89 "Arab Popcorn" cc. (22:03:39) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (22:47:44) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (23:06:20) <@insaneluver> this is why the guy locked the topic (23:06:30) <@insaneluver> i told him brut aced ko vs genocide when rot crashed (23:06:31) <@insaneluver> Secondly, Brut claimed on their own boards that they crashed a fight of RoT vs you guys. Of course on RSC they'll say something different so their topic gets to stay open. And since you guys all hate RoT so much, you can claim the same thing as well. Regardless, you guys still can get a topic. Log ended: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 18:30:52 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 18:30:52 Central Standard Time (00:30:52) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Quit:o) (00:48:35) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (00:48:46) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `Serena (00:49:51) * `Serena is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (01:28:06) * @Fazt has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (02:11:58) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (02:55:17) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- ChanServ invited JayBizzle` into the channel. (02:55:22) * JayBizzle` (~JayBizzle@5600CC6D.E6AA7260.903EA241.IP) has joined #coolcircle (02:55:22) <@X> [JayBizzle`] (08:16:38) <JayBizzle`> was jw if u have the link to ur ML (08:16:51) <Ody> mayhem or rdk (08:17:02) <JayBizzle`> wait whats the difference (02:55:22) * ChanServ set mode: +ao JayBizzle` JayBizzle` (02:57:21) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (03:19:20) * `God|`Gattlerr (~jjabw@Steps.away.from.perfection.RuneBNC.com) has left #coolcircle (03:19:31) * `God|`Gattlerr (~jjabw@Steps.away.from.perfection.RuneBNC.com) has joined #coolcircle (03:19:31) <@X> [`God|`Gattlerr] ~Thinking of the master plan , Nah im lying..Shawty on the mind~ (03:19:31) * ChanServ set mode: +qo `God|`Gattlerr `God|`Gattlerr (03:37:36) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-46973E66.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (03:37:36) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (03:37:36) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (04:20:16) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (05:40:25) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (07:33:36) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-46973E66.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (07:33:36) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (07:33:36) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (08:02:36) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (08:02:37) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (08:02:37) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (08:48:50) * Die_Nub_Plz (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:48:50) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:48:50) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (08:49:42) <@Die_Nub_Plz> whats brut position with AF? (08:50:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> hate/friendly/nothing just fight whenever (08:54:43) <@JayBizzle`> Nothing atm really. (08:55:35) <@JayBizzle`> Wouldn't say we're friendly but we don't 'hate' each other either (08:56:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> you know if they hate rot enough to do something (08:56:48) <@Die_Nub_Plz> or if they will just watch (09:26:47) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lol.. faztz post on rsc made me laugh irl (09:27:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> compare stats brut to rot then a chair picture (09:28:11) <@xLigit> lol (09:28:14) <@Keifer> doubt af will do anything major (09:28:26) <@Keifer> theyd be quick to make a deal with mattyb too (09:28:42) <@Die_Nub_Plz> that kinda why i dont wanna talk to them yet (09:28:50) <@xLigit> let rot crash em (09:28:55) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they will probly run to rot and tell them (09:28:56) <@xLigit> for a few weeks (09:29:05) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lol what is af gonna fight (09:29:11) <@xLigit> idk (09:29:13) <@xLigit> us in early gmt (09:29:18) <@xLigit> hf (09:29:40) <@Die_Nub_Plz> HF officals seem to be taking a shot at rot on the rsc topic (09:30:00) <@Die_Nub_Plz> if rot crashes them maybe ill talk to them (09:30:20) <@Die_Nub_Plz> even though theve been on rots nut up untill now=/ buy maybe that was Parkies fault (10:13:35) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (10:18:22) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (10:24:53) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as Die|Out (10:49:53) * ArabPopcorn (~qwebirc@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (10:49:53) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (10:49:53) * ChanServ set mode: +ao ArabPopcorn ArabPopcorn (11:05:02) * Die|Out is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (11:07:56) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ArabPopcorn (11:07:59) <@Die_Nub_Plz> you there? (11:27:43) <@ArabPopcorn> yes (11:27:48) <@ArabPopcorn> what's up? (11:28:02) <@Die_Nub_Plz> karamba said he would pay for a ts server (11:28:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> to avoid being nano spyed (11:28:24) <@ArabPopcorn> Ok, the host I have no doesn't allow me to change the query port. (11:28:43) <@ArabPopcorn> So he needs to look for one that allows you to change the query port. (11:30:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ok (11:30:20) <@Die_Nub_Plz> im talking in the wrong channel, just noticed =/ (11:41:59) <@ArabPopcorn> yeah (11:59:12) * @ArabPopcorn has quit IRC (Quit: Page closedo) (12:08:38) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (12:10:26) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (12:10:26) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (12:10:26) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (12:45:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Congratulations xLigit (12:45:59) <@xLigit> ;p (12:46:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lol im posting this on rsc (12:46:37) <@Die_Nub_Plz> http/yfrog.com/naendingsetsp (12:46:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> !rsc (12:56:55) <@xLigit> u return in the same shit every death (12:57:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> yes i do (12:58:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> suicide barrage w/o eating most of the war (13:26:59) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: xLigito) (14:11:54) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-46973E66.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (14:11:54) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (14:11:54) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (14:18:58) * Fazt (~Fazt@Swift-39DBF4B6.forgot.my.user-name.net) has joined #coolcircle (14:18:58) <@X> [Fazt] 01:33:32 Tc: i wouldnt mind coconut tits (14:18:58) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Fazt Fazt (15:38:26) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (15:47:31) <@Fazt> Die_Nub_Plz (15:47:40) <@Fazt> whats this with you crashing breaking point? (15:48:14) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we crashed them 2dasy before rot fight (15:48:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i wasnt their (15:48:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i heard after (15:49:51) <@Fazt> well don't, dont crash unprovoked (15:49:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we hated cki/zelphar/xdarkest (15:50:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but now its good (15:50:04) <@Fazt> could care less, its bad (15:50:11) <@Die_Nub_Plz> dw its good now (15:50:14) <@Fazt> k good (15:51:55) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i think rot will only lose like last time (15:51:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> in the same timezone (15:52:08) <@Die_Nub_Plz> gmt they got hf/af to "ac" (15:52:14) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and alot more people (15:54:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> wanna make it to the point (15:54:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> where members dont show up because they know it means lose of bank all over again (15:57:13) <@Fazt> af wont ac they (15:57:16) <@Fazt> them (15:57:26) <@Fazt> hf is only clan that will help rot (15:58:05) <@Die_Nub_Plz> sounds good (15:58:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> hx will dip once barraged (15:58:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> hf (15:58:23) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they hate multi spells (16:04:22) <@Fazt> rots fighting df in clanwars (16:04:23) <@Fazt> lol (16:04:37) <@Die_Nub_Plz> thats a firsat (16:04:38) <@Die_Nub_Plz> first (16:04:55) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they wouldnt fight us in clan wars =/ (16:04:56) <@Fazt> na (16:05:01) <@Fazt> they done alot clanwars lately (16:05:03) <@Fazt> f2p only though (16:05:08) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ah (16:05:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> full out or matched? (16:05:19) <@Fazt> matched (16:05:20) <@Fazt> with df (16:48:10) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (16:48:10) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (16:48:10) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (17:10:28) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@67476F5E.AD3C69D2.CC34C31F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (17:10:28) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (17:12:42) <@Die_Nub_Plz> were burt members pleased with killing rot that night? (17:14:08) <@insaneluver> ya (17:33:43) * Keifer (~keiferr@5DC8A41D.BBAF1B0E.2A66EA9F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (17:33:43) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (17:33:43) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (17:38:36) * ArabPopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-8417BEFB.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:38:36) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (17:38:36) * ChanServ set mode: +ao ArabPopcorn ArabPopcorn (17:46:36) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (17:47:44) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- Fazt invited Leon| into the channel. (17:47:49) * Leon| (~Leon@Swift-B643DB80.bb.sky.com) has joined #coolcircle (17:47:49) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Leon| Leon| (17:48:19) <@Leon|> I approve (17:48:37) <@Burger> Hi Leon| (17:48:41) <@Burger> Gratz on leader ;o (17:48:48) <@Leon|> Hi, Thanks (17:52:40) <@Leon|> Add me on MSN wilson572_rs@hotmail.co.uk (17:53:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Congratulations fine sir (17:53:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Leon| (17:53:17) <@ArabPopcorn> Gratz Leon| (17:53:23) <@Leon|> L ty (17:53:27) <@ArabPopcorn> I just added you, rs-blackkat184. (17:53:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ArabPopcorn (17:53:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> DID YOU KNOW (17:53:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> your leader used to be my tb slave. (17:53:42) <@ArabPopcorn> go on... (17:53:43) <@Leon|> cheers (17:53:49) <@ArabPopcorn> Insaneluver? (17:53:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Yes sir (17:53:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Small world this is (17:53:57) <@ArabPopcorn> Nope. (17:54:01) <@ArabPopcorn> Very. (17:54:22) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rs-gattlerr@live.com (17:54:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rs-gattlerr@live.com /amsg (17:54:41) <@ArabPopcorn> added (18:08:35) <@Die_Nub_Plz> what are the chances (18:08:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> VR gets involved in this? (18:08:42) * `Die (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (18:08:42) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (18:08:42) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (18:12:24) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as Die|Dinner (18:13:49) <@Burger> Fazt (18:13:55) <@Fazt> ? (18:13:56) <@Burger> Havoc gonna close soon (18:14:01) <@Burger> Most intros gonna come kO (18:14:06) <@Fazt> k lol (18:14:08) <@Fazt> how'd u know (18:14:08) <@Burger> Prob more ppl to help you against ROT earlier (18:14:09) <@Leon|> L (18:14:12) <@Burger> KK2 loves me (18:14:13) <@Burger> lol (18:14:15) <@Burger> He coming KO (18:14:15) <@Burger> (18:14:16) <@Fazt> lol. (18:14:25) <@Fazt> what hes said they're clsoing? (18:14:36) <@Burger> he said maybe (18:14:38) <@Burger> Dont tell any1 else (18:14:40) <@Burger> Keep it in here (18:15:15) <@Leon|> Rofl (18:18:45) <@Burger> Stays here (18:18:58) <@Leon|> `God|`Gattlerr u emailed me? (18:23:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Leon| (18:23:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> no (18:23:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I added you (18:26:15) <@Leon|> kk (18:26:34) <@Kaochinx27> why are there like 10 brut in here (18:26:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 2 new leaders Kaochinx27 (18:27:33) <@Kaochinx27> gat if that anoobis kid trys to join, just decline it. (18:27:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> k (18:27:53) <@Kaochinx27> kicked him from vr awhile back for spying for rot. (18:28:02) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I remember (18:28:10) <@Kaochinx27> Fazt Keifer (18:28:16) <@Kaochinx27> rot in f2p apparently (18:28:29) <@Fazt> we kicked him from brut for that (18:28:36) <@Fazt> should have done ur research man (18:28:39) <@Fazt> and asked about him (18:28:40) <@Fazt> lol (18:29:06) <@Kaochinx27> not everyone is quite as clever as you are. (18:29:21) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i thought we kicked him first (18:29:21) <@Leon|> lol (18:29:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ah well (18:29:42) <@Leon|> RoT out in F2P? (18:29:45) <@`God|`Gattlerr> so technically JayBizzle` isn't a rank anymore yes Leon|? (18:29:49) <@Kaochinx27> Leon| (18:29:52) <@Kaochinx27> they crashing (18:29:52) <@Leon|> no hes not (18:29:52) <@JayBizzle`> `God|`Gattlerr (18:29:54) <@Kaochinx27> eos vs df w17 (18:29:57) <@JayBizzle`> Don't let them fool you (18:29:59) <@Leon|> i see (18:30:01) <@JayBizzle`> i'm what you want me to be (18:30:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (18:30:07) <@JayBizzle`> and Leon| my pal gratz on Leader (18:30:09) <@Kaochinx27> vr is going to ac it though (18:30:12) <@Leon|> Ty (18:30:19) <@Leon|> kk Kao (18:30:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I assume rots hitting EoS Kaochinx27 (18:30:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> or just picking off whatever (18:30:40) <@Leon|> Sounds about right Gat (18:30:56) <@Leon|> chances of RoT crashing EoS vs Cor this weekend (18:30:58) <@Kaochinx27> yeah probably (18:31:08) <@Die|Dinner> Kaochinx27 rot is f2p atm? (18:31:15) * Die|Dinner is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (18:31:16) <@Kaochinx27> nothing worth going after (18:31:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Apparently yes crashing (18:31:27) <@Die_Nub_Plz> world (18:31:28) <@Kaochinx27> vr will clear em in a bit, they only got like 20 people (18:31:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They don't have enough to go hit them as vR is hitting them with 15 people (18:31:34) <@Kaochinx27> crashing eos, w17 (18:31:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ok (18:31:46) <@Die_Nub_Plz> k ill show up (18:32:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Kaochinx27 (18:32:09) <@`God|`Gattlerr> want to give Brian access here? (18:32:14) <@Kaochinx27> no (18:32:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> k (18:33:29) <@Burger> lol luck z (18:33:30) <@Burger> (18:33:47) <@Kaochinx27> he sucks up to everyone (18:33:59) <@Kaochinx27> dont trust him really (18:34:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I trust brian , he just has too many friends in too many places (18:37:14) <@Burger> doubt we need him (18:37:29) <@Burger> shouldnt be to many officials unless none of you guys there (18:44:58) * @JayBizzle` has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (18:52:57) <@Burger> gatler (18:52:59) <@Burger> (19:36:18) <@[stEvO]> !kb Burger (18:52:59) <@Burger> (19:36:18) * mIRC set mode: +b *!*@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net (18:52:59) <@Burger> (19:36:18) * You were kicked from #76k by mIRC (Requested) (18:54:05) <@Kaochinx27> lol (18:54:08) <@Kaochinx27> `God|`Gattlerr (19:04:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Kaochinx27 (19:04:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (19:04:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rp knew we were coming and bailed :| (19:08:43) <@Leon|> wot u doing (19:09:16) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr that how you narrow down spys (19:09:19) <@Die_Nub_Plz> chase rp around (19:14:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol Die_Nub_Plz (19:14:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> seriously (19:24:17) <@`Die> How did the df v eos fight go ? (19:48:14) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (19:55:12) <@`Die> A brut leader should verify my brut account (19:55:16) <@`Die> was gonna surf the forums (19:56:30) <@Keifer> our forums suck (19:56:49) <@`Die> lol (19:59:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ours did to a couple months ago (19:59:46) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we worked on that and we preform alot better now (19:59:50) <@Leon|> still are (19:59:55) <@Leon|> jokles (20:00:02) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 300% better then before (20:04:45) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:04:46) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (20:04:53) <@Keifer> we arent arsed (20:16:10) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (20:16:49) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:16:49) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (20:25:03) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (20:25:19) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:25:20) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (20:45:24) * @ArabPopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:00:35) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (21:05:04) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:05:24) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:16:44) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (21:16:53) <@Burger> Tell Sparze he's gonna get camped on different account (21:25:51) * @Leon| has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (22:05:25) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/pastebin.com/E00fpQhA (22:05:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> this ip thing is being leaked (22:05:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rot some brut i think ko gen (22:05:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> if you see members of your team there you can let them know (22:11:17) <@Fazt> no brut on it (22:19:48) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (23:07:05) * ArabPopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-229574A2.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (23:07:05) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (23:07:05) * ChanServ set mode: +ao ArabPopcorn ArabPopcorn (23:12:47) <@Keifer> dont fuck with me Fazt (23:12:59) <@Fazt> sorry (23:13:05) <@Keifer> whats my password on runescape (23:13:14) <@Fazt> ask xLigit lol (23:13:17) <@Fazt> i dont even know it (23:13:21) <@Keifer> k (23:13:30) <@Keifer> oh wait i remember it (23:13:31) <@Keifer> luls (23:35:57) * @ArabPopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (23:55:18) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) Log ended: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 19:09:17 Central Standard Time Log started: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 19:09:17 Central Standard Time (01:09:17) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (01:09:57) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (01:23:39) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (01:27:31) * @Fazt has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (03:29:39) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (03:46:32) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-46973E66.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (03:46:32) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (03:46:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (05:15:15) <@Kaochinx27> yo xLigit (05:15:20) <@xLigit> yo (05:15:21) <@Kaochinx27> It would seemed that this cluster started because Brutality crashed a fight RoT was in vs KO and Genocide (05:15:21) <@Kaochinx27> Resized to 64% (was 1107 x 554) - Click image to enlarge (05:15:21) <@Kaochinx27> However, since RoT did fight back and the fight turned into a cluster, either KO or Genocide can post a victory topic. But this topic is closed (05:15:33) <@Kaochinx27> hope one of you pmed that idiot about the 3pp rule (05:15:39) <@Kaochinx27> you dont need to be a victor, to post a topic (05:15:52) <@Kaochinx27> idc about the topic being closed, but just saw that (05:16:03) <@xLigit> lolsomeone locked the topic i made (05:16:04) <@Kaochinx27> he had no right to close it and now i see which mod sucks them off (05:16:04) <@xLigit> ? (05:16:07) <@Kaochinx27> yeah (05:16:09) <@Kaochinx27> yoto (05:16:14) <@xLigit> l0l0l (05:16:15) <@Kaochinx27> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1409219-brutality-ko-genocide-vs-rot-randoms/page__st__760 (05:17:14) <@xLigit> lmao (05:18:10) <@Kaochinx27> im headin off, cya (05:24:41) <@xLigit> l8er dude (06:50:52) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (06:50:52) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (06:50:52) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (07:23:57) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (08:10:50) * `Die (~Die@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:10:50) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:10:50) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (10:52:42) * `Die is now known as `Die`AWAY (11:23:18) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (11:23:18) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (11:23:18) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (11:23:22) <@Keifer> Kaochinx27 (11:34:02) <@`Die`AWAY> almost 7 hours idle (11:37:05) * `Die`AWAY is now known as `Die (11:45:15) <@Keifer> might need a few guys to come ac (11:50:37) <@`Die> for what? (11:50:47) <@`Die> brut v af? (11:50:48) <@`Die> or f2p (12:08:17) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (12:08:17) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (12:08:17) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (12:17:35) <@Keifer> ok ng suck (12:20:07) <@`Die> http/swiftimg.net/images/public/yp4hqfv0.png (12:30:12) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (12:51:46) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (12:58:43) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (12:58:44) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (12:58:44) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (13:29:43) * `Die is now known as `die`away (13:56:55) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (14:47:19) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (15:06:47) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (15:11:03) * `die`away is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (15:17:20) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:17:20) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (15:17:20) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (15:20:51) * No such nickname/channel (xligit) (15:44:46) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (No route to hosto) (15:45:12) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:45:12) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (15:45:12) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (15:47:17) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (16:01:43) * `Die (~slayer@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (16:01:43) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (16:01:43) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (16:22:03) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-CAD56C14.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (16:22:04) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (16:22:04) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (16:53:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 1 for the ethugs - http/www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MP_G6arpVI (17:35:07) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (17:35:07) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (17:35:07) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (17:35:23) <@Keifer> this chan doesnt autojoin cus of +R (17:40:56) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:40:57) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (17:59:49) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:59:49) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (17:59:49) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (18:28:48) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as Die|Dinner (18:46:16) * Die|Dinner is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (18:46:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr you three? (18:46:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *there (18:46:35) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (18:53:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (18:53:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (18:53:43) <@Die_Nub_Plz> do you have an rp spy? (19:34:13) <@Keifer> fuck man i need a f2p ac tha can beat up rot (19:34:47) <@Burger> TT (19:34:52) <@Burger> or RSD always AC (19:36:26) <@Die_Nub_Plz> VR lol (19:36:42) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Keifer get VR somehow (19:36:46) <@Die_Nub_Plz> it will set off a crash war (19:37:27) <@Keifer> i hear lebennett runs vr now and hes best pals with rot (19:37:35) <@Die_Nub_Plz> -.- (19:37:52) <@Keifer> tt arent allowed to ac rot (19:37:56) <@Keifer> rsd wont (19:37:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> wdf? (19:38:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> not allowed? (19:38:08) <@Keifer> nah otherwise rot crash them (19:38:14) <@Keifer> and tt dont know how to stand up for themselves (19:38:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> pathetic (19:38:28) <@Die_Nub_Plz> TT can pull what 100+? (19:38:37) <@Keifer> yup (19:39:03) <@Keifer> god i cant wait until the tables turn on rot (19:39:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we started it (19:39:13) <@Burger> ^ (19:39:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and showed they can be beat (19:39:19) <@Burger> It has begun somewhat (19:39:21) <@Keifer> we'll see (19:39:22) <@Burger> Hopefully people follow up (19:39:25) <@Burger> yh (19:39:35) <@Keifer> since we started multi (19:39:40) <@Keifer> they have been crashing and ddosing us (19:40:10) <@Keifer> nothin lasts forever tho (19:40:48) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but think about it (19:40:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> once they do turn (19:40:56) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot is a hole (19:41:18) <@Die_Nub_Plz> no1 will help them (19:41:28) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and they will be picked on untill the very end (19:44:06) <@Keifer> wotn happen any time soon unless somebody with a big ass botnet decides to give them a taste of their own medicine (19:44:11) <@Keifer> i know someone who has been doing it whenever we crash them if i pm him (19:45:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> one more clan the size of AF or something (19:45:51) <@Die_Nub_Plz> with even rag rangers (19:46:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and theri banks are toast after 2 fights (19:46:13) <@Keifer> u dont believe that do u (19:46:19) <@Keifer> its 2010 mang (19:46:43) <@Keifer> but if we keep winning (19:46:48) <@Keifer> they WILL stop returning for so long (19:47:17) <@Die_Nub_Plz> thats the begining. They stop returnign for so long (19:47:30) <@Die_Nub_Plz> hit to the deadication is big (19:47:55) <@Keifer> you have to have ur minions letting them know why we do everything though (19:48:13) <@Keifer> on rsc and such (19:50:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> had one Die_Nub_Plz (19:50:04) <@Die_Nub_Plz> We dont really like to flame on rsc (19:50:07) <@`God|`Gattlerr> blazer may have one though (19:50:12) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ok (19:50:19) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Rot has mods on rsc (19:50:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> that to w/e for them (19:50:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> RoT probably has mod friends (19:50:35) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they do (19:50:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i don't think they have mods though (19:50:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> that's personally in RoT (19:50:43) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 100% they got black up on rsc (19:50:48) <@Die_Nub_Plz> somehow (19:51:00) <@Keifer> no im not saying flame (19:51:12) <@Keifer> but their members are so dumb you have to spell things out for them (19:51:19) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i posted pictures of Mattyb asking my brother for a truce (19:51:33) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and mod's deleted it and liek 8 posts before leading up to it (19:51:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Lol. (19:52:02) <@Die_Nub_Plz> basically removed the conversation (19:52:07) <@Keifer> put it on all of our forums instead (19:52:16) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Keifer they do it intentionally (19:52:20) <@Keifer> fight fire with fire im sure we can do better than they can at this propaganda game (19:52:38) <@Keifer> if thats the game they wanna play im down (19:53:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they'll just fake shit and lie to their memebers (19:53:24) <@Keifer> so we fake shit back and lie to their members (19:53:29) <@Keifer> ;x (19:53:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (19:53:51) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Want me to post it? (19:53:54) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (19:54:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Contraversy is what i do (19:54:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> insaneliver posted a part of it on brut+geno+ko thread (19:54:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Oh i'll go look (19:54:33) <@Die_Nub_Plz> thread got locked last that day :x (19:54:40) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *later that day (19:54:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ooh (19:59:13) <@`Die> It shows that picking off rot returners really pisses them off. (19:59:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Saw those somewhere (19:59:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Not sure where (19:59:43) <@`Die> They basically asked KO for a truce when we were fucking them up at dwarfs ( they were returning from gdz, to the brut v rot fight @ alley) (20:00:54) <@Keifer> lol (20:01:07) <@Keifer> i thought u guys were close before (20:01:15) <@Keifer> when u were like allied with rp or w/e (20:01:54) <@`Die> well we kinda were (20:01:57) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we foguht rot with rp for 3 hours lol (20:02:02) <@`Die> 5. (20:02:13) <@`Die> rot crashed rsd+tt v ko+rp (20:02:20) <@`Die> rp+ko fought them for 5hours (20:02:51) <@`Die> RoT people showed up and sniped our fights when we were cool (20:03:03) <@`Die> we were tired of it and full out crashed their wars vs brut (20:03:21) <@`Die> RoT v AF uncapped was where it started (20:03:35) <@`Die> we picked of ~20% of their returners because the fight was close to old gate (20:03:37) <@`Die> and there was no AC (20:04:01) <@`Die> RoT v Brut @ eoh, we killed 30-40% of their returners , if you didnt see us east of axe hut (20:04:38) <@`Die> RoT v Brut alley battle, is where they asked for a truce (20:04:52) <@`Die> the next day they had a few snipers at Ko v FF (20:05:06) <@`Die> So once again, we began to pick off returners from their wars (20:05:16) <@`Die> And then they started full out crashing our wars (20:05:24) <@`Die> So we small man snipe unit their f2p fights now (20:05:33) <@`Die> since theres no p2p action left (20:05:38) <@`Die> for them (20:11:03) <@Keifer> dont you have any good logs from when you were friendly? (20:11:17) <@`Die> We never really talked (20:11:25) <@Keifer> ic (20:11:35) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ill check (20:11:38) <@`Die> well, once mattyb offered me a FF forums account (20:11:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i odubt it (20:11:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> that ^ (20:12:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> he offered us an FF FA account once (20:12:27) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but might have been to hide someone elses ip on it or something (20:13:13) <@Keifer> one of their biggest weapons at the moment is that their members are easy to manipulate (20:13:19) <@Keifer> we need to turn that into a weakness (20:13:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> true (20:13:53) <@Burger> Expose their retarded moments (20:14:23) <@`Die> The cover those up really well (20:14:27) <@`Die> and Keifer (20:14:28) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [21:11] <@Keifer> one of their biggest weapons at the moment is that their members are easy to manipulate (20:14:36) <@`Die> at the brut v rot alley fight (20:14:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> by far (20:15:45) <@Keifer> we could have some fun with the relationship u guys used to have (20:16:25) <@Keifer> by that i mean (20:16:35) <@Keifer> i wonder how far he would go to get it back (20:16:38) <@Keifer> ;p (20:16:48) <@Keifer> but not until after our next win (20:16:53) <@`Die> he has too much of an ego to 'get it back' (20:16:54) <@`Die> yeah (20:17:03) <@`Die> We gotta hit them at another aussie timezone (lol) (20:17:11) <@Keifer> u reckon theyll come again ? (20:17:16) <@`Die> yes (20:17:19) <@`Die> if planned right (20:17:24) <@`Die> it will have to be a different story though (20:17:31) <@Keifer> maybe it will (20:17:32) <@`Die> but yeah, we could figure it out (20:17:34) <@Keifer> maybe they want it (20:17:44) <@`Die> If they want it, we don't want to give it to them (20:17:48) <@`Die> It has to be unexpected (20:17:59) <@Keifer> ye (20:18:05) <@`Die> The good thing about next time is (20:18:12) <@`Die> It will be a lot of the same members as last time (20:18:17) <@`Die> and they know what happened last time (20:18:20) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we pulled 50 no prep and they wanted to end our good pull early (20:18:40) <@`Die> They will probably end earlier, if we perform just as good (20:18:52) <@Keifer> i do wonder (20:18:55) <@`Die> because the members last time, are already demoralised, they won't expect a iwn (20:18:59) <@Keifer> i think it will take 1 more before they end any earlier (20:19:07) <@`Die> yeah (20:19:19) <@Burger> Yeah (20:19:20) <@`Die> the great thing about the time we started was that- (20:19:29) <@`Die> it was prime for ko , decent for geno, bad for brut (20:19:37) <@`Die> but it was leading into bruts timezone before rot's (20:19:42) <@Burger> Thats the thing (20:19:44) <@Burger> If they outlast (20:19:45) <@`Die> so it was going to get worse for rot before it got better (20:19:46) <@Burger> It benefits us (20:19:48) <@Burger> and worse for ROT (20:19:48) <@Burger> lol (20:19:58) <@Keifer> dont underestimate the affect BP had on the latter part of that fight (20:20:00) <@Keifer> brb (20:20:07) <@`Die> BP did awesome lol (20:20:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> personally (20:20:29) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i was in gdz solo blitzing (20:20:40) <@Die_Nub_Plz> slowing down returners (20:20:50) <@Die_Nub_Plz> when the fight was ne of ggdz by one mini map (20:21:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and bp out just pick them off after i froze (20:21:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *bp would (20:27:59) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [21:18] <@Keifer> dont underestimate the affect BP had on the latter part of that fight (20:28:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> What happened would have happened wether BP was there or not. (20:28:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Personally until whoever else logged on and spoke to zelf they were hitting us. (20:30:35) <@Burger> meh w/e its help (20:30:47) <@Keifer> initially they were hitting everybody (20:31:06) <@Keifer> then i spoke to googleface who is a member of brut & pk leader in bp when he got online (20:31:12) <@Keifer> and they were helping us from there (20:34:31) <@`Die> What are the chances of vr starting a crash war with rot, rather than rot start one with vr (20:36:08) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:37:13) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-60D990DA.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:37:14) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (20:37:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (20:38:24) <@Keifer> fuck knows ask Kaochinx27 (20:38:36) <@Keifer> i dont think it got very far when he asked (20:39:00) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:39:00) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (20:39:06) <@Kaochinx27> evizu wants too, others want to start one with corr.. (20:39:14) <@Kaochinx27> a few others, not many. (20:39:22) <@Kaochinx27> eventually it will happen regardless. (20:39:34) <@Kaochinx27> VR hit rots ep dd everyday, matter of time before it happens. (20:39:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lol nice (20:40:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> cor wont last in a crash war (20:40:13) <@`Die> Naise (20:40:16) <@Die_Nub_Plz> or crash back (20:40:24) <@`Die> they are worse than tt (20:40:31) <@Kaochinx27> no f2p clan will (20:40:39) <@Kaochinx27> which is why others want to start with them lol (20:41:24) <@`Die> vr can handle themselves and will fight back (20:41:27) <@`Die> nobody else will (20:41:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> if you crash cor (20:41:42) <@`Die> they are too honour, or pertend to be, in an attempt to not have the other clan continue to crash (20:41:47) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot might get involved (20:41:56) <@`Die> no they wont. (20:42:09) <@`Die> rot doesn't give a shit about cor (20:42:44) <@Burger> Ill tell you right now (20:42:45) <@Burger> Corr would lose (20:42:52) <@Burger> Im an Elite Member >.> (20:42:54) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ^cor member (20:42:58) <@Burger> And I know just as much as the rest (20:43:05) <@`Die> I use to like cor, but then starman went all 'only members allowed in cc + vent!!! no clan friends' (20:43:09) <@`Die> trying to force me to intro (20:43:46) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (20:43:48) <@`Die> conditions21 is a boss though (20:43:50) <@`Die> no doubt (20:43:50) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (20:43:51) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (20:44:02) <@Burger> Tommarrow They want to fight you (20:44:08) <@Burger> Hope you agree (20:44:14) <@`Die> how much of a prep ;o (20:44:16) <@`Die> or none ? (20:44:20) <@insaneluver> none (20:44:32) <@Kaochinx27> yeah i heard (20:44:38) <@Kaochinx27> after 1 loss, they wont fight us again (20:44:41) <@Burger> Like a few days (20:44:45) <@Burger> Its dumb (20:44:50) <@Burger> We never pk w/o prep (20:44:52) <@Burger> Kind of boring (20:45:06) <@`Die> cor is decent for caps, but i don't think they have the mentality for long uncapped yet (20:45:22) <@Burger> We wont fight any1 long (20:47:51) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:48:25) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:48:30) <@insaneluver> corr need to get some balls and crash rot, they all say they hate rot (20:48:38) <@Burger> We had our chance (20:48:41) <@Burger> Did nothing (20:48:45) <@Burger> Kind of sad in the end (20:49:12) <@insaneluver> yeah i know (20:49:46) <@Kaochinx27> why do they want to crash rot? thought they were friends. (20:49:53) <@Burger> Nah (20:49:55) <@Keifer> ^ (20:50:00) <@Burger> Leadership talks so much shit to them (20:50:02) <@Burger> But then we say (20:50:05) <@Burger> Cbf with ddos hack etc (20:50:06) <@Burger> Lol (20:50:43) <@Kaochinx27> what a shame (20:50:54) <@Burger> We got the #'s to with the prep (20:50:54) <@Keifer> u corr Burger? (20:50:57) <@Burger> Yeah (20:50:58) <@Keifer> kk (20:51:00) <@Burger> I got offered Rank (20:51:03) <@Burger> But said no (20:51:20) <@Burger> Btw (20:51:22) <@Burger> Keifer Kaochinx27 (20:51:28) <@Burger> This stuff stays in #coolcircle (20:51:29) <@Burger> lol (20:51:33) <@Kaochinx27> yeah (20:52:03) <@Keifer> no (20:52:07) <@Burger> ? (20:52:13) <@Keifer> im jokin pal chill (20:52:31) <@Burger> Kind of paranoid (20:52:35) <@Burger> Dont rlly know ya'll that much (20:52:54) <@Keifer> lol (20:52:59) <@Kaochinx27> you ever seen harry potter (20:53:06) <@Kaochinx27> Keifer is like the golden snith (20:53:10) <@Keifer> theres no1 in this game more deciated to killin rot tha i am (20:53:15) <@Keifer> and thats about all who i am (20:53:16) <@Keifer> so hi (20:53:19) <@Burger> (20:53:26) <@Burger> Hi Im Burger (20:53:28) <@Keifer> lol (20:53:42) <@Kaochinx27> yeah i wont turn my back on you or anything either. (20:53:51) <@Burger> I've been KO for almost 2 years and I stayed from the point where we pulled 95 to a prep and to the slump of pulling 9 people to a week prep (20:53:58) <@Burger> To this day and counting (20:54:05) <@Keifer> 9 people? ouch (20:54:15) <@Kaochinx27> you talking abotu cor or ko ? (20:54:19) <@Burger> ko (20:54:23) <@Kaochinx27> ye was messin (20:54:34) <@Burger> I rather stay and fix it (20:54:40) <@Burger> Then others who just leave >.> (20:54:43) <@Burger> Dont rlly make it better (20:55:27) <@Kaochinx27> why dont you just join vr and ill merge geno into ko to form a super team (20:55:53) <@Burger> After Corr man (20:56:02) <@Burger> I always liked VR's activity (20:56:05) <@Burger> Thing is (20:56:08) <@Burger> I don't like to clan hop (20:56:15) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (20:56:29) <@insaneluver> Kaochinx27: that seems a good idea but mergers often fail (20:56:43) <@Kaochinx27> look at vr (20:56:48) <@Kaochinx27> they were a merge# (20:56:49) <@Burger> Meh time will tell (20:56:55) <@insaneluver> true but there's tons of failed ones (20:57:04) <@Kaochinx27> aslong as you go into it without some drastic expectations (20:57:06) <@Kaochinx27> nothing will change (20:57:35) <@insaneluver> well we can see how well allied stuff goes for a while (20:57:46) <@insaneluver> and if that seems ok we can think about merger later (20:58:05) <@insaneluver> we've only done one allied fight and we weren't even in the same audio (20:58:10) <@insaneluver> well 2 fights (20:59:33) <@Burger> Meh in all reality in the end i wouldnt care if it made us better (20:59:34) <@Burger> But right now (20:59:46) <@Burger> somewhat focus'd on just wanting to take down ROT (21:00:25) <@Burger> Rather get these cleaner fightsand all (21:01:35) <@Kaochinx27> yeah once vr gets involved (21:01:41) <@Kaochinx27> i dont see how rot can come out of it (21:01:54) <@Burger> Its prob just like p2p (21:01:59) <@Burger> just waiting for some1 to spark it (21:02:22) <@Keifer> damn insaneluver how can u pass up the opporunity to have Kaochinx27 callin for u (21:02:34) <@Burger> We got our callers dont worry (21:02:39) <@Keifer> beef. (21:02:42) <@Kaochinx27> lol (21:04:13) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-DCC85ECB.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (21:04:13) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (21:04:13) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (21:04:18) <@Burger> arabpopcorn (21:04:21) <@Burger> RP still ddosing you? (21:04:41) <@insaneluver> idk, i'm a loser i guess Keifer (21:05:27) <@Keifer> (21:05:30) <@insaneluver> Kaochinx27: why did ipklikenoob leave vr (21:05:36) <@insaneluver> coz he introed to ko (21:05:56) <@Kaochinx27> he left around the time i got demoted i think (21:06:01) <@Kaochinx27> said the leadership was stupid (21:06:08) <@Kaochinx27> was a rage quit thing i think (21:06:14) <@Kaochinx27> ipklikenoob is chill though (21:06:16) <@Kaochinx27> good member (21:06:55) <@Kaochinx27> yo (21:07:02) <@Kaochinx27> you guys know its VR vs ROT in p2p jagex cup final (21:07:03) <@Burger> ? (21:07:04) <@Kaochinx27> Keifer (21:07:07) <@Burger> yeah lol (21:07:08) <@Burger> gl (21:07:17) <@Keifer> loool (21:07:26) <@Keifer> ull smash um (21:07:28) <@Kaochinx27> i gotta get you an account to use Keifer.. (21:07:45) <@Keifer> i dont even think rots that rich (21:07:49) <@Keifer> u decided rules yet (21:07:58) <@Kaochinx27> no, its next round (21:08:06) <@Kaochinx27> assuming we can defeat the shadow dragons (21:08:21) <@Keifer> lmao. (21:08:26) <@Burger> Careful (21:08:28) <@Keifer> how the hell did they get further than us (21:08:30) <@Burger> Dragon hunters beat VR (21:08:34) <@Keifer> thats depressing (21:08:43) <@Kaochinx27> l0l (21:08:44) <@Burger> na dude ur just underestimating them (21:08:57) <@Keifer> who are they ? (21:09:18) <@Burger> idk they got 130 members tho (21:09:19) <@Burger> >.> (21:09:26) <@Keifer> oh shit (21:09:27) <@Kaochinx27> you guys wanna let evizu in here (21:09:29) <@Keifer> some rsb clan ig uess (21:09:36) <@Keifer> no objections (21:09:37) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 is he geno (21:09:39) <@Burger> ? (21:09:44) <@Keifer> hes brut if that helps (21:09:47) <@Kaochinx27> i think once he got to know you, he would lean towards helping us more (21:09:56) <@Kaochinx27> he is VR leader. (21:09:58) <@Kaochinx27> if you didnt know (21:10:04) <@Keifer> l0l (21:10:14) <@Burger> Ik he is (21:10:17) <@Kaochinx27> k (21:10:21) <@insaneluver> sure, invite him if you want to (21:10:25) <@Kaochinx27> idk who (21:10:29) <@Kaochinx27> his irc nick is, evizu (21:10:34) <@Kaochinx27> you can trust him (21:10:45) <@Kaochinx27> idk how* (21:11:00) <@Burger> i dont know how that'd help though (21:11:05) <@Keifer> well if any1 is gonna destroy rots f2p campaqign (21:11:07) <@Keifer> its him (21:11:17) <@Kaochinx27> its rot goes to f2p, he would mass for htem 100% (21:11:27) <@Burger> invite him idc (21:11:33) <@Burger> If he can help w/ rot (21:11:34) <@Burger> w/e (21:11:45) <@insaneluver> you guys know him better than us (21:11:45) <@insaneluver> what's his irc nick (21:11:52) * No such nickname/channel (#coolcircle) (21:11:52) <@Keifer> Evizu (21:12:03) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- Kaochinx27 invited Evizu into the channel. (21:12:07) * Evizu (Snake@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP) has joined #coolcircle (21:12:07) * ChanServ set mode: +b *!*@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP (21:12:07) * Evizu was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.o) (21:12:11) <@Kaochinx27> o lol (21:12:15) * Kaochinx27 set mode: -b *!*@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP (21:12:19) * Kaochinx27 set mode: -i (21:12:19) * ChanServ set mode: +i (21:12:29) <@Burger> sec (21:12:31) <@Burger> `God|`Gattlerr (21:12:32) * Kaochinx27 set mode: +I evizu!*@* (21:12:35) <@Burger> you know how to use irc (21:12:36) <@Burger> lol (21:12:36) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- Kaochinx27 invited Evizu into the channel. (21:12:38) <@insaneluver> yeah thats it (21:13:19) * Evizu (Snake@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP) has joined #coolcircle (21:13:19) * ChanServ set mode: +b *!*@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP (21:13:19) * Evizu was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.o) (21:13:25) <@Kaochinx27> hm (21:13:28) <@Burger> you gotta access him (21:13:29) <@Burger> Gatler (21:13:37) <@Burger> back up is requested (21:13:41) -ChanServ- Access level for Evizu|Away on #coolcircle changed to 9998. (21:13:44) <@insaneluver> ok lets try again (21:13:45) * Kaochinx27 set mode: -b *!*@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP (21:13:50) <@insaneluver> i added him to access list (21:13:53) -ChanServ- Access level for Evizu|Away on #coolcircle unchanged from 9998. (21:13:53) * Evizu (Snake@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP) has joined #coolcircle (21:13:53) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (21:13:53) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (21:13:56) <@Kaochinx27> damn (21:13:57) <@insaneluver> hi (21:13:59) <@Evizu> nice irc skills (21:14:03) <@Kaochinx27> too much trouble, not going through that again (21:14:06) <@insaneluver> lol (21:14:12) <@Burger> ^ (21:14:12) <@Burger> Lol (21:14:19) <@Burger> If we need some1 else (21:14:22) <@Burger> just gonna make a new irc chan (21:14:25) <@Kaochinx27> lmao (21:14:27) <@Burger> this is just ridiculous (21:14:32) <@Burger> I was meant for bh not irc (21:14:45) <@Burger> But yeah (21:14:47) <@Burger> hi Evizu (21:15:03) <@Evizu> hey (21:15:04) <@Kaochinx27> Evizu is a loner (21:15:08) <@Kaochinx27> dont be offended if he doesnt reply (21:15:25) <@Keifer> no leaking logs this time Evizu please... (21:15:29) <@Evizu> l0l (21:15:32) <@Kaochinx27> 90% of the pm's i send him get ignored, and ive know him 3 years. (21:15:51) <@Evizu> everyone hating.. (21:16:02) <@Kaochinx27> nah this is the coolcircle (21:16:09) <@Kaochinx27> now sure why `God|`Gattlerr is in here... (21:16:51) <@Kaochinx27> yeah Evizu this is pretty much the anti-rot crew. (21:17:15) <@Keifer> where did u come up with coolcircle lol (21:17:20) <@Kaochinx27> die nub plz (21:17:21) <@Kaochinx27> did i think (21:17:22) <@Evizu> ye my irc chan was better (21:17:25) <@Evizu> intel.. (21:17:28) <@Evizu> remember that night lol (21:17:30) <@Kaochinx27> ye (21:17:35) <@Kaochinx27> you saw death holl (21:17:42) <@Kaochinx27> make it look like it was a more then once occasion thing (21:17:43) <@Kaochinx27> lol (21:18:27) <@Kaochinx27> Evizu hates rot just as much as we do, only a matter of time before he is hitting them with us (21:18:34) <@Kaochinx27> thats my opinion anyway (21:19:07) <@Keifer> no Kaochinx27 le bennet has not permitted any movement on rot (21:19:11) <@Evizu> ye despise them lol (21:19:16) <@Kaochinx27> le bennet.. (21:19:21) <@Keifer> he will lose his special guest (21:19:22) <@Burger> In the end (21:19:46) <@Burger> if they lose in f2p too (21:19:49) <@Burger> then its just over (21:19:58) <@Keifer> genius mate (21:20:07) <@insaneluver> we need to make them lose more often in p2p lol, one win isn't a lot (21:20:16) <@Kaochinx27> it is for now. (21:20:18) <@Keifer> 2 is alot (21:20:26) <@insaneluver> how about we all prep for this weekend or next weekend (21:20:27) <@Burger> if it happens again (21:20:32) <@Burger> They will end ealrlier (21:21:09) <@insaneluver> we have to do this a few more times before we really demoralize their members and get through the propoganda (21:21:10) <@Keifer> i dont think we can afford for 2 of us to be prepping at once (21:21:18) <@insaneluver> well 2 clans fighting each other (21:21:20) <@insaneluver> i guess (21:21:26) <@Keifer> its obvious man (21:21:33) <@insaneluver> they will crash it anyway (21:21:35) <@Burger> We can lure them (21:21:39) <@Burger> Theres no problem there (21:21:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Who let Evizu in here? (21:21:48) <@Kaochinx27> Burger did (21:21:51) <@Keifer> it was Kaochinx27 he did it (21:22:02) <@Kaochinx27> who you gonna believe gat.. (21:22:07) <@insaneluver> X did it man (21:22:12) <@Burger> X did (21:22:13) <@insaneluver> its a shady ass bot (21:22:15) <@Kaochinx27> yeah was X (21:22:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> fucking X (21:22:21) <@Keifer> Burger you ass hole wtf (21:22:25) <@insaneluver> kb it gattler show it who's the boss here (21:22:30) <@Burger> !kb X (21:22:30) * X set mode: +b *!*@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net (21:22:30) * Burger was kicked by X (Oops!o) (21:22:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> thought we agreed no one that likes Elton John gets in the cool circle (21:22:32) <@insaneluver> l0l (21:22:34) <@Kaochinx27> lmfao (21:22:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lmao (21:22:38) <@insaneluver> !unban Burger (21:22:38) * ChanServ set mode: -b *!*@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net (21:22:39) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (21:22:39) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (21:22:39) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (21:22:43) <@Burger> I was not smiley facing (21:22:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> X always gets his way (21:22:47) <@Kaochinx27> lol (21:23:00) <@Keifer> ghetto gospel was quality mate (21:23:50) <@insaneluver> bbl (21:23:57) <@`God|`Gattlerr> was scrolling and saw this (21:23:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [22:18] <@insaneluver> we need to make them lose more often in p2p lol, one win isn't a lot (21:24:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Until we're 100% sure we'll have to wait for them to fight AF\HF or hunt Brut (21:25:31) <@Kaochinx27> a fight with rot needs to start after 11 pm est or so. (21:25:36) <@Kaochinx27> so they have no chance at gaining numbers (21:25:46) <@Burger> ^ (21:25:48) <@Kaochinx27> and we have irc spies, so we should always know what they are capable of (21:26:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Which renders brut useless , after 11est unless it was planned (21:26:41) <@Keifer> yo watch it (21:26:42) <@Kaochinx27> brut had a good 20 or so doin damage (21:26:53) <@Keifer> we pulled 34 :@@ (21:27:02) <@`God|`Gattlerr> If rot has no brut spys a planned thing could go down (21:27:04) <@Kaochinx27> my bad mate.. (21:27:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Big risk though (21:27:09) <@Keifer> they do (21:27:13) <@Keifer> at least 1 (21:27:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Thought they would (21:27:19) <@Burger> we pulled 50 (21:27:20) <@Burger> no prep (21:27:22) <@Burger> and sustained for like (21:27:23) <@Burger> 5 hrs (21:27:24) <@Kaochinx27> i got like 5 brut spies, too bad we on same team (21:27:24) <@Burger> lol (21:27:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Stfu you have a excuse (21:27:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> damn est\aussie clan (21:27:31) <@Kaochinx27> one my spies in this channel (21:27:40) <@Keifer> lol (21:27:42) <@Keifer> was gonna say tht (21:27:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> what kind of timezone is EST|AUSSIE? (21:27:46) <@Burger> nice (21:27:48) <@Burger> Well (21:27:53) <@Burger> Cause we can (21:27:53) <@Burger> (21:27:56) <@Burger> our aussies (21:27:58) <@Burger> are single pkers (21:28:02) <@Burger> but been since like craters (21:28:06) <@Keifer> well when i successfully get BP to dissolve into our ranks (21:28:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> almost dropped you the other night Burger (21:28:12) <@Keifer> were gonna be outpullin u both at 11pm EST (21:28:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> when you did that cwa thing in single (21:28:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifer (21:28:25) <@Burger> gl (21:28:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I can't wait (21:28:32) <@Keifer> lol (21:28:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> BP had like 30 there (21:28:42) <@Keifer> we didnt it with ff that shit was funny (21:29:04) <@Keifer> but uno (21:29:08) <@Keifer> last week (21:29:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> oh sorry about that ff thing (21:29:14) <@Keifer> we pulled 60 at 2am gmt to f2p (21:29:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> we needed members too shit (21:29:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Yeah Keifer? (21:29:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Weekday? (21:29:35) <@Keifer> so its 50/50 on our pulls (21:29:36) <@Keifer> ye (21:29:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> You should get all of your members to fuck up their sleeping schedules so they wake up when they're supposed to be sleeping. (21:30:05) <@Burger> ^ (21:30:06) <@`God|`Gattlerr> That would catch RoT off guard. (21:30:09) <@Burger> Sleep is overrated (21:30:10) <@Burger> (21:32:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> oh lord (21:32:41) <@Keifer> im est atm (21:32:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> havoc has 1 voiced in irc (21:40:00) <@Burger> havoc wont benefit unless it earlier (21:40:02) <@Burger> gmt wise (21:41:00) <@insaneluver> every bit helps i think, unless they are stupid (21:41:05) <@insaneluver> or really pixel hungry (21:42:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They lost all of their members , They never really had a dedicated member base either way it goes. (21:42:43) <@insaneluver> where did their members go (21:42:45) <@insaneluver> rdk ? (21:42:48) <@insaneluver> is rdk alive ? (21:42:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (21:42:57) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rdk died (21:43:03) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they went to new clans (21:43:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> that Keifer will eventually recruit (21:43:11) <@insaneluver> lol (21:43:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifers a beast with these plans (21:43:25) <@`God|`Gattlerr> suppose i can give him that (21:43:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> more noticeable (21:43:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> infliction (21:46:14) <@Burger> (21:46:23) <@Burger> Evizu (21:46:30) <@Burger> Who in VR doesnt like ROT (21:46:58) <@Evizu> a lot of people lol (21:47:12) <@Burger> Official wisE? (21:47:30) <@Evizu> everyone besides le bennet i guess (21:47:46) <@Burger> >.> (21:47:53) <@Burger> Think a crash war will re ammerge? (21:48:13) <@Evizu> There isn't much to crash atm (21:48:17) <@Evizu> the clan world is going kinda slow (21:48:32) <@Burger> I mean with ROT? (21:48:48) <@Evizu> well you say crash war but who are rot going to be fighting for us to crash lol (21:49:32) <@Burger> Dragon hunters (21:49:34) <@Evizu> They can't fight on F2P because you guys will be there to snipe them out (21:49:41) <@Evizu> and we will probably take care of any ac (21:50:04) <@Evizu> and on P2P nobody likes fighting them either (21:50:26) <@Evizu> best bet is to just take the best opportunities to beat rot when they dont expect it (21:50:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [22:45] <@Burger> Who in VR doesnt like ROT (21:50:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> about 75% of vR at the moment. (21:50:34) <@Evizu> till they weaken more and more (21:51:06) <@Kaochinx27> idk if he already is for you (21:51:46) <@Burger> meh (21:51:51) <@Burger> I think it starts from f2p (21:51:59) <@Burger> Cause they seem to tryto get more fights (22:15:12) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (22:15:13) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-DCC85ECB.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (22:15:13) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (22:15:13) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (22:21:09) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (22:21:35) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-A6717FCE.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (22:21:35) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (22:21:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (22:38:14) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (22:38:42) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (23:27:27) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (23:39:27) * @Burger has quit IRC (Quit: #wegudpk - Facto) Log ended: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 18:13:44 Central Standard Time Log started: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 11:00:13 Central Standard Time (17:00:13) * Now talking in #coolcircle (17:00:13) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (17:00:13) * Set by `Die!~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (17:00:13) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (17:00:13) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (17:06:54) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-F020E0B0.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:06:54) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (17:06:54) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (17:10:47) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (17:17:27) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:17:28) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (17:17:40) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (17:17:51) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (17:21:57) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:21:57) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (17:30:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1410661-cor-vs-rot/ (17:31:00) <@Die_Nub_Plz> repsoted (17:31:04) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *reposted (17:36:48) <@insaneluver> dude how did they get the topic to be deleted (17:37:54) <@insaneluver> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1410683-corruption-vs-rot/ (17:38:13) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-F020E0B0.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:38:13) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (17:38:13) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (17:41:09) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (17:44:13) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@Swift-F1392AC3.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:44:14) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (17:44:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (17:45:08) <@insaneluver> shoudl i psot this in community discussion on zybez (17:45:10) <@insaneluver> Do you think Biased RSC mods kill it for the community? (17:45:12) <@insaneluver> A little while ago, Corruptin vs ROT 3rd party topic got deleted by some biased mod. This topic was made by pking pure. This is not the first time. Biased moderators from DF/ROT are more than willing to abuse their positions to help their clan. For example- ROT made a crash topic on KO + Havoc and proof of the fight being planned and the fight happening without ROT was messaged to Bow, Yoto and Islamia who ignored it until Arno (17:45:13) <@insaneluver> finally closed the topic. It only took RSC mods 10 minutes to close a "crash " topic made by a KO member on Corr vs ROT though. (17:45:15) <@insaneluver> Do you think any solution is possible? Do you think the webite owner will do anything to fix it? Discuss. (17:56:02) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Quit: -a- Android IRC 1.8.19o) (17:56:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1410716-do-you-think-biased-rsc-mods-kill-it-for-the-community/ (17:57:32) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (17:59:10) * arabpopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-F1392AC3.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:59:10) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (17:59:10) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (17:59:48) * arabpopcorn is now known as ArabPopcorn (18:03:57) * @Evizu has quit IRC (*.SwiftIRC.net *.SwiftIRC.neto) (18:04:03) * Evizu (Snake@FA1A28A7.6080ED9E.C47C7276.IP) has joined #coolcircle (18:04:03) * *.SwiftIRC.net set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (18:08:38) * `Die (~slayer@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (18:08:38) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (18:08:38) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (18:11:20) <@`Die> Kaochinx27 (18:11:27) <@Kaochinx27> ye (18:11:35) <@`Die> How did VR take it that RoT showed up to kill the ac? (18:11:38) <@`Die> They mad @ rot ? (18:12:06) <@Kaochinx27> we rushed rot (18:12:08) <@Kaochinx27> they logged (18:13:01) <@`Die> is that why they ended? (18:13:05) <@Kaochinx27> ye (18:13:10) <@`Die> haha (18:13:21) <@`Die> Were people on ts not liking rot ? (18:21:58) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as die|Dinner (18:39:26) * @ArabPopcorn has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (18:40:32) * ArabPopcorn (~asdfasdf@Swift-F1392AC3.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (18:40:32) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (18:40:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao ArabPopcorn ArabPopcorn (18:51:48) * die|Dinner is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (18:53:46) <@`Die> lol rot basically admits it was brut who made them end Log ended: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 13:53:43 Central Standard Time Log started: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 12:31:25 Central Standard Time (18:31:25) * Now talking in #coolcircle (18:31:25) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (18:31:25) * Set by `Die!~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (18:31:25) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (18:31:25) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (18:42:41) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (18:45:50) * @`God|`Gattlerr has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (18:49:57) * @die|Dinner has quit IRC (Quit: die|Dinnero) (19:02:00) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:02:00) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:02:00) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (19:03:40) * `God|`Gattlerr (~jjabw@Swift-A4CD9AD4.away.from.perfection.runebnc.com) has joined #coolcircle (19:03:40) <@X> [`God|`Gattlerr] ~Thinking of the master plan , Nah im lying..Shawty on the mind~ (19:03:40) * ChanServ set mode: +qo `God|`Gattlerr `God|`Gattlerr (19:45:14) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Talked to AF (19:45:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:41:04) <Die_Nub_Plz> i mean if we were fighting rot (19:45:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:41:31) <Mk-Paul> we'd slay rp for you (19:45:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:41:41) <Mk-Paul> they crashed our last fight against brut (19:45:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:41:49) <Die_Nub_Plz> knowing mattyb would be threatening you though? (19:45:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:41:50) <Mk-Paul> if you ever have troubles with rp let me know (19:45:48) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:41:55) <Mk-Paul> and we will deal with them (19:45:48) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:42:18) <Mk-Paul> he threatens me all the time (19:45:48) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (20:42:24) <Mk-Paul> get used to it now Log ended: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:06:54 Central Standard Time Log started: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 15:45:47 Central Standard Time (21:45:47) * Now talking in #coolcircle (21:45:47) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (21:45:47) * Set by `Die!~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (21:45:47) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (21:45:47) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (21:45:47) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (21:50:29) <@insaneluver> Kaochinx27: (21:50:45) <@Kaochinx27> ye (21:50:48) <@insaneluver> care about a mini or a matched opt fight ? or anything (21:50:54) <@Kaochinx27> na (21:51:07) <@insaneluver> don't be so lazy dude, scape it up (21:51:23) <@Kaochinx27> genocide is fighting rsd on w1374 (21:51:25) <@Kaochinx27> 137* (21:51:28) <@Kaochinx27> so ye.. (21:52:46) <@insaneluver> oh (21:52:48) <@insaneluver> ok (21:52:57) <@insaneluver> let us know if u need ac (21:55:07) <@Die_Nub_Plz> asshole i asked them for a fight (21:55:54) <@insaneluver> probably after those ugys asked (21:55:55) <@insaneluver> *guys (22:07:23) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (22:07:50) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (22:23:01) <@`God|`Gattlerr> warrs left havoc (22:24:59) <@Burger> :o (22:25:00) <@Burger> Why (22:25:40) <@`Die> damn (22:25:41) <@`Die> just saw that (22:25:51) <@Burger> theyll close soon but itll benefit Ko (22:25:58) <@`Die> i don't want kk2 in ko (22:27:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Burger (22:27:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they barely have enough to benefit anything (22:27:57) <@`Die> If we wanted, we could mass recruit havoc (22:27:59) <@Burger> every few is helpful ;p (22:28:01) <@`Die> since we're on the friendliest terms (22:28:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> all 5 of them `Die (22:28:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (22:28:07) <@`Die> but i don't think it will be beneficial to ko (22:28:14) <@`Die> nah kk2 wants to join ko (22:28:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I know kk2 does (22:28:21) <@`God|`Gattlerr> gl with him (22:28:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> he's a character (22:28:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> L (22:28:25) <@`Die> he would bring all people with him (22:28:26) <@`Die> i know. (22:28:28) <@`Die> thats why i dont want him (22:28:38) <@`Die> he's benificial shortterm (22:28:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> He would be if it was a different havoc but they have anywhere from 2-7 voiced (22:28:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> at any time (22:28:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> now (22:29:12) <@Burger> there gmt (22:29:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> it was a semi-decent run (22:29:15) <@Burger> its 11 est (22:29:15) <@Burger> lol (22:29:19) <@`Die> they did great at the beginning (22:29:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I'm not talking about no (22:29:21) <@`God|`Gattlerr> now* (22:29:26) <@`Die> apparently they pulled 60 once (22:29:26) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They came to multi strong (22:29:29) <@`Die> and then like 47 against you guys (22:29:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 49 (22:29:38) <@`Die> yeah (22:29:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> when RDK died (22:29:43) <@`Die> then 30ish against us (22:29:45) <@`Die> to both fights (22:29:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> stupidest war i ever accepted even though they barraged we wasn't going to win that either way L (22:30:00) <@`God|`Gattlerr> shouldve waited for the RDK that joined (22:30:01) <@`God|`Gattlerr> to leave (22:30:01) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (22:30:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Which they ended up doing (22:31:01) <@`Die> (22:32:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> brb bagelbites (22:39:00) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) Log ended: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:04:40 Central Standard Time Log started: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 18:26:48 Central Standard Time (00:26:48) * Now talking in #coolcircle (00:26:48) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (00:26:48) * Set by `Die!~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (00:26:48) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (00:26:48) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (00:26:48) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (02:12:57) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (02:12:59) <@Burger> http/tinychat.com/wegudpk (02:13:04) <@Burger> Tinychat night (02:50:50) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (03:25:45) * @Evizu has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (03:34:29) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (04:52:35) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (04:52:36) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (04:52:36) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (05:56:33) * Fazt is now known as FaztAOE (07:00:03) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-FB88E8E3.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (07:00:03) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (07:00:03) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (07:24:42) * FaztAOE is now known as Fazt (08:29:37) * `Die (~Die@C645D498.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:29:37) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:29:37) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (09:06:21) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (09:08:13) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-23786DD4.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (09:08:13) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (09:08:13) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (11:02:20) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (11:46:34) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (14:23:43) * ArabPopcorn (~qwebirc@Swift-3B0F7BD8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (14:23:43) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (14:23:43) * ChanServ set mode: +ao ArabPopcorn ArabPopcorn (15:44:48) <@Kaochinx27> havoc died, wadda shame (15:47:48) <@ArabPopcorn> link (15:48:22) <@ArabPopcorn> nvm found it (15:56:56) <@Kaochinx27> xLigit (15:57:04) <@xLigit> yh (15:57:07) <@Kaochinx27> ~stevenene@Swift-8D18F85D.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net * stevenenenen (15:57:11) <@Kaochinx27> any idea who that is (15:57:24) <@xLigit> ill control f it in my logs (15:57:24) <@xLigit> sec (15:59:02) <@xLigit> na nothing Kaochinx27 (15:59:04) <@xLigit> why (15:59:30) <@Kaochinx27> (15:56:06) <dlqwodlqwdjqwdqjw> i know a spy (15:59:30) <@Kaochinx27> (15:56:08) <dlqwodlqwdjqwdqjw> in genocide (15:59:30) <@Kaochinx27> (15:56:10) <dlqwodlqwdjqwdqjw> whos spying for havoc (15:59:30) <@Kaochinx27> (15:56:13) <Kaochinx27> oh damn, good thing havoc is dead (15:59:36) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- ChanServ invited JayBizzle into the channel. (15:59:38) <@Kaochinx27> then he dc'd (15:59:41) * JayBizzle (~JayBizzle@32066FB6.F0D8A0DA.B28F010C.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:59:41) <@X> [JayBizzle] (08:16:38) <JayBizzle`> was jw if u have the link to ur ML (08:16:51) <Ody> mayhem or rdk (08:17:02) <JayBizzle`> wait whats the difference (15:59:41) * ChanServ set mode: +ao JayBizzle JayBizzle (15:59:59) <@JayBizzle> Fazt xLigit (16:00:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (16:00:28) <@JayBizzle> sup `God|`Gattlerr bro (16:00:37) <@JayBizzle> RoT massin lets crash (16:01:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> what are they massing for? (16:01:18) <@JayBizzle> CWA Practice (16:01:18) <@JayBizzle> =] (16:13:18) <@xLigit> dont joke around like that JayBizzle (16:13:30) <@xLigit> i got happy for a sec (16:15:03) <@JayBizzle> soz (16:15:03) <@JayBizzle> ;d (16:24:56) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (17:35:34) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:35:34) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (17:35:34) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (17:51:56) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (17:51:57) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (17:51:57) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (18:04:28) <@xLigit> l0l Kaochinx27 (18:04:35) <@xLigit> just made rot log out inraged (18:04:40) <@xLigit> enraged- (18:04:47) <@Kaochinx27> what you do (18:04:56) <@Burger> they 1 itemd (18:04:57) <@xLigit> crashed there fight in gear (18:05:00) <@xLigit> then when hf ended (18:05:11) <@xLigit> they tried 2 clear us and we just kept mass teleing 2 barrage there fall-in (18:05:11) <@xLigit> lol (18:05:27) <@Kaochinx27> lol nice (18:05:33) <@Kaochinx27> should of told us, would of went (18:05:38) <@ArabPopcorn> should have said it here, I'd come to help out. (18:05:40) <@xLigit> was only 30 min cap with hf (18:05:41) <@ArabPopcorn> ^ (18:06:40) <@Kaochinx27> brb (18:27:24) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has left #coolcircle (18:50:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> didn't even know you guys fought (18:50:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> wtf (18:57:05) * @JayBizzle has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (18:58:09) <@xLigit> LMFAO (18:58:12) <@xLigit> its fake `God|`Gattlerr (18:58:16) <@xLigit> l0l0l0l (18:58:26) <@xLigit> we hate af (19:15:28) * Die_Nub_Plz (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:15:28) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:15:28) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (19:22:14) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (20:23:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Kaochinx27 if you got 15 (20:23:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> team requiem is rdg (20:23:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 20 pures lvl 110-120 (20:23:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> spread out inside (20:24:42) <@Kaochinx27> we rushin atm (20:24:47) <@Kaochinx27> my cc if u wanna come (20:25:00) <@Die_Nub_Plz> loged out to scout something else, but ty (20:38:37) <@Kaochinx27> Die_Nub_Plz (20:38:40) <@Kaochinx27> what clan is mr inie (20:47:25) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz ArabPopcorn (20:47:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> tell mr inie (20:47:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> stop fucking ragging us (21:15:12) <@Die_Nub_Plz> hes not ko (21:15:24) <@Die_Nub_Plz> he left a week ago (21:47:55) * @ArabPopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (22:35:00) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (22:35:06) <@`God|`Gattlerr> you guys fighting BP? (22:35:54) <@Die_Nub_Plz> no (22:35:57) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we were gonna 20v20 (22:36:05) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they logging in to meet us ne steps (22:36:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> logged in (22:36:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we said "hi cki" (22:36:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they logged back out -.- (22:42:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz you fighting now right? (22:42:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> (22:42:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [23:42] <DemEagles> 2:42:01) <DemEagles> darkest (22:42:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [23:42] <DemEagles> (22:42:03) <DemEagles> is it uncapped@?@?@ (22:42:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [23:42] <DemEagles> (22:42:09) <IXDaRkEsTxI> yh (22:43:22) <@Die_Nub_Plz> were now (22:43:23) <@Die_Nub_Plz> not (22:43:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> so what's the situation Die_Nub_Plz (22:43:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> not fighting? (22:43:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> right now (22:43:55) <@Die_Nub_Plz> nothing is set up (22:43:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> kk (22:44:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they just made us mass for nothing (22:44:56) <@Die_Nub_Plz> you trying to hit them? (22:46:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (22:46:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> no (22:46:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> one of our members is annoying me (22:48:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> your members? (22:50:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yes (22:50:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> idk who it was (22:51:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but we 1banged barage piled some 20amn team (22:51:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> all had "og" in name (22:51:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *20 man (22:56:33) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr are you in w72? (23:00:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz no (23:00:18) <@`God|`Gattlerr> we aren't out (23:00:49) <@Die_Nub_Plz> o (23:01:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we 1bangged n0rth east or something (23:01:06) <@Die_Nub_Plz> thoguht was you (23:01:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *thought (23:10:46) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: xLigito) (23:58:22) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) Log ended: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 19:04:18 Central Standard Time Log started: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 19:04:18 Central Standard Time (01:04:18) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (05:42:31) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (05:56:04) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-C7CCDB15.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (05:56:04) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (05:56:04) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (09:44:23) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (09:44:23) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (09:44:23) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (10:02:35) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (11:36:30) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (11:36:30) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (11:36:32) * `Die (~Die@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (11:36:32) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (11:36:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (12:31:53) * @`Die has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (12:53:53) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (13:55:54) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (13:56:14) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (13:56:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (14:12:43) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (14:12:43) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (14:12:43) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (15:19:34) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (15:19:35) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (15:19:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (15:22:15) <@Keifer> `God|`Gattlerr Burger insaneluver Kaochinx27 (15:22:24) <@Keifer> do we know what rots doing? they are massing now. (15:22:51) <@insaneluver> uh (15:22:55) <@insaneluver> probably crashing corr vs eos (15:22:56) <@Burger> Cor has a fight atm (15:22:58) <@Burger> ^ (15:22:58) <@Burger> lol (15:23:06) <@Keifer> what shall we do about that (15:23:12) <@Burger> If they legit do (15:23:13) <@insaneluver> well how many they got (15:23:14) <@Burger> snipe em (15:23:17) <@Burger> like 70 (15:23:20) <@insaneluver> damn (15:23:25) <@insaneluver> im gonna get my ass sniped lol (15:23:36) <@insaneluver> Keifer: how many can brut/vr pull (15:23:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifer (15:23:41) <@insaneluver> can u guys ac with vr (15:23:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> probably acing (15:23:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> corr fight (15:23:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> oh (15:23:45) <@`God|`Gattlerr> im late (15:23:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> xd (15:23:47) <@Keifer> vr wont come evizu is away this weekend (15:23:51) <@insaneluver> ohhhh (15:23:54) <@Burger> :| (15:24:00) <@insaneluver> is Kaochinx27 an official (15:24:00) <@`God|`Gattlerr> vr is doing this (15:24:01) <@`God|`Gattlerr> #anti-corr (15:24:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> No (15:24:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> some vr are in that channel (15:25:04) <@insaneluver> lol well evizusaid they arent crashing corr so it sok (15:25:22) <@insaneluver> rot hate both ko and eos so i guess they will snipe everyone (15:25:40) <@Burger> It has to be a full crash on both if they do (15:27:07) <@Keifer> lol at #anti-cor (15:27:59) <@Keifer> hmm (15:28:52) * Fazt is now known as Fazt|SLEEPING (15:29:05) * Fazt|SLEEPING is now known as Fazt (15:30:24) <@Burger> TT is leaving the AC (15:30:27) <@Burger> prob rot told em (15:30:28) <@Burger> LOL (15:30:28) <@Keifer> what world is eos vs corr (15:31:07) * insaneluver is now known as die_nub_plz (15:31:21) <@`God|`Gattlerr> not sure (15:31:26) * die_nub_plz is now known as Unknown60926 (15:31:30) * Unknown60926 is now known as insaneluver (15:32:53) <@Burger> you gonna crash? (15:34:06) <@xLigit> http/rs-brutality.com/index.php?showtopic=12408 lol good shit (15:38:35) <@insaneluver> ddamn eos is alreayd late (15:39:54) * `Die (~Die@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:39:55) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (15:39:55) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (15:50:07) * ArabPopcorn (~qwebirc@Swift-AE336F9.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #coolcircle (15:50:07) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (15:50:07) * ChanServ set mode: +ao ArabPopcorn ArabPopcorn (15:55:01) <@ArabPopcorn> http/twitcam.livestream.com/1asxk (16:21:31) <@insaneluver> yo Keiferare u guys crashing corr (16:21:47) <@Keifer> no (16:22:33) <@insaneluver> ok i see xligit and ppl here (16:22:38) <@insaneluver> and ievizu is that evizu (16:22:50) <@xLigit> im not attacking no1 lol (16:23:14) <@insaneluver> kk (16:35:52) <@`Die> rot is crashing (16:35:54) <@insaneluver> rots hitting tt (16:38:33) <@`Die> They are crashing corr (16:38:37) <@`Die> and eos (16:45:38) <@insaneluver> Keifer: u guys crashing rot? (16:45:48) <@Burger> Keifer (16:45:49) <@Burger> Keifer (16:45:50) <@Burger> Fazt (16:45:53) <@Burger> ROt crashing corr (16:45:56) <@Burger> W136 vents (16:46:05) <@Fazt> let them get into a proper fight (16:46:19) <@`Die> ^ (16:46:34) <@`Die> burger cor + eos wont team to clear? (16:48:47) <@Burger> No.. (16:49:47) <@Burger> insaneluver (16:49:51) <@Burger> I just took FI (16:49:52) <@Burger> (16:49:55) <@insaneluver> oo (16:49:56) <@insaneluver> nice (16:53:54) <@insaneluver> Keifer: ask tt coz they are fighting rot (16:54:02) <@insaneluver> maybe thye will clear rot with u guys? (16:54:13) <@Keifer> tt wont touch rot (16:54:18) <@insaneluver> lol (16:55:35) <@Burger> RSD wont (16:55:36) <@Burger> :| (16:56:25) <@insaneluver> lol so no one going to ac them basically (16:56:31) <@`Die> They are too scared (16:56:53) <@`Die> i think eos is gonna take ending and claim a win burger (16:56:57) <@Burger> I know (16:56:57) <@insaneluver> lol (16:56:57) <@Burger> :| (16:57:10) <@`Die> i would hop back over if i were you guys (16:57:17) <@Burger> World DC'd (16:57:35) <@`Die> eos said you guys wereon 94 (17:01:06) <@Burger> we are (17:01:12) <@Burger> the world is DC'ing (17:01:13) <@Burger> lol (17:02:33) <@`Die> you guys should fight rot (17:02:41) <@`Die> if eos ended (17:02:46) <@`Die> they still have a 20man 'ac' (17:04:10) <@Burger> Keifer (17:04:10) <@Burger> Keifer (17:04:22) <@Burger> If ROT get in a legit fight will Brutality come snipe? (17:04:33) <@Keifer> ofc (17:04:43) <@`Die> cor would probs beat rot without the snipers (17:04:50) <@`Die> does cor have 90 + ? (17:05:28) <@Burger> 110 on vent (17:05:32) <@Burger> started almost 120 (17:05:32) <@Burger> Lol (17:05:42) <@Keifer> whats rot doing (17:05:44) <@`Die> you guys dropped ? (17:06:15) <@Burger> ROT is crashing (17:06:18) <@Burger> We re massin w94 (17:06:20) <@Burger> to hit them i think (17:09:14) <@Keifer> i think the fights over bud (17:09:46) <@Burger> Corr is re hopping to fight EOS (17:10:12) * @X has quit IRC (*.SwiftIRC.net *.SwiftIRC.neto) (17:10:31) <@`Die> RoT is gonna keep crashing (17:10:36) * X (services@swiftirc.net) has joined #coolcircle (17:10:36) * X set mode: +ao X X (17:10:36) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (17:10:36) * ChanServ changed the topic to 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (17:10:36) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (17:10:36) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (17:10:36) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (17:10:37) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (17:10:37) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (17:10:37) <@X> [`God|`Gattlerr] ~Thinking of the master plan , Nah im lying..Shawty on the mind~ (17:10:37) <@X> [Fazt] 01:33:32 Tc: i wouldnt mind coconut tits (17:10:51) <@`Die> RoT is gonna keep crashing (17:11:00) <@`Die> Eos is on good terms with rot now (17:11:02) <@`Die> im assuming (17:11:14) <@Burger> They crahsing whole thing (17:11:16) <@Burger> TT hitting DK (17:11:20) <@Burger> ROT hitting TT (17:11:21) <@Burger> Its a cluster (17:12:01) <@`Die> oo (17:12:06) <@`Die> maybe tt vs rot will happen (17:12:15) <@Keifer> doubt it (17:12:17) <@Keifer> tt are a weak clan (17:23:58) <@Burger> eos ended (17:24:18) <@`Die> lol (17:24:35) <@`Die> and they can take the legit win lol (17:24:51) <@`Die> since corr left battlefield (17:24:51) <@`Die> (17:29:20) <@Fazt> huh`di (17:29:22) <@Fazt> `Die (17:29:26) <@`Die> yeah (17:32:02) <@`Die> good loot fazt ? (17:32:58) <@Fazt> like 600k (17:32:58) <@Fazt> thx (17:33:26) <@`Die> np (17:34:49) * @ArabPopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (17:52:33) * @`Die has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (18:37:40) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (18:45:26) * @Fazt has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (18:51:01) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (18:56:46) * Fazt (~fazt_@Swift-73C60819.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #coolcircle (18:56:46) <@X> [Fazt] 01:33:32 Tc: i wouldnt mind coconut tits (18:56:46) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Fazt Fazt (19:00:35) * `Die (~Die@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:00:35) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:00:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die Log ended: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 13:17:08 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 01:58:48 Central Standard Time (07:58:48) * Now talking in #coolcircle (07:58:48) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (07:58:48) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (07:58:48) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (07:58:48) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (07:58:48) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 Log ended: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 02:16:16 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 09:47:33 Central Standard Time (15:47:33) * Now talking in #coolcircle (15:47:33) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (15:47:33) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (15:47:33) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (15:47:33) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (15:47:33) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (15:58:12) * Die|DInner is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (16:00:10) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (16:00:10) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (16:07:44) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr (16:07:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (16:07:54) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot gonna get hit? (16:07:56) * `Die`AFK is now known as `Die (16:07:59) <@`God|`Gattlerr> its cwa (16:08:02) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i need a name to watch (16:08:03) <@`God|`Gattlerr> -.- (16:08:29) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr (16:08:30) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 968462572653 (16:08:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> join that (16:10:11) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (16:10:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> im looking Die_Nub_Plz (16:10:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i think it got ddosed (16:10:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ll (16:10:33) <@Die_Nub_Plz> YUP (16:10:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (16:10:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> gf rot (16:10:41) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 97-88 (16:11:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> nice tanking in druid robes 126plus11126 (16:11:13) <@`God|`Gattlerr> /amsg (16:11:38) <@`Die> this is gonna end like 80-0 (16:12:55) * Keifer (~keiferr@Swift-352224E9.wolv.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #coolcircle (16:12:55) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (16:12:55) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (16:17:49) <@`Die> 89-0 (16:17:55) <@`Die> rot just got fucked (16:18:03) <@`Die> when it was 91-74 (16:18:08) <@`Die> rot logged out lol (16:20:41) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-C7CCDB15.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (16:20:41) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (16:20:41) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (16:22:06) <@`Die> Fazt xLigit (16:22:10) <@xLigit> yh (16:22:18) <@Fazt> our ts is ddosing us like mad (16:22:23) <@Fazt> whats info lol (16:22:30) <@`Die> i lost it sadly (16:22:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> #anti-rsd (16:22:38) <@Fazt> so u know pass but not info (16:22:38) <@Fazt> :s (16:22:39) <@`Die> i remember it says rot in the hostname (16:22:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> #anti-rsd (16:22:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> #anti-rsd (16:23:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> #anti-rsd (16:24:09) <@`God|`Gattlerr> {AMSG} #anti-rsd quickest growing channel in swiftirc history (16:28:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> {AMSG} RIP #anti-rsd 5:20 PM - 5:27 PM EST Sunday July 25 2010 (16:28:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> {AMSG} RIP #anti-rsd 5:20 PM - 5:27 PM EST Sunday July 25 2010 (16:32:03) <@Keifer> do we know who ddosed rot? (16:32:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Keifer (16:32:41) <@`God|`Gattlerr> members from teams\clans that hate rot (16:33:51) <@Keifer> would be nice to know exactly who (16:34:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> not sure exactly who (16:42:51) <@Die_Nub_Plz> anyone know if rot is fighting f2p? (16:43:01) <@`Die> thats their 3rd loss in 2 weeks Log ended: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 10:44:48 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 13:39:23 Central Standard Time (19:39:23) * Now talking in #coolcircle (19:39:23) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (19:39:23) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (19:39:23) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (19:39:23) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (19:39:23) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (20:12:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz Burger (20:12:14) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ? (20:12:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> smacking rp around w26 bh (20:12:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> for about 20 mins (20:12:19) <@Die_Nub_Plz> nice (20:41:54) * @`Die has quit IRC (Quit:o) (20:42:43) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (20:52:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1412874-genocide-vs-rising-pkerz/ /amsg (20:57:46) <@Kaochinx27> Die_Nub_Plz xLigit Keifer `God|`Gattlerr (20:57:48) <@Kaochinx27> (20:55:20) <Chaingang815> lol we had an unprep (20:57:48) <@Kaochinx27> (20:55:23) <Chaingang815> fight us 1 week prep (20:57:48) <@Kaochinx27> (20:55:28) <Chaingang815> let's see who dominates (20:57:48) <@Kaochinx27> (20:55:30) <Kaochinx27> ok (20:57:48) <@Kaochinx27> (20:55:31) <Chaingang815> ill speak to rot (20:57:48) <@Kaochinx27> (20:55:35) <Chaingang815> make sure they dont crash for shit (20:57:55) <@Kaochinx27> wanna have fun with them next weekend.. (20:58:38) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:01:03) <@Fazt> what clans chaingang Kaochinx27 (21:01:10) <@Kaochinx27> rp lol (21:01:17) <@Fazt> ..............l0l (21:01:23) <@Kaochinx27> can clear them in a matter of minutes and bail before rot show up (21:01:25) <@Kaochinx27> just something to do (21:01:30) <@Kaochinx27> you can come along if you want (21:01:42) <@Fazt> they'll bring mates and pull in the 70s probs lol (21:01:46) <@Fazt> and if they speak to rot (21:01:51) <@Fazt> rot will hit u before they do (21:01:52) <@Fazt> for sure (21:01:53) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: xLigito) (21:02:00) <@Kaochinx27> our first fight was 42 geno vs 65 rp and we won in 35 minutes (21:02:11) <@Fazt> ye rp's complete shit (21:02:15) <@Fazt> but rot will be there (21:02:31) <@Fazt> and ye dont see us taking rot again with rp tbh (21:02:51) <@Fazt> we're best off not giving rot action and just mass sniping them in f2p (21:03:23) <@Fazt> fuck Iwanna know what dumbass rsc mod is deleting my post twice now (21:03:31) <@Fazt> same post, even posted if you gonna delete atleast pm me why (21:03:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (21:04:05) <@Fazt> not even breaking rules except for some minor baiting (21:57:03) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (21:57:03) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (21:59:20) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (22:27:23) <@insaneluver> hey since rsd is going to get crashed, can we drag them in this lol (22:27:31) <@insaneluver> think they would crash rot back (22:41:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (22:41:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (22:41:13) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (22:41:13) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (22:41:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Fazt (22:41:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Fazt (22:41:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Fazt (22:41:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Fazt (22:41:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> #rs-brutality - `God|`Gattlerr is ~jjabw@Swift-CB611EB4.nycmny.fios.verizon.net * `po0n `God|`Gattlerr is on @#area51 %#anti.rsd #Exodus +#vr @#coolcircle #cdrsc #Havoc_public @#HQ @#Gatt @#Abyss @#thebee #wegudpk @#flexa41 @#Kgb96 @#76k-support @#xblzone +#Doodooeyes @#blade @#76k @#AgentJags @#pot #rs-brutality @#swaps4 @#rs-genocide `God|`Gattlerr using server *.SwiftIRC.net (SwiftIRC network) `God|`Gattlerr has identified for this nick `God|`Gattlerr has been idle 20mins 16secs, signed on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 12:49:37 Central Standard Time `God|`Gattlerr End of /WHOIS list. - Log ended: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:29:25 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:29:25 Central Standard Time (00:29:25) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (01:13:59) <@Kaochinx27> fazt (01:14:01) <@Kaochinx27> you there (01:14:04) * No such nickname/channel (keifer) (01:14:07) * No such nickname/channel (xligit) (04:28:17) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (04:48:05) <@Fazt> Kaochinx27 here now lol (05:13:14) <@Kaochinx27> oh fazt (05:13:21) <@Kaochinx27> still there (05:13:24) <@Fazt> yup (05:13:34) <@Kaochinx27> alright i was talking with rsd last night. (05:13:39) <@Kaochinx27> mattalphonse/godsome (05:13:41) <@Kaochinx27> smoke* (05:13:47) <@Kaochinx27> and if RoT do indeed start crashing them (05:13:58) <@Kaochinx27> they would be willing to set them up for us in p2p/f2p (05:14:02) <@Fazt> they will lol (05:14:03) <@Kaochinx27> and would work with us, if we wanted (05:14:04) <@Kaochinx27> yeah (05:14:08) <@Kaochinx27> also another thing (05:14:13) <@Kaochinx27> im sure i can trust you to keep your word (05:14:23) <@Kaochinx27> but would you do a number capped run in with us (05:14:32) <@Kaochinx27> as in, we both list 25/30 people who are allowed to be there. (05:14:35) <@Fazt> yh but rots got rsd spys (05:14:48) <@Kaochinx27> aslong as your in a secure cc no one knows about (05:14:51) <@Kaochinx27> and you lock your ts (05:14:52) <@Fazt> sure we could but it will be crashed lol (05:14:53) <@Kaochinx27> should be ok (05:15:01) <@Kaochinx27> nah, you have to be smart about it (05:15:26) <@Kaochinx27> if anything, it could be around clan wars or something lol (05:15:27) <@Fazt> not much to be smart about, theres 6 diff worlds (05:15:33) <@Kaochinx27> well (05:15:35) <@Kaochinx27> smart as in (05:15:41) <@Kaochinx27> you dont publicly address it to all of brut (05:15:42) <@Kaochinx27> saying (05:15:45) <@Kaochinx27> whoever wants to come (05:15:53) <@Kaochinx27> you just hand pick who you want and make sure no one talks of it (05:16:07) <@Fazt> yh could do a run in like that (05:16:18) <@Kaochinx27> ill give you a fight so you guys have something to do (05:16:21) <@Fazt> well cant atm anyway, our ts has been ddosed since rot lost to rsd (05:16:33) <@Kaochinx27> you could use ours if you want (05:16:35) <@Kaochinx27> have a 75 slot (05:16:37) <@Kaochinx27> only i can see ip's (05:16:42) <@Kaochinx27> and i wont note nothing down (05:17:06) <@Fazt> yh good idea (05:17:17) <@Fazt> would be easy to see if someone cheats also (05:17:21) <@Fazt> even though i doubt u would (05:17:25) <@Kaochinx27> i wouldnt allow it (05:17:30) <@Kaochinx27> on our side anyway (05:17:31) <@Fazt> but members would probably think other clan is cheating (05:17:33) <@Fazt> if doing bad (05:17:34) <@Fazt> lol (05:17:47) <@Kaochinx27> well i trust you (05:17:51) <@Kaochinx27> if anything, we could just list it (05:17:55) <@Kaochinx27> it would be like 30v30 or something (05:18:01) <@Fazt> yh (05:18:08) <@Kaochinx27> we been pulling 30 daily to kill randoms (05:18:12) <@Fazt> well we can do one later, like 1 hour prep or something (05:18:18) <@Fazt> no point settign up a bigger prep (05:18:24) <@Kaochinx27> just make sure like (05:18:29) <@Kaochinx27> not all of brut knows about it (05:18:37) <@Fazt> yh i know (05:18:41) <@Kaochinx27> you could use this (05:18:46) <@Kaochinx27> to narrow down your rot spy (05:18:51) <@Kaochinx27> because i know they dont have one in genocide (05:18:55) <@Fazt> yh idk if we have 1 still though (05:18:58) <@Fazt> kicked 2 yesterday (05:19:02) <@Fazt> went straight to rot lol (05:19:05) <@Kaochinx27> only questionable is demeagles, ive set him up numerous times (05:19:17) <@Fazt> hes spied for rot before (05:19:20) <@Kaochinx27> i know. (05:19:27) <@Kaochinx27> but i think he is sincere now (05:19:29) <@Fazt> and his a spastic lol (05:19:31) <@Kaochinx27> he died to me for dharoks (05:19:33) <@Kaochinx27> to get in (05:19:34) <@Kaochinx27> lol (05:19:39) <@Fazt> lmfao (05:19:46) <@Kaochinx27> i didnt kill him though (05:19:52) <@Kaochinx27> got him to 300hp and left him (05:19:57) <@Kaochinx27> just wanted to see if he really would (05:19:58) <@Fazt> ah (05:20:39) <@Kaochinx27> on your boards (05:20:48) <@Kaochinx27> do you have member evnets/fa event sections (05:20:52) <@Kaochinx27> or is it merged into one (05:23:51) <@Kaochinx27> fazt also (05:24:03) <@Kaochinx27> still there (05:36:02) <@Fazt> yh (05:36:04) <@Fazt> Kaochinx27 (05:36:10) <@Fazt> its merged into 1 (05:36:22) <@Kaochinx27> im going to copy/paste a topic i been working on for awhile (05:36:43) <@Kaochinx27> i think i got it perfected now, to ensure a good fight and to counter any possible crash. (05:37:06) <@Kaochinx27> Now keep in mind, we would go over teleport rules, no ring of lifes etc. (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> The plan of fighting; (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> Similiar to how we faught RP yesterday. (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> Fight on a pvp world, at bh. (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> Boundaries: (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> No running through crater, no leaving the stairs. You can use the stairs to hug, but you cant enter the wilderness. (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> You can return easy using a games necklace. (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> Easy access to a bank if you need to bank loot/get more food. (05:38:16) <@Kaochinx27> We fight here to ensure that if rot do crash, we just go into the crater and they kill no one. We can also teleport if necessary, which means rot mass for nothing. And if we dont get crashed, means those 30 people fighting with brut are not a spy, then they can move onto another batch of people and we can fight again another day (05:39:03) <@Kaochinx27> Thats the summary of the post basically. (05:39:11) <@Kaochinx27> Going to do this with ko aswell. (05:43:52) <@Fazt> ye thats a good idea (05:44:53) <@Kaochinx27> im down for it whenever, let me know when you want to do it (05:51:47) <@Fazt> kk (06:03:42) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (06:03:42) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (06:03:42) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (06:11:30) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-BA106AA4.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (06:11:30) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (06:11:30) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (06:19:31) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: xLigito) Log ended: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 00:19:49 Central Standard Time Log started: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 09:40:45 Central Standard Time (15:40:45) * Now talking in #coolcircle (15:40:45) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (15:40:45) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (15:40:45) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (15:40:45) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (15:40:45) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 Log ended: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 09:57:25 Central Standard Time Log started: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 11:49:42 Central Standard Time (17:49:42) * Now talking in #coolcircle (17:49:42) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (17:49:42) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (17:49:42) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (17:49:42) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (17:49:42) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 Log ended: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 11:57:52 Central Standard Time Log started: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 18:41:29 Central Standard Time (00:41:29) * Now talking in #coolcircle (00:41:29) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (00:41:29) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (00:41:29) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (00:41:29) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (00:41:29) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (01:09:51) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect (01:10:12) * Rejoined channel #coolcircle (01:10:12) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (01:10:12) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (01:10:12) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (01:10:12) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (01:37:15) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `God|`po0n (01:37:20) * `God|`po0n is now known as `po0n|bnc (01:41:15) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (01:46:41) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect (01:50:04) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect Log ended: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:50:33 Central Standard Time Log started: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 21:11:27 Central Standard Time (03:11:27) * Now talking in #coolcircle (03:11:27) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (03:11:27) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (03:11:27) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (03:11:27) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (03:11:27) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (05:33:49) <@Kaochinx27> faztr (05:33:51) <@Kaochinx27> fazt* (05:33:53) <@Kaochinx27> you there (05:34:00) <@Fazt> yyh (05:34:05) <@Kaochinx27> lets do one of those fights today (05:34:19) <@Kaochinx27> 30v30 / 35v35 capped run in (05:34:21) <@Kaochinx27> at bh (05:34:35) <@Kaochinx27> no ring of lifes, going in crater, entering the wilderness while being attacked (05:34:37) <@Kaochinx27> no teleporting (05:34:49) <@Kaochinx27> stairs - tele spot (05:34:50) <@Fazt> dont think I'll be on personally (05:34:58) <@Kaochinx27> is bret on (05:35:12) <@Fazt> probably not until later (05:35:18) <@Fazt> hes got a job now l0l (05:35:28) <@Kaochinx27> damn wdf he get one of those for (05:35:39) <@Fazt> fuck knows (05:43:33) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-84A44695.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (05:43:33) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (05:43:33) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit Log ended: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 00:49:04 Central Standard Time Log started: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 11:35:32 Central Standard Time (17:35:31) * Now talking in #coolcircle (17:35:32) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (17:35:32) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (17:35:32) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (17:35:32) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (17:35:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (17:35:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they cant hunt/fight rsd (17:35:49) <@Die_Nub_Plz> p2p they wont get fights (17:35:54) <@Die_Nub_Plz> unless we lure them again (17:35:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and they lsoe their banks (17:36:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> *lose (17:38:26) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yep (17:38:31) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Evizu even when you guys 1itemed rot in p2p (17:38:38) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they can say you didnt effect them (17:38:49) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but they would pm ko to come ac the 1itemers (17:38:53) <@Die_Nub_Plz> (as if) (17:41:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [18:37] <@Die_Nub_Plz> Evizu even when you guys 1itemed rot in p2p (17:41:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [18:37] <@Die_Nub_Plz> they can say you didnt effect them (17:41:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [18:37] <@Die_Nub_Plz> but they would pm ko to come ac the 1itemers (17:41:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [18:37] <@Die_Nub_Plz> (as if) (17:41:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> If it's up to RoT (17:41:51) <@`God|`Gattlerr> nothing affects them publicly (17:41:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> But they PM RP on a daily basis (17:42:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They won't show it unless they have no meatshield clan (17:42:31) <@`Die> They showed it when brut mass sniped them v cor (17:42:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> yup=/ (17:42:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> But as long as 2kcrazy has a say in RP they'll always have a meatshield clan (17:42:38) <@`Die> 'you wouldnt clear crashers so we logged' (17:43:02) <@Die_Nub_Plz> besides (17:43:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 2krazy is busy rebuilding atm lol (17:43:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> he got hacked (17:49:51) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (17:50:40) <@`Die> arne33 is op in #rot Log ended: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 12:06:28 Central Standard Time Log started: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 16:07:59 Central Standard Time (22:07:59) * Now talking in #coolcircle (22:07:59) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (22:07:59) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (22:07:59) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (22:07:59) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (22:07:59) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (22:19:14) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr Log ended: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 18:09:14 Central Standard Time Log started: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 18:09:14 Central Standard Time (00:09:14) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (00:09:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (00:14:51) <@Kaochinx27> insaneluver weres ko (00:15:01) <@insaneluver> ? (00:15:03) <@insaneluver> i just got on (00:16:25) <@Kaochinx27> find out (00:18:10) <@insaneluver> i think we done mate (00:18:14) <@insaneluver> thanks for acing (01:19:46) * @Evizu has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (01:21:23) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (01:22:38) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (01:22:38) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (01:44:58) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc Log started: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 23:11:58 Central Standard Time (05:11:58) * Now talking in #coolcircle (05:11:58) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (05:11:58) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (05:11:59) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (05:11:59) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (05:11:59) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (05:48:41) * Evizu (Snake@B232C449.15695EA.CD66FCF8.IP) has joined #coolcircle (05:48:41) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (05:48:41) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (05:51:41) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-6BB852D8.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (05:51:42) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (05:51:42) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (05:59:51) <@Kaochinx27> xLigit (06:01:02) <@xLigit> ye (06:01:33) <@Kaochinx27> lets do one of those fights today (06:02:16) <@xLigit> around what time u lookin for (06:02:47) <@Kaochinx27> 5 - 6 est (06:03:00) <@Kaochinx27> we can talk about it later though cuz (06:03:10) <@Kaochinx27> vr has a " might pk will be announced by 4 est " topic up (06:55:49) <@insaneluver> rot hasa fight with corr tonight (06:56:22) <@insaneluver> from 5 pm est (06:56:27) <@insaneluver> but its stop to clear crashers (07:00:19) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (07:09:18) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (07:28:49) * @xLigit`away has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (08:11:52) * `Die (~Die@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:11:52) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:11:52) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (08:42:34) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (08:42:39) * `Die (~Die@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:42:39) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:42:39) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (09:01:07) * `Die is now known as `Die`BBL (09:23:59) * `Die`BBL is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (10:35:27) * `Die (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (10:35:27) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (10:35:27) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (10:59:45) * @`po0n|bnc has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (11:18:33) * `God|`Gattlerr (~jjabw@Steps.away.from.perfection.RuneBNC.com) has joined #coolcircle (11:18:33) <@X> [`God|`Gattlerr] ~Thinking of the master plan , Nah im lying..Shawty on the mind~ (11:18:33) * ChanServ set mode: +qo `God|`Gattlerr `God|`Gattlerr (11:30:41) * `Die is now known as AIDDDD (11:31:30) * AIDDDD is now known as `die (11:31:34) * `die is now known as `Die (11:39:34) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-4F725AA.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (11:39:34) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (11:39:34) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (11:43:44) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr Fazt Kaochinx27 xLigit (11:44:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> any you there? (11:44:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (11:44:25) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (11:44:31) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Rot v Cor today (11:56:18) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (11:57:08) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (12:05:12) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (12:21:43) <@xLigit> `God|`Gattlerr (12:21:45) <@xLigit> Kaochinx27 (12:21:48) <@xLigit> Evizu (12:25:53) <@Evizu> yer (12:26:21) <@Evizu> xLigit i need u to change my name on brut ml (12:26:43) <@xLigit> wdf u doin in here neways Evizu mang (12:26:49) <@xLigit> but ye cor fights at 5:30 ye? (12:26:52) <@Evizu> gettin rdy 4 war (12:27:11) <@xLigit> Evizu wana be a bro and hit the ac if there is one (12:27:46) * `Die (~Die@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (12:27:46) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (12:27:46) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (12:28:35) <@Evizu> yer we have a trip same time xLigit (12:29:03) <@`Die> you guys are hitting cor v rot ? (12:30:09) <@xLigit> of course lol (12:30:31) <@Evizu> 9pm gmt start i think xLigit (12:30:41) <@xLigit> i heard 10:30 gmt (12:31:18) <@`Die> i mean (12:31:20) <@`Die> is vr hitting it ? (12:31:28) <@xLigit> doubt it (12:31:33) <@xLigit> but yo `Die uno the time for sure? (12:31:40) <@`God|`Gattlerr> wait (12:31:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> cor planned a fight with rot? (12:31:50) <@Evizu> ya (12:31:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Wasnt vr trying to get a fight (12:31:59) <@`God|`Gattlerr> with corr? (12:32:27) <@Evizu> yup (12:32:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> pussies (12:33:05) <@xLigit> L (12:33:43) <@xLigit> anyways i g2g back 2 work (12:33:48) <@xLigit> took an hour 45 min break rofl!! (12:33:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lmfao (12:35:22) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (12:51:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> oh `Die (12:51:53) <@`Die> hi (12:51:54) <@`God|`Gattlerr> we came and cleared eos with you last night (12:52:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> got bored and dudy said they were cheating (12:52:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> so cleared them and then oblivion lol (12:53:00) <@`Die> lol (12:56:37) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (12:56:37) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (12:56:37) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (13:01:16) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (13:01:23) * `Die (~Die@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (13:01:24) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (13:01:24) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (13:08:00) <@`Die> Fazt (13:08:02) <@`Die> xligit (13:20:55) <@`Die> Fazt xLigit Evizu (15:02:06) <@xLigit> ? (15:02:09) <@xLigit> `Die? (15:02:22) <@`Die> Cor v rot (15:02:30) <@`Die> in like 20 min or something (15:06:13) * Die_Nub_Plz (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:06:14) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (15:06:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (15:06:45) <@xLigit> no (15:06:50) <@xLigit> its at 5:30 pm! (15:06:51) <@xLigit> est (15:07:04) <@Die_Nub_Plz> cor v rot? (15:08:11) <@`Die> mass is @ 445 (15:08:41) <@xLigit> for cor ye (15:11:33) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`shower (15:23:50) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (15:31:23) * xLigit`shower is now known as xLigit (15:55:41) <@`Die> you guys calling a mand to snipe xligit ? (15:55:45) <@xLigit> yep (15:57:57) <@Die_Nub_Plz> xLigit you calling a mass before the fight starts? (15:59:12) <@xLigit> during ish (15:59:27) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ok nice (16:02:32) * `Die set mode: +I dudy_master2!*@* (16:02:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .list (16:03:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .del jaybizzle` (16:03:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> you want green in here still `Die? (16:03:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .del blazer1332 (16:03:37) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (16:03:38) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (16:03:43) <@Die_Nub_Plz> um nah (16:03:48) <@`God|`Gattlerr> k (16:03:50) <@Die_Nub_Plz> he dc's way to much anyways (16:03:52) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .del gr33narrow01 (16:06:48) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (16:15:42) <@Evizu> xLigit any idea what rot got (16:16:28) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 50+ (16:16:43) <@Die_Nub_Plz> 46-60 (16:16:44) <@Die_Nub_Plz> max (16:16:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> atm (16:16:48) <@Evizu> lol (16:16:49) <@Evizu> corr got 90 (16:17:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rots gonna get fucked (16:17:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> cor + snipers=/ (16:17:23) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we got a good 10 people (16:17:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> to snipe (16:17:40) <@Dudy_Master2> Die_Nub_Plz (16:17:43) <@Dudy_Master2> is zurules with u guyz ? (16:17:47) <@Die_Nub_Plz> nop (16:17:51) <@Dudy_Master2> pm him (16:17:56) <@Dudy_Master2> tell him if he wants to go (16:18:22) <@Die_Nub_Plz> did (16:18:29) <@xLigit> ye Evizu rot hasnt got near that (16:18:50) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot has liek half that (16:19:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> silly rot (16:19:06) <@Die_Nub_Plz> maybe we should fight rot (16:19:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and let cor ac (16:20:02) <@Dudy_Master2> ^^ (16:20:03) <@Dudy_Master2> spastic (16:20:04) <@Dudy_Master2> idea (16:20:05) <@Dudy_Master2> ; p (16:20:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> was jk lol (16:20:18) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we problly got as many as rot (16:20:22) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ko + brut =X (16:20:29) <@`Die> ko is massing atm xLigit (16:20:32) <@`Die> we'll have like 10 snipers (16:20:41) <@`Die> not too much but enough for them to realize that they are being sniped (16:20:41) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (16:22:53) <@xLigit> we've got 31 (16:22:58) <@Die_Nub_Plz> LOL (16:23:01) <@`Die> you guys gonna gain ? (16:23:21) <@xLigit> ye (16:23:25) <@xLigit> 36 now (16:23:33) <@`Die> nice lol (16:24:06) <@`Die> Poor rot (16:24:07) <@`Die> And btw (16:24:18) <@`Die> We'll let you guys know when cor/rot stop to clear (16:25:11) <@`Die> or do you have your own info ? (16:28:04) <@xLigit> 40 `Die prob will stay around that (16:28:10) <@xLigit> yeh we got someone telling us (16:28:13) <@xLigit> when the fight stops (16:28:19) <@`Die> alright awesome (16:28:33) <@xLigit> o ye Evizu (16:28:37) <@xLigit> rot only got 75 btw (16:28:46) <@`Die> oh damn thats low (16:28:59) <@`Die> DF will probly come to ac (16:29:02) <@`Die> for rot (16:29:08) <@`Die> EOS will be there sniping cor (16:29:11) <@`Die> for sure (16:29:48) <@xLigit> na there fighting rsd (16:29:50) <@xLigit> eos is (16:29:53) <@xLigit> and df fighting rj (16:30:12) <@`Die> uncapped? (16:36:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> xLigit if you need rot capes for your members (16:36:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lemme know (16:36:07) <@Die_Nub_Plz> i got thousands (16:37:07) <@xLigit> walkin up with 45 ppl l0l (16:37:07) <@xLigit> decent (16:37:18) <@Die_Nub_Plz> so (16:37:24) <@Die_Nub_Plz> brut + ko have 55 (16:37:28) <@Die_Nub_Plz> cor has 110 (16:37:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot has 75...? (16:41:22) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Evizu you guys gonna ac rot v cor or hit it? (16:41:27) <@Die_Nub_Plz> or let it be (16:44:29) <@Evizu> let it be (16:44:37) <@Evizu> corr wont like stopping alot btw (16:44:46) <@Evizu> gnna go end rsd 1st l (16:44:57) <@Die_Nub_Plz> O.o (16:45:20) <@Evizu> goto (16:45:21) * Keifer (~keiferr@5DC8A41D.BBAF1B0E.2A66EA9F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (16:45:21) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (16:45:21) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (16:45:23) <@Evizu> anti rsd cc (16:45:23) <@Evizu> lol (16:45:27) <@Evizu> look how many ppl (16:45:39) <@xLigit> Evizu (16:45:40) <@Keifer> Evizu wanna hit corr xD (16:45:45) <@Evizu> why hit corr (16:45:45) <@Evizu> lol (16:45:47) <@`Die> dont hit cor lol (16:45:49) <@Evizu> corr gonna hit rot (16:45:49) <@Evizu> ;x (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:16 | mage_boy_500: u rly shouldnt crash this fight (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:29 | mage_boy_500: if u do, were going to have to clear you, which will help rot (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:36 | mage_boy_500: rot have 84 people (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:40 | mage_boy_500: http/img715.imageshack.us/img715/9341/100728223602.png (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:43 | xLigit: we'll leave before you stop to clear (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:49 | xLigit: but we arent letting them get a clean fgiht (16:45:53) <@xLigit> 17:41:52 | xLigit: not happening lol (16:45:54) <@xLigit> 17:41:56 | mage_boy_500: think of it this way (16:45:54) <@`Die> they need all the help against rot (16:45:55) <@xLigit> 17:42:00 | mage_boy_500: whats going to help them more (16:45:56) <@xLigit> 17:42:03 | mage_boy_500: a draw, or a loss (16:45:57) <@xLigit> 17:42:20 | xLigit: either way we are here to annoy the fuck out of them like they do us (16:45:59) <@xLigit> 17:42:46 | xLigit: nothin to do with cor lol we will crash every fight they have no matter who its with (16:46:00) <@`Die> they are in a planned fight Keifer (16:46:01) <@xLigit> 17:42:51 | xLigit: dont mind you stoppin to clear (16:46:04) <@`Die> we want rot to lose (16:46:04) <@Keifer> ino this mate (16:46:20) <@Evizu> corr will get bored havin to stop they always do (16:46:21) <@Evizu> lol (16:46:38) <@Keifer> they are more likely to leave if sum1 hittin them too (16:47:23) <@Evizu> Keifer u shud get into anti rsd cc and when rsd ends (16:47:25) <@Evizu> just be like (16:47:30) <@Evizu> hop to this world now hitting rot (16:47:36) <@Evizu> spamming it all over the cc (16:47:36) <@Evizu> l0l (16:47:38) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ^ lol (16:47:38) <@`Die> nah eos will snipe cor (16:47:44) <@`Die> they hate cor (16:47:51) <@`Die> and rot is outnumbered massively (16:48:01) <@`Die> + a crap load of snipers on cor (16:48:21) <@Dudy_Master2> Die_Nub_Plz (16:48:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> xLigit rots plotting with cor officals (16:48:24) <@Dudy_Master2> i need some rot capes (16:48:31) <@Die_Nub_Plz> to clear crashers first (16:48:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> then fight (16:48:38) <@Die_Nub_Plz> so be rdy (16:48:41) <@Evizu> lol (16:48:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> their gonna rush out the crashers (16:48:53) <@Die_Nub_Plz> then clash (16:48:56) <@Evizu> well no1s gonna be crashing a fight that hasnt started L (16:49:07) <@xLigit> ^ (16:49:07) <@xLigit> lol (16:49:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> thats what i dont get (16:49:17) <@Die_Nub_Plz> like whos idea was this (16:49:31) <@Dudy_Master2> i call (16:49:34) <@`Die> probs they are gonna fight for a bit (16:49:37) <@Dudy_Master2> aznballer! (16:49:41) <@Dudy_Master2> cuz hes dumb as fuck ! (16:49:43) <@`Die> and when brut comes, target them immediately (16:50:22) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Is brut gonna snip as a clan or all spread and go do their own thing? (16:50:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> like mass snipe, not get piles (16:51:04) <@Evizu> easiest thing to do is just snipe out rots binders/leaders (16:51:12) <@Evizu> they cant rly function then (16:51:23) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we do that every time (16:51:31) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they only ever have 3 fall in leaders (16:51:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ghettobeluga (16:51:41) <@Evizu> they will end up mass sniping (16:51:41) <@`Die> ghettobeluga, aznballer, paco (16:51:44) <@Evizu> corr will end up stopping (16:51:48) <@Evizu> just bail n come back (16:51:51) <@Evizu> when they restart (16:51:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> yup (16:53:14) <@Die_Nub_Plz> w136, dont log in yet (16:53:22) <@Dudy_Master2> Die_Nub_Plz (16:53:26) <@Dudy_Master2> geezer no ? (16:53:29) <@Dudy_Master2> or he isnt rot no more (16:53:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> isnt rot (16:53:39) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but leads f2p (16:53:41) <@Die_Nub_Plz> fall ins (16:53:49) <@`Die> hes frendly with rot still (16:53:54) <@`Die> friendly* (16:56:04) <@Evizu> vr is massing up to kill tt n we will kill any other acs tonight (16:56:13) <@`Die> lmao! (16:56:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lol (16:56:19) <@`Die> gg rot (16:56:29) <@`Die> DF will probly try to ac after fight with RJ (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Code`> ye (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Code`> can you just leave (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Keifer> no (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Code`> youre not accomplishing anything (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Keifer> the last time we fought you (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Keifer> you didnt help us clear rot because you didnt wanna get involved (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Keifer> so if ur gonna get involved helpin clear us well just snipe u instead (16:56:48) <@Keifer> <Code`> lol (16:56:49) <@Keifer> lawls (16:57:15) <@xLigit> l0l (16:57:16) <@`Die> let them try clearing , you can log before they get organized :L (17:01:20) <@`Die> they clashed (17:01:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> CLASHED (17:08:54) <@`Die> xLigit they stopped to clear crashers (17:08:57) <@Keifer> 1x stopped (17:08:59) <@`Die> just making sure you know (17:08:59) <@`Die> (17:10:05) <@Fazt> rot will be so mad (17:10:58) <@Keifer> 1x stopped 23:10 (17:11:19) <@`Die> icu xligit (17:11:48) <@xLigit> 50 man pull 2 crash rot (17:11:49) <@xLigit> nb (17:11:56) <@Die_Nub_Plz> dma (17:11:57) <@Die_Nub_Plz> dam (17:12:04) <@`Die> we only got 12 people (17:12:16) <@`Die> its enough to let them know ko is crashing them to (17:12:28) <@`Die> makes them more reluctant to end if theres lots of crashers (17:15:33) <@xLigit> 55 ppl (17:15:36) <@Keifer> 2x stopped 23:10, 23:14 (17:22:33) <@Keifer> 3x stopped 23:10, 23:14, 23:21 (17:22:45) <@`Die> rot is hopeless lol (17:22:49) <@`Die> i dragged them a minimap and they got off (17:22:53) <@`Die> they have like 2 blasters (17:27:48) <@`Die> lol rot doesnt fall in anymore? (17:28:48) <@Fazt> they're dding (17:28:49) <@Fazt> LOL (17:31:10) <@`Die> their dd is pathetic (17:31:20) <@`Die> peaked at 120 opts (17:31:48) <@Dudy_Master2> me and pkingpure (17:31:51) <@Dudy_Master2> camped one (17:31:52) <@Dudy_Master2> till out (17:31:52) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (17:31:59) <@Die_Nub_Plz> im on one right now (17:32:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> with 3 brut (17:37:09) <@`Die> rot ended ? (17:38:21) <@Keifer> gwas (17:38:46) <@Keifer> 4x stopped 23:10, 23:14, 23:21, Ended: 23:34 Log ended: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 11:39:25 Central Standard Time Log started: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 16:21:26 Central Standard Time (22:21:26) * Now talking in #coolcircle (22:21:26) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (22:21:26) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (22:21:26) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (22:21:26) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (22:21:26) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (22:29:51) <@insaneluver> hey Kaochinx27 (22:29:57) <@Kaochinx27> yo (22:30:06) <@insaneluver> yo im talking to joyhova, he is coo (22:30:08) <@insaneluver> cool (22:30:14) <@Kaochinx27> you think so (22:30:14) <@insaneluver> whats the odds that vr will get off rsd's back (22:30:22) <@insaneluver> if rsd start hitting rot (22:30:27) <@insaneluver> like acing them in f2p/p2p for us (22:30:38) <@Kaochinx27> ask Evizu im not sure (22:30:43) <@Kaochinx27> i dont think we are crashing rsd though (22:30:57) <@insaneluver> well they get sniped or just if someone hepls them like tt (22:31:01) <@insaneluver> then vr shows up and kills tt (22:31:31) <@insaneluver> they dont want to be in a crash war with both rot + vr at the same time (22:32:33) <@insaneluver> evizu is afk (22:32:44) <@Dudy_Master2> insaneluver (22:32:49) <@insaneluver> ? (22:32:51) <@Dudy_Master2> rsd pmed u ? (22:32:57) <@insaneluver> no i pmed them (22:33:01) <@Dudy_Master2> oh (22:33:04) <@insaneluver> but i used to talk to them all the time before i quit rs (22:33:13) <@insaneluver> they are in half mind atm (23:09:26) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1414333-worst-clan-official/ /amsg Log ended: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:23:37 Central Standard Time Log started: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:23:37 Central Standard Time (01:23:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> {AMSG} if you want to get rid of junk and you know me pm me /amsg (10 mins) (01:29:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Yo Join Geno CC buying junk for 10 mins w99 herb spot /amsg (01:30:42) <@Dudy_Master2> `God|`Gattlerr (01:30:46) <@Dudy_Master2> ill take a trick (01:30:47) <@Dudy_Master2> : p (01:30:53) <@Dudy_Master2> coin trick (01:30:53) <@Dudy_Master2> : p (01:31:13) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Dudy_Master2 cant trick atm (01:31:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> pass is changed (01:31:23) <@Dudy_Master2> ah fuck (01:31:36) <@Dudy_Master2> drop all the junk u buy (01:31:37) <@Dudy_Master2> after (01:31:38) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (01:31:45) <@Dudy_Master2> who u get ? (01:31:47) <@Dudy_Master2> randomer (01:31:49) <@Dudy_Master2> or a clanner (01:32:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Yo Join Geno CC buying junk for 5 mins w99 herb spot /amsg (01:33:27) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (01:51:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/tinychat.com/genos supercoke on cam /amsg (01:51:48) <@`God|`Gattlerr> o nvm he got off /amsg (01:57:49) <@Dudy_Master2> got a pic ? (01:57:54) <@Dudy_Master2> wut does he look like (01:59:13) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/tinychat.com/genos supercoke on cam /amsg (02:30:07) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (04:45:03) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect Log ended: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 22:45:04 Central Standard Time Log started: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 23:53:04 Central Standard Time (05:53:04) * Now talking in #coolcircle (05:53:04) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (05:53:04) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (05:53:04) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (05:53:04) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (05:53:04) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (06:22:48) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-4F725AA.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (06:22:49) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (06:22:49) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (06:56:13) * Evizu (Snake@E60E3712.6E0DB51F.CD66FCF8.IP) has joined #coolcircle (06:56:14) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (06:56:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (07:08:39) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: #Rs-Brutality - Most active clan IRC - www.rs-brutality.como) (07:29:42) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-4F725AA.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (07:29:43) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (07:29:43) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (07:30:30) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (08:12:39) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:12:39) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:12:39) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (08:58:32) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (08:58:33) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (09:24:10) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (09:29:56) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (11:19:59) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (11:19:59) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (11:19:59) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (11:31:04) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (12:09:08) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (12:55:56) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (12:55:56) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (12:55:56) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (13:08:07) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (13:08:12) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (13:08:12) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (13:08:12) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (13:09:26) * Keifer (~keiferr@5DC8A41D.BBAF1B0E.2A66EA9F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (13:09:27) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (13:09:27) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (13:26:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I KNOW IT WAS YOU IPKLIKENOOB- BECAUSE I BACKTRACED IT /AMSG (13:26:19) <@`God|`Gattlerr> YOU'VE BEEN REPORTED TO THE CYBER POLICE! /AMSG (13:33:56) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (13:33:56) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (13:33:56) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (13:58:09) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (14:00:53) * arabpopcorn (~arabpopco@523BBFC9.F60EBE42.A8D49F5B.IP) has joined #coolcircle (14:00:53) <@X> [ArabPopcorn] [02:16] <@kf> i love chicks with dicks (14:00:53) * ChanServ set mode: +ao arabpopcorn arabpopcorn (15:03:46) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (15:46:47) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr (15:46:54) <@Die_Nub_Plz> any idea if rot's gettin ddosed again? (15:47:23) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Not sure who did it but they would have to have a spty (15:47:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> spy* (15:47:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> because rots using an alternative ts (15:47:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rsd may get ddosed though (15:47:42) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ye.. (15:52:45) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as Die|Away (16:09:34) * Die|Away is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (16:20:52) * @arabpopcorn has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (16:21:21) <@Die_Nub_Plz> with or without a spy (16:21:28) <@Die_Nub_Plz> were gonna have to start recruiting (16:22:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> btu we need more ep dd's like now (16:22:08) <@Die_Nub_Plz> it results in fights (16:22:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> + activity (16:22:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Wp L (16:56:44) * @Evizu has quit IRC (Quit: AnacønÐa · "It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick"o) (17:02:08) <@Die_Nub_Plz> so rot lost? (17:11:21) <@xLigit> ye (17:11:21) <@xLigit> lmao (17:12:45) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as Die|Away (17:22:41) * Die|Away is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (17:56:08) * `Die (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (17:56:08) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (17:56:08) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (18:36:35) * @`Die has quit IRC (Quit:o) (18:38:04) * Die_Nub_Plz is now known as Die|Dinner (18:48:26) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (18:51:42) * Die|Dinner is now known as Die_Nub_Plz (18:52:03) * `Die (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (18:52:03) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (18:52:03) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (19:49:24) <@Die_Nub_Plz> yeah (20:09:26) <@xLigit> lol (20:09:33) <@xLigit> screenie ts n whatever (20:34:27) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr any good loot? (20:34:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ancient/vls/swh's? (20:35:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (20:35:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i'll ask (20:35:35) <@`Die> btw xLigit (20:35:40) <@xLigit> ye (20:35:41) <@`Die> is kerfue trying to get in brut?/ (20:35:43) <@`Die> whois kerfue (20:35:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> kgb got a otrags top (20:35:49) <@`Die> ooops (20:35:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> torags* (20:35:54) <@xLigit> idk (20:35:57) <@xLigit> if he is he wont get in tho (20:36:00) <@Die_Nub_Plz> o (20:36:24) <@`Die> he introed to rot recently (20:36:35) <@`Die> Just letting you know (21:12:09) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:13:03) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (21:16:11) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )o) (22:28:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/forums.zybez.net/topic/1414333-worst-clan-official/page__st__80__gopid__13056134entry13056134 A for Effort billybob\arma150 (23:20:37) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (23:20:37) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (23:34:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> http/i27.tinypic.com/2aevco.jpg , Easy on the sign there Arma150 /amsg (23:36:22) <@Dudy_Master2> lol `God|`Gattlerr (23:36:26) <@Dudy_Master2> u gotta be fucking with me (23:36:29) <@Dudy_Master2> thats a fake right ? (23:37:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> {AMSG} in response to the massive highlights no it isn't fake /query arma150 Log ended: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 18:50:54 Central Standard Time Log started: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 18:50:54 Central Standard Time (00:50:54) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (00:50:55) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (00:51:47) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (00:53:39) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `Pamela (00:53:50) * `Pamela is now known as `po0n|bnc (01:08:57) <@`po0n|bnc> holy shit http/i.imgur.com/8HdI1.gif /ams (01:18:40) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (01:28:47) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (01:40:08) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (05:34:35) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-4F725AA.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (05:34:35) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (05:34:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (05:44:30) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )o) (06:49:53) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (06:49:54) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (06:54:54) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (08:14:00) * `Die (~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:14:00) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:14:00) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (11:49:52) * Die_Nub_Plz (~slayer@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (11:49:52) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (11:49:52) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (11:50:23) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr Log ended: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 06:05:41 Central Standard Time Log started: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:45:46 Central Standard Time (20:45:46) * Now talking in #coolcircle (20:45:46) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (20:45:46) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (20:45:46) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (20:45:46) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (20:45:46) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 Log ended: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:47:16 Central Standard Time Log started: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 18:50:54 Central Standard Time (00:50:54) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (00:50:55) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (00:51:47) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (00:53:39) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `Pamela (00:53:50) * `Pamela is now known as `po0n|bnc (01:08:57) <@`po0n|bnc> holy shit http/i.imgur.com/8HdI1.gif /ams (01:18:40) * @Fazt is now away: I am currently away, please leave me a message and I will read it when I get back (01:28:47) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (01:40:08) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (05:34:35) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-4F725AA.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (05:34:35) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (05:34:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (05:44:30) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )o) (06:49:53) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (06:49:54) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (06:54:54) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (08:14:00) * `Die (~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:14:00) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:14:00) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (11:49:52) * Die_Nub_Plz (~slayer@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (11:49:52) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (11:49:52) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (11:50:23) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr Log ended: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 06:05:41 Central Standard Time Log started: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:45:46 Central Standard Time (20:45:46) * Now talking in #coolcircle (20:45:46) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (20:45:46) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (20:45:46) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (20:45:46) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (20:45:46) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 Log ended: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:47:16 Central Standard Time Log started: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 01:34:15 Central Standard Time (07:34:15) * Now talking in #coolcircle (07:34:15) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (07:34:15) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (07:34:15) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (07:34:15) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (07:34:15) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (08:07:29) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:07:29) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:07:29) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (08:43:49) * `Die (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (08:43:50) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (08:43:50) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (08:48:26) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (08:51:39) <@`God|`Gattlerr> who the fuck ddosed me?! brb backtracing it /amsg (08:53:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> You've been reported to the cyber police! /amsg (08:54:03) * `Die (~slayer@8C4130D4.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has left #coolcircle (08:54:16) * insaneluver (~insaneluv@Swift-4F33DF20.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #coolcircle (08:54:17) * ChanServ set mode: +ao insaneluver insaneluver (09:12:05) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (09:39:53) * @insaneluver has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (09:44:21) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|xbl (10:02:54) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Quit: worko) (10:33:23) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (10:43:35) * `Die (~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (10:43:35) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (10:43:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (10:51:31) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (10:51:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (11:05:43) * `po0n|xbl is now known as `po0n|washingcar (11:11:31) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (11:26:51) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (11:26:52) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (11:26:52) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (11:27:04) <@Burger> hi Kaochinx27 ;o (11:29:59) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (11:29:59) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (11:31:53) <@Kaochinx27> hey (11:32:21) <@Dudy_Master2> hi (11:37:15) <@`Die> vr gonna make an appearance to theworld war? (11:39:59) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (11:59:01) * `po0n|washingcar is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (12:15:47) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (12:22:30) <@xLigit> @Burger @`Die @Kaochinx27 @xLigit @X @Fazt @`God|`Gattlerr (12:22:34) <@xLigit> whos rot fighting tonight (12:24:42) <@Burger> today EOS has a prep (12:24:44) <@Burger> so does corr (12:24:46) <@Burger> So ROT will come (12:25:20) <@`Die> I hope they actually fight someone so it can be crashed ;o (12:25:57) <@`Die> Or they could be hitting the jagex world war (12:26:01) <@`Die> @ barbvilel (12:29:24) <@`Die> yesterday Rot was hunting ko with 45 people lol (12:29:28) <@`Die> funny stuff (12:29:32) <@`Die> they never hit is though (13:44:32) * Keifer (~keiferr@5DC8A41D.BBAF1B0E.2A66EA9F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (13:44:32) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (13:44:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (13:44:39) <@Keifer> Burger (13:44:43) <@Keifer> what time corr/eos prep for (13:50:41) <@Burger> 4 est (13:56:58) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (13:56:59) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (14:01:52) <@Keifer> hittin rot? (14:09:26) <@`Die> are they gonna fight? (14:41:09) * Evizu (~Evizu@957E5BBE.EFD31551.CD66FCF8.IP) has joined #coolcircle (14:41:10) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (14:41:10) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (14:41:36) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )o) (14:42:07) <@Burger> Evizu (14:42:11) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (14:42:25) <@Kaochinx27> ye (14:42:40) <@Burger> reff me for vr (14:42:44) <@Evizu> ok (14:42:47) <@Evizu> were you corr (14:42:48) <@Evizu> lol (14:42:58) <@Kaochinx27> your into corr too much to join vr man.. (14:43:25) <@Burger> i left yday (14:43:30) <@Evizu> lol (14:43:39) <@Keifer> who in this channel needs a trim raise your hand (14:43:59) <@Keifer> icu Fazt (14:44:33) <@Kaochinx27> if you really want to join burger, ill help you ye (14:45:19) <@Kaochinx27> Keifer needs to rejoin though (14:46:17) <@Burger> yh Luck Z said he'll reff me (14:46:41) <@Evizu> ill ref ya aswell ye (14:46:46) <@Evizu> say u known me for 5months tho (14:47:02) <@`Die> lol^ (14:47:20) <@Evizu> (20:46) · @Evizu · (20:46) · @Evizu · say u known me for 5months tho (14:47:21) <@Evizu> (20:46) · @Evizu · r0fl (14:47:21) <@Evizu> (20:46) · @Luck_Z · LOL (14:47:21) <@Evizu> (20:46) · @Matty · lmaooooooooooo (14:47:21) <@Evizu> (20:46) · @Den||d1e2n3 · ill ref him too, killed him atleast 8 times (14:47:21) <@Evizu> (20:47) · @Den||d1e2n3 · for max everything (14:47:25) <@Evizu> den will ref u aswell (14:47:47) <@Burger> wtf (14:47:54) <@Burger> Ive killed him for a vls and claws (14:47:57) <@Burger> he lies (14:56:52) <@Kaochinx27> Keifer rejoin vr (14:57:07) <@Keifer> vr sucks (14:57:22) <@Kaochinx27> fuck you (14:57:25) <@Keifer> lol (14:57:28) <@Keifer> i kid (14:57:38) <@Kaochinx27> honestly though (14:57:46) <@Kaochinx27> you and brett should rejoin (14:57:51) <@Kaochinx27> not waste time in that RJ clan (14:57:57) <@Keifer> he aint in rj (14:58:05) <@Kaochinx27> oh he was last i knew (14:58:09) <@Keifer> just goes with like (14:58:11) <@Keifer> half of rs to pk (14:58:14) <@Keifer> fools/rj etc (14:58:18) <@Kaochinx27> o (14:58:29) <@Kaochinx27> honestly though (14:58:32) <@Kaochinx27> just make brut a team (14:58:38) <@Kaochinx27> and come back to vr (14:58:45) <@Keifer> lol (14:58:54) <@Kaochinx27> ill even join brut to support your team (14:59:00) <@Evizu> rj and fools 2 v 1 against eos atm (14:59:02) <@Evizu> planend fight (14:59:03) <@Evizu> i think (14:59:03) <@Evizu> lol (14:59:11) <@Keifer> yh (14:59:13) <@Kaochinx27> yeah it is (14:59:19) <@Kaochinx27> i saw that on clan fight predicitions on rsc (14:59:23) <@Kaochinx27> dont know what eos was thinking (14:59:32) <@`Die> oo (14:59:33) <@`Die> where (14:59:36) <@Evizu> they cocky atm lol (14:59:36) <@Kaochinx27> fools alone could probably beat them (14:59:36) <@`Die> ima go snipe eos. (14:59:41) <@`Die> they are sucking up to rot atm (14:59:41) <@Evizu> but eos only pulled like 80 i think (14:59:43) <@Evizu> maybe up to 90 now (14:59:50) <@Keifer> doesnt rj pull 80s now (14:59:56) <@`Die> ww is the fight on (14:59:58) <@Evizu> pulled 60 vs us the other day (14:59:58) <@Evizu> L (15:00:07) <@Evizu> but ye prolly 70 odd (15:02:58) <@`Die> lol just made an f2p pk tab (15:04:01) <@Kaochinx27> `Die come join vr aswelll (15:04:20) <@Keifer> i want to fight sum1 (15:04:27) <@Kaochinx27> `Die need to get yalls members outta corr (15:04:33) <@Kaochinx27> they arnt going anywhere at all (15:04:40) <@`Die> nah im not thinking of joining an f2p clan (15:04:43) <@Kaochinx27> i dont see how you can join a clan just to play counter strike or something (15:05:01) <@Kaochinx27> corr is a pussy clan and it reflects on anyone in it (15:05:26) <@`Die> i stopped helping them at wars because starman was being a dick and deleted all clan friends (15:05:29) <@`Die> which was a bunch of ko (15:05:40) <@`Die> he was trying to force us to join instead of being a clan friend basically (15:06:39) <@`Die> the clan friends were pretty much all ko (15:06:53) <@`Die> like me Dudy_Master2 gak insaneluver (15:08:35) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-D0AD158E.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (15:08:35) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (15:08:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (15:08:39) <@`Die> Btw (15:08:43) <@`Die> ww is the eos fight (15:09:00) <@xLigit> um (15:09:02) <@xLigit> 57 (15:09:04) <@`Die> thanks (15:16:15) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (15:16:36) * @Evizu has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (15:16:36) * Evizu (~Evizu@957E5BBE.EFD31551.CD66FCF8.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:16:36) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (15:16:36) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (15:16:52) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (15:16:53) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (15:20:26) <@`Die> a rot guy camped me from gdz- rune rocks - lvl edge (15:20:31) <@`Die> lvl 1 edge (15:21:26) * @Burger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (15:27:42) * @Evizu has quit IRC (Client exitedo) (15:41:34) * `Die is now known as `Die`BBL (15:41:36) * @`Die`BBL has quit IRC (Quit: `Die`BBLo) (15:59:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> {AMSG} http/www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRgOwArCxS4 (17:00:54) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (17:24:08) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|busy (17:30:40) <@`po0n|busy> {AMSG} /msg craiggg http/img10.imageshack.us/img10/2002/craigberry11.jpg (17:51:05) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )o) (17:51:42) * Evizu (Snake@5CD59159.98239BE7.B28F010C.IP) has joined #coolcircle (17:51:42) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (17:51:42) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (18:28:08) * `Die (~Die@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (18:28:09) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (18:28:09) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (18:29:15) * `po0n|busy is now known as `Gatt|Busy (18:33:38) * `Gatt|Busy is now known as `po0n|bnc (18:42:32) <@`po0n|bnc> http/img10.imageshack.us/img10/2002/craigberry11.jpg /amsg #vr (19:30:28) * @`Die has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (19:30:46) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:30:46) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:30:46) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (19:46:59) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (19:47:31) * @Evizu has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (19:47:32) * Die_Nub_Plz (~Die_Nub_P@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:47:32) <@X> [die_nub_plz] ROUND 5 - http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:47:32) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Die_Nub_Plz Die_Nub_Plz (19:48:40) * `Die (~slayer@2744DDC8.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:48:40) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (19:48:40) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (19:52:57) * Keifer (~keiferr@5DC8A41D.BBAF1B0E.2A66EA9F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (19:52:57) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (19:52:57) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (19:58:44) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-D0AD158E.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (19:58:44) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (19:58:44) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (20:01:08) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (20:06:49) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (20:59:16) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (20:59:16) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (20:59:16) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (21:07:11) * @xLigit has quit IRC (Quit: xLigito) (21:18:00) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Broken pipeo) (21:18:47) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (21:18:47) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (22:02:56) * `po0n|bnc is now known as `God|`Gattlerr (22:15:45) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Dudy_Master2 `Die (22:15:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> just got on (22:15:50) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Geno acing rsdvko? (22:15:55) <@`Die> uh (22:15:56) <@Dudy_Master2> we cleared them (22:15:58) <@`Die> ^ (22:16:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> nice (22:16:08) <@Dudy_Master2> they went to remass (22:16:09) <@`God|`Gattlerr> pull? (22:16:11) <@Dudy_Master2> or something (22:16:19) <@Dudy_Master2> like 110 opts (22:16:19) <@`Die> i think we pulled 37-40 (22:16:20) <@Dudy_Master2> of us (22:16:26) <@Die_Nub_Plz> wquick massed (22:16:33) <@Die_Nub_Plz> massed for 10minutes and hit them (22:16:54) <@Burger> like (22:16:55) <@Burger> 110 ops (22:32:27) <@`Die> btw `God|`Gattlerr (22:32:31) <@`Die> jaja knows your out ;p (22:32:56) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr watch it (22:33:00) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot is massed up (22:33:13) <@Die_Nub_Plz> so now's the time to see if you got a spy or not (22:33:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> if your on a trip go to weird spots (22:34:31) <@`God|`Gattlerr> kk (22:35:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (22:35:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> apparently we have a fight (22:36:00) <@`God|`Gattlerr> with oblivion (22:36:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> hm (22:36:09) <@`God|`Gattlerr> You guys still out? (22:36:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> dont fight (22:36:48) <@`Die> dont. (22:36:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> rot is out with 45+ (22:37:01) <@Die_Nub_Plz> pissed that they massed up to hit jaja (22:37:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and not rsd v ko (22:38:35) <@Burger> Lool (22:38:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (22:38:57) <@`God|`Gattlerr> you guys end (22:38:57) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (22:39:04) <@Die_Nub_Plz> yes (22:39:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> why? (22:39:10) <@Die_Nub_Plz> im falled in on rot (22:39:11) <@`God|`Gattlerr> rot? (22:39:17) <@`Die> they massed up to hit us (22:39:18) <@Die_Nub_Plz> no we ended rsd (22:39:24) <@`Die> And there was nothing left for us t odo (22:40:03) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we massed to hit rsd (22:40:08) <@Die_Nub_Plz> cleared them twice (22:40:11) <@Die_Nub_Plz> hit gladz (22:40:14) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and ended (22:40:26) <@Die_Nub_Plz> were told rot massed up and laughed (22:40:49) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr their in w18 atm btw (22:41:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Why not lure them out ? (22:41:19) <@`God|`Gattlerr> They can't really gain (22:41:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> or did your members go elsewhere (22:41:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> we need to plan it before hand dude (22:41:34) <@Dudy_Master2> we dont have many on (22:41:53) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and it has to be a slaughter (22:41:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> We have a 45 min prep apparently anyway (22:42:01) <@`God|`Gattlerr> hm (22:42:08) <@`Die> we would only pull 30 (22:42:11) <@Die_Nub_Plz> when are you guys fighting? (22:42:12) <@`Die> not enough lol (22:43:27) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (22:43:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> around 12:30 (22:43:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> est (22:43:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> so 45 mins yeah (22:47:24) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr other officals want to fuck up oblivion (22:47:32) <@Die_Nub_Plz> for crshing our last fight (22:47:35) <@Die_Nub_Plz> with eos (22:47:38) <@`God|`Gattlerr> hm (22:48:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they hit us while taking ending, we had no screenie (22:48:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> What do you have in mind (22:48:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> and eos psoted a win -.- (22:48:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> ? (22:48:49) <@Die_Nub_Plz> eos posted a win (22:48:57) <@Die_Nub_Plz> whiel we were fighting oblivion (22:49:05) <@Die_Nub_Plz> after they rushed us (22:49:19) <@Die_Nub_Plz> cuz we had 0 ending due to no picture and cap was over (22:49:40) <@Die_Nub_Plz> but they want to hit oblivion at all cost basically for that=/ (22:49:46) <@Dudy_Master2> Die_Nub_Plz (22:49:49) <@Dudy_Master2> xdarkest (22:49:52) <@Dudy_Master2> apologized (22:49:54) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (22:50:01) <@Dudy_Master2> he pm's me everyday (22:50:03) <@Dudy_Master2> on his knees (22:50:06) <@Dudy_Master2> to plz not hit them (22:50:11) <@Die_Nub_Plz> lol (22:50:16) <@Dudy_Master2> no joke (22:50:17) <@Dudy_Master2> everyday (22:50:21) <@Dudy_Master2> shud pm me anytime soon (22:50:30) <@Die_Nub_Plz> nah lenz is on (22:50:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> he'll pm lenz as a fellow aussie (22:50:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> for hope :L (22:51:58) <@Dudy_Master2> no (22:52:01) <@Dudy_Master2> he pm's me (22:52:09) <@Dudy_Master2> cuz im the nicest (22:52:11) <@Dudy_Master2> to him (22:52:15) <@Dudy_Master2> burger kb's him on the spot (22:52:15) <@`God|`Gattlerr> So wait (22:52:16) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (22:52:20) <@`God|`Gattlerr> you guys fine with oblivion now? (22:52:29) <@Dudy_Master2> nah (22:52:32) <@Dudy_Master2> they just suck up to me (22:52:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> if they apolgized just give them one crash (22:52:46) <@`God|`Gattlerr> and let em rebuild (22:52:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> well (22:52:50) <@`God|`Gattlerr> doesnt matter (22:52:55) <@`God|`Gattlerr> either way they're going to get shitted on (22:52:57) <@Dudy_Master2> well we dont like (22:52:58) <@Dudy_Master2> zelfhar (22:53:01) <@Dudy_Master2> cuz hes a dumbass (22:53:11) <@Dudy_Master2> then they have brainey bob who talks shit about ko on rsc (22:53:17) <@`Die> hmm (22:53:20) <@`Die> if we plan rot again (22:53:24) <@`Die> we'll need oblivion (22:53:32) <@`Die> to fuck up their returners/stragglers again (22:53:38) <@`Die> and just to overwhelm them with #s (22:53:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> So make them do it (22:54:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> Dudy_Master2 wanna make them 76k us? (22:54:20) <@Die_Nub_Plz> to make up for last crash lol (22:56:08) <@`God|`Gattlerr> l0l (22:58:19) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .add eric`` 9998 (22:59:24) * `God|`Gattlerr set mode: +eI *!*@pool-98-113-68-132.nycmny.fios.verizon.net *!*@pool-98-113-68-132.nycmny.fios.verizon.net (22:59:24) * `God|`Gattlerr set mode: +eeII *!*@CD676802.2A5368FF.6E88D99F.IP eric``!*@* *!*@CD676802.2A5368FF.6E88D99F.IP eric``!*@* (22:59:24) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .ei eric`` (22:59:26) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- `God|`Gattlerr invited Eric`` into the channel. (22:59:28) -*.SwiftIRC.net:@#coolcircle- `God|`Gattlerr invited Eric`` into the channel. (22:59:30) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .inv eric`` (22:59:31) <@Burger> wait isnt tht dude rot (22:59:35) <@`God|`Gattlerr> no (22:59:36) <@Die_Nub_Plz> no (22:59:42) <@`God|`Gattlerr> eric` is dakilla (22:59:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> eric`` is lahire (23:00:09) * Eric`` (~iOwn@CD676802.2A5368FF.6E88D99F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (23:00:09) <@X> [Eric``] Eric & Mika making pizza boys Rage since 2009 (23:00:09) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Eric`` Eric`` (23:07:31) <@Die_Nub_Plz> so your fighting in 23minutes? (23:07:34) <@Die_Nub_Plz> or massing then (23:09:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Die_Nub_Plz (23:09:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> gonna be in w72 i think (23:09:56) <@Die_Nub_Plz> in 20minutes? (23:10:39) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 6 mins Die_Nub_Plz (23:22:25) * @Keifer has quit IRC (Quit:o) (23:23:35) <@Die_Nub_Plz> `God|`Gattlerr were coming with like 10ish people (23:23:50) <@Die_Nub_Plz> can we kill any of their no capers? (23:23:52) <@Die_Nub_Plz> or no (23:25:23) * @`Die has quit IRC (Quit:o) (23:32:29) <@`God|`Gattlerr> not doing too well Die_Nub_Plz (23:32:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> snipe their magers (23:32:32) <@`God|`Gattlerr> if you wish (23:32:37) <@Die_Nub_Plz> ok (23:33:08) <@Die_Nub_Plz> is your current ac (23:33:15) <@Die_Nub_Plz> well (23:33:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> af i think (23:33:16) <@`God|`Gattlerr> 5 ppl (23:33:17) <@Die_Nub_Plz> can we kil lthe ac? (23:33:23) <@Dudy_Master2> ^^ (23:33:24) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (23:38:05) <@Burger> jut killed AF (23:38:05) <@Burger> LOL (23:39:13) <@Eric``> `God|`Gattlerr,Burger,Die_Nub_Plz,Dudy_Master2,Eric``,Fazt,Kaochinx27,X (23:39:16) <@Eric``> your barraging us.. (23:39:25) <@Die_Nub_Plz> its the 1itemer.. (23:39:31) <@Die_Nub_Plz> "yakpr0d" (23:39:33) <@`God|`Gattlerr> STOP BARRAGING (23:39:34) <@`God|`Gattlerr> o (23:46:36) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yeah they're bitching (23:46:37) <@`God|`Gattlerr> oh well (23:46:49) <@Die_Nub_Plz> say they crashed us (23:47:12) <@Die_Nub_Plz> tell them to sort out thier problems with ko (23:49:45) <@Burger> They end gatler? (23:50:39) <@Burger> They end `God|`Gattlerr (23:50:40) <@Burger> They end `God|`Gattlerr (23:50:41) <@Burger> ?> (23:50:45) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yeah Burger (23:50:47) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they're crying (23:50:48) <@`God|`Gattlerr> about ko Log ended: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 18:01:24 Central Standard Time Log started: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 18:01:24 Central Standard Time (00:01:24) <@Dudy_Master2> `God|`Gattlerr (00:01:29) <@Dudy_Master2> is oblivion (00:01:34) <@Dudy_Master2> remassing for round 2 vs u guyz ? (00:01:38) <@Dudy_Master2> Or what (00:02:24) <@Eric``> Dudy_Master2 they said theyll never fight us again (00:02:29) <@Eric``> fucking pussies tbh lol (00:02:45) <@Die_Nub_Plz> they got nothing to fight then (00:03:52) * @Die_Nub_Plz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero) (00:04:00) <@Dudy_Master2> they apparently (00:04:02) <@Dudy_Master2> remassed (00:04:04) <@Dudy_Master2> 100 opts (00:04:05) <@Dudy_Master2> or so (00:04:25) <@Eric``> darkest keeps telling me to fuck off when i ask to fight lol (00:04:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Dudy_Master2 (00:04:56) <@`God|`Gattlerr> they're re-massing (00:04:58) <@`God|`Gattlerr> but not for us (00:05:02) <@Dudy_Master2> for who (00:05:04) <@`God|`Gattlerr> idk (00:05:06) <@Dudy_Master2> for ko to feast ? (00:05:07) <@`God|`Gattlerr> just to re-mass (00:05:07) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lol (00:05:07) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (00:05:09) <@`God|`Gattlerr> yes (00:05:19) <@Dudy_Master2> i wusnt there but i heard we raped af (00:05:26) <@Dudy_Master2> and picked off a few cki scums that we didnt like (00:05:27) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (00:06:12) * `God|`Gattlerr set mode: -ao Eric`` Eric`` (00:06:12) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .del Eric`` (00:06:16) * Eric`` was kicked by ChanServ (Burger (`God|`Gattlerr)o) (00:06:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .k Eric`` Burger (00:06:25) <@Burger> ? (00:06:57) <@Dudy_Master2> u removed him ? (00:06:58) <@Dudy_Master2> lol (00:12:43) <@`God|`Gattlerr> idk (00:12:53) <@`God|`Gattlerr> Got bored (00:13:19) <@Dudy_Master2> who was he (00:13:23) <@Dudy_Master2> like his rsn (00:13:24) <@Dudy_Master2> and clan (00:13:25) <@Dudy_Master2> ; o (01:06:10) * Disconnected, type /reconnect to reconnect Log ended: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 19:06:13 Central Standard Time Log started: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 20:38:07 Central Standard Time (02:38:07) * Now talking in #coolcircle (02:38:07) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (02:38:07) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (02:38:07) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (02:38:07) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (02:38:07) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (03:47:06) * @Dudy_Master2 has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) (04:31:43) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (06:53:14) * xLigit (xLigit@Swift-72B038F7.ipt.aol.com) has joined #coolcircle (06:53:14) <@X> [xLigit] 10:23:29 | @Keifer: does every1 pk in cls divine max marge with that hit u and u cant hit me spell (06:53:14) * ChanServ set mode: +ao xLigit xLigit (07:31:50) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (09:09:42) * `Die (~Die@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (09:09:42) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (09:09:42) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (10:41:35) * Evizu (Snake@F515F4FD.1D8E6D8A.B28F010C.IP) has joined #coolcircle (10:41:35) <@X> [Evizu] vR 123 (10:41:35) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Evizu Evizu (10:56:16) * xLigit`away is now known as xLigit (10:59:01) * @`Die has quit IRC (Ping timeouto) Log ended: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 05:17:05 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 05:19:09 Central Standard Time (11:19:09) * Now talking in #coolcircle (11:19:09) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (11:19:09) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (11:19:09) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (11:19:09) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (11:19:09) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (11:21:01) * xLigit is now known as xLigit`away (11:54:43) * @`po0n|bnc has quit IRC (Quit:o) (11:55:04) * Burger (~Burger@Swift-E842D191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #coolcircle (11:55:04) <@X> [burger] <@abyss> ok i bet i kno who the ko spy is.............. its definately milk, you may think its a bot but i bet ko made it and spies on us with it <@burger> then kb them all (11:55:04) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Burger Burger (11:55:20) <@Burger> Evizu (11:55:23) <@Burger> go post on my app noob (11:58:04) * `Die (~Die@76CE0059.16579CF1.1CF6E6DE.IP) has joined #coolcircle (11:58:04) <@X> [`Die] Merchanters these days.... http/img819.imageshack.us/img819/2354/editoysterpearlmerch.png (11:58:04) * ChanServ set mode: +ao `Die `Die (11:59:22) * `God|`Gattlerr (~jjabw@Steps.away.from.perfection.RuneBNC.com) has joined #coolcircle (11:59:22) <@X> [`God|`Gattlerr] [23:05] <Sil3ntxdeath> «22:59:53» {+Sil3ntxdeath} Yo Dragon General can i have princess rank? [23:05] <Sil3ntxdeath> «23:01:00» {@Craiggg} say hello to gattler Sil3ntxdeath (11:59:22) * ChanServ set mode: +qo `God|`Gattlerr `God|`Gattlerr (12:35:52) * Dudy_Master2 (~Dudy_Mast@Swift-9D06C935.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #coolcircle (12:35:52) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Dudy_Master2 Dudy_Master2 (12:44:00) <@Burger> Kaochinx27 (12:44:04) <@Burger> Why you leave Geno (12:44:05) <@Burger> >.> (12:44:30) <@Kaochinx27> Wasnt my team anymore. (12:44:49) <@Kaochinx27> They are all anti-vr, officials threaten to kick everyone everyday. (12:44:53) <@Kaochinx27> not something i want to be apart of. (12:44:57) <@Burger> :| (12:44:59) <@Kaochinx27> and i couldnt be active to straighten it out. (12:45:02) <@Burger> Why don't you kick them >.> (12:45:08) <@Kaochinx27> no one to replace. (12:49:40) <@`Die> you still own thechannel ;o (13:01:08) * `God|`Gattlerr is now known as `po0n|bnc (13:02:41) <@Burger> `po0n|bnc (13:02:46) <@Burger> Is Pencil Pork in Geno (13:04:01) <@Dudy_Master2> yes (13:19:16) <@`po0n|bnc> yes Burger (13:19:17) <@`po0n|bnc> brb Log ended: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 07:21:32 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 07:27:39 Central Standard Time (13:27:39) * Now talking in #coolcircle (13:27:39) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (13:27:39) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (13:27:39) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (13:27:39) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (13:27:39) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 Log ended: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 07:30:41 Central Standard Time Log started: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 08:53:48 Central Standard Time (14:53:48) * Now talking in #coolcircle (14:53:48) * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -noticeo' (14:53:48) * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:27:02 Central Standard Time (14:53:48) -ChanServ- [#vr-priv] ~ Violent Resolution ~ Private Channel ~ iEvizu Clanchat ~ ************ ~ Do not leak convos/do not talk about pking in #vr ~ (14:53:48) <@X> [kaochinx27] Lead The Charge (14:53:48) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Kaochinx27 Kaochinx27 (15:18:44) * Keifer (~keiferr@5DC8A41D.BBAF1B0E.2A66EA9F.IP) has joined #coolcircle (15:18:44) <@X> [Keifer] xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 xLigit xLigit xLigit Portugal252 Portugal252 Portugal252 (15:18:44) * ChanServ set mode: +ao Keifer Keifer (15:19:01) <@xLigit> 16:18:32 •›› /names (#coolcircle): @Keifer @Kaochinx27 @Dudy_Master2 @`God|`Gattlerr @`Die @Burger @Fazt @Evizu @xLigit Eric`` @X (15:19:01) <@xLigit> 16:18:32 •›› /names end (#coolcircle) (15:19:05) <@xLigit> rots fighting dk w136 (15:19:16) <@`Die> snipe time (15:19:17) <@xLigit> we massin (15:19:18) <@`Die> gearing up (15:19:25) <@Kaochinx27> vr vs rsd jagex cup starts in 30 mins, we will pk when its over. (15:19:49) <@`Die> xLigit do you know if its a planned fight ? (15:19:53) <@xLigit> yeh it is (15:20:02) <@`Die> k good (15:20:05) <@`Die> and its already started? (15:20:29) <@Fazt> ye (15:20:34) <@Fazt> but clearing crashers atm lol (15:21:05) <@`Die> ll (15:21:11) <@`Die> brut or randoms? (15:21:52) <@Fazt> randoms (15:22:03) <@`Die> lol (15:22:08) <@`Die> i teled up (15:22:12) <@`Die> going se and hopping (15:22:19) <@`Die> i made a tab to rag rot (15:22:22) <@`Die> f2p (15:32:42) <@`Die> lol i see diamonds uk (15:34:07) <@`Die> they stopped to clear (15:38:05) <@`God|`Gattlerr> [13:44] <@Kaochinx27> They are all anti-vr, officials threaten to kick everyone everyday. (15:38:07) <@`God|`Gattlerr> VR wronged me (15:38:09) <@`God|`Gattlerr> I didn't wrong VR (15:38:29) <@Kaochinx27> i didnt say you didnt have a reason to be, just stated how it was. (15:38:44) <@`God|`Gattlerr> The other day when they hunted us we ran like 4 times between 3 worlds before fighting back (15:38:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> we're not vr nazis or anything like that (15:38:52) <@`God|`Gattlerr> we had to defend ourselves (15:39:10) <@`God|`Gattlerr> But i'm sure everyone understands your situation being vr for 3-4 years (15:39:14) <@`God|`Gattlerr> i just dont want to look the wrong way (15:39:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> or have others look at us wrong (15:40:16) * `God|`Gattlerr set mode: +ao Eric`` Eric`` (15:40:17) <@`God|`Gattlerr> .add Eric`` 10 (15:41:51) <@`Die> wow (15:41:58) <@`Die> i folled a rot guy on a p2p world who was returning (15:42:03) <@`Die> i said lead me (15:42:09) <@`Die> he said '**** up' (15:42:16) <@`Die> dey mad;o (15:42:49) <@`God|`Gattlerr> lmao (15:45:14) <@`Die> xLigit did rot leave lol ? (15:45:21) <@xLigit> no (15:45:24) <@xLigit> dk suck ass lmfao (15:45:28) <@xLigit> we have 40 ppl here sniping them (15:45:35) <@xLigit> and they still cant hold a pile (15:45:38) <@`Die> lol (15:45:40) <@`Die> where rot @ ? (15:45:48) <@`Die> or did dk already end (15:52:53) <@xLigit> dk are to shit (15:52:55) <@xLigit> no point (15:54:31) <@`Die> you guys left? (15:54:41) <@Keifer> yh (15:54:48) <@Keifer> its not important (15:55:01) <@Keifer> we cant end rot when its us vs rot basically (15:55:08) <@`Die> yeah (15:55:14) <@Keifer> they planned it as a 2v1 pretty much (15:55:22) <@Keifer> mistake to turn up wont be made again Log ended: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 10:10:51 Central Standard Time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
il ftw i Report post Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) Rats.. (17:13:27) <@Kaochinx27> im just glad my chins finally came in use... LMFAO Edited August 18, 2010 by Il-Ftw-I Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Shorty- Report post Posted August 18, 2010 Lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Evan Report post Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) * Now talking in #coolcircle * Topic is 'if your going to use this channel for anything it should be for informing eachother as soon as you find out there doing something. Add this channel to autojoin so we can contact eachother short -notice' * Set by `Die on Sun, 18 Jul 2010 17:27:02 Eastern Standard Time :rot: Edited August 18, 2010 by Evan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
dereadytobie Report post Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) (19:44:06) <@Keifer> wotn happen any time soon unless somebody with a big ass botnet decides to give them a taste of their own medicine(19:44:06) <@Keifer> i know someone who has been doing it whenever we crash them if i pm him expected Edited August 18, 2010 by Bereadytodie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Guest Uncle Fuh Report post Posted August 18, 2010 . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Mitch Report post Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) Stelios:" Arcadian, I've fought countless times, yet I've never met an adversary who could offer me what we Spartans call "A Beautiful Death." I can only hope, with all the world's warriors gathered against us, there might be one down there who's up to the task. " Edited August 18, 2010 by Stib Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ownedu Report post Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) Kind of funny because someone gave them the idea making a Anti-RoT post about teams allying together to take on us to beat us. Man we are so dominant they just make it 100% solid proof. Edited August 18, 2010 by £ Ownedu £ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
i2martuk Report post Posted August 18, 2010 We're bamboozled! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Wolfmon56 Report post Posted August 18, 2010 (edited) Looks very interesting lmao *starts reading* They trying to get Brut+ko+vr+af+geno (dead) + oblivion vs Rot? lmfao Ones that made me lol: (11:28:02) <@Die_Nub_Plz> karamba said he would pay for a ts server (11:28:09) <@Die_Nub_Plz> to avoid being nano spyed ^ I had it being spied on 2 days after it was up. (17:21:59) <@gr33narrow01> ko needs a week of no uncapped wars to make their sets back Edited August 18, 2010 by wolfmon56 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ballsagna Report post Posted August 18, 2010 Holy shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Reddevil159 Report post Posted August 18, 2010 LMFAO reading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0