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Best of

[15:46:33] [@Lukas1400] rots ts is down
[15:46:36] [@Lukas1400] lolololol gj whoever did that
[15:46:37] [@Lukas1400] roflmao
[15:46:42] [@Phoenixtam] Is it?
[15:46:43] [@Phoenixtam] u sure?
[15:46:55] [@Den||d1e2n3] lolol
[15:47:00] [@Den||d1e2n3] ok now listen: dont brag about it
[15:47:01] [@Den||d1e2n3] ATALL
[15:47:07] [@Den||d1e2n3] its coincidence *wink*

[12:12:35] [@Lukas1400] tired of our bitch members
[12:12:39] [@Lukas1400] need to learn to lose a few
[12:12:44] [@Lukas1400] pretty pathetic aint they rly

[22:35:42] [@[Vr]Dark_Chiun] Yea
[22:35:44] [@[Vr]Dark_Chiun] So why the fuck
[22:35:47] [@[Vr]Dark_Chiun] Are we doing this
[22:35:51] [@[Vr]Dark_Chiun] If they have even numbers as us
[22:36:01] [@[Vr]Dark_Chiun] Means our callers are too shit to keep up is what that says
[22:36:15] [@Lukas1400] dark
[22:36:17] [@Lukas1400] fucking shut ur mouth
[22:36:20] [@Lukas1400] useless wanker
[22:36:21] [@Mike|Cera_S6] shut up
[22:36:22] [@Lukas1400] pfuck off
[22:36:22] [@Mike|Cera_S6] fuck
[22:36:24] [@Lukas1400] twat fuck off
[22:36:24] [@`Tiffany`] everyone is to blame
[22:36:26] [@Lukas1400] dont want ur shit fuck off

[11:23:23] [@Den||d1e2n3] i done a lot for brut but atm they r just like
[11:23:27] [@Den||d1e2n3] clueless or something idk

[11:26:01] [@hockey123456] dunno how brut members can have fun
[11:26:10] [@Luck_Z] they arent
[11:26:16] [@Luck_Z] thats why they have 60 members left
[11:26:16] [@Luck_Z] lol

[12:28:41] [@Le_Bennett] Craiggg
[12:28:45] [@Le_Bennett] uncapped vs rot tonight
[12:28:47] [@arma150] tired of getting banged

[00:21:15] [@Minedtosmith] ye
[00:21:18] [@Minedtosmith] i got 3 ts accounts
[00:21:19] [@Minedtosmith] on
[00:21:22] [@Minedtosmith] to boost peoples morales
[00:21:23] [@Minedtosmith] so

[09:31:37] [@hockey123456] is bobby retarded or something
[09:31:51] [@hockey123456] 11:30:36] (Vr_Bobby) can i get striked
[09:31:54] [@hockey123456] [11:30:39] (Vr_Bobby) for camping a vr member
[09:31:56] [@hockey123456] [11:30:41] (Vr_Bobby) on a secondary
[09:31:57] [@hockey123456] [11:30:42] (Vr_Bobby) acc
[09:31:59] [@hockey123456] [11:30:44] (Vr_Bobby) not on ml

[02:27:33] [@Minedtosmith] 8 hours?
[02:30:18] [@Minedtosmith] 13 gmt officials
[02:30:23] [@Minedtosmith] 2 stayed the whole fight
[02:30:30] [@Minedtosmith] 1 gmt member stayed the full fight
[02:30:37] [@Minedtosmith] and hes like 14/15
[02:30:40] [@Minedtosmith] rj deathlord
[02:30:46] [@Minedtosmith] there somthing wrong in this clan
[02:30:48] [@Minedtosmith] srsly lol

[01:47:08] [@Alex_Dawg] let be realistic tho we got like 38 active
[01:47:09] [@Alex_Dawg] rofl
[01:47:35] [@Mike|Cera_S6] thats fine

[22:53:38] [@Diegosage] want me to get eos to mass and then pile corr?

[22:38:48] [@Lukas1400] dark shut the fuck up
[22:38:50] [@Empire|Mind] Fuck up
[22:38:51] [@Lukas1400] go accept some fas

[22:36:50] [@Den||d1e2n3] the only ppl who can complain r the ones here from start-finish
[22:36:51] [@Den||d1e2n3] which is
[22:36:54] [@Den||d1e2n3] pretty much no1

[15:19:29] [@`Armando] ddosd D2master12
[15:19:30] [@`Armando] ddosd D2master12
[15:19:30] [@`Armando] ddosd D2master12
[15:19:31] [@`Armando] wait
[15:19:32] [@`Armando] keep goign
[15:19:40] [@Mike|Cera_S6] Ando down RSD's ts

[15:35:14] [@Den||d1e2n3] send all bots to ROT TS NOW - attack!!!!!!!!!!
[15:35:17] [@Lukas1400] take them down
[15:35:37] [@Phoenixtam] I dont got a botnet
[15:35:38] [@Phoenixtam] wtf lips
[15:35:40] [@Empire|Mind] Take out Df officials Ip's and RoT's ts
[15:35:42] [@Empire|Mind] Now
[15:35:46] [@Den||d1e2n3] attack
[15:35:47] [@Lukas1400] we dont have enough strength
[15:35:52] [@Lukas1400] without other bots

[15:37:39] [@Lukas1400] Phoenixtam did u ddos rots ts?
[15:37:49] [@Phoenixtam] Lukas1400 its being DDoSed
[15:37:53] [@Phoenixtam] don't know if its working yet
[15:37:53] [@Phoenixtam] though

[14:58:09] [@Mike|Cera_S6] i think eos + corr will end up fighting
[14:59:19] [@Jao`] only problem is if rot crash we'll be overwhelmed

Post good finds

Edited by Harry

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[001712:000412:0046] [@Pali] dont ever make peace witj PH/NHF because Bereadytodie is ranked in their CC


gonna read all the juicy parts when I get a semi afk slayer task. :rot:

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il ftw i


Edited by Il-Ftw-I

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n1z59d.jpg Edited by Delinius

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No empire mind No vr

Edited by Eazyy

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reading will edit

fuck me i hope im alive by the time im done reading them

Edited by Barbus12

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LMAO gf vr

Edited by Ego

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