Jimi Report post Posted August 19, 2010 really no topics about this? was an awesome movie remember to use tags if you're going to talk about the plot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Indoff Report post Posted August 19, 2010 yeah honestly was one of the best movies I've seen in awhile. Was complex and unpredictable Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
RaphaeL Report post Posted August 19, 2010 never heard of it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Eazy Report post Posted August 19, 2010 Was amazing and a bit confusing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
erik Report post Posted August 19, 2010 I think I misunderstood the entire movie & missed the point(s). Here MY brief summary of what I understood. I watched this online so the video/audio wasn't that great. It was about this group of guys who work together & one of the guys' mind is holding them back because of his old wife who committed suicide. He had went into her mind and planted that idea of inception & how everything wasn't real. It got to the point where she believed the dream world was real & the real world wasn't. Also she was always there messing them up during their dream missions & whatnot. Then they meet up with some guy who says who offers them a job to plant an idea into some important guy. So they go into dreams inside of dreams to get answers & shit (?). They eventually do what they needed & the guy returns home to his family. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
i2martuk Report post Posted August 19, 2010 It's good but not something you can really watch twice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Andrew Report post Posted August 19, 2010 It was awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Dan~loot Report post Posted August 19, 2010 ill watch when its on dvd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Daniela Report post Posted August 19, 2010 will watch soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Jimi Report post Posted August 19, 2010 I think I misunderstood the entire movie & missed the point(s). Here MY brief summary of what I understood. I watched this online so the video/audio wasn't that great. It was about this group of guys who work together & one of the guys' mind is holding them back because of his old wife who committed suicide. He had went into her mind and planted that idea of inception & how everything wasn't real. It got to the point where she believed the dream world was real & the real world wasn't. Also she was always there messing them up during their dream missions & whatnot. Then they meet up with some guy who says who offers them a job to plant an idea into some important guy. So they go into dreams inside of dreams to get answers & shit (?). They eventually do what they needed & the guy returns home to his family. You really didn't get it. Here's my take: In the future there exists a technology used with anesthetics to import your consciousness into someone's dreams. One can learn to manipulate there own dreams (this is real to an extent, look up "lucid dreaming") and eventually the technology starts getting used to steal information from people's minds. From within a dream you can use the technology and go into another dream, and if you continue going into dreams within dreams, you reach the 4th and lower-most level of dreaming which is your raw subconscious. The idea of inception is to go into another person's mind and implant an idea into their head, but the clever part is you must trick them into thinking they thought of it themselves. As you go deeper through the levels of dreaming time also gets longer. Leo & his wife were experimenting with these levels and eventually hit the lowest level (which some people think is impossible to come back from). They spent 50 years together building their own utopia in their dreams. While living in their utopia, Leo's wife locks away the idea the world they lived in was fake because she wants to forget that the real world exists to truly be happy. Leo thinks the only way to get back to reality to see is REAL kids is to do his first inception, making her think that her reality is fake, so he can convince her to go back (to go back you have to either be woken up in the previous level of dreams or die within the dream). They kill themselves until they come back to reality, just as they were when they left, but to them it seemed like 50 years past. What Leo didn't foresee was that his inception was permanent and his wife thinks the REAL world is fake and she commits suicide, but sets it up so it looks like he murdered her. So he's on the run & can never see his real kids. This is where a wealthy guy makes him a deal that if he can make another wealthy guy who is going to have a monopoly on so many markets to give up his inherited fortune, he'll clear Leo's name and let him return to his home country and see his kids again. Thus they perform another inception and trick the wealthy guy into thinking his father wanted him to give away all his fortune. At the end Leo returns to his family and the movie ends on a cliff hanging making you not sure if Leo is actually still living within a dream or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ego Report post Posted August 19, 2010 Haven't seen it yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
4kyiyw4k Report post Posted August 19, 2010 Haven't seen it yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Pk Theory Report post Posted August 20, 2010 never heard of it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Jimmy Report post Posted August 20, 2010 saw it like a week ago, was alright Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Bearcub Report post Posted August 20, 2010 saw it when i was in new york, was nice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0