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Work out routine?

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Isolating muscles



-Chest (bench)

3 sets of 10




dumbbells -incline/flat bench




biceps (5 sets of 10)

-upright rows

-pull ups

-sitting rows









-Pull downs

-Dumb bells up

-Leg pull up



-Lightweight chest



-Cardio (jogging)


Take a glass of this post-workouts


I would say do cardio at least 3 times a week tbh really important part

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fuck p90x hard as fuck


upperbody mwf

legs t th


2 basketball workouts


3 a days ftl

get at me kid

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I run 3-5 miles every other day. Sometimes I take the dogs with me, but they slow me down a lot trying to sniff and piss on every tree we pass.

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il ftw i

p90x baby

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Zero Fear1

Creatine is very dangerous even in a very low amount. If you use it you want to drink LOTS of water, if your trying to gain weight I would still recommend just getting something like this - http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=optimum%20nutrition%20100%%20natural%205lb&tag=scoobysbodybu-20&index=blended&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325



That has enough creatine in it.





I've been following the work out plan above for awhile now but on sunday I go to the gym and lift heavy and for cardio I swim for about 20-30 minutes.

Edited by Zero Fear1

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Zero Fear1

Isolating muscles



-Chest (bench)

3 sets of 10




dumbbells -incline/flat bench




biceps (5 sets of 10)

-upright rows

-pull ups

-sitting rows









-Pull downs

-Dumb bells up

-Leg pull up



-Lightweight chest



-Cardio (jogging)


Take a glass of this post-workouts


I would say do cardio at least 3 times a week tbh really important part




Way more than 3 time's a week. I try and get a small cardio work out at least once a day, even if it's a brisk jog you should alway's get some type of cardio work out a day imo. Also ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE ANY TYPE OF WORK OUT. Stretching alone is a work out itself, if you do it right.

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Don't have, I just try to do some sort of outside activity (usually biking, not mountain biking) 3-4 times a week.

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u should do abs every day mayne they heal heaps fast will post my routine when i find it, cbf typing it up again

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I eat and sleep, don't use the washroom, then I'd lose weight

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I use the same routine every day for 30mins. I wank. For diversity, I use different sites every now and then.

Edited by Beanie

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use to be sort of an athlete. volleyball/track and field.

out of shape now.

so no routine :)

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Fairly decent, the key to building muscle while removing fat is doing atleast 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 times a week. Your workout covers all the bases.


Monday - Hour jog/30 minute run depending on my mood.


Tuesday - Straight bar mixed with crunches/reverse crunches and body extensions


Wednesday - 30 minutes - 1 hour of skipping, then crunches/reverse crunches (Usually 3 sets of 25 each)


Thursday - Straight bar until I cant feel my arms


Friday - Hour run/public dog walking for community service



Weekends I usually set aside and do optionally, I tend to plan my routine on weekends around going out with friends/RoT events.

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Whatever we do in sports.

then in the fternoon I just do some arm workouts.

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